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lst 'Maanta dhan hadal aan micno lahayn ayaad dal dali.' Now your singing my tune! Exactly what I have been saying all along. Simply reversing what I have said from I to you does not constitue an argument. What great matter is being discussed here? Therefore your reply applies to all as we are sharing our greatest labour of speaking of nought. 'Horn, please ignore this username from now on.' Good advice. Again you are singing my tune, I wish he would simply leave me as I have adviced him before. He was the one who jumped down my throat.
horn 'O.K So if you understood then why are you still at it' This is becoming tiresome, you obviously don't have a sence of irony because that was what my last message pertained to. In point blank terms what i was saying was do you have lst on a leash or can he/she speak for himself/herself? 'Have you ever heard of say what you mean?' I have heard of this saying but it requires a certain degree of lucidity on your part in that you should say what you mean. 'Secondly the diatribe you're looking for is one of bickering back and forth and frankly I have no time for that' It seems that you have all the time and appetite in the world for directionless conversation without any great merit. I hadn't even addressed you but you insisted on engaging in this head to head. If you need to bicker in endless conversation take it up with someone who wishes to partake with you. Conversation does not flow through you as you seem to think. While I am speaking to someone other than you please do the decent thing and allow me to express my opinion to that person without you jumping in and seeking to chastise me. Do not take umbrage at the fact that i have deigned to speak to someone other than yourself. 'so take my post as an optional advice and nothing less' I would do if i understood what you were saying, what advice is contained in this? 'All in a good day' I don't know what this means but a good day to you too.
guraad 'Some where you said (Guraad you are one insecure ) .and later you said that( you no way attacking any one) aint that contradiction .' No it is not a contradiction. What i offered was advice that your blood is boiling over nothing and that getting worked up this much over nonsence is not healthy. If your foundations are secure and you are sure of your self then you would not explode over an inconsequential thing such as this. Had i intended to personally attack you then that would be different as i would have attempted to insence you further to the point that you were completely incoherent. 'And some where you said that( you axpressing your opinion) so why you attacking me for expressing my own opinion just like you did?' I did not attack you for expressing your opinion, all that i alluded to is that you can be far more effective if you couch your argument in more level terms. I did not bring up any part of your opinion therefore i am not per se attacking what you say. 'dude watch the words coming out of your mouth before you talk . . ' This is good advice for us all. 'and you sould know that i dont lose my head over cyber talk , i aint mad at any one here, unlike y,all somalilanders who started insulting and attacking others for just expressing their opinion.' So let me get this right, you are saying that you are faultless whereas all Somalilanders are at fault and that their opinions are just personal insults. Now who is launching a personal attack on a distinct group of people for expressing their opinion? 'P.S:LIbaax , smith its all good brothers . peace and love for y,all my all somali brothers and sisters.' Someone pass me a tissue, this is a special moving moment. 'GOD BLESS SOMALIWEYN.' And all who sail in her, now this begs the question of whether Allah would only accept us if we were one unitary mass. I think not.
horn I don't recall that i addressed you specifically but message received and understood, when addressing lst i am to direct any correspondence to you. Is this the intent of your message because in essence that is what you are saying that lst is not to be spoken to. 'And this is supposed to mean' Not that it is anything to do with you but on one plain it is a humerous exchange but now that you mention it it may have a phylosophical second meaning. 'Ciyaalnimo meesha soo gahay miyaa?' The childish behaviour that you elude to is evident in most somali forums where the most juvenile topic holds a fascination for all. It is simply that you choose not to see the dilemma here, 'riyaale run away day' is it? This would be scorned by decent society but some are spell bound by it. Somalis love to talk about nothing more than schoolyard talk. Its all my dad's bigger than yours but instead of dad paste the relevant tribe. By the way, seeing as you are there, can you pass a message to lst. When an individual starts a thread titled 'riyaale run away day' you know for certain that there is going to be trouble at mill. It is, how should i best put it, slightly inflamatory so you know that the steak knives are going to be drawn. And yet you hope that the conversation is not going to head south when in fact it started of about as far south as you can possibly go. I do hope that you get that message of to lst horn otherwise he may not see it.
Smith 'Mach & Nassir are SOMALILAND patriots the sort that are fighting the ONLF and Puntland and doing it from the comfort of their homes in the west, what do you expect a coward is a lion at home.' Hilarious, the word hypocracy obviously does not seem to exist in your copy of the dictionary. There is noone here who jumps higher or shakes his/her pom poms harder for their personal ideoligy than you 'from the comfort of your home'. Then again what do i expect 'a coward is a lion at home'.
This is hilarious, i've fallen off my seat a couple of times already! What a thread! Guraad you are one insecure person, it takes a little tap and you come screaming in with capitols and so incensed are you that half of your post is comprised of spelling errors. Calm down man, relax and breath. This is not a super critical subject of momentous relevance. By the way, wrapping yourself in the flag figuratively speaking does not lend your argument any great weight. 'The great dervish..' this and 'the sayid...' that ow my pancreas if i laugh any more i think it'll rupture. The history of the 'dervish' and its insiduous 'leader are well known to alland having read his 'poetry' and following his antics the epithet great does not append. Bisad (hey guys just call me Libax, dude i ain't going to call you libax i'm a grown *** man) way to go man i didn't know that guraad had is personal cheerleader. How you can attempt to vindicate that diatribe is beyond me. I am in no way attacking anyone here by my words, all i am doing here is expressing an opinion. A little bit of humour goes a long way to defusing a tense situation, although where the tension came from is a mystery. 10 people 'celebrate' a nonevent and all of a sudden a greater number of people are at arms in cyberspace. It just goes to show that certain somalis are their own worst enemy. Why look outside of ourselves for villains when we are at each other tooth and claw? We are most able to wipe ourselves out, we have even had an attempt to prove this, and at the same time we think that we are Allah's own chosen people above and beyond all. Yet we are an international joke and here we are proving it; i hate you, you hate me, we hate them, they hate us, etc. This is where we excel, we have no factor that truly binds us. People say we are of the same religion, nationality, language, a unique entity. All of this is jackson pollocks, we have nothing that unites us and that is why we will always be at each others throats. Even the moderator gets his or her 2 cents in.
It seems that already the tone of argument has gone out the window due to the tone of guraad and rudy, and porbably several others who haven't felt the urge to step up to bat wiith their true feelings. guraad Talk of sool and sanaag is it? Well I see you and I raise you a come back when you've mastered another note. rudy That's qute, your already playing on words! Back to the same old song! So much for your concern for fellow somalis. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the policies that are in place in Somaliland but here are some facts. 1. Those people were asked to leave in good time. They were not rounded up on the spot and escorted to the border at gunpoint. 2. They could leave with all their belongings. They did not have their property looted and or confiscated. 3. They were not subject to abuse from the government and or the local population. 4. The accidents that occured were due to negligence on the part of the carrier. The lorry driver and or the owner is directly responsible for carrying people in a safe and secure manner. This was missed by the police in both Somaliland and their destination. I agree that these and other people should leave Somaliland, I just disagree with the timing. This is a situation which has been manifested by those who have a pathalogical hatred for Somaliland and who encourage people to do her and her people harm. I love my country and will stand by her no matter what. The views of some people who think this is an opportunity to take a cheap shot at the country and its people are but silent and futile fist shaking underscored by the pitiful callousness as they desperately search for any 'bad' news on the Somaliland front. Heck, my eyes are turning square and I think that I have been too frequent a poster so will grab some fresh air.
The whole issue regarding the geographical demarcation of Somaliland is a red herring. It is simply a ploy which has been formulated quite recently to encourage indecision and self doubt. The borders of Somaliland are indisputable and comprise the same as the period when Somaliland first gained independance and was initially recognsed as a sovereign state. I am satisfied with that and will gladly move on to more meaningful matters. The government must extend its presence permanently to the limited area over which there is so much bruhaha post haste. Lets get this nonsence behind us and concentrate fully on further development.
Lander Thanx. I also consider the governments decision laughable. There happens to be a long running draught in the eastern regions and yet you would not think so by the actions of the government. If they would concentrate on the priorities they could have dealt with the people's needs and those of their lifestock a while ago and the situation would not have been so dire. Methinx we have a poor leader at the helm of a government where ministers are busy speaking on other ministers portfolios and seeking fisticuffs. I believe that the elections were carried out under the weird premise of 'just vote for me' rather than 'here are my policies now vote for me'. Throwing a group of people who are vulnerable out of the country will do nought to address pertinent matters such as health care, employment, etc. Unless he has been got at and bitten by a bug when he was last in djibouti and was informed just as the djibouti government were informed that he should carry out the same purge. I will always support Somaliland and our people no matter what but the goverrnment can go hang if they think that they can just sit back on the throne and run the country like a fifedom. Bring on the next election, I still have the receipt and can therefore return this government and get a replacement. Smith I must say that i am most impressed by your measured tones of late and look forward to further cordial discourse. Man of Wisdom You most certainly are not! You have been on a crusade against Somaliland for a while now and for you to use the tragic situation at hand for your own motives is repugnant.
Strange, when djibouti does this defeaning silence resounds across these forums and their expulsions are carried out without judgement from those locked away in darkened rooms tapping ominously on their pcs. When Somaliland does the exact same thing, there is self emolation everwhere, much beating of breasts and the thuds of jaws dropping to the floor. How is it that one gives quite support and a blind eye to one leader and government yet berates another for doing precisely the same thing? What is the essential difference which spawns derision? Is gheele your god? Are his mnisters your prophets? every one here who is tut tuting repeat this mantra "I am a hypocrite, i accept this fact and i must change". Leave the keyboard alone, god only knows how you know which key is which as you have rubbed away the lettering from constant and rapid use, venture outside and get a life. By the way Eid Mubarak all!
Puntland rebuffs Somaliland's Mid Wife allegations
Faraax replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Having read the most recent posts i must admit that i laughed so hard that i almost fell of my chair. From those individuals of the 'how dare she' and 'who the hell does she think she is brigade' to the person who says that he has a life and better things to do than continually post. Somalilanders do not post messages against Edna because she enjoys their full support and respect for her hard work. She is also well known and respected in the international arena. Every argument made against her are made by persons whose viewpoint does not matter as they hail from elsewhere. Edna is politically accountable to Somalilanders and there her remit lies. Those people who hail from other nations who post here need to address what there is of benefit for them in their own leadership and what are the priorities of their nation. Now the bloke who says that he has a life has demonstrated adequately that he has no such thing as he has entered into a needless personal battle with someone here which has consumed much of his time. Therefore, if you ever had a life in the first place you now need to reclaim your life and step away from the computer. I must say that it is most entertaining here. -
Puntland rebuffs Somaliland's Mid Wife allegations
Faraax replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
I love to hear Edna as whenever she speaks the usual suspects have an epileptic fit then as soon as they recover they rush at full kilter to their computers and give the ubiquetous 'why oh why'. Have one of you witless wonders stopped one moment to examine your hypocrasy? Somaliland cannot go it alone, it won't survive, it can't succeed well why haven't any of these arguments not been made of djibouti which has far less resource than Somaliland and exists merely at the whim of France and now America? djibouti have told you all to **** off and never darken their doorsteps and you are all ecstatic about it and have nothing but good to say of it. djibouti says **** you and the horse that you rode in on and you love her for it. This proves that it is not disunity per se that you abhore but the particular group who are telling you to go **** yourselves and get a ******* life if you can find one. Also my post seems to have disapeared as if by magic or rather by admin, i would not mind so much but WHY, OH THE INHUMANITY OF IT ALL! -
Why hasn't anyone tried to locate/contact this nonexistant organisation? I have and I know that the organisation and letter quoted are bollocks.
Nin Yaaban Two points. 'Anyone who says north or south should be terminated', if this was the case there would be a whollesale cull, a ritual exorcism as whether your intent was innocent or not purely your use of this terminology would get you thrown out. There would only bbe a few ladies exchanging cooking recipes, sorry ladies chauvinism clouding my better judgement. Please engage brain before engaging mouth. There is nothing wrong per se with refering to north or south. 'We should not talk of qabiil', this is naive, are you somali and male? Most somali males speak of nothing more than thiis topic. Do you really expect that we will all be instantly converted like Saul of Tarsus?
Admin Whilst I appreciate that there must be certain rules and regulations pertaining to individual and group conduct in this forum, I must highlight the disingenious nature in which you regulate the communications of individuals here. A certain individual starts a thread whereupon he or she openly attacks and threatens a certain group with genocide if they do not comply with his or her worldview. He or she keeps repeating these genocidal threats to this certain group and his or her complete message is simply this, it has no redeemable quality. Another individual arrives and attacks the first person and another in response to these threats that are posited. The second individual is not even warned but summarily thrown of the site. The moral of this tale is that anyone wishing to make the most appalling attacks on others had better be from the south as no other viewpoints will be entertained. By the way, as I have made what could be construed as an attack on a southerner, I await instant discommunication.
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