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Everything posted by Faafan

  1. Faroole's comments were an attack on "Somalinimo" and the integrity of the "Somali".The people of the O'gaden/Somali Galbeed are fighting for there emancipation against a foreign enemy(Ethiopia)and to condone Abbysinia/Ethiopia's sovereignty over a large portion of the Somali who have not themselves embraced the "Black Colonist" was simply uncalled for and juvenile. Nassir the fact remains that ONLF is the only group that has not knelt for the Ethiopians.They have upheld there Somalinimo to the "highest order". The Admiral is not a citizen of Ethiopia or Somalia.One is the Opressor and the other is an ungoverned wasteland/Ethiopian pawn.Somalia is not a safe haven for the ONLF and there is no Somali Goverment that has the capability or even the will to support any liberation effort in the O'gaden. The ONLF is a nationalist organisation but there focus is the 'Somali People of the O'gaden/SomaliGalbeed" and at the moment "Greater Somalia" is out of the question.They are presenting the conflict as indigenous to the Somali's of the O'gaden and not an irredenist claim by Somalia which in International relations has proven fruitful. But ONLF places great emphasis on the issue of "Somalinimo" and the total emancipation of all Somalis to peace and development.There Policy towards Somalia reflects this.
  2. Some people should really sue there brain for non-support walee. ONLF in now way has excepted the Ethiopian constitution or making apparent deals with Ethiopia, this was reitrated recently by the ONLF Leader Maxamed Cumar Cismaan and the Foreign Affairs Minister Maadey. This whole thing again is nothing but a face-saving exercise by this shadowy group by the UWSLF and the Ethiopians, currently trying to take attention away from its Election scam. Nassir "rattled" is a strong word in this case sxb kkkk...ONLF was trying to expose this hoax(UWSLF) ever since there arrival on the Internet and the airwaves in 2005, since they had no military strength on the ground, as Seyoum Mesfin even admitted to the embrassment of the UWSLF.The level of support this group has is very small, within the region there known as a group of ex Al-Itixaad the defunt Islamist group of the 90's.Hence ONLF and there supporters are infact very pleased they have defected to Ethiopia, the propoganda they were spewing has simply crumbled now.So they command no Support and sooner or later they will cease to even exist, if they havnt already. Passerby your arguments are simply flawed, the fact that you beleive "2.5 million" people have been allegedly registered for the fake elections disaproves your knowledge of this region and hence your simply spitting recycled propoganda from Addis Ababba. Kashafa kkk i thought you were a bit more informed than that. ONLF was formed in 1984 by former members of the WSLF, they became less-confident in the WSLF which was been controlled directly by agents from Mogaidhsu hecne loosing grip on reality.There goal was to win independece for Gobolka O'gaden/Somali Galbeed without interference from both Somalia and Ethiopia. In that period they were not involved in armed conflict and did not join any Political movement.So no they were not apart of the Ethiopian Derg regime. In the 1990's, they joined the as an independent Political Party while all Ethiopian opposition were joining the Tigray EPDRF party with the intention of using the Ethiopian constitution under article 39 where upon every nation and nationality has the right to self-determination and seccession.This was violently rejected by the Addis regime,they set upon the ONLF killing there supporters and officials culminating in the attempted assisination of Sheikh Abdalla the then ONLF leader.80 people gave there lives in the city of Wardheer that day in defence of Sheekh Abdalle.ONLF at this stage was retreating to the countryside. Till this day ONLF is the only elected goverment of the Somali region.The rest have all been elected from Addis Abbaba. The Admiral has answered all those questions correctly btw.He is not a citizen of any country, he is fighting for his country.Ethiopia is the enemy and Somalia is an ungoverned wasteland.They both do not belong to him.He hasnt mentioned anything about Somalinimo.His whole aim is to give a large portion of the Somali people there universal right to freedom, its a shame you try and attempt to twist his words here.
  3. That doesnt make any sense, how does a population been too large correlate to not been able to "liberate land", thats absurd. There is no accurate count of the the population.Neither the Goverment or ONLF have a clue.Both estimates are Politically motivated, but its is generally accepted that the Somali population is the third biggest in Ethiopia after the Oromo and Amhara. Your been very narrow minded and simplistic...the issues are more complex than your mind can fathom at your level of thinking.
  4. Walee ONLF Military khatar ah weeye wayba sii sheegaysaa inay Xabashida ugaadhsanayso ilaa May...kkk Guuleysta!.
  5. Are you guys alrite in the head...how in the world is Somaliland paying 60,000 soldiers???? How is it running tanks or even fighter jets?? The only thing Somali's have are a few A.K's, a few Cabdi Bile's and thats it. You need money to run an army, a state, a department even and thats something Somaliland dearly lacks. Recognised countries with money 50 times more cant have a standing army of that sort. Somaliland has no more than 5,000 men max. SNM days perhsap 10-15 Max. 60,000 Somalia went to war with Ethiopia with around this much or less in 77 rediculous.
  6. kkk...I noticed that JFK mishap, we can forgive the writer because this article speaks the truth regardless. Kashafa we should also have a Khilaafa, but sadly the times say otherwise. Somaliya has its own problems and adding another 7 million people to its woes will only complicate the delicate political situation, so why not make it manageable...thats my opinion. When the Admiral says its not muran Xuduud, I dont find anything wrong with it.it has been ONLF's political goal to paint this conflict as indigenous, instead of it been between to warring states, which has tilted the argument to Ethiopia's favour signifying it as a breach on its recognised border.Makhtal daahir had this same approach when he lead the WSLF.If we also go back to 77 War, we can conclude that Siyaads short-sightedness lead to the War ending pre-mature and leading to the down-fall of the WSLF, I take no credit away from the heroic approach nevertheless.In todays world not in a ideal world Kash, to get things done you have to play the "Game". If the old wrinkly British colonist in London gave us this "Gumeeysi" name then its apart of the process neef lumey oo sumadii ku tiiley lagu baadi goobayo as the Admiral said. But your a hypocrite either way you dont contribute anything to the 'Halgan", you probably despise the mentioned group.Hence i dont think you are in a position to be having such loud opinions.In the end as the Admiral has put it time and time again, its upto the people to decide there fate and if Og'denia is the case then so be it. Somalia should/will remain with its 1960 border, any additions will come voluntarily, your assumption that somehow it will require force is simply not acheivable or neccessary. If a future Somali Goverment rescues the O'gaden and there is a way for it to work politically then there is concensus. Kash are you this “shiish xumaa wuu la gafey falaarta, tabar daranaa wuu kufey, lixaad gaabanaa wuu gaari waayay, fuleysanaa dibbuu usoo gurtey?”, cid kasta oo Soomaali ah oo xagal daacisa ama dacaayadeysa halganka jabhadaha Soomaaliyeed ee gobolkaasi , tabtaasi ayay ku sifoobayaan. or this “inteey duulayaan dhegtaa qoriga noo suran” “dalka hooyaaloow kuu dagaalameynaa”,
  7. Labbo saac oo aan xalay (habeenkii sabtida) fadhiyey kursi boqolaal Soomaali ah dhexdooda munaasabad uu hadal ka jeedinayay Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan, gudoomiyaha Jabhada ONLF ayaa iiga filnaa wax alaale wixii weeydiin ahaa een u qabay isaga iyo dhaqdhaqaaqa uu hogaamiyo. Socdaal booqasho ah ayuu ku marayaa dalkani Koonfur Afrika, jaaliyada Ogaa'deniya ee halkan ayaa u qabanqaabisey isu imaatin aan is iri, malaha waa kii aan kulla kulmey dadkii ugu badnaa ee sanooyinkan isugu yimaada hal dugaal hoostiisa oo Soomaali ah, dadkaasi waxaa hadal dheer u jeediyey hogaamiyahani Waligeey ogaad'eeniya ma tagin, waxbana kama aqaano, sidaasi oo ay tahay xogteeda wax badan ma moogi, laakiin marnaba fursad uma helin in aan ka dhagaysto hogaanka ugu sareeya ee dhaqdhaqaaqa ugu xooga badan ee u halgama xoriyada gobolkaasi. Maxamed waxa uu taabtey boog kasta oo damqeysa Ogaad'eeniya maanta, dhibaato kasta oo heysata, laga soo bilaabi hooyada xaabada doonatay ee ciidamada xabashida dhexda u galeen illaa gabadha arriga la joogta ee la faro xumeeyey, waxa uu hanfariir iyo utun aan harayn ku tilmaamay tabaha cadawga uu dhawaanahan lasoo baxay ee ah in uu dadka ceejiyo, isagoo tusaale usoo qaatay muuqaalo lasoo bandhigey oo ah haween ey cunaheeda ay ka muuqdaan marmarkii xarkihii lagu ceejiyey. Waxa uu waqti badan ku qaatay sharixista jabhada, isagoo waliba sii hor dagayay weeydiin kasta oo uu filan karay, waxa uu dadka u xaqiijiyey in jabhada ay tahay urur Soomaaliyeed xubina ka noqon karo qof kasta oo Soomaali ah oo qaangaar ah oo maskaxdiisu fayoowdahaykaasoo ayidsan mabaadii’da loo dagaalamayo oo ah in gobolkaasi xoriyad la gaarsiiyo. Arrin igu cusbeyd maqalkeeda ayaa ahayd in jabhada uu xubin sharaf ka noqon karo qof kasta oo ajnabi ah oo ayidsan hadafkeeda, mar uu ka hadlayay magaca ay jabhadu qaadatay ee ********iya oo su’aalo badan ka yimaadeen ayuu sheegey in magaca uusan ahayn wax ka badan “neef lumey oo sumadii ku tiiley lagu baadi goobayo”, marka xoriyada la gaarana dadka Soomaaliyeed ee beel kasta leh ee gobolkaasi degen ay wada qaadan doonto magacii ay doonaan. “Qadiyada Ogaad'eeniya ma ahan muran xuduud oo labo dal ka dhaxayso, ee waa dal la heysto oo xoriyadiisa loo halgamayo” ayuu yiri Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan oo farta ku fiiqey in Ethiopia ay dooneyso in ay qadiyada gobolkani u xambaariso Soomaaliya si ay aduunka ugu dhaadhiciso in Soomaaliya dooneyso dhul balaarsi. Laga soo bilaabo sanadii 1998 dii, Maxamed Cumar iyo dowlada Ethiopia inta meel wada fariisteen “bisha wataas iyo ma ahan” isuguma imansababtoo ah Ethiopia meeysan dooneynin in ay kasoo baxdo shuruuda koowaad ee wadahadala shuruud la’aanta ah taasoo ah in wadahadalada ay ka dhacaan wadan sedexaad oo nabdoon, dhexdhexaad ah, bulshada aduunka ka tirsan, kuu dooniba ha ahaadee si heshiiska la gaaro uu u noqdo mid marqaati leh, wax ka badan 10 jeer ayay Ethiopia ergo usoo dirtey ONLF si loo wada hadashiiyo, laakiin markasta waxay ku doodeysey “inaga kaliya aan wada hadalno”, sababtuna waxay ahayd “in ONLF fagaare aduunka jooga lala soo fariistaa waa citiraaf iyo aqoonsi la siinayo jabhada , taasina Ethiopia diyaar uma ahan” ayuu yiri. Hadal kasta oo uu dhoho waxaa u dhacayay sacab dhagaha kula guuxayaan, laakiin aniga marna maanan sacabeyn, sababtuna waxay tahay meeshaba loogama hadleyn wax lagu farxo, shacab gumeysi ku hoos nool oo duruufo adag la doonayo in lagu xoreeyo ayaa looga hadlayay, tan kale shacab fursadba umaanan heyn sababtoo ah wuxuu iga mashquulinayeen maqalka dhagahayga ee hadalka aan sidii dawada ugu baahnaayeen ee Admiralka. Qof ayaa igu yiri “maxaa waxbo duubi meeyside maxaa ku heley?”, waxaan ugu jawaabay “shaqadeyda waan heystaa” ma filayo sida aan hadalkiisa u dhuuxayay in uu jirey qof ila mid ahaa. Haddii aan is iri, malaha wax dhaliil ah ayaa ku jirey hadalkiisa, taasi waxay ahayd mar uu sheegey in dadka reer Ogaad'eeniya ee dibadaha jooga aysan ku fiicneyn bixinta qaaraamada jabhada, hadalkaasi haddii uusan ula jeedin sida rogiisa ah, waxaan marqaati ka ahay in uu yahay gaf, tusaalahana meel dheer kama keenayo, sanadii 2008 dii ayaan booqasho ku tagay magaalo yar oo ay cadaanka kaliya degaan oo la yiraahdo Grahams Town, gobolka Eastern Cape, waxaa jirta jaamacad ku taala oo la yiraahdo Rhodes University oo ah tan ugu saraysa Afrika barashada culuumta saxaafada, sababtaasina ay ahayd tan aan u aaday, halkaasi waa meesha aan ku arkay dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo saraawiil ****gaabyo xiran oo kubad ku dhex ciyaaraya garoonka jaamacada oo bixinaya qaaraan bileedka jabhada xili aasku madoobaadey. Dadkii meesha joogey boqolaal su’aal oo wadne-qabad ah ayay weeydiiyeen, qaarkood ogaal weeydiis yihiin, laakiin aniga inkastoo aan wariye ahaa, hadana hal su’aal xitaa maanan weeydiin, sababtoo ah waan ka qancay su’aal kastoon u qabay, waxaanan gaarey gunaanadka soo socda. Madaxweynihii Maraykanka ee Ibrahim Lincoln ayaa laga soo xigtey in uu yiri “Inta aadan is weeydiin Dowlada Maraykanka maxay kuu qabatay, adiga isweeydii Maraykanka waxa aad u qabatay”, kolkaasi nafteyda waxaan u sheegey in ay haboontahay in qof kasta isweeydiiyo waxa uu isaga u qabtey ********iya, inta uusan ONLF maraanmarin. Waxaa iisoo baxay sawirka ah kureey inta reerkooda col wax ma hambeeye ah usoo dhacay, diley aabahood iyo hooyadod iyo wiilkoodii curadka ahaa, geelii qaaday, oo mooro duugey reerkii, kadibna inta falaaro qaateen si dhuumaaleysi ah colkii geeli sii wata kolba falaar ku halgaaday, marna mid ka dilaya, marka dhaawacaya, marka bajinaya, adiguna aad tahay ehelka kaliya ee kureydaasi ay leeyihiin, halkii aad inta duusho lasoo dhicin lahayd geela, ka waran inta aad toorabiin qaadato kadibna ku yuusto “shiish xumaa wuu la gafey falaarta, tabar daranaa wuu kufey, lixaad gaabanaa wuu gaari waayay, fuleysanaa dibbuu usoo gurtey?”, cid kasta oo Soomaali ah oo xagal daacisa ama dacaayadeysa halganka jabhadaha Soomaaliyeed ee gobolkaasi , tabtaasi ayay ku sifoobayaan. Laakiin taasi micnaheedu ma ahan in aanan la dhaliili karin JWXO, laakin waa marka ay tahay dhaliil wax toosin ah, dhaliisha koowaad een aniga u jeedin lahaa waxay tahay in sideedaba aanan la dhaliili karin jabhada, marka uu qofka isku dayo in uu wax dhaliilo, taageerayaal iyo xubno caadifada madax martey ayaa afka iyo faruuryaha kusoo goosanaya, haddii aysan caganta ku saarin waxaad halis u tahay in lagugu shabadeeyo “dabaqoodhinimo”. Dhaliisha kale waa mid guud oo si shaqsiyan ugu wajahan Gudoomiyaha oo lagu xanto in uu xilka ka raaraco taasoo keentey kala jab aanan loo baahneyn oo jabhada dhexdeeda, ugu dambeyntiina kaliftey geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee Dr. Siraad Doolaal oo ay xabashida dishey, wallow aan la’iska indha tiri karin xaqiiqda ah in hogaanka wanaagsan ee Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan uu ONLF gaarsiiyey heer aanan laga fileyn oo hormar iyo hor u socodnimo ah,ayna tahay in jabhaduna ku faro adeygto hogaankiisa, hadane waa inaanan marnaba la ogolaanin in muran xaga hogaanka ah uu keeno kala jab kale oo JWXO ku yimaada sidii kol hore dhacday, haddeey suurtogal tahayna lasoo celiyaa garabka jabay ee Golaha Sare si looga miro dhaliyo halganka. Iima aysan suurogalin in aan la kulmo si gaar ah, laakiin warka dhankiisa iiga soo yeerey wuxuu ahaa mid dhagaha ku diirsadaan, waxaa laga soo xigtey in odayaasha, waxgaradka iyo cid kasta oo qadiyadani quseeyso oo uu la kulmo uu talo ka weeydiinayay halganka, kana dhagaysanayay aragtidooda, isagoo dhahaya “noo sheega maxaa naga qaldan? Sideen u saxnaa? Maxaa talo ah”, tani waa xaqiiq ka duwan dacaayada fadhu diriryada aan ka maqlo ee ah “ONLF dadka talo ma weeydiiso”. Waxaan si weyn ula dhacay hanaanka qabanqaabada xalflada, intii aan Koonfur Afrika ku noolaa maanan arag wax la mid ah, 5 meelood ayaa la’igu baaray markii aan galayay hoolkii ay xaflada ka dhacaysey, waxaana la’igu baaray qalab maarta ku shanqara, dabcan waxaanan filayaa in boqolaalkii soo xaadireyna sidaasoo kale loo baaray si loo sugo amaanka Madaxweynaha ********iya oo soo dhaweyntan aan dalkani ka helin markii koowaad ee uu yimid sanadii 2004 tii. Ugu dambeyntiina, meeris ka mid ah heesta astaanta Jabhada waa “diidi meeyno geerida” “inteey duulayaan degtaa qoriga noo suran” “dalka hooyaaloow kuu dagaalameynaa”, waxaan leeyahay “intuu gumeysiga ********iye ka dul kacayo, JWXO dabka yeeysan dhigin”. Xuuraan: Waa qormo joogto ah oo falanqeyn iyo laffogur ah W/Q: Cabdinaasir Axmed Sh. Bashiir (Saxansoxo), Email: saxansoxo1@hotmail.com , tell: +27767059384, Johannesburg.
  8. The Muslims are colonised.So it doesnt matter whether there majority or not, its matter of ridding themselves of the "Black' Colonist.
  9. The sad state of the Somali today, they have lost all forms of dignity...Addis Ababa is there Mecca, every one of there lame leader's must make there rounds.
  10. Pirate you have wet your diapers enough for today, dont you think. Nothing you write is legible to sane people like us, maybe you should try this on a Dabaqoodhi from Jigjiga, he may have difficulty. I can see your a Sad and small-minded creature but i ask you not to transgress on the people of the Region by claiming people will vote, no one in Ethiopia will vote on this sham Election.
  11. Hey Pirate. I cannot help but look at your post in disgust, so twisted and misinformed.You show a lack of knowledge in regards to the Politics of the region.Your rant against the ONLF shows where you loyalty lies and thats with the Ethiopian Colony of Puntland. Your post show too much inconsistencies ONLF is a Political Party within Ethiopia? ONLF is Ethiopian but fights Ethiopia?ONLF robs Highway travellers to survive? ONLF gains support from the U.S so the U.S can inturn Support Ethiopia?What is this a silly youtube propoganda Video. Man-up and come here with Facts. UWSLF was Divided and too weak to put Ethiopia under any Military pressure. ONLF we all know, the Impact it has had on Ethiopian politics and the region as a whole is self-explanatory.I dont need to be specific. All political parties and opposition movements composed by activists originating among Abyssinia´s oppressed and tyrannized nations represent Africa´s most comprehensive political failure; with the only possible exception of the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) that, under extreme hardship and adversity, managed to put under control a significant part of Occupied ******´s territory, all the rest failed dramatically. The rest did not fail only in terms of Human Rights´ advocacy and Civil Rights´ promotion; they failed in every sense, from local socioeconomic development to assertion of statutory rights.
  12. Dont not put the honourable WSLF's name beside these foolish remnants of Itixaad its UWSLF. These people were never sincere to the cause. Now they have sold there souls to the Tigray, really i am not surprised.They had no Military strength whatsoever and its ironic they would sign a deal of this kind.Whats even more ironic is there few loyal soldiers are in Goday,Its over.I call that Surrender. Of all the racket they have caused,it has been directed at ONLF trying to divide its supporters and uttering demeaning and dishonest remarks. The surrender of these Tigray Agents will not have any bearing on the struggle for Freedom. ONLF to Victory!
  13. Kamavi dee A&T Ideal situation buu kasoo qaadayaa meesha baan u malayn ku shuba Ciidanka xamar waa hadal cadow soo maleegay oo addis laga soo amray ah waa xaqiiq. The second most important city is Kismayo, this is Shabab's cash crop, it has more importance than Mog in this situation had this taken ontop of a chess board you would be smart enough to knock Kismayo....why are these militia's who are on mission to dislodge Shabab from such a strategic centre diverted to Xamar where 20,000 Gov/Amisom troops are based...where unimportant militias across the country are allowed to conitinue there plans. What Sharif and Meles really fear is the creation of an autonomous state in the Jubba regions that can exert influence in Xamar.
  14. A&T do not be quick to dismiss the Professor, he is not dragging on any Goverment if they can be reffered to as a Goverment that is.The professor like all honest politicians in this wretched peice of waste-land was crucified and sacrificed at the behest of Meles for his patriotic work in organising a corrupt Goverment.It is hypocritical for Sharif to submit the troops to Mogadishu whilst militias of the same type are allowed to continue there plan to see the offensive through in there area of operations.Gandi does not have the capacity or decision making authority to send these troops to MOG, behind this are elders,Jubba public and the Goverment of Kenya who have put much time and effort into bringing this project together.The Plan to dissolve these troops or send them to Xamar is been pushed by Ethiopia who see the O influence in the Jubba regions as a threat as it can harbour the ONLF of whom it see's as great threat to its fake "Ethiopia"...So the pressure on Gandi is nothing more than an act of agression, his stance is an act of patriotism.There is no need for a compromise, the Sharif Goverment are taking people as fools. This article further illustrates the rift between Gandi and the Sharif crew. Dad Colaadi Dhextaalo, Balse Heshiis ku ah in la Fashiliyo Qorshaha Prof. Gaandi ee Jubbooyinka Markii Wasiirka Gaadiidka Prof. Gaandi uu dhawaan Nairobi kaga dhawaaqay in ciidamada dawlada ee lagu soo tababaray Kenya ay ka hawl gali doonaan Jubbooyinka, waxaa isla markiiba soo baxay garabyo colaad weyni dhextaalo, balse hadda heshiis ku ah in laga hortago qorshahaas. Dawlada Soomaaliya iyo kooxda Alshabab labada midna raali kama aha in uu hirgalo qorshaha uu wato Prof. Gaandi. Uma baahna in sharaxaad dheer laga bixiyo sababta kooxda Alshabab u diidan tahay qorshahan, laakiin waxaa is weydiin mudan, maxaa keenay in Dawaladu ka soo horjeedsato qorshaha Prof. Gaandi?. Mawqifka Dawladu waa in ciidamadaasi ka hawl galaan Muqdisho, isla markaas aan la geynin gobolada Jubbooyinka. Hadaba si loo kala ogaado in mawqifka Dawladu yahay mid daacad iyo in ay jiraan arimo kale oo dahsoon, bal aqristow ila fiiri afarta qodob ee hoos ku xusan: 1. Sanadkii la soo dhaafay ayaa ciidamo fara badan oo ay leedahay dawlada Soomaaliya lagu soo tababaray magaalada Mustaxiil ee Ethiopia. Ciidamaas waxaa gacanta ku hayey Alle ha u naxariistee Col. Cumar Xaashi oo ahaa wasiirka amniga qaranka. Ujeedada ciidamadaasi waxay ahayd in ay la wareegaan gobolada dhexe, hiiraan, iyo shabeelaha dhexe, balse qorshahaasi waa burburay ka dib markii Alshabab ay qarax ku dileen Col. Cumar Xaashi. 2. Waxaa kale oo bishii November ee 2009 jiray in Wasiiru Dawlaha Arimaha Gudaha C/Rashiid Xidig oo uu weheliyo Taliyahii hore ee ciidamada booliska General Cabdi Qeybdiid ay booqasho ku tageen Boosaaso iyo Garowe iyaga oo halkaas tababar ugu soo xidhay ciidamo badan oo boolis ah oo ka tirsan dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. 3. Waxaa kale oo jira ciidamo tiro badan oo daacad u ah Xaabsade iyo Aadan Madoobe oo fadhigoodu yahay Ceelbarde, taageerana ka haysta Ethiopia. 4. Maxay tahay shaqada ay qabanayaan ciidamada kor u dhaafaya 10,000 ee loo soo tababary dawlada iyo ciidamada AMISOM oo dhan 5,000 oo dhamaantood ku wada sugan magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaa kale oo wali dhagaha dad badan oo Soomaali ah ka sii guuxaya sababta iyo cidda ka danbeysay in la fashiliyo qorshihii kale ee uu watay Prof. Gaandi markii uu ahaa Wasiirka Gaanshaandhiga, qorshahaas oo ahaa in dib loo hawl galiyo ugu yaraan 36,000 oo ah ciidamadii hore ee Soomaaliya si ay dalka dib ugu qabtaaan. Su�aasha hadda taagan waxa ay tahay: Maxaa ciidamadii lagu soo tababary Mustaxiil, iyo booliska ku sugan Puntland iyo waliba kuwa Ceelbarde jooga loo keeni waayey Muqdisho? Maxayse tahay sababta ay dawladu u rabto in ciidamada deegaan ahaan ka soo jeeda Jubbooyinka la keeno Muqdisho is ay uga dagaalamaan, isla markaasna u diidan tahay in la geeyo Jubbooyinka? Dhinac kale markaad ka fiiriso, waxaa la is weydiin karaa: gobolada dhex iyo gobolada Jubbooyinka mid kee ayaa u faa�iido badan in ay Dawladu qabsato? Ma dawlada Soomaaliya ayaa danaheeda garaneyn, mise waxaan raali laga ahayn in ciidamada Kenya lagu soo tababaray ay la wareegaan gobolada ay deegaan ahaan ka soo jeedaan?!. Dad badan ayaa aaminsan in Dawlada Soomaaliya ay ka cabsi qabto in haddii ciidamada lagu soo tababaray Kenya ay qabsadaan gobolada Jubbooyinka, in taasi horseedi karto ku dhawaaqida maamul goboleedka �Jubbaland State�, talaabadaas oo wax weyn ka badali doonto siyaasada Soomaaliya ee qabiilka ku dhisan. Dr. Maxamed Cabaas kismaayo91@hotmail.com Dhanaan.com
  15. Tusbax walee thats correct ileen waa u dabeecad...
  16. And this same rogue organisation is running Ethiopia with Western Support....They will have the same fate as there predecessor...They are at the same point Mengistu was in his last years in power.
  17. Jidbaale..kkkk Faarax macalin is more powerful than that retarded pirate who runs Punt,Thats why he's watching his mouth... Farax is known for his honesty and extreme accountability in Kenyan Circles specially in parliament where he has lobbied against flawed legislations, he has elavated Somali's in Kenya to new levels along with others like Yusuf Haaji(Defence Minister).People like duke who bring up past greivance's like the Massacre's ought to understand instead of letting of steam in other ways, NFD Somalis are climbing the ladder of power in Kenya and there is an inquiry that is dealing with this, many of the victims will be compensated Inshallah. Faroole/Puntland should not even speak of SSC because they with there own corruption,greed and backstabbing let it go and hence why SSC folks are disillusioned about where there loyalty should be.
  18. Indeed very good developments. Ethiopia was belted at the U.N HR confrence in Geneva. surprisingly the OYL and OWRA were invited to the confrence while other Ethiopia groups were barred or not allowed, the international community seems to be paying specific attention to the Ogadien crisis.
  19. There was no bomb, it was strapped to a chair or fridge.The scapegoats father has spoken from Denmark on VOA and confirmed his son was invited by his mates to the ceremony. Why the attack on the O clan, it has been done before them by others. So even if the bomber was from A&T's clan, Duke should know a good number of the missing youth is from his folks so are other figures, no other Clan can speak on this matter of suicide bombing because all have there share, a suicide bomber has no clan...period, he targets indiscrimantely. And why is ONLF been pulled into things they have no association with regarding Somali(A) affairs.