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Posts posted by Land_Soldier

  1. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    ^^You noticed I was a Lander in one day??? Wow adigabaa war haye. The thread above is my first in politics for weeks (since the elections). Pray tell how you came to such conclusion.


    Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow…
    In fact, just piss off and leave me alone

    I do know Land Girls and how frank and upfront they can be. :D


    But is A&T right? Do Land Girls have a weakness for those Dhaanto dancing men?

  2. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

    I believe the P.I.S is a vital tool against the Shabab religious deviants who are wreaking havoc in the south and are very keen on disturbing the peace in Puntland-- therefore, it is of paramount importance that all Puntlanders(especially the current leadership) work tirelessly upon improving its effectiveness and its resolute adherence to the laws of Puntland.


    I wish to convince my fellow Puntlanders that it is necessary that we stand behind not only the P.I.S, but all the relentless sentinels in our armed forces who defend the state. We MUST honor them for their wish to take up the noble and dangerous profession of defending Puntland, as we are surrounded by many spiteful and envious enemies. I posit that:
    Our armed forces must be encouraged, supported and EVEN given the highest political offices in Puntland.
    We must be prefer better them to soft and insipid characters like Faroole&CO who seem lately to rise to the upper echelons of Puntland politics. Only a true soldier, like our former President Cabdulahi Yuusuf, can create and maintain perfect discipline in Puntland, and I believe, only such a man deserves to rule with authority.


    Puntland of late, has been disgraced by Faroole's soft and idle leadership in military matters, which has tacitly avowed his pusillanimity and impotence to all our enemies, from both within and without. This is why, I am of the belief, that the sooner Faroole departs the presidency, the better it will be for all of us.


    Faroole is the problem, not the P.I.S!

    I see you long for the past when the leadership consisted of leaders who waged wars and despised dialogue, which got hundreds killed?

  3. Originally posted by juma-nne:

    quote: Muse Bixi waan jeclahay. Dadka marka xaaladu adag tahay ummaddoda u halgama waa dad fiican. He was a good fighter and leader during SNM days. Ma aha kuwa Diaspora'ka ka yimaada markay xaaladu kala dagto.



    Good Point.


    Inta nolosha qurbaha ka dhacday ee meesha u xil doonatay tiro maleh.
    Sxb, that is a personal attack on individual SOL members. We all know who you mean by this. Quit your personal attacks and say directly to Xaji Xunjuf what you have to say to him.

  4. Assasinations of high officials in Bosasso and Galkacyo are nothing new. They have only increased the last couple of years. Also the nr of people from the South have increased.


    And most of the time nobody knows who's behind these attacks and assasination. So people naturally blame the new guys on the block.

  5. Originally posted by Gabbal:


    Originally posted by TheParagon:

    Haddii daacad la yahay, let them even admit that the man's rise to the helm was due to his patriotic disgust at the corruption that was rotting the entire nation.

    Many that have replied here, with some achieving it disingenuously, would applaud a repainting of history in which the era of "I am 35 with 35 million shillings to my name" is masqueraded as a grand Victorian period of civil form of leadership giving honor to the notions of democracy and corruption-free existence. Perhaps, and I would freely admit, there is cause to criticize the tenure of Barre as head of state of the then Somali Republic but this was leadership stretching to decades and should not have an opportunity to question the reasons why the nation sought fit to end the era of the early 60's.


    With respect to the
    of the nature and circumstance surrounding the occurrence of the coup one October 21, 1969, the Somali national can only recall the joyous response of the civilian population of the then Republic to the radio announcements of
    siinaan, midnimo, cadaadalad, and horumar
    to calmly see the devaluation of any revision of history with respect the era preceding the coup.


    Despite what may have transpired and in the final scheme of things I think most Somalis now realize the implosion of the Somali state was inevitable. The coup might have continued on the experiment of Somali state in a venue of controlled authority, but ultimately what was prevented by a military coup in 1969 became realized in 1991 with the proliferation of majority heinous criminals riding on the coattail of tribe as a vehicle with which to encapsulate power they knew not what to do with or use in any capacity to function and organize. As a result, Siad Barre is an easy scapegoat for the failure and primitive nature of the rebels, for after all he was an autocrat with supreme power, even if Somalia post-Barre has experienced a time frame equal to that presided over by the late president with an overwhelming majority of maneuvering having the distinction of being judged independent of the Barre past.


    May I also add how ironic it is to witness loyal advocates of Abdullahi Yusuf, a self-confessed total and abject failure in his quest to preside over Somali leadership and who for that matter is recorded via internet platforms such as youtube showing remorse for what he calls the tribal revolt he committed against a unified Somali state demoralized by a massive international defeat in war, sit there and toe lines even the rebels they supported have renounced. It is, by all nature and measure, an arrogant form of ignorance.


    It is also refreshing to behold the nature of Barre and his leadership becoming more and more apparent to the younger generation. Just recently, it was not wholly surprising to come across members of the younger generation peddling misinformation indulged to them by parents and family members who themselves where under misinformation peddled to them by clan rebels riding on the tails of their illiteracy and ignorance. It is a wonderful testament to the technological advances of the modern era that our younger Somali generation can now witness not only the Somalia we had an opportunity to witness but the nature and self-correcting false realities about personalities and
    individuals perpetuated by ignorance, clannish malice, and massive illiteracy of the older generations
    ; all this being achieved in the prism of computer bedrooms and equal opportunity internet platforms.
    Here we go again. Now we can start from the beginning again. Another worshiper of dictators. Who is living in denial and is trying to defend when there is nothing to defend. There is nothing that history will defend on the part of that dark period of the Somali history, cause non is left from it. Someone earlier said, the legacy of Siad Barre(AUN) speaks for itself.


    Ironicly, most people from the former regime I meet here in town are illiterate high officers from the former regime full of clan hatred, ignorance. The likes of Xoosh. They havent learned anything from history. They still have the same vieuws and lack for reality as in the '80. It doesnt suprise the Somali State was completely destroyed under their watch.


    And dont compare Abdullahi Yussuf with a dictator. Yusuf was elected by the a Parlement and later again removed by that same Parlement and he left. He hasnt murdered anyone who came across his way. He helf ***** meetings and press conferences with his enemies in the goverment. He didnt arrest, tortured and killed them.

  6. Originally posted by Peace Action:


    Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

    quote:Originally posted by Peace Action:

    Let us be realistic, PIS's mandate is to fight terror and with shabaab getting a base in Galgala, Faroole will be foolish to dismantel the most effective counter terrorism unit in Somalia.

    Peace, Awoowe how did "Al-shabaab" get a base in Galgala in the first place, if the PIS was "the most effective" security organization as you put it?
    Ask Faroole who tried to reason with Atam to no fail. It is open secret that all Puntland security apparatus including PIS (contrary to you and some Solers, PIS can not attack any place w/o Farool's approval) were united in removing the threat in Galgala but Faroole refused instead trying to solve the situation peacefully. In the meantime, Atam was getting reinforcement from shabaab and in the last two months their numbers have grown to
    more than 400 and maybe even 700 as reported by locals
    Was he getting reiforcement from Al Shabaab or from the local population? Who are these men who support him?


    If these are local people who support him, you can not attack Attam, irrelevant if he himself is part of Al Shabaab. You need to be in dialogue with the local population. Otherwise this will be seen as direct clan aggression. Dont assume that local population listens daily to Paltalk or have the latest CIA directives as PIS has. Make the people(your people) understand for which common cause you are fighting for and why its important that they support your case.

  7. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    waa maxay qaranimo, waa tan jawaabtii xaaji



    wiilkaygu maalin dhexdaasi oon is waraysanay, oo anagoo xeeb joogna aan sheekeysanay
    waxaan soomaaliya ugu macnaayey meel uu madax ka noqon karo oo xukumi karo
    laakiin xoogaa islaaxin ah u baahan , inay bad leedahayna wuu ogyahay , marka xaaji sidaa kaagana wax ugu sheeg, iyagoo masaalix qabiil ka weyn usocda bay dalka ku noqon doonaan insha alaaah waana is fahmayaan ee adigu caruurta boqoradaan baas ee england degen xuduudahay jeex jeexday ha uga sheekeyn


    Soo typical

  8. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

    ma odhan. Adigu waxaad tidhaana adigaa jawaabteeda isu haya.


    Laakin adigu waad hubaysantahay oo halgankan silmiga ah ee SOL sideed u wadi kartaa?

    Hub casriya ayaan wataa. Waxa lagu sameeyay Koonfuur, wa hub dadka khalkhal galiya, waala, dhinac walba ka yimaada, lama fahmo, toos looma ridi, dhinaca aanad fileen ayuu kaga iman, kursina ma fariisto, dadka oo dhan wuu ku dhacaa, ma kala saaro. Waa hub waali caadiyaa.

  9. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

    ^I have no option when they don't let the original intention of the thread to thrive!

    If you say that 99,5% of Somali want Somalinimo, why bother with that 0,5% who doesnt want. It should go fine without that small percentage?


    Or do you miss and wanna move back to that old familiar place you just mentioned and where you found understanding from some people?

  10. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

    Moholin is closer to Wardheer than to Qabridhahar. Aware iyo Danot intaad ka degtan waa less than 10% oo waad ogtahay.

    So much for true Somalinimo.


    So if you belief it the territorial integrity of your clan, then stay out of Somaliland and Somalia issue's and land. that includes Kismaayo.