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Posts posted by Land_Soldier

  1. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    I like all these funny newbies.

    We, being the newbies, like well educated and experienced ladies. :D


    Tell us Ibtisam, are you preoccupied at the moment or free to socially interact and exchange with newbies here on SOL?

  2. Daahir Rayaale Oo Markii U Horeysay Soo Dhex Galay Goobaha Dadweynuhu Ku Kulmaan, Isagoo Aan Wadan Ciidamadiisii Ku Gaashaanaan Jiray Qoryaha Silsiladaha Leh. Rayaale Wuxuu Soo Galay Hotel Maansoor Isaga iyo Dirawlakiisii Oo Kaliya, Waxaanay Dalbadeen Shaah


    Hargeysa, August 6, 2010 (Haatuf)-Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland, Daahir Rayaale kaahin ayaa markii ugu horeysay shalay lagu arkay meel ka baxsan gurigiisa isaga oo aanay la socon askar ama ilaaladii lagu yaqaanay markii uu xilka hayay


    Shalay abaaro 11:00 barqanimo markay saacaddu ahayd ayuu Daahir Rayaale Kaahin soo galay Hotelka Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa, isagoo aanay cidina la socon si caadi ahna isaga xaragoonaya.


    Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland, Daahir Rayaale Kaahin markii uu soo galayey Hotelka Maansor waxaa la socday dirawalkiisa oo keli ah.


    Waa markii ugu horesay ee indhaha dadweynuhu qabtaan Daahir Rayaale oo si caadi ah u dhex maraya bulshadiisa isaga oo aan ahayn Madaxweyne.


    Madaxweynihii hore waxa uu sidoo kale shalay booqday Madaxtooyada waxaana la sheegay inuu kulan gaaban halkaasi kula yeeshay Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo.


    Dhanka kale waxa shalay galinkii hore iyaguna ku sugnaa Hotel Maansoor, koox ka mid ah wasiiro ka tirsanaa xukuumaddii Rayaale, kuwaas oo qaar ka mid ah halkaasi u tageen ka qayb galka xaflad meher oo Hotelka ka dhacaysay. Waxaana kamid ahaa wasiiradaasi, wasiirkii hore ee warfaafinta Axmed Xaaji Daahir Cilmi, wasiirkii hore ee Arrimaha Dibadda, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Ducaale,wasiirkii hore ee Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska, Cabdirisaaq Waaberi,Madaxa Hayd’adda la dagaalanka cudurka AIDS-ka Maxamed Xuseen Cismaan [muaddinka] iyo xubno kale oo ka mida taageerayashii xisbiga UDUB.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee booqashada uu madaxweynihii hore ku tagay hoteelada la isugu yimaado ayaa la odhan karaa waxay ka dhalatay siddii sharafta lahayd ee doorashadii lagaga adkaaday uu u aqbalay, taasoo kor u qaaday sumcadii uu bulshada iyo caalamkaba ku lahaa Daahir Rayaale Kaahin.


    Dhanka kale, madaxweynaha Somaliland,Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa isaguna maalintii doraad waxa uu ku sugnaa hotel Maansoor, isagoo ka qayb galayay munaasibadii uu guddoomiyenimada xisbiga Kulmiye ugu wareejinayay Muuse Biixi Cabdi, waxaana xiligaasi madaxweyne Siilaanyo hor socday ciidan ilaalo ah oo aad u fara badan kuwaas oo taxnaa ilaa hoteelka dibadiisa, arrintaas oo ka duwanayd bil ka hor habkii uu u iman jiray hoteelada iyadoo aanay wax ilaalo ah la socon marka laga reebo askari keli ah.

  3. Reer Saaxil Oo Cabasho Ka Muujiyey Saamiga ay Ku Yeesheen Xukuumadda Cusub.


    02/08/2010 Berbera(berberanews):- Dadweynaha gobolka xeebeedka Somaliland ee Saaxil ayaa cabashooyin ka muujiyey saamiga uu madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland Md Axmed Siilaanyo ka siiyey xukuumadda cusub ee uu dhawaan soo magacaabay.


    Sida laga warqabo xukuumadda madaxweyne Siilaanyo ayaa hal wasiir ka siiyey 26 wasiir iyo wasiir ku xigeen oo uu dhawaan magacaabay, waxana si aada uga cawday isla markaana uga xumaaday dadweynaha ku dhaqan gobolka Saaxil.


    Dadka gobolka Saaxil ayaa waxay cabashadan ku sababeeyee in aanay u qalmin saami intan leeg, maadaama uu gobolku yahay gobolka ugu dhaqaalaha badan isla markaana uu kamid yahay gobolada ugu dadka badan Somaliland.


    “ suuro gal maaha in degmada Balligubadle la siiyo 3-wasiir, gobolka Saaxil oo dhanna la siiyo hal wasiir, waxan leeyahay madaxweynaha cusub caddaaladu waa in dadka meesha jooga si isu dheeli tiran wax loogu qaybiyaa” sidaa waxa yidhi Saleebaan C/laahi oo ka tirsan dadka ku dhaqan gobolka Saaxil oo aanu dareenkiisa wax ka waydiinay.


    “ waxan u arkaa in xukuumada cusub ee uu soo dhisay madaxeynuhu ay tahay raali gelin dadkii ololaha ugu cad cadda, laakiin waxan leeyahay dadka cid ololaysay iyo cid aamustayba isku si waxa ha loogu qaybiyo” ayuu ku daray.


    Marka la eego guud ahaanba dareenka reer Saaxil ee saamiga xukuumadda cusub ayaa ah mid niyad jab iyo u qaadan waa ku noqday dadka gobolka, waxana merfeshyada iyo goobaha dadku iskugu yimaaddaan lagu falanqaynayaa sababaha saamiga intan leeg loo siiyey.


    Inta badan dadku waxay ku cabirayaan in saamiga yar ee la siiyey gobolkkooda uu sabab u yahay gobolka oo aanu taageero badan ka helin xisbiga Kulmiye doorashadii madxtooyada.



  4. Somali Bantu leaders meet in S.A. for national conference By Vincent T. Davis - Express-News 100235909.html?c=y&page=1#storytop


    Monday, August 09, 2010


    Forty Somali Bantu leaders from across the nation gathered in San Antonio for a two-day conference to collaborate on ways to better serve their communities.

    The group — men and women, young and old — met Saturday and Sunday at the second annual conference sponsored by the Somali Bantu National Association Network.


    The Somali Bantu Association of San Antonio hosted the conference. Sessions included discussions about women's empowerment, English as a second language, Somali Bantu culture, networking and building better communities.


    Abdi Aden Abdi of Tucson, Ariz.; Rasulo Rasulo Jr. of Denver; Rukia Mohamed of Portland, Ore.; and Ahmed M. Yusuf of San Antonio talked about the conference Sunday morning between seminars.


    “Our mission is to expand,” Abdi said, “and welcome other Somali Bantus who are struggling in communities to come to the table with us so we can share experiences and work with each other.”


    The network began in 2007, when the San Antonio and Houston associations contacted the Tucson group for help with assimilation issues. The group has expanded to include 35 other communities, spanning the country from New York to Idaho.


    Abdi said the network has a telephone conference call once a month to support each other and talk about problems and issues. He said their goal is saving the next generation of Somali Bantus, an ethnic minority in their homeland.


    One way to achieve that goal, he said, is teaching youth to follow the teachings of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and former South African president Nelson Mandela.


    “If we deviate, then we will not be surprised by how our generation could possibly be lost,” Abdi said. “And we cannot see all the sweetness of all this African culture.”


    The group said the biggest challenges facing the Somali Bantu communities are education, parenting children in a Western culture and civic engagement.


    “We need to connect with our neighborhood, see what they did and how they overcame their struggles,” Mohamed said. “We have to provide examples for them.”


    They also talked about their successes, such as the increase in college graduates and applications for U.S. citizenship.


    The four leaders said they all have college degrees. They estimated there are more than 300 graduates in the Somali Bantu communities nationwide.


    Yusuf said he received his degree in hotel management from St. Philip's College and became a U.S. citizen on March 19, 2009.


    “That's your birthday,” Rasulo said. “That's your American birthday.”


    Yusuf said one crucial ingredient for future success is devising ways to help Somali elders maintain their influence in their new land. They all agreed that if their culture is to continue to thrive, they'll need the elders to pass their knowledge to younger generations.


    “They are the backbone of our culture,” Rasulo said. “If he passes away, I've lost that part. He's my main point, my main vision.”

  5. Originally posted by Nassir:

    LST, in 1992, was there such thing as the "State of Puntland" unless you meant it the small city administration of Bosaaso? It was the SSDF led by Col. Abdullahi Yusuf vs. al-Itihaad. And that was perfect step for the "SSDF" and its political and military leadership to take, in order to maintain a firm grip on its domain of influence.

    However,the Galgala environs come not under the "SSDF"'s clannish configuration as far as political history and territoriality is concerned.
    The international "British Somaliland" border line, which co-incides with the clan's border passes near Bosaaso. It was Mohammed Siyad Barre (AUN) and his regime that designated these areas of Galgala and Bali-Khadar under a new administrative division, that means the region of Bari. .
    I have no objection with the SSDF's rhetorical line taking strident military actions to crash insurgents within its power domain as a solution, but to extend that similar mentality of territorial aggrandizement into another region of former British Somaliland puzzles me, in fact.

    Are you recongnizing the borders between Somaliland and Somalia(Puntland)?

  6. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye:

    Guys, this is awful and nacasnimoo ee bul rag iska diga reer sillylando. kabiish.


    Sidi dumarkii beeydon afka tag tagsan! lool. ee walaalihiin wax la qeeybsada.

    Aboowe, Are you upset because I forgat you in the list


    I Should have said from the beginning: Landers, ignore all light skinned minorities from Portugese descent.

  7. Somaliland’s clans: The shameless empire strikes back


    By: Soyan Guled


    They came in their thousands on buses, lorries, cars and airplanes. The wealthier ones even chartered private jets. They had one single purpose in mind: to gain as many ministers as possible for their clan in the new government of President Ahmed Silanyo. The weight of the collective pressure these self-appointed clan representatives exerted on the elderly statesman was so overwhelming he could not sleep for days on end.


    But before you feel sorry for Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (AMM) you need to remember he and other politicians have been playing the clan game for their own ends ever since Somaliland declared itself a separate State from Somalia in 1991.

    In fact clans can justifiably claim to have liberated and then created the place itself. The armed Somali National Movement (SNM) which defeated Siyad Barre’s forces in Somaliland were not a Marxist movement or a Nationalist one as the title misleadingly implies but a clan-based, clan-armed and clan-sustained organisation fighting for the interests of a clan. To be fair to him this is not how AMM, who lead the movement for six years, would’ve wanted but he had no choice. Somalis do not readily respond to the calls of `Lets Build a Free Liberal Democracy’ or `Comrades Lets work for Marxism and Leninism’ they respond to blood-curdling, goose-bump-inducing brain-frying war cries of `Tol La’ ayey’.


    After liberation the clans almost miraculously forgot their ancient blood feuds and decided not to indulge in revenge-taking against `enemy’ clans as tradition dictates. Instead they took their vengeance on the ears of modern politicians like AMM. They held endless `shir beeleds’, mega clan jamboree talkathons open to anyone who wants to have his say. And boy do they have their say. Each monologue can go on for hours without the speaker saying anything in particular. A well-known Somaliland politician driven to distraction after pretending to listen to hundreds of these talks once told me, almost in tears `the worst ones are the ones who raise your hope by starting with the famous opening line ‘everything I ever wanted to say has already been said by the last speaker..’ you sit up a little.. and then he dashes all your expectations by proceeding to say “but I will only add one or two things...” you sink back into your gloom.”


    Despite the sneering of urbanised politicians, the `Shir beeleds’ in Somaliland achieved something no other set of meetings or reconciliations achieved anywhere else in Somalia: a lasting peace and stability for the people of Somaliland. No wonder clan bosses swagger around today in Hargeisa’s halls of power as if they own the place. I have no doubt that slick, smooth, educated modern politicians like AMM thought they could use the clan leaders to create peace and then shove them aside once they were no longer useful. The collection of largely illiterate but devilsihly manipulative clan chiefs had other ideas.


    The concepts of owing loyalty to a Nation State or working for national `common good’ are completely alien to them. They will acquiesce to central authority only if they believe this serves the immediate interests of their clan. The only other way is to keep them in line through sheer brute force. But that only works temporarily. Somaliland clans ultimately win any war of attrition because their bloody-mindedness outlasts the bloody-mindedness of any central authority. Anyone who does not believe this could ask Siyad Barre and before him the Mad Mullah both of whom tried and failed the force and imposition option. Al-Shabab in Somalia will soon discover this timeless wisdom: the clan always wins over any ideology or belief system imported from East, West, South or North.


    Somaliland’s politicians, including AMM tried to beat the clan bosses at their own game. In AMM’s case hordes of his party apparatchiks whispered sweet nothings into hundreds of eager clan ears. Promises were hinted, winked and on many occasions actually made. ‘vote for us and you can have the Ministry of Goats all to yourself’. Some of these Ministries have been promised ten times over. It is unclear if AMM was behind each and every promise but he certainly made no attempts to stop his flunkeys either.

    Instead when the moment of truth came he settled for a classic Silanyo fudge: he produced a bloated cabinet to satisfy clan demands for Cabinet posts but chose the most able from each clan. This is not necessarily what clans want. The geeky, genteel, intellectual types may not deliver the `goods’ the clan requires. And these goods are pretty literal in their minds: run the ministry for the interests of our clan only. Their ambition is as barefacedly shameless as that. Not only do they want a lot of ministries they want to put the worst clan rottweilers as heads of these posts.


    No wonder that the Cabinet selection pleased no one. Some clans rioted. Others just mumbled and grumbled and hinted at dark intentions to come. Some went to war, quite literally. A clan from the wild far east formed a group calling itself SSC. Like the SNM before it they try to hide their clannist intentions in the cloak of Pan-Somali nationalism. But the `C’ in the SSC kind of gives away their real intent: It stands for `Cayn’ a reference to a village allegedly captured from them by a neighbouring clan hundred years ago. The clan who supposedly captured the village happens to be the one they believe Silanyo belongs to. And now he heaps more humiliation on the clan by not offering them the Ministry they wanted. Revenge time! It gives you a glimpse into the viciousness of clan culture.


    So how does Somaliland deal with this? Actually there is a way but AMM is not your man for this. Clans may just about be accommodate meritocracy as long as they know no other clan is getting a bigger share of the pie. If AMM had the ruthlessness to look clans in the eye and told them that he will appoint the best even if all turned out to be members of his own family, clans may have blinked. But that is not his style. He is a poker player not a sharp shooter.


    The opportunity will arise again for whoever follows AMM to the seat of power in five years time. But if Somaliland is to survive, the shameless empire of the clan must be replaced by the authority of the Central State.


    Soyan Guled es_back.shtml



  8. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

    Is this to give the impression what Ayoub, Oodweyne, Jacaylabro and others were doing against me was all uncoordinated?

    They actually tried to coordinate. But their morals and princibles hold them back.


    That's why I am recruited. I do not belief in morals, princibles, neither in proper spelling and grammer. And without these burdens I will be more succesfull then the oldies.

  9. Subject: Regarding our commong SL stategy on SOL.



    Landers, Listen up,


    I have been here 3 days on SOL and I dont like what I see. We are not using the right tactics. We are not on the loosing side of the argument but neither on the winning side.


    Some of you oldies(Oodweyneh, Jacalybaro, Xaaji, Ngonge)who have some principles are using the old defensive tactics of 'Fortification', you guys digg yourselves deep in exhausting arguments, climb on the higher moral ground, build walls of facts,repeat the same points till the opponent gets tired and show weaknesses. This is so defensive. This is so passe, its 20th century tactics. This wont win you any wars of words nowadays. You need to put your princibles aside. And use any tactic which can win you the battle of arguments.


    Its time for a new common strategy. I say we go on the offensive side. Its time for a preemptive strike of debating and argument. No more disrupting communications by Smillies.


    Here is the strategy:


    We lay ambush for the smaller easier prays( SSC ). An catch them unaware. In the hope the shock will make them say things which divides them and they go debating against eachother and we take the lead.


    We do some peaceful penetration of the Maakhir supporters. We socialise, use greamlins or smillies towards them, make compliments and agree with most of their points. And when they put down their defenses, we penetrate with facts, figures, declarations, words and arguments.


    Against Puntland. We need bigger arms, arms of shiny new project and buildings. We use the newest facts and development through a blitzkrieg against Puntland debaters utilizing speed, manoeuvre, and the shock of showing suddenly new shiny pictures of new projects, 'mashruuc' and building in SL. This will create an psychological shock and they will surrender.


    And for the die hard ONLF supporter nothing will help except a shock and awe tactic of arguments.


    As for A&T, we need to desive a seperate strategy for him. The above tactic wont work on him. He is knows all these tactics(wuu naga horeeyaa). We need to attrackt or distract him with something which he is passionate about. Any idea's?


    For the other Koonfuri's you use the sectret password(SB=Siad Barre, or AS=Al Shabaab) and they will put down their guns and that should neutralize any thread/t.


    These offensive attacks have to be planned, coordinated, we need to use supporting fire or arguments and a siege of facts. Potential counterattacks have to be penetrated.


    And what is left in terms of countermeasures will be raided by a small teams behind the opponents lines.


    Do we agree?

  10. Originally posted by Allamagan:



    Salams qaraabo,

    My earlier post have been removed and I can understand as to why, but this time I am trying my best to repost it and this time minus direct qabiil references (qabiil synonym) in order to put my point across. Those qabiil terms or synonyms I used is in everyday biz in SOL politic, everyone use it marka ma garanin waxa kaygu ugu duwanaayen kuwaasi balse insha'Allah I do my best this time.






    My dear Brother unlike many here thanks for having the guts to tell truth even if it hurts
    dacarna ka qaraar tahay
    of course everyone sees the elephant in room. It is quite uncalled-for Xiin to resort to things like "Galgala syndrome" in reference to your unbiased and all honest views towards jaale Siyaad, when in fact Xiin himself knew very well your standpoint all along towards J/lle Siyaad from your previous SOL posts in the past. Anyway, You said it all brother and they know that Jaale Siyaad wasnt MAHDI, nor he was perfect of course there were errors, mistakes he had done but what is not acceptable is this their often desperate attempts by all most every puntlanders to demonize this great man and to deny his place in somali history is beyond belief. Booriddu orgiga ka weyn ayan maqli jiray.



    Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    Zack, Allamagan, Nasir iyo Dabshid odagay la dhacsanyihiin

    aniga, iyo ninka reer fat stone, dhexdhexaad baan ahaynoo [ :rolleyes: ] runtaan ka sheegnayn, rag carrabka ku adkeeyeyna waa jireen

    JB-na maxaad uga tagtay? lol Alla muxuu Alle qalbi & af aan is lahayni ujeedaa, aduun! Wan ku faraxsanahay in raggaas oo dhan oo ka soo jeeda qabiilo kale duwani 'la dhacsan yihiin'saad u dhigtay haddan u dhigo oo at least aay Jaale Siyaad wax u ogol yihiin balse ciddaan waxba u ogolaynin wa la yaqaanTa kale also these people you mentioned above, including reer Somaliland and most of somalis do NOT suffer the
    Siyaad Syndrome
    as some 'people' here do. Walaahi reer Somaliland waa idinka gobsan yihiin, Siyaad maamulkiisi haddu cid wax u dhimay, reer Somaliland ayuu u dhimay and they moved on and not stuck in nineteen ow-owgii


    Originally posted by NGONGE:

    The one who started the thread was praising the man and you were happy to join in the praise (though even you would admit he was a controversial figure), marka dee lets be fair and take the criticism with the praise, saaxib.

    You right brother, right or wrong he is controversial figure I agree that and of course people have right to express their views about him and I respect that too but what I cant stand is when I see this sheer hypocrisy especially posts by nimankan reer punland layiraa and their desperate attempts to depict this man to what he was not, let alone their overall heavy sarcasm and maskings. Please refer back to from the point when I 1st joined this discussion in a bid to shed light few things and to unmask conspiracy. Ppl can criticize Siyaad and it happens all the time and I dont interfere unless I see inconsistencies/clan-based hatred and hypocrisy. Waxan diidaya
    ficnaa waxanu haysanay golden era [when we know that history]
    kii Siyaadse
    waxay ahayd x**r analogy! if u know what I mean!
    “History is written by the victors.”


    And you were defitently not on the winning side of history. To speak in your terms. Accept that what has been written here by the clannish 'SSDF' and 'SNM' victors and move on with your life and try to make a new history for yourself and your 'clan' and stop whining how your lost.