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Posts posted by Land_Soldier

  1. Is this the guy that all the Puntland leadership are waging a war against and even are wearing Tuute for?


    He looks more like the local fancy boy who sits behind his computer all day on Paltalk and who says all kind of things to impress the girls on Paltalk. :D



    I expeected the Dangerous Sh. Atam to look something more like this.



  2. "Somaliland maanta waxay u baahan tahay degenaansho iyo horumarin oo xagga dhaqaalaha" Ismaaciil Buubaa


    (HWN)-Md. Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hure (Buubaa), oo ah siyaasi reer Somaliland ah balse aaminsan mabda’a federaalka, ayaa sheegay in aqoonsiga Somaliland uu yaalao gondaheeda, balse aan laga raadin banaanada.


    Md. Buubaa, oo isagoo jooga magaalada Nayrobi, xalay u waramay Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, waxa uu xukuumadda cusub ee Somaliland u soo jeediyay inay u hawlgasho sidii ay u dhaxli lahayd hantida tirada badan ee taala baananka adduunka ee ay lahayd dawladii Siyaad Barre. “Waxaan kula taliyay in ninka hadda ah wasiirka arimaha dibada in laga dhigo wasiirka arimaha dibada, waayo ninkaasi waa nin shaqada ku wanaagsan oo ka soo bixi kara, waayo waa nin tacliina leh khibradna yeeshay oo waxyaalo badan arintaa dibada ka qaban kara. Iyadoo ay sidaas tahay, Somaliland maanta waxay u baahan tahay degenaansho iyo horumarin oo xagga dhaqaalaha iyo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo ganacsiga sida waddooyinka, dekedaha, iskuulada iyo cisbitaalada, maanta caalamka ayay u baahan tahay, ictiraaf ayay u baahan tahay, ictiraafkaas aniga waxay ila tahay in shaqadaa cidda wax ka qaban kartaa ay tahay labada wasiir ee daakhiliga iyo ganacsiga, waayo ictiraafka anigu sidaan u arko ma yaalo dibedda ee Somaliland gondaheeda ayuu yaalaa, Somaliland hore midnimada looguma khasbin imikana cidi kuma khasbi karto, laakiin waxa ay ka qabato degenaanshaha gudaha iyo soo dhowaynta dadka faraha badan ee Somaliyeed ee dhibaataysan inay ka ciyaarto door weyn ayaa caalamka ka siin doona tixgelin badan.


    Dhinaca ganacsiga haddii loo fiirsado lacagta Somaliyeed ee taala Dubai, Kenya iyo Djibouti inay Somaliland ku dhaqanto hab dhaqan siyaasadeed oo dhiirigelinaya inay lacagahaasi ku soo xeroodaan Somaliland.” ayuu yidhi Buubaa, waxaanu intaas raaciyay, “Anigu wakhtigii aan ahaa wasiirka Maaliyadda, lacagta Somaliland ee hadda la isticmaalo aniga ayaa nashqadeeda lahaa, shirkaddana aniga ayaa ka dhaadhiciyay in la daabaco, dabadeed markii aan shaqada ka tegay ayaa dawladii u bixisay shilin anigu wakhtigaa Dirham ayaan u bixiyay, baanka dhexe ee Somaliland-na waxa uu uu qaabilsan yahay ayaan idhi wax alaale iyo wixii dhaxal ah ee dawladii Soomaliya isaga ayaa qabanaya,


    Wakhtigaa Ingiriiskaan ku qanciyay baanka Somaliland inuu noqonayo cida dhaxlaysa dhaqanka iyo ilaalinta dhaqanka maaliyada gobolka imikana tii oo kale ayaa loo baahan yahay, kolay aniga waxay ila tahay lacagahaa aadka u faraha badan ee maanta Soomaliyeed ay meel walba kula daalaa dhacayso Dubai, Jabuuti waxay ila tahay in la soo hooyo oo la keeno Hargeysa.”


    Buubaa, oo la weydiiyay inuu aaminsanyahay in Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, ka midho dhallin karo halganka loogu jiro ictiraaf raadinta, waxa uu yidhi, “Maanta siyaasiyiinta joogta Somaliland madasha siyaasadeed ee Somaliland aniga waxay ila tahay in la odhan karo dadka ugu dhow inuu arimahaa wax wayn ka qaban karo, laakiin far kali ahi fool ma dhaqdo ayay Soomalidu tidhaahdaa waxay ku xidhan tahay wasiirada iyo dadka ku xeeran, haddii ay noqdaan dad la talin kara oo runta u sheegi kara waxay ila tahay inuu wax weyn qaban karo laakiin haddii ay noqdaan qaar wixii uu isagu doonayo uun ku celceliyo oo durbaan u tuma waxay ila tahay in aanu wax weyn qaban doonin, hab-dhaqanka siyaasadeed ee uu la yimaado ayaanay ku xidhan tahay guusha iyo guul darrada iyo waxa uu qaban karo keeni kara.”


    Buubaa, waxa la weydiiyay darenka ay beesha caalamku ku qaabishay xil wareejintii nabadeed ee Somaliland ka dhacday, waxa uu yidhi, “Aad iyo aad baa loo soo dhaweeyay arrintaas, waxay ahayd arrin Somaliland tixgelin weyn siisay laakiin sida loogu samayn karo suuq geyn oo wax dalka wax u tara laga dhalin karaa waa arrin kale.”


    Ugu dambayn, isagoo Ismaaciil, ka hadlaya mawduucan, waxa uu yidhi, “Mandaqaddani waa mandaqad dhibaatooyin badani ka taagan yihiin, wadankii Somaliya la odhan jiray ee Somaliland ka mid ahaan jirtay wuu gubanayaa, markaa waxay aniga ila tahay dhibaatadaa weyn ee Somaliya ka taagan wixii ay Somaliland ka qabato ayaa lagu tixgelin doonaa hadday noqoto mandaqadda iyo beesha caalamka ee kaleba. Somaliland waxa laga sugayaa inay la timaado arrintan (Somaliya) sidii loo maarayn lahaa. Somaliland waxay qabataa rabitaankeeda siyaasadeed ayuun bay sii xoojinaysaaye mid wax yeelaysa maaha, laakiin waxay u baahan tahay ku dhac iyo in dadka la dareensiiyo waxa jira.”


    Source: , Wargeyska Geeska Afrika

  3. Everyone should work together for peace and security. Specially neighbours should work together.


    But if the Puntland leadership is serious about insuring security in the region, they would not sign oil and mineral deals with foreign companies against the wishes of the local population.


    This has created clan war's, destruction and many deaths from 2005 on!!!


    I am sure if they would stop pursuing to earn $$ on other people's natural resources, all local population would work together to insure security and there wouldn't be any mess.

  4. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^Thats the past and so is Attam adeer, in all of Puntland history we have had less deaths than Somalialnd civil war and Hiiraale's gassing of Kismayu period.


    There are more deaths in North Minneapolis than all of Puntland..

    You would be a good Spin Doctor.


    Faroole should hire you. You are willing to lie, turn facts to your benefit, mislead, say anything as long as you can manipulate people. And that all, for what?


    Why Duke? Why do you want to convince us? And of what?

  5. Africa Oil has a
    exploration contract in Puntland, after signing a joint-venture deal with Australian mining firm Range Resources, Ltd., in January 2007.


    Dr. Abdirahman Farole, Puntland's current ruler, became opposition leader in 2005 after
    rejecting former Puntland President Adde Muse's unilateral deal with Consort Private
    , Ltd., a small virtually unknown front company based in Maldives.


    The Consort Private deal, which led to Range Resources and Africa Oil, has been the source of international media scrutiny and led to deadly clashes in Sanaag region in April 2006 between Puntland security forces and ********** clan militias.


    President Farole has said that the Puntland-Consort Private deal is
    "under review"
    to ensure the
    maximum benefit
    for the people of Puntland and of all Somalia.

    Seems Faroole and Son(owner of Garoweonline)

    re-viewed the contracts and changed their minds. :D

  6. To my knowledge and Garoweonline's article is proof, all these fake contracts Puntland signed only led to a WAR of the Clan's and nothing has been done in terms of exploration after many diffrent deadly clashes.



    Somalia: Oil Exploration Triggers Deadly Clan Battle in Puntland


    A bloody clan battle in Somalia's self-governing State of Puntland last Monday was triggered by aspirations to find oil, Radio Garowe reports.


    At least five militiamen were killed and 15 others were wounded in the hours-long battle in Ufayn district, located 90km east of the port city of Bossaso in Bari region.


    Puntland security forces tightened checkpoints in and out of Bossaso, as the government dispatched Security Minister Abdullahi Said Samatar and Interior Minister Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed "Ilkajir" to Ufayn to help diffuse the situation.


    Traditional elders accompanied the government ministers and troops in efforts to make peace among the two feuding sub-clans, both of which belong to the ********* clan (*****).


    The violence has subsided and emerging reports indicate that peace talks among clan militias are going well.


    The fighting was deeply rooted in a months-long disagreement over the ownership of a piece of parched land, inside sources said.


    The disagreement worsened when one sub-clan that does not traditionally inhabit the area mobilized militias into Ufayn, building a waterhole and a small mosque, the sources added.


    The incoming sub-clan was ordered to leave the area by the Puntland government and other local clans to avoid bloodshed, but both feuding clans poured loyal militiamen into the area in a build-up to war.


    Local elders who spoke with Radio Garowe admitted that the two sub-clans have never fought each other before.


    The remote district of Ufayn entered Puntland media reports in 2008, after Canada-based Africa Oil Corp. contracted an agency named IMC to conduct oil exploration activities in that area.


    Africa Oil has a controversial exploration contract in Puntland, after signing a joint-venture deal with Australian mining firm Range Resources, Ltd., in January 2007.


    Dr. Abdirahman Farole, Puntland's current ruler, became opposition leader in 2005 after rejecting former Puntland President Adde Muse's unilateral deal with Consort Private, Ltd., a small virtually unknown front company based in Maldives.


    The Consort Private deal, which led to Range Resources and Africa Oil, has been the source of international media scrutiny and led to deadly clashes in Sanaag region in April 2006 between Puntland security forces and ********** clan militias.


    President Farole has said that the Puntland-Consort Private deal is "under review" to ensure the maximum benefit for the people of Puntland and of all Somalia.


    Copyright © 2009 Garowe Online. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (


    AllAfrica - All the Time

  7. Originally posted by General Duke:


    Puntland defeated Al Shabaab in Galgala, without much fuss.

    Sxb, if you want to defeat Al Shabaab I suggest you go visit your xalwo eating fat cousin in Moqadisho and help him defeat Al Shabaab.


    Al Shabaab would not vacate a village because they see some Tuute wearing Ministers coming. Al Shabaab would blow themselves up in the middle of those Tuute wearing politicians. As they have done in Baidoa, Baardhere, Beletweyn, Moqdishu, etc.


    From all the pictures and reliable sources, nothing proves that there is Al Shabaab in the mountains. And if they were there, they would not be growing vegetables and fruits. :D

  8. You have been saying this for years, but still havent seen any oil.


    I remember when Cade was signing contracts with fake companies of white men and his cousin and wearing his Tuute.


    And you were yelling, here comes the white men with $$. Duke, were is $$ after all this years?


    I see only desperation that you are chasing poor villages in the middle of Ramadan, and that all for $$.

  9. "Puntland faced al Shabaab." :D



    Puntland soldier and it leader were kicked out of Muqdisho and have run for their lives for Al Shabaab years ago;



    Puntland cant even stop pirates;



    Puntland cant even stop human traficking;



    Puntland cant even get 1 city (Galkacyo) under its full control;



    Puntland lost a hole region (Sool) in a couple of weeks;


    Puntland is not even present in a region that it claims(Sanaag);



    Puntland cant even secure a village 30 KM from its largest city because of one man;



    Half of the cabinet and the VP is wearing a Tuute and are going to war to secure a village;



    Who are you trying to convince?

  10. Originally posted by N.O.R.F:

    I'm not entirely up to speed on the goings on in Galgala but yet again PL is losing the PR war (from the articles I have read).

    Actually Puntland is confusing everyone on the situation in Galgala, by claiming they are fighting Al Shabaab.


    While they are actually fighting locals so they can exploit the natural resources. Cade Muuse tried this earlier but then they have lost from the locals under Atam leadership. And now Faroole is trying again to get the land, Its all about the $$$ as DUKE said.

  11. Sxb, nobody is assisting your fight for oil. Burco Police are working hard to keep the peace in their city.


    In doesnt matter how many contracts Geedi, Abdullahi Yussuf, Nuur Cade and the xalwo eating fat boy sign, no company will drill for oil in a region where clans are fighting for other clans oil.

  12. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^Oodweyne will have a heart attack when the drilling starts.


    He even mentioned the security sweep in Galgala as pretext for stop the deal. The secessionist big wig for all his talk does not undertsand that
    this is about money, and a great deal of money.

    So, finally you show your true colors after all this propaganda about terrorism. Do you know that some in Somaliland even believed all those lies about terrorism in the mountains. :D

  13. Atam: Fighting Will End When Justice Prevails



    Galgala ( The fighting in the hills of the Puntland region of Galgala continues to ignite between the Puntland administration lead by Faroole and the Galgala clan supporters of Mahamed Saiid Atam. Both sides continue to give the Somali media different views of the war in the region, as each point the finger of blame and assault on the other and each speak of out wining the other. The Somali media reporting from the region is also lopsided and would only give accounts of the fighting based of clan interest, thus factual information is rarely received by the civilians on the ground in Puntland and the international forum.


    As even most recently the New York Times Somali writer claimed the Galgala fighters leader Atam to be part of the ‘Alshabaab’ when in fact it is untrue and has been widely publicised and contested by the clans of galgala to be untrue. Puntland media is also directed to support the Puntland government thus all news relating to the Galgala has to be reasonably supportive of Faroole’s agenda of fighting the Galgala villagers.


    In an interview with the Somali Public Radio the leader of the Galgala fighters Mahamed Saiid Atam spoke of most recent confrontations between his supporters and the Puntland army to have took place yesterday and tonight, as according to Atam, the Puntland army continues to attack the villagers but are currently frustrated due to their lack of progress, thus Faroole is making false claims of victory.


    In this interview as in his previous interviews Atam claims to have strong supporters and fighters of justice on his side. He also makes statements of “never ending” the war for justice. Since the fighting has began there has been large number of civilians being killed in the cross fire, there seems to be no immediate solution of cease fire, both sides are defiant and this war is likely to continue for sometime possibly even years.


    Listen (Dhagayso):


    This fighting in Galgala does not benefit any of the clans in Puntland, although some Somali media including members of the Somali Transitional Federal Government continue to point the finger of blame to Faroole who they argue to have sinister motives for taking the war.




    Maxamed Saciid Atam oo la hadlay warbaahinta SPR ayaa maanta sheegay inusan dagaalka joogsan doonin oo uu bedelay siduu u dagaalamayay, isagoo sheegay haduu nin reer galgala ku jiro dowlada Puntland uu yahay nin aan ka tirsanayn Galgala maadaama uu gubayo hoygiisi galgala oo aan la oran karin waa reer Galgala. Waxuu kaloo sheegay inay ciidamada PIS ta dhibaatooyin badan dadka u geysteen, oo isla markaana ay gubeen beerihii shacabka, bililiqeysteena magaalada Galgala. Warkan lama xaqiijin laakiin dhan walba ilaa iyo hada waxey sheeganaysa inay guulaysatay, inkastu dagaalka weli socdo. Atam waxuu kalo sheegay inusan dagaalka joojin doonin, taasoo welwel ku keenaysa shacabka dagan Puntland gebi ahaanba ee doonaya nabada, laakiin Faroole ayaa bilaabay dagaalka dhankiisana war baahino hore ka sheegay inusan joogsan doonin. Dagaalkan waxa laga baqayaa inu sanado socdo.


    Visits (15 times)

  14. Originally posted by General Duke:

    Also the Oil exploration will take place [inshaAllah] in Ufain Bari, and Conoco Nugaal
    thus you have no point..

    If the OIL exploration is in Nugaal and Ufain Bari.


    Why did Maakhir under Atam fight Cade Muuse couple of years back? Was Cade fighting Atam the terrorist back then too? Why havent you called him terrorist years back? its the same men, fighting the same people for the same goal.