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Everything posted by Land_Soldier
Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Even in Ramandan your faking never ceases? Even during Ramadan your making accusations without any proof.
Sxb, Constitutionally Somaliland may even get a Women President from minority background in a wheelchair. But will it? I tell you. Muuse Biixi, will never become President. Because he has no experience in anyhting. Besides leading his tribe mates in capturing, looting Hargeysa. Nobody trust him and he is a divider who played doubtful role in the Somaliland civil war. Instead of uniting people, he choose sides. And people dont forgive. try to understand. I have nothing against him. But many do.
Well they are getting beter info then the USC wolves. So even riyaha are better then USC.
Xaaji, not the previous Presidents are from Hargeysa. But most of the goverment Ministers and staff, NGO's and business people are from Hargeysa. So, no Presidency for you. Unless you are willing to move the capital somewhere else. For example Burco, or my beloved Sheick, or Borama. Till that time no President from Hargeysa.
I know he is a nobody and you know that. But some Koonfurions and diplomats from arab countries and western countries dont know that. They see him as the big politician from Somaliland in the TFG. And with him being around Nairobi embassasies, many think there is hope for Somaliland to rejoin Koonfur. So thats why I think the Somaliland goverment would do a good job to rehabilitate him and let him get back to his beloved Hargeysa. That would create a big PR for Somalilands when the former FM of the TFG and the former leader of Dirta Waqooyiga says on TV in Hargeysa, that TFG has failed and Somaliland should be recongnized. Xaaji, in politics you need to create and display baloons and sometimes you need to deflate those balloons. Just for the image of things you need to kiss sometimes and show the world that there is only Love around.
Somaliland’s money which is everywhere, Dubai, Djibouti should be brought to Hargeisa JSLtimes Hargeisa (JSLTimes.com) – Ismail Mohamoud Hure alias Buubaa, a Somaliland politician who believes in the Federalism, told the newspaper Geeska Afrika in an exclusive telephone interview from Nairobi that Somaliland’s recognition is within itself and should not be searched from outside. “I advised the appointment of the Minister of foreign Affairs because he is a man who is good for the job and one who can deliver. He is educated and has acquired experience and can do a lot of things on foreign affairs. He advised the new Somaliland government to put efforts on how it could inherit the many properties that belonged to the fallen Siad Barre government, which are lying around the world. During the interview on Wednesday evening Mr. Buubaa said, “I advised the appointment of the Minister of foreign Affairs because he is a man who is good for the job and one who can deliver. He is educated and has acquired experience and can do a lot of things on foreign affairs. What Somaliland needs is stability and development in economical sector as well as the infrastructures such as roads, ports, schools and hospitals. It needs the world. It needs recognition and I think the two people who can work for that are the Misters of interior and trade. My view is that recognition is not abroad but within Somaliland itself. Somaliland was not forced into the unity and nobody can force it now. It should work on internal stability and play a vital role in welcoming the great number of apprehensive Somalis and this would raise international concern. If we look at the side of trade, Somaliland should come up with a political mechanism that would bring the Somali money in Dubai, Kenya and Djibouti to Somaliland.” Recalling his efforts when he was working for the government, he said “when I was the Minister of finance, I was the one who designed the Somaliland currency and I was the one who convinced the Company to print them. When I left the job, the government named it shilling. I named it Dirham and the Central Bank of Somaliland will be responsible of all the inheritance of the former government of Somalia – I said. I convinced Britain that the Bank of Somaliland would be the successor of culture hence preserve the financial culture of the region and that is what is required now. I think the Somali money which is everywhere, Dubai, Djibouti should be brought to Hargeisa.” Answering to a question of what he thought of the international community’s feelings in regards to the peaceful manner in which Somaliland’s leadership changed hands, he said, “It was highly welcomed and it won Somaliland respect but how to sell it and create something that is beneficial to the country is a different issue.” Speaking on the general situation in the region he said, “This is a region with many problems on the ground. The country formerly known as Somalia of which Somaliland used to be part of is burning. Therefore I think what Somaliland does in trying to settle the Somalia problems will earn her respect in the region as well as by the international community. Somaliland should come with a plan as to how the problems (Somalia) could be managed. Somaliland only strengthens its stand of which I believe this will not harm it but strengthen it further. All that is needed is to dare and make the people understand the reality on ground.”
Xaji, your (tribalist) opinion is no suprise to me. All those 3 candidates candidates you just named are from Hargeysa. The people from the regions are fed up of the Hargeysa domination. It wouldnt suprise me if one of them is your uncle. Its time for a wise Leader from the East to stand up. I would hope someone from Sanaag or Sool to stand up. Libaahe, do you have any suggestions?
My Opinion about these candidates: Muuse Biixi: I dont think my stomach and that of Somaliland can handle another 5 years of Kulmiye. Certainly not with this dubious character, who seems to divide rather then unite. Dr.Gaboose: He is a Koonfurion and I dont think the constitution nor logic thinking would allow such figure to become President of Somaliland. I wouls suggest Dr.Gaboose as the future ambassador to Koonfur or Consul in Garowe or Galkacyo, doing some consular work like getting stolen cars back, freeing drivers who are in prison where negoitationg skills in koonfurion style is needed. Jamal Ali Huseen: He is my inadeero. He has talent to write songs and he makes me laugh. But he is a big time UCID supporter and financier. So Somaliland would get Faisal Ali Waraabe for free in a package. I dont think Somaliland can handle a Banker, Singer Song writer, stand-up comedian and with Faisal by his side. This would make the public laugh more then they already do at Faisal. no thank you. Warancadde: The guy has a zoo in his garden and he has lions as pets. He did a good job with the airport. But he is politician from the Riyaale school, clearly not the type Somaliland needs in 2015. Maxamed Xashi: Master of propaganda. Arrogance. He seems to think he is the best think around.Critisizes everyone else. While he held position in every Somaliland goverment, never finished a job, and leaves office with only propaganda that he did a good job. And nobody knows what that job is. He is another divider. My candidate is, Pro Ibrahim Maygag Samatar: Well educated, unfortuantly he is tribal thinker, has played a doubtful role in Somalilands recent history, is not without reason that he is hiding in Japan and by 2015 he is older then Silaanyo. And I think people will fed up with oldies by then. So this list doesnt offer much hope for 2015. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??
Ra’yi Ururin Laga Sameeyey Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka Bedeli Doona Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo. Oo Markii Ugu Horeysay La Soo Bandhigay. Ra’yi Ururin Laga Sameeyey Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka Bedeli Doona Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo. Oo Markii Ugu Horeysay La Soo Bandhigay. (Hadhwanaagnews) Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Hargeysa (HWN):- Ra’yi ururin ku saabsan siyaasiga badeli doona Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilanyo] marka uu xilka madaxtinimada ka dago, oo laga soo ururiyay aqoonyahano reer Somaliland ah iyo dadka kale oo kala jooga dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisaba ayaa dhowrkii todobaad ee u danbeeyey codeynteedu ka socotay Face Book-ga. Waxaana ra’yi ururintan soo qaban-qaabiyey mac-hadka Institute Of Democracy and Governce [Machadka dimuqraadiyada iyo Dawlad wanaaga ee Somaliland] oo ay xaruntiisu tahay Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa. Waxaana lagu muujiyey sida ay u kala guuleysteen dadka rayi ururinta ka qeybgalayey Jaantuska hoos ku Sawiran. Dadka ra’iyi ururintan ka qeybgalay ayaa waxay tiradoodu dhameyd sida uu machadku warbixintiisa ku sheegay 120-qof oo dunidda dacaladeeda ku kala nool, kuwaas oo kala dooranayey todoba Siyaasi oo aad looga yaqaano Somaliland. isla markaana dad badani ay u tirinayaan in midkood noqon doono madaxwaynaha mustaqbalka badali doonaa madaxwaynaha Xiligan Mujahid Ahmed Mohamed Mohmud Silaanyo. Waxaanay kala yihiin Xubnahani waxay ka soo dhex baxeen soo jeedimaha 120-qof oo Machadkaasi aragtiooda weydiiyay, dadka fikradan dhiibtay kamay eegaynin sida xubnahani ay haystaan fursaddo ay isku soo sharaxaan.balse ay tahay odoroska qofkii ku haboonaan lahaa inuu noqdo Madaxweynaha shanaad ee Somaliland. Muj Muuse Bixi Cabdi oo ah Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye, horena u ahaan jiray gudoomiye kuxigeenka koowaad ee xisbiga Kulmiye, wasiirna ka soo ahaan jiray dawladii marxum Mohamed Ibrahim Igal. Waxa uu ka mid ahaa saraakhiisii sarsare ee ururkii SNM, waxaanuu qayb laxaad leh ka qaatay hub ka dhigistii iyo qaramayntii maleeshiyaadkii Somaliland iyo yagleelidii dawladnimo ee Somaliland. Muuse waa nin aad xogogaal ugu ah siyaasada Somaliland aadna u kala yaqaanna bulshada Somaliland. Dr Mohamed Cabdi Gaboose: oo ah wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Somaliland ee xukuumadda iminka ee Ahmed Silanyo, xilkaas mid la mid ahna ka soo qabtay xukuumadii marxuum Mohamed Ibrahim Igal, isla markaana ah siyaasi in badan ku soo jiray miidaanka siyaasada Somaliland, waxa uu aasaasay urur siyaasadeedka qaran oo isaga dartii uu xabsiga ku mutaystay aakhirkiina la bahooben xisbiga Kulmiye. Dr Mohamed waxa uu door muhiim ah ka soo qaatay nabadaynta beelaha Somaliland, wuxuuna ahaa afhayeenkii shirwaynihii 3-aad ee beelaha ee Somaliland ku yeesheen Hargaysa sanadii 1997. Pro Ibrahim Maygag Samatar: Gudoomiyihii golaha dhexe ee ururkii SNM markii dalka la xoreeyay, xilal wasiirnimo iyo safiirnimaba ka soo qabtay dawladii Mohamed Siyaad Barre. Iminkana barre sare ka ah jaamacad ku taal dalka Japan. Ibrahim Maygag waa siyaasi caan ka ah dalka Somaliland. Jamal Cali Xuseen: waaa aqoon yahan dhalinyaro ah, oo wax ka bartay jaamacada Harvard University ee wadanka maraykanka, haddii si kale loo dhigana ay isku jaamac ka soo wada baxeen Madaxweynaha 44-aad ee dalka Maraykanka Mr. Barack Obama, horena u ahaa gudoomiyihii ururka qurbaha jooga Somaliland ku midoobeen ee Somaliland Forum. Waa xubin firfircoon oo ka qayb qaata ictiraaf raadinta Somaliland isla markaana aad ugu dhuun doloola arrimaha siyaasadeed, bulsho iyo dhaqaale ee Somaliland. Jamaal wuxuu ka mid yahay 100 shakhsi ee Maamula bangiga caalamiga ah ee maraykanka ah ee loo yaqaan City Bank, iminkana uga wakiil ah dalka Tanzania. Cali Mohamed Warancadde: Waa siyaasi qunyar socod ah, xilal badan oo kala duwanna ka soo qabtay xukuumadihii kala dambeeyay ee Somaliland, waana shakhsi inta badan lagu amaano waxqabad, isla markaana lagu ******to inuu hal abuurnimo waxqabad uu leeyahay , oo lagu sifeeyo Wasiirkii ugu wax qabadka badnaa xukuumadii hore ee Madaxweyne Rayaale. Maxamed Xashi Cilmi: Maxamed waxa uu ka mid ahaa shantii nine e ugu horeeyay ee aasaasay ururkii xaq u dirirka ahaa ee SNM. Waxa kale oo maxamed xaashi xilal ka soo qabtay dawladihii kala dambeeyay ee marxum Cigal iyo Dahir Rayaale, isagoo iminkana ah wasiirka maaliyada ee dawlada Ahmed Silanyo. Waa nin ku sifoobay daacadnimo, iyo hawl karnimo. Cabdiqadir Xaaji Ismaacil Jirde: waa gudoomiye ku xigeenkii hore ee baarlamaanka Somaliland, iminkana ah xubin ka ah baarlamanka Somaliland. Cabdiqadir waxa uu ka mid ahaa gudidii qortay dastuurka Somaliland, waana nin inta badan caan ku ah toosinta dawlada islamarkaana wuxuu saaxiib dhaw la ahaa madaxwaynihii hore ee Marxum Maxamed Cigal.
Black and White Pictures
Originally posted by Libaahe*: Land_Soldier, wa ruunta God'aweyn is part of Saxiil rather then Oodweyne, that is the only thing the map got wrong,God'aweyn district of Saxiil is the hometown of Abdirahman Cirro the chairman of the parliament, it was named as a district in 2008 when riyaale named new districts and regions, + no one is stealing villages. , nice avatar by the way. Sodiga mid igala bixi gaaray. This avatar defines my character so well. wonder which talent created it.
yes Ma'am: Coming up. White people on the beach.
Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: I dont wanna deal with Hos...its ramadan. I u smell l8tr hos. Its ramadan. But I agree with you.
who says anything or suggested anything about things belonging to one sub-clan?
This map is clearly wrong. It states that Godaweyn is part Oodweyneh. Never!!! I would like to know what our Oodweyneh character thinks of this. Or does he have no interest in our puzzle with villages? Godaweyn is a district of Saaxil. The same goes for Bulahar, its a district of Saaxil. Libaahe, you have no idea, do you? You know all the little villages in Eastern Sanaag. But you really dont know the rest of Somaliland?
Lion, I am a city boy. Born and bred in the big metropolis. But now I have to know all these villages belonging to my region. Cause there are people nowadays re-drawings maps and I dont wanna loose any villages during poker because of my ignorance. By the way, I know that the coastal border between Saaxil and Sanaag is Ras Khansiir. So dont try anything.
This is from wikipedia: There are 113 villages in Saaxil. Some of the more important ones are: Xagal Laasgeel Sheekh Abdaal Lafaruug Xamaas Daragodle Laalays And check this map. it says Dhubato is part of Saaxil. But clearly this is wrong. Laas Geel is part of Maroodi Jeex. Libaahe, I know Xagal and Las Iidle are part of Saaxil. But how about Ceelal?
Shiekh Xasan Dahir Aways blesses the Hotel Muna massacre: Audio
Land_Soldier replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
I wonder if Aweys still has support among his 'constituency'?
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