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Everything posted by OLOL

  1. Duke below is a email list of Somali individuals whose main purpose in life is solely to help Somali children sick with unknown conditions. They do have access to Waris Dirie foundation and the dhoolwaa guy in Australia. The head of this humanitarian group is Lul Kulmiye in Norway. Please contact her here for she will help you a lot. If you have pictures of the sick child would also help. Sorry..I wasn't supposed to put private emails in public forum...ethical issues but check your private box
  2. My whole life I knew some people are more hateful than other and the enemity they have for their fellow somalis is deep. A friend of mine suggested that there should be a reconcilliation among certain clan such as treconciling those who hail from Mudugh with the ones in Galgaduud or the ones on Puntland with the Somalilanders.
  3. What a lie and propoganda! shame on the devout dim-wiited cheerleaders of warlord Yusuf...there has been no clashes in and aorund Qoryooleey whatsoever. Habsade and Saransoor are coming back to Baydhabo. Shariif is in there and let us wait and see how long warlord Yusuf will remain there. Qaybdiid and Qanyare are also on their way to Baydhabo...Mohammed Dhere is already there ....warlord congregations just started. this is a good chance for all of us, who want to see warlords perish and end up in hell. With the help of Allah, the forces of Abu-Mansur will do the sacrifice and martyrdom. Somalia will soon be without warlords and the likes og Gheedi, Gacmadheere, Xasan Abshir, Buubaa, Mohamud Sayid, Jeeleh Juriile (who has history of emezzelment and pillaging public patrimony )... all other sad and greedy opportunists will be history.... Much respect and love to Mujahid Sheekh Muqtaar Rooboow (Abuu Mnasuur)...he is a great leader and warrior of the first class! Keep on Bro...we support you all the way to Jannah! Abuu Marsuur: “Ilaaheey baan ku dhaartay, haddii la waayo qof kale oo la dagaalanta Itoobiya, kaligeey ayaa la dagaalami doono, jeer aan is qarxiyo†July 23, 2006 Markacadeey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheekh Muqtaar Rooboow (Abuu Mnasuur) oo ka mid ah saraakiisha ugu sar-sareysa golaha maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed ayaa beeniyay in dagaal uu dhex maray maleeshiyaadkooda iyo ciidamada dowlada federaalka Soomaaliyeed. Abuu Mansuur ayaa sheegay in dadka SOomaaliyeed ay la dagaalami doonaan ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah oo uu sheegay In weligood ay cadaawad kala dhaxeysay dadka iyo dalka SOomaaliyeed. “Ilaaheey baan ku dhaartay, haddii la waayo qof kale oo la dagaalanta Itoobiya, kaligeey ayaa la dagaalami doono, jeer aan is qarxiyo†ayuu yiri Abuu Mansuur. Wuxuu ku cel-celiyay Abuu Mansuur in warar been abuur ah ay ahayeen warar ay faafiyeen wakaaladaha qaar, kuwaasi oo sheegay in dagaal uu dhex maray maleeshiyaadka dowlada iyo kuwa maxkamadaha, isla markaasna labo gaari dagaal looga qabsadey maxaakiimta. Maxamed Cali Mohamud (MAdka) Xafiiska Markcadeey ee Muqdisho
  4. I am assuming AL-Furqan and Ifka-Xalan are two of the many Islamic courts belonging to the union and they are probably based on clan allegiance. However, again, people seem to be confused here. I don't belong to none of these "supposed clans". Can a Somali support the courts and heroes of other clans? or do they have to be from your immediate clan? Well that is the mentality of most of you guys... you support your warlords and evil destroyers. I don't. And if you are so interested in knowing my clan...i give a hint...look at my nick here...
  5. Duke for the gizzilion times ... me and Indhocadde share no clan connection whatsoever, but my support and admiration for the liberator comes from somewhere else. It would be mind -blowing if I let you know the reasons but that is beyond this topic, To me Indhcadde s a great Mujahid, a reversal of fortunes and injustices. He is powerful yet practical and heroic in all his incursions against his rivals. He fights like a real man and negotiates like a real man. Again I will support all those who work against the disintegrations of Somalia and all those who oppose and fight Ethiopians.
  6. ..far from beinf realistic but it is ignorance blown in full proprtion....sad that some will resort to this lowly campaign of clan bigotry. isn't this a sick hypocrisy from a devout clannish cheerleader of warlord Yusuf...Aqiyaareey dadka qaarkiis maba isku xishoodaan ..xataa nin jecleeysigaa ka indha tiraayo diintii ilaaheey...Calaamatul munaafaqiin waa calaamutul munaafiiqiin..you could write as many lies and fabrications as you like, the reality is those who could change the political landscape in Somalia are now in full gear and capable to get rid of the dying clannish old guard who led Somalia to astray. Inshallah, our great Muslim scholars like Sheikh Hassan and Sheikh Shariif Ahmed and the many peace loving Somali intellectuals from civil society would replace these clannish retards, clannish warlords and puppet opportunists. I must congratulate those who hail from Sheikh Hassan's immediate clan for not responding to such rubbish. They have shown they are above clan bigotary and hatred. Somalia belongs to Somalis and we are all one people.
  7. Heroes, Terrorists and Osama In a rare interview, Somalia's new Islamist leader discusses his relationship with Al Qaeda, why his militia outlawed World Cup TV broadcasts and whether it plans a Taliban-style government WEB EXCLUSIVE By Rod Nordland Newsweek Updated: 1:02 p.m. CT July 22, 2006 July 22, 2006 - Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, branded a terrorist by the U.S. government, recently became the leader of the Majlis al-Shura Council, a policy-making body that oversees the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia. The Courts have subdued the warlords in Mogadishu and much of southern Somalia, bringing peace to those areas for the first time in 15 years. But the internationally backed Transitional Federal Government, which controls little more than the small rural city of Baidoa, accuses them of being terrorists who want to impose a Taliban style of government in Somalia. In an interview with NEWSWEEK this week, Sheikh Aweys was calm and even good-natured in response to the criticism, chuckling frequently at the questions put to him. NEWSWEEK: U.S. government sources describe you as a supporter of Al Qaeda, and a terrorist suspect yourself. What do you say? Aweys: The Americans are targeting us and there is no power that can protect us from them except Allah. Whatever we say, even if we deny everything, they don't accept it. But do you have any connection with Al Qaeda, or with international terrorist organizations? If the Americans or Westerners know terrorism as Islam and terrorists as Muslims, I am a Muslim; if they know the terrorists as people who want to install an Islamic government, I am that. But if they know terrorists as those who kill people or create problems and tensions, I am not that. Is it true that you were a leader of al Itihaad al Islamiya, which the U.S. State Department describes as a terrorist organization? Yes, I was. But I don't know anything that al Itihaad al Islamiya did to America. [al Itihaad al Islamiya] was only concerned with Ethiopia….I think Ethiopia is the agent of America in East Africa. The Americans must say what al Itihaad did to them before they accuse us. They say that you've been harboring in Somalia three suspects in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, for instance. They don't even have any evidence relating to that, and even if they wanted to get those three people, what are they going to do, kill all the Somali people until they get to them? And they don't have any evidence that we are hiding these people. But they do have evidence that Adan Ayro is in Somalia, and they accuse him of involvement in two terrorist incidents, the assassination of four aid workers in Somaliland, and the assassination of Abdul Qadir Yahya, the internationally respected founder of the Center for Research and Dialogue, last year. Adan Ayro is a Somali man, he is a good man, he is part of the Islamic courts, a member of the Islamic Courts, and if they have evidence that he is a criminal, it has to be tried in a court. But I want to ask them, how are the domestic affairs of Somalia a concern of America? Recently Osama bin Laden issued a statement praising the Islamic Courts Union. Everybody in the world has a right to say whatever they want or to comment how they want. That is not our responsibility. What do you personally think of Osama bin Laden? Osama is a Muslim and there is a war between Osama and America, and each side can accuse or give bad names to its rival. So if we were mediating between him and his enemies we might comment, but we have no way to comment what is Osama and whether he is a terrorist or not. You don't see him as a terrorist then? His followers may see him as a hero, but his enemies may call him a terrorist. And it is something existing in the world, to name your enemy as a terrorist, as the British colonialists called the Somali hero Mohammed Abdullah Hassan the Mad Mullah, while we know him as a hero. It is not compulsory to think as the Americans want us to think, as they think. We have different minds. For instance, the [apartheid regime] South Africans said that Mandela was a terrorist and his people know him as a hero. Everyone would agree Mandela is a hero, but he never flew airliners into buildings. If Mandela was not a terrorist to them, why did they imprison him for 27 years? Even Fidel Castro is a hero in his country and the U.S. government knows him as a terrorist. Still, we are not talking about people who fly airplanes into buildings and kill thousands of innocent civilians, as Osama bin Laden admits he did. First, fighting can be with a gun, or it can be with propaganda. Because when there is fighting, it is a fight whether you fire a gun or whether you send a plane into the World Trade Center. But you are a journalist, you cannot consider the propaganda of governments, you have to consider the reality on the ground. Since Osama was fighting against his enemy, he could use any tactic he had available to him. America and other countries are concerned that the Islamic Courts want to impose a kind of Taliban regime on Somalia. American citizens choose the way their leaders lead them and how their constitution is. And we have an accord to choose how to rule our country, establish our constitution. So we have to feel free to rule our country as our people want. Every nation has its right to choose their own rules, and our rules come from our religion. What sort of government do you expect to see in Somalia? The Somalia people are a homogenous people having the same culture, same language, same religion, same sect also. The only system they can accept to choose is Islam, no one can force them to take another. Everyone in Somalia agrees they want an Islamic government, but does that mean a severe interpretation of Islam, where movies, music, even football are outlawed? Is that the future you see here? First we are Muslims. We have to choose the way our people want to go or to learn. America knows how to teach its people the way they want, and we have to know the way we want to tell our people how to learn something. So television, for instance, misleads the people and teaches them bad character, and a culture from some other countries that we don't share culture with. And we know what leads our people astray, as the Americans know what leads their people astray. But I want to tell you that America has a phobia of Islam. But surely, it's a bit extreme by anyone's view, outlawing watching the World Cup and even killing two people in Dusamareb who were protesting when broadcasts of the event were shut down. That incident was accidental, it was not intentional. At the time we still didn't have a government system in place, in place of police there is militia. And where the police would have a stick, the militia has a gun. When the people crowded him, he had to defend himself with what was in his hand, so the accident happened like that. But it wasn't a decision from me or any other person in the Courts to do that. Are you hopeful that the Transitional Federal Government will meet your representatives in Khartoum for peace talks? If the Somali people want to get together to talk about their problems, they are all Muslims, they understand each other, they speak one language. But if there is intervention, if those intervening don't get their interests satisfied in that meeting, they will prevent any agreement coming from that meeting. Meaning Ethiopia, which backs the TFG and has vowed to defend it. But what happens if the talks in Khartoum fail? You already have control of Mogadishu, the capital, and much more of the country than the TFG. Why not just declare a government yourselves? This issue is for the public to decide, not for the Islamic Courts to decide. The African Union and neighboring countries advocate sending a peacekeeping force to Somalia. Your position? Why would they need to send troops to Somalia now? The problem of Somalia was the capital city and everyone knows the problem in the capital city is now ended. Do you suspect it's to make sure the Courts don't take control? We regard that as a crusade against Islam, and if they attack Islam we will protect ourselves because then we would have a clear right to do so. Do you still feel the ****** region of Ethiopia belongs to Somalia? Really the ****** is a Somali region and part of Somalia and Somali governments have entered two wars with Ethiopia over it, and I hope that one day that region will be a part of Somalia. There are also Somali majorities in other regions, in Djibouti, Kenya. And Somaliland wants to be an independent country in the north of Somalia. Do you see those places as you see the ******? Every community has a right to get freedom first and eventually we will have time to vote for the rights of the different regions of Somalia, whether they should be free or not. The relations between Somalia and Kenya are good now, and [eventually] the people in Kenya can vote for their right to be part of Kenya or part of Somalia. Kenya is different than Ethiopia, because Ethiopia is interfering in Somalia. Somali pirates operating from your coast have given the country a bad name and even now are holding ships they've seized. We haven't yet reached that area [Haradhere], but when we do reach it, we will come to a conclusion of this issue that will make everyone in the international community happy. We are planning to go there and do something to insure the safety of that area and of the seas. URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13986567/site/newsweek/page/5/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Caasho Yusuf waaba socotaaye meey iska cibaadeeysato oo cadaabta iska ceeymiso?
  9. New Era: Sign of Hope “Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.†Jesse Jackson By: Afyare Elmi & Ali Weheliye qormooyinka@yahoo.com July 17, 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even those who have intimate knowledge of the Islamic movements and politicians in Somalia hardly knew Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the man who led the popular uprising in the capital city, Mogadishu. The forty-two-years old school teacher, accidentally, got involved with the Union of the Islamic Courts in Mogadishu when one of his students was kidnapped by bandits. Sheikh Sharif’s leadership, oratory and mobilization skills earned him the respect of many Somalis and non-Somalis throughout the world. It was a pleasant surprise to the residents of Mogadishu that the forces of the courts successfully chased the hated warlords from the capital city and surrounding areas in June 2006, thus ending their looting and tyranny. The Somali people and the international community recognized this new force and new reality in Mogadishu. This and the subsequent events led to the Arab League-sponsored and Sudan-hosted peace conference between the Union of Islamic Courts and Somalia’s transitional government in Khartoum. The courts surprised the world again by sending a ten-member delegation led by Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim. The members of the courts’ delegation have impressed the Arab Diplomatic corps in Sudan. Their competence, discipline, vision, and professionalism far exceeded than those of the government officials. On July 14, 2006, Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Adow led a 16-member delegation of the Islamic Courts to participate in the second round of talks in Khartoum, Sudan. In both cases, the composition of their delegation was quite diverse. It included representatives from the civil society, independent intellectuals, Islamic Court officials, well-known politicians, and leaders of various organizations that participated in the popular uprising in Mogadishu. Since the 1950s, the same generation of politicians (the old-guard) has dominated Somalia’s political stage. The leadership of the corrupt regimes, military dictators, and more recently the ruthless warlords kept the younger generations on the sidelines to watch their nation being dismantled piece by piece. The generation that was born after the 1950s seemed to have been lost for ever, their education not being utilized for the benefit of their nation, their talents used or wasted in foreign countries, and their skills rendered useless and irrelevant. With the new changes in Mogadishu, that era of the old guards seems to have ended. A new era of hope has dawned on the Somali nation. For the past fifteen years, a good number of the younger generation of civil society leaders (Islamists, intellectuals, women’s groups) were visibly active in delivering social services to the public in the areas of education, health, justice, and mediating between warring parties. They became the main societal sector that concerned themselves with the well-being of the people as a whole. During this period, they have earned the trust and respect of the people and proved themselves to be reliable, resourceful and caring. But, the respect and trust the general public accorded them in return, did not sit well with the warlords who have wreaked havoc in the capital for the last 15 years. The warlords saw that this generation was a threat to their lordship in the future. Consequently, they did not waste time; they earnestly put together their ill-fated alliance with foreign financial support to cut this coming force in the bud. On February 18, 2006, the warlords declared war on the Islamic courts on the pretext that the courts were harbouring international terrorists. However, the Somali people knew the warlrods’ real intentions and their sinister reasons of attacking the courts. The warlords have been in the business of killing and kidnapping innocent civilians, intellectuals and Islamic activists for years. This open declaration of war has defined the two camps and clearly drawn the battle lines. From that fateful day, the war between the warlords and courts raged through the streets of Mogadishu and neighbouring cities. After many battles, heavy death tolls, destruction of properties, and displacement of thousands of people, the Islamic Courts eventually prevailed and effectively defeated the warlords. Most of the areas the warlords ruled (misruled) fell now under the Islamic court’s complete control. These unexpected developments have captured the headlines nationally and internationally. Both Somalis and the international community realized that there is now a new team of players in Somalia’s political landscape. This new team was, in part, the lost generations of Somalia, the generations that were denied of their rightful place and political role in Somalia. Unlike the warlords and the politicians of the old-guard, this new generations is well-educated and forward-looking. They are willing to take risks to achieve results. And that is why they are willing to sit and negotiate with the warlord-formed Transition Federal Government. The recent agreement in Khartoum is a clear indication of their pragmatism and goal-oriented thinking. Given the recent positive development in Mogadishu and Khartoum, we believe, Somalis can now reasonably expect that the era of the old guard has come close to its end. The future of Somalia is now much brighter than the yesteryears. And the Somali people are full of hope and determination. The younger generations, Islamists, civil-society leaders, women’s groups and independent intellectuals, have now role models in their future endeavours. They can attest to the fact that bravery and perseverance bear fruits even if the fruition of such efforts were unbearably delayed. That being said, we remind the leadership of the Islamic court that their supporters, and Somalis as a whole, will hold them accountable for achieving the stated of objectives of restoring security and putting the power to choose their leaders back in the hands of the people. In conclusion, the magnitude of the tasks the courts faced, the speed with which the events happened, and the minimal numbers of mistakes made so far convince us that the new leadership will be equal to the challenge. These are exemplified by the recent military and diplomatic successes, such as expelling or disarming the warlords, opening the international airport and seaport, dismantling the invisible green lines and checkpoints, bringing the capital city under one authority, and showing genuine commitment to dialogue in resolving the pressing national problems. Cali Weheliye iyo Afyare Cilmi qormooyinka@hotmail.com
  10. OLOL

    the Weak TFG law

    Maf Kees, no I don't hate any Somali people at all..in fact,I love Somalis...but I remember back then in 1994-95 when TV stations all over world were showing millions of starving Somalis in Bay and Bakool. Baidhabo was dubbed as the city of death. It was the result of man-made disaster. It became the theatre of war between Siad Barre loyalists, defeatists who ran away for their lives to the border of Kenya and tha mad forces of warlord Aideed who was on mission to cleanse certain Somali people. Warlord Aideed at the time was the most ruthless of all warlords. Under his tutelage were certain warlords now in action. His underlings included warlord Jees, warlord Yusuf ( who was a docile guest in Mogadishu for the SNA at the time ), Qaybdiid was his advisor. Now Ethiopian mercenaries are in Baidhabo, all the defeated warlords like Mohammed Dheere, Qaybdiid and now Qanyare coming to Baidhabo to join his peers are all preparing for another senseless bloodshedding which will engulf all over Bay, Bakool and Gedo. I don't want to see another city of death... that is why I am worried for my relatives in these regions. I rather see no war but if it comes to that..let us take it to Mudugh, Puntland and other places..not Biadhbo all the time ...
  11. OLOL

    the Weak TFG law

    He is in Galgaduud ...laying some foundations from the grassroots...not begging Melez... warlord Yusuf is way too old and too sick. He got Alzheimer and Parkinson disease and hopefully he will soon depart to the hypocrites den or hellfire...but he is bent to leave hell behind, a hell that will burn the same people who hosted him in the city of death. None of his clansmen or the clansment supporting the ICU will pay the price but again Bay & Bakool will become the theatre of war...I know now some of my relatives who hail from Baydhabo are justifiably regretting the decision to bring a bloodthirsty old dictator to Baydhabo... why again it has to be the city of death? why not take all this to Garoowe or to Guriceel or to Laas caanood or to another city?
  12. Admit nothing, deny everything and make absurd counter-accusations ... No Ethiopian troops in Somali soil Under no circumstances you should admit that you are a puppet hand-picked illigitimate government of warlords... call yourself a government, spend most of your time trekking the globe for handouts , fake negotiations, move from one provincial town to another ... continue askig the defunct AU for peacekeeping troops and continue asking for arms embargo be lifted...every now and then , show up in Addis Ababa to pay homage to your benefector his excellency Melez "shorty" Zenawi...make a dilapitated food warehouse as your capitol hill or parliament house...call your clan militia's the national army...have many undeducated government spokespersons ..when things gets tough, cajole and beng your clansmen in puntland to bankroll your Qat chewing habits...call every religious muslim a terrorist....
  13. OLOL

    Women Exposed

    thanx valanteenah...don't have time to write such a long post..yeah it's one of those copy & paste ones ...but still i find some of the myths and truths interesting and my intention to post it was to create a healthy discussion. This was posted somewhere by an african dude who was sort of having hard time with sistas...does it apply to our xaliimos out there...well ..i won't say nothing....
  14. OLOL

    Women Exposed

    Myths and Truths about women Some rants and accumulated experience about women. Men in happy marriages or stable relationships don't need to read this; neither do men who get laid every week (or even every month). The "truth" I'm putting out here is for all of those men who, like me, worship women and can't figure out why they keep getting screwed over and dumped. The myths are things that I used to believe before I wised up. MYTH: Women want love and affection. Women want to be treated well. If you treat a woman well, she'll treat you well. TRUTH: Young women want whatever other young women want. They're herd creatures. If you lavish a woman with love and affection she'll think you're doing it because nobody else wants you (which may be true) and she'll dump you. In fact, if you do anything that betrays that you're a loser that other women won't touch, she'll dump you. Why? Because she wants to impress her friends with what a great catch she's made, and if she thinks that they wouldn't want you, then she doesn't want you either. There are only three exceptions to this rule. The first exception is psychos, otherwise known as "witches, *****es, and crazy ladies." They'll stay with you because nobody else wants them, or because you're the only one who put up with their abuse. The second exception is women who like to "fix men up": those women who like to take "broken" men and turn them into the man they want. These women are single because a mature man will recognize that these women don't want him... they want to turn him into someone else. The third exception is that once in a long time you meet a woman who isn't psycho, still wants to stay with you when she finds out that you're not super stud, and doesn't want to change you into someone else. This is the one you marry. BITTER MYTH: Women are out for money. TRUTH: Women are out for status and fun or for security, depending upon their age. A few women are out for cold cash, but not too many. Status-seeking women aren't ready to settle down. They just wanna have fun, and they want their girlfriends to know it. They're looking for a guy they can dangle in front of their friends and say, "Look what I got!" You don't have to have money to be that guy, you just have to come across as desirable. Of course if you have money you don't need to do anything else, but having no money isn't the end of the world. The women who are out for security have had their wild fling and want to settle down. They want a guy who can provide a stable base for the future (and that includes finances). All in all it's sort of like what guys do (and women whine about endlessly): when you're young you want some bright, bubbly thing with huge tits, a nice *** , and a trimmed bush who screams like a banshee in bed, although you'll settle for much less; when you're ready to get married you want a nice girl who isn't going to break your balls. They're usually different people unless you're very, very lucky. Young women want bad boys who will show them a good time. When they're ready to get married they want some guy who is going to be able to pay to keep them comfortable. MYTH: Women are out for looks. TRUTH: See above. Women are out for looks, after a fashion. A guy in good physical shape who wears decent-looking clothes is attractive because he looks after himself and probably isn't a wimp or a whiner. She can convince her friends that he's a "catch." A guy who looks and smells like a laundry bin, or who can't climb a few flights of stairs without a rest had better have some spectacular attribute to show off to her friends (like being a genius) or he's not worth her time. Any guy can compensate for lack of looks or lack of money with showmanship. He doesn't have to be a catch, just seem like one. All he has to do is make her friends think, "Damn, I wish I were going out with him instead of the loser I'm with." MYTH: I should find one woman I like who likes me, and stick with her through thick and thin. TRUTH: This is the biggest mistake I ever made. I used to be loyal to whomever I was with, even when someone better came along. All that happened was that I missed out on some great opportunities while I hung on with losers that ended up dumping me anyway. Do this if the two of you are getting married; once you've tied the knot it's a whole other can of worms. However, if you're just dating, do exactly the opposite. In very subtle ways you have to let her know that although you like her, there are lots of other women out there and you still notice them. Glance at tits and legs. Smile at and chat with pretty ladies, even while she's with you (you're just being friendly, of course). This is the most important thing I've learned about dating in a decade. I even thought of dating WASP *****es again, so long as I could keep this in mind. Never, never let her know that she's the only game in town. As soon as she believes that she's your "everything," she'll start whining and *****ing and making demands. Think of it like buying a car. If you let the salesman know that this is your dream car, that you've stayed awake nights thinking about buying exactly this car, do you think the price will go down? Of course not! He'll jack the price up as high as he thinks he can go and still have you buy it. If you tell your girl that you've dreamed all of your life of going out with someone like her, do you think she'll smile and kiss you and things will go on as before? Of course not! She'll realize that you'll put up with more of her bad habits, and that she can put up with fewer of yours, and the *****ing will start. She'll try to make the relationship as comfortable for her as possible and still keep it going. Remember the car salesman? Remember the attitude that "this is a nice car, but there are hundreds of other great ones, including that one across the street", even as your heart is thumping and you're practically drooling? If you're just dating, this is the attitude to take. MYTH: Having a girlfriend / fiancée / wife means being able to tell someone my problems. TRUTH: Nobody gives a shit about your problems. Nobody ever will. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the reality of being a man. Want to tell people about your problems? Get a sex change. Or join a men's group; the flip side is that you have to listen to their problems, but it helps. I know of only two kinds of women who want to hear about your problems: ones with far more problems than you have, and ones who fancy themselves amateur psychiatrists and like "fixing" men. Neither is good company. Let's face it: many women spend all day whining to their friends about how awful their lives are and listening to their neurotic friends responding in kind. The last thing they want to do is go out with you and hear more of the same. To make matters worse, women simply don't "get" many of men's problems. Women have problems with things that don't even bother us, but they expect us to be understanding or at least tolerant; we have problems with things that don't even bother them, and no amount of explaining will cause the light to go on or elicit any sympathy. So why not just commit hara-kiri now? Because it's not that bad. You get over it. In particular, once you figure out how to handle women a lot of your problems seem smaller and more manageable. MYTH: Having a girlfriend / fiancée / wife means someone will finally understand me. TRUTH: Understanding—true understanding—takes decades. If you spend most of your time with the love of your life trying to explain yourself, she will have nothing but contempt for you, for two reasons. First, because she doesn't want to hear your whining (see above). Second, and more important, women want to maintain the self-delusion that they already understand men. Women everywhere claim that they understand men and that "men are simple creatures." The truth is that women haven't a clue where most men are coming from and furthermore they care only insofar as they want to control us. Nonetheless, they want to maintain the fiction that they have us figured out. It's a pride and status thing. A woman who doesn't "understand" her man can't control him, and a woman who can't control her man is a loser. The more you try to explain yourself, the more complex and multi-dimensional you become (a.k.a. "difficult"), and the less she can claim to understand you. Besides, most of the time you're explaining yourself to her you're really trying to figure yourself out. Go do it in a corner, hire a professional listener, or join a men's group. She doesn't want to hear it. If you master the art of keeping your problems to yourself she will complain bitterly about this. She will ***** and whine that you're not open enough and that she has to drag things out of you. She will also secretly love this. It gives her one more thing to complain about to her friends. MYTH: If only I could meet the right woman, my life would have meaning. TRUTH: If your life doesn't have meaning right now, when you're single, then a relationship isn't going to help. You'll pile too much baggage on top of the delicate emotional bonds too early, and the whole thing will collapse like a house of cards. Want to see this in action? Watch women: they do this all the time. In particular, women who whine about men who can't make a commitment are probably doing exactly this: looking to a man to make their life mean something. It doesn't work. The only way to have a happy life is to develop one for yourself, then leave an opening for someone else to come and share it with you. Neither of these two things is easy. In particular, it's too easy once you've developed a life for yourself to end up with someone who was doing exactly what you were doing before—waiting for Prince Charming (or in your case Lady Love)—to come and rescue her life. People like this end up draining away all of that energy you've worked so hard to build up, leaving you exhausted and frustrated. Take it from me: I waited for Lady Love for decades. Finally I gave up, got angry, got off my *** and tried to make a life for myself, and suddenly I was surrounded by women who wanted to date me. After a while I met someone who was very special to me and I married her. Now my life is about the same as before, but I have someone with whom to share it. As much as I prefer being with someone, I must tell you that having her with me doesn't make my life any more or less meaningful. I'm pretty much where I was before, only now I have company, which is nice. [P.S.: After two years she turned into one of those people who was waiting for her life to mean something, and she drained away all of my good energy. Oh well. Some things just don't turn out as planned, no matter how hard you try. Rats.] MYTH: If I treat a woman well and listen to what she says, she'll stop complaining TRUTH: Women never stop complaining. For them, it's a sport. Some complain more than others, but none of them will ever stop, any more than one day men will stop discussing football. Men have built civilizations, created law, invented husbandry (that's keeping domestic animals by the way, not marriage; women invented marriage), built skyscrapers, invented cars, washing machines, antibiotics, toilets, computers, and microwave ovens, and generally dragged us out of caves and into condos. Don't kid yourself: men did it all. If it were up to women we'd still be living in caves and dying at 20. I know that men did it all because I know why they did it: they hoped that it would stop women complaining. It didn't. If you listen to your girlfriend's *****ing and try to make everything better, you'll suffer the same fate as all the men who came before: you'll run yourself ragged, and at the end of it all she'll still be *****ing. If you ignore all but the most important complaints, she'll ***** about that, too, but you'll feel far better about your life. MYTH: Men don't listen to women because men don't care about women. TRUTH: Men ignore women because women normally have nothing worthwhile to say. This is not a condemnation of women, but rather a difference in what talking is for. This is one of the few areas where John Gray has something useful to say. Men mull things over, organize things in their heads, then speak. Men have to do this because they have to get things done, and if they blabbered all day long about nothing in particular then eventually other men would pay them no attention. Men talk to communicate ideas, negotiate compromises, and secure cooperation. Life and experience has taught men to be brief and pithy. Women talk to organize their thoughts. It's the difference between doing the math problem in your head and writing the answer at the top of the page, and scribbling all over the page in order to arrive at the answer in the bottom corner. Women want men to listen to them. Women want men to follow along as they scribble all over the page, not just wait for the answer. Quite frankly, who cares? As I mentioned above, there are lots of things that women don't want to hear from men. If you want to talk about these things, you'll have to find some other men who want to listen, because she sure as hell won't. If she wants to attach her mouth to her brain and vocalize all of her mental processes then she should find someone who cares to listen, in other words another woman. MYTH: She said she loves me. She must think I'm really special. TRUTH: When women say, "I love you" it can mean almost anything. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," "I'm desperate to get married and have babies and you're the best thing I've come across so far," "You're better than the last jerk I went out with," "You're the best guy I've come across this week," "All my girlfriends are in love and I want to be too," "I have a million problems and I want you to feel obliged to listen to them," "I want another date and I want you to feel like you have to ask me out again," "It's time I put my foot down and started controlling you," and any number of other things. OK, most women think they mean it when they say, "I love you." However, remember the old saying, "It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind"? She loves you this minute. Maybe today. Maybe this week. Maybe even this month. However, this says nothing about how she will feel next month, next week, or tomorrow. One of the biggest problems men like me have is that when we say, "I love you" to a woman we want to really mean it. Like "I love you forever." Men don't understand that a woman can say, "I love you forever" and change her mind next week. All she does is convinces herself that in hindsight, and despite everything you've ever said or done, you never really loved her, so all the times she said, "I love you" didn't really count. You have to learn to use the same language. Go ahead and say, "I love you," but inside your head say, "I love you right now. Tomorrow may be a different story." When you break up and she screams that you said you loved her, tell her that you did, but she did this and that and now you don't love her any more. When women say, "I love you" they aren't promising eternal devotion, so why should you be? One day you'll meet a woman who says, "I love you" and it'll really hit home. You'll test her love a bit and it will hold up. That's the one you marry. MYTH: Women understand relationships; men don't. TRUTH: This myth is perpetuated by women, *****-whipped men, and psychiatrists. If women truly understood relationships... that is, if they understood relationships with men... then we wouldn't have a 45% divorce rate. Maybe back in the pioneer days women understood relationships. These days, they have coffee with their girlfriends, talk about "men", examine and dissect relationships, study interpersonal dynamics, talk, talk, talk about what works and what doesn't, then go out and perfectly screw up their next relationship. I know. I've watched it happen from the sidelines. Women spend more time analyzing relationships; they talk about them incessantly, and in doing so discover more truths than men know. However, all of this talk in a vacuum also means that their heads are filled with more bullshit and myth than are men's. The combination of superior insight and copious nonsense puts them right back where we are. Men tend to see what's going on in a relationship more clearly, but have no idea how to express what they see or what to do about it. Women would probably know what to do about it if they could only see it as it truly is, instead of through a fog of preconception. The other big difference between the sexes is that women are absolutely certain that they know what is going on, whereas men make no such claim. The last man who claimed to have his own radical theories about relationships was Freud, and nobody pays any attention to him any more. It is women's ideas about relationships and why they do or don't work that have been imported lock, stock, and barrel into the field of psychiatry. Most male therapists you'll meet are basically honorary women with university degrees, and as such they don't really understand relationships either. MYTH: Women are fairer and more even-handed than men TRUTH: Nothing could be further from the truth. Traditionally men have favoured the same rules for everyone: "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Women on the other hand make up the rules as they go along. Although women's approach is patently unfair, it was valuable when they had to be the ones to point out that the rules needed to be changed, or that the rules should be bent in some cases. Back then they did this for the good of everyone. These days men still feel bound by rules, but women are in a conflict of interest. They still keep watch over the rules and break them as they always have, but now they modify and break the rules in their own favour. Men's justice is often harsh, but it's fair. Women's justice is arbitrary and these days often self-serving. (Liberal "situational ethics" are essentially the same as women's ethics.) You'll find this out quickly in a relationship. The joke going around about "The Rules" and how women change them all the time isn't such a joke. It's a documentary. If you doubt this, think of it this way. A man caught breaking or bending the rules of good behaviour will become either defensive or repentant; his wife will beat him over the head with his transgression for months, if not years. A woman caught modifying the rules of good behaviour to suit herself will giggle and freely admit it. She thinks it's a game. MYTH: Women do a lot for the relationship; men do a lot for themselves TRUTH: My ex-girlfriend invented a little ditty that made her puff up with smug, self-satisfied pride. It went like this, "Women think of 'we'; men think of 'me'." OK, so e.e. cummings she wasn't. The point is that she actually believed this, and a lot of other women do, too. She thought that she was living and breathing our "relationship," while I was just kind of hanging around and taking up space. Meanwhile, I drove her everywhere (she couldn't drive), I spent hours making her gifts and writing her notes, and I spent hours thinking about what was going on with us and where we were going. The truth of the matter is that women don't think of 'we' any more or less often than men do. Women think of their own needs most of the time, too. The difference is that women redefine their own needs as being those of "the relationship". For example, when a man needs to talk to his belle about something, he says, "I need to talk to you." When a woman needs to talk to her beau about something, she says, "We need to talk." Notice the difference? Suddenly what she needs becomes what we need. Women do this all the time, and then pout and whine that they work so hard at the relationship and you don't. In fact they're just playing with words. The other truth is that there are two relationships: the one you're really in—the one that exists between you and her—and the one in her head. Remember how women are always talking and theorizing about "relationships"? Well, much of what she defines as "our relationship" is really just a collection of theories and prejudices from past conversations with her girlfriends, and has nothing to do with what's going on between the two of you. In that sense, even if she is doing more for "the relationship," it isn't necessarily anything that concerns her real relationship with you. MYTH: Women are more involved in the relationship; men are more aloof. TRUTH: Finally one that's true. The false part is the assumption that being deeply involved in the relationship is always a good thing, and that aloofness is fatal to relationships. If you doubt this, look around you and find a couple in which both people do little else but sit around with each other and talk, and watch how fast the relationship blows itself apart. Every relationship has to have a balance between looking inward and looking outward. Most women who complain that their men don't pay enough attention to "the relationship" aren't seeing the relationship clearly and/or are buried in "the relationship" up to their necks and so are creating more problems than they solve. Recently I was skimming a book by Dr. Laura and saw a chapter that gets this one right. Where is it written that when a man wants to go back to college and a woman wants to get married, and she gets angry that he's "not thinking of the relationship" that she's automatically right? Maybe the right thing to do at that moment is for both of them to go back to college for a couple of years. Women confuse obsessing about "the relationship" with healthy involvement, particularly considering that half the time they're seeing stuff that isn't even there. Sometimes your relationship needs more attention than you're giving it; other times she's smothering it. The assumption that more involvement equals more love simply isn't true. MYTH: When she says no, she means no (so why am I so confused)? TRUTH: Nobody means no every time they say "no." Think about it: do you? You've never said no when you were too shy to say yes? You've never said no because you were nervous, didn't know what you were getting into, and didn't really have time to think about your answer? You've never said no because you thought that was the right thing to do even though you really wanted to say yes? You've never said no and then changed your mind? You've never said no as a joke, just to get a rise out of someone, when you really meant yes? I've done all of these things at one time or another; most men I know have, and most women I know have as well. However, for men there's a catch. If she's prone to saying no when she really means yes, then you should dump her. Immediately. Especially if she's told you in no uncertain terms "no" and then starts dropping huge hints that you're supposed to ignore this and go for it anyway. Dump the *****. This is just far too dangerous. If you doubt this, imagine sitting in court, accused of rape. "Did she tell you no, Mr. Smith?" "Yeah, but afterward she tried to rip my pants off, then stripped naked and sat on my face!" "But did she say no, Mr. Smith?" "Umm... yes she did." "Case closed." I once went out with a woman who told me, on our second date, that there was no way she would sleep with me, that her ex-boyfriend was coming to visit and that it would be "too complicated" if she were sleeping with me when he came to stay. On our third date she did everything to let me know that she wanted me, including lying on my bed, making comments about removing her clothes for a nude massage. Spooked, I drove her home, dropped her off, and never went out with her again. I consider it one of the smartest things I've done in my dating life. (Incidentally, apparently so does she. Every time I meet her she asks why I don't call her any more.) MYTH: Women are social geniuses; all women get along well with each other, while men just fight TRUTH: I lived in a mixed-sex dorm for two years in university where each floor was segregated by sex. It alternated: one floor men, one floor women, one floor men, etc. A few nearby residences were completely mixed. A couple of the men's floors looked much the worse for wear at the end of the year. You know, men are so destructive. The women's floors all looked perfect. All the girls were smiling and friendly. Talk to any of them, however, and they'd tell you that they hated living on an all-female floor, and every last damned one of them was moving to the mixed dorms the very next year, and not with each other. According to them, underneath the tidy rooms and smiles were claws and forked tongues. Every day was a quiet, mannerly, pitched social battle. The men, on the other hand, got along just fine with only a few exceptions. Most of us were quite happy where we were, the only complaint being that we didn't see the ladies enough. One thing that is true along the lines of this myth is that any woman will defend another woman against a man, even a woman that she doesn't know. Start bad-mouthing women, even a particular woman that isn't known to "present company," and you'll find women defending her even though they have no idea what's going on. If anyone—a woman or another man—verbally attacks a man, other men will not jump in and defend him. Why? Men assume that other men can look after themselves and, after all, they're competition. Women assume that an attack on one woman is an attack on all women. BITTER MYTH: Women are all the same. TRUTH: Women are not all the same, and in particular women change with age. A woman who wouldn't give you a second look at 15 may be asking you out at 35. In part this is the dreaded "biological clock" at work, but in part it's also changing priorities. At 15 she wants to impress all of her friends with her "catch" and she is starting to learn to control men. She wants variety and excitement. At 25 she wants to have fun with no strings attached and wants to hone her controlling skills. She wants more stability but she doesn't want Ward Cleaver or Bill Gates. At 35 she realizes that the fun days are over and it's time to settle down and get serious. Boring, nerdy guys who were dog meat at 15 can be studs at 35. The guys grow up and mature, they learn to need women less, and they settle into a life of resigned solitude, which means that they cheer up because they're no longer striving for something they can't have. The field narrows, and there are fewer single guys with no divorce history. Finally, her priorities have changed. She's no longer impressed by "bad boys" on motorcycles with a few convictions for petty crime. She knows that her friends aren't impressed by flashy, fast-living rogues any longer, any more than they're still impressed by fashions from Suzy Creamcheese. She's more interested in building a nest than impressing her friends anyway (and she knows that building a nest is what will impress them). So, just because you can't get anywhere now doesn't mean that your whole life will be a write-off. Take a clue from me: I never had a single date in high school. I had one girlfriend for a year in University. Ten years later I was beating women off with a stick.
  15. Yeey is hullicanting, Indhacadde is part of ICU and not a warlord but a capable leader. Ever asked yourself why I am defending Indhocadde all of sudden? cos he is the man of the moment! you know what that means? it is a means to an end. and the end is peace coming back to Mogadishu and Somalia. I was glad to see Shariif Hassan the speaker of the parliament to stand up and speak against Yeey's plot. There is no excuse for the weak government to derail this and if they insist on this negative stand, Somali people will get rid of them.
  16. Juje this is all a lie. The drug farms were fabrications and people who provided this lie to ICG regretted it. We know what is going on Somalia. Indhacadde has nothing to do with the Charcoal operations. He actually opposed it but was prevented to ban it for good. People, we got to stop these baseless rumors. We have to be objective. If you accuse someone, bring some evidence and back it. Well, I am not related to Indhacadde, don't hail from his clan but I believe the man did a great job and for my recent trip to Mogadishu, a lot of lies I heard from the exiled ramnents of Barre were proven to be nothing else but lies. This villification of the leaders from the "preceived clan rival" originated from group allied with the warlords and specially SHASNA, a pro-Yeey mouth-piece. You need to go back to Somalia to cleanse yourself from clannish hatred. This is what I urge the Dukes and MMA's of this sites to do. Go back to Somalia. Taste the Somali food, smell the fresh Somali air. It is therapeutic. We are living in western Amnesia where lasers of lies and brainwash are bombarded with you on daily from the ***** box and your brain cell don't function right no more. You are fed with lies by lousy clannish sites ran by retards in exile collecting welfare and chewing Qat in darker holes. Liberate yourself poeple and work for the Somali progress and peace. Stop attacking people fromm other clans with propoganda and above all fear ALLAH.
  17. Somali Islamists respect govt legitimacy-Arab League 15 Jul 2006 22:06:59 GMT By Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Mohammed Abbas KHARTOUM, July 15 (Reuters) - Somalia's newly powerful Islamists have agreed to respect the legitimacy of the fragile government and continue talks despite a rebuff by the president, an Arab League envoy said on Saturday. President Abdullahi Yusuf decided on Friday to boycott talks in Sudan this weekend meant to avert war between his government and the Islamist movement which has seized the capital and part of the south, threatening his administration's limited power. Despite the rebuff, Islamist delegates flew to Khartoum on Friday and held initial discussions with the Arab League, which brokered a first round of talks on Somalia last month. "They stressed the importance of saving the legitimacy of the government ... their readiness not to escalate against the government and in particular not to make any attacks against Baidoa," Arab League envoy Zeid al Sabban told Reuters. "They stressed that they want to open a frank discussion with the government ...(and) are in total readiness to pave the way for the government to return to Mogadishu," Sabban said. The interim government is based in the provincial town of Baidoa. Mogadishu, which descended into anarchy after warlords ousted dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, was deemed too insecure to base the government there after it was formed in Kenya. The Islamic Courts Union, from which the Islamist movement sprang, seized the capital from U.S.-backed warlords on June 5 and advanced into the hinterland. GOVERNMENT DELEGATION? Somali Parliamentary Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan told parliament on Saturday he would appoint a reconciliation committee to meet with the Islamists in Khartoum, echoing comments he made last week calling for continued dialogue. He was not immediately available for comment but his deputy Mohamed Omar Dalha cast doubt on the move. "It is still premature to say whether they will go or not," Dalha told Reuters. Sabban said Adan would meet President Yusuf to seek permission to send a government delegation to Khartoum. The Islamist delegation signed a communique with the Arab League, currently chaired by Sudan, reaffirming its commitment to June's accord, in which they agreed with the Somali government to recognise each other and end military campaigns. The Western-backed government, wary of the Islamists' plan to impose strict sharia law, says their assaults on remaining warlords around Mogadishu broke the accord. The Islamists, led by hardline cleric Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, have been mopping up remnants of pro-warlord militias this week in what they say is a move to ensure peace. "It's a red line for the Arab League to see escalations in Somalia and we will never accept attacks against Baidoa. (The point) was very well taken by the Islamic Courts," Sabban said. Sabban and other Arab League envoys said they were confident the Somali government would send a delegation within days. (Additional reporting by Guled Mohamed in Mogadishu) AlertNet news is provided by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 1998-2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
  18. One more thing. Indhocadde has the power and might to bring Baidhabo under the control of the courts any day. He is relying and depending on the Almighty Allah and his courageous warriors; not Ethiopia or Melez. Bring them on. Bring the Isrealis and the Americans if you want. They can't do nothing. It is just some people allied with him that are holding him back. This is stategic plan to give the warlord government and the warlord president a chance to reform and get with the plan and realities on the ground. Indhocadde knows Yeey is not a realistic and visionary man. He knows the man is obsessed with the clan bug and is hard-headed Mudugh man like Aydiid and Qaybdiid. We see he went to Puntland to gather money and support from his clansmen and took the Mudugh brothers -Qaybdiid and Aideed Jr. with him. Make my word if Yeey and Aideed don't get inline with the ICU program, He will face the ultimate ire of Indhocadde. Indhacadde is ready to even attack Gaalkacyo and he is capable of doing that. Believe me, no Ethiopian troops can stop him. I believe Somali people will reconcile and peace will come to Somalia soon. I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel. I dream about the day every Somali refugee and exile can go back to Somalia and live wherever he/she wants to freely and peacefully. I see people becoming brothers and sisters and forgiving each other and working togather to rebuild Somalia. Let us not dwell on the past and perpetuate the clan ignorance that had destroyed us. Support your brothers who are working to pacify Somalia even if they are from the rival clan and by the way there is no rival clan. the concept of the "enemy" clan is a tool used by the warlords and people of Mogadishu had already realized that concept brings ony destruction and mayhem. I call the brothers from Puntland who blindly support the last evil warlord of Somalia Yeey, to join in our ranks and reform themselves and stop this sickness. Somalia needs healing and reconcilliation. Your constant tit-for tat clan bashing doesn't help us all. it impairs our already suffering psyche. I never in my life thought, Mogadishu warlords could be ousted but I was wrong. Because of the new revultion by the ICU, now I am so hopeful and so optimistic. Let us all support our Ulemma and educated civil society. They are the ones who deserve our support and backing. Viva Indhocadde. Keep hope alive. Do what you do best! eliminate all warlords and work with the ICU.
  19. Sheikh Yusuf Indhacadde is the real deal. He had backed the courts with all his mighty militias and is a very patriotic pious man. The propogandists are targetting him with lousy lies, calling him a warlord and other sick names. Indhacadde is a native of Qoryooleey, a member of the Islamic courts, an ex-member of Somalia's armed forces. He hails from Shabelle. He never enslaved anyone as some clannish pundits are alleging. How can a man of god could do this? The man made Shabelle one of the most peaceful regions in Somalia. He is a business man, never oppressed anyone and actually helped people of Merka to set up a very effective administration. He brought peace to Shabelle. and then contributed to the campaign to cleanse warlords from Mogadishu. He is the real deal and he is the man who changes all equations to reflect the realities on the ground. For me, I honestly believe Indhaccade is a great Somali hero. He fought with all ruthless warlords. He eliminated Qaybdiid,Qanyare, Sudi, Xaaraan Ku naax single handedly. He earlier reformed Morgan, welcommed him to Shabelle and made him a productive farmer. He helped the JVA defeat Morgan and other Ethiopian stooges. He helped Haabsadde secure Baidhabo from warlords allied to Yeey like Shaati-gaduud. Sadly Haabsadde had been outplayed by the cunning Yeey. Sheikh Yusuf Indhocaddde is now calling Yeey to come to the Capital and be the Somali president if that is what he wants. Give him a credit for being candid. It is sick and outdated that the brothers from Puntlaand are solely engaged in fabrications, character assasinations and clannish propoganda. If you all against him because of his clan, you guys are sick and need to heal yourself from this blind adherence to tribalism. WE have to support every Somali who is striving to bring peace to Somalia.
  20. I know some of these educated pious scholars and peace makers. some of them are all at least Ph.D holders and professors from all parts of Somalia and from all clans. I was glad to see Jama Mohamed Qalib, the most respected intellectual of the civil society in Mogadishu and Dr. Omar Ahmed Weheliye,Somali professor from Al-Azhar. This shows that the UIC have hundreds of capable educated and religious intellectuals among their ranks. They consult with each other. The government is full of warlords and illiterate clan opportunists. They continue to bicker and squabble all the time. what a contrast!! Magacyada Xubnaha Wafdiga : - 1- Prof.Ibraahim Xasan Cadow. Guddoomiye. 2- Sheekh Axmed Xasan Bile. Kuxigeen. 3- Sh.Axmed C/samad - Xogheyn. 4- Sh.C/raxmaan Maxamuud Xuseen. Xogheyn. 5- Dr.Dahir Maxamuud Geelle. Afhayeenka. 6- Dr.Axmed Aadan. Xubin 7- Dr.Cumar Axmed Wehliye. Xubin. 8- Sh.Khaliif Maxamuud Warsame. Xubin 9- Sh.Maxamuud Cabdi Ibraahim - Xubin 10- Sh. Axmed Cabdullaahi Xuseen. Xubin 11- Dr.Cabdulqaadir Macalli Geeddi- Xubin. 12- Jen.Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib - Xubin. 13- Sh.C/karim Sheekh Ibraahim. - Xubin 14- Sh.Axmed Cabdullaahi - Xubin. 15- Sh.Maxamed Diiriye Sabriye - Xubin 16- Dr.Axmed Cabdi Aadan. -Xubin.
  21. MMA - Indhacadde is the man! he did great job for Somali people and he deserves to be named after streets, schools and so on. I love that man. He is the real "hollyfield" deal
  22. Those of you who used to live "Sheikh Yusuf" ? c'mon you mean Sheikh Suufi? cayaal gobol waaxid!! No one is happy with people dying but Xamar got to have only one BOSS! No more warlords!! No more warlords...Somalia is gonna be warlord-free! Inshallah!!
  23. Get rid of Adde Musse soon. let us crown Indhacadde as the de-facto ruler of Puntland! Let us see how "reer tolkeey react" cos that is all they could do now. Just talk. The clan cheerleaders waxeey ku soo hartay tabartoodii ineey sidii islaamihii garoobadda ahaa meelaha iska calaacalaan oo iska caaytamaan!!
  24. Indhacadde is a true Somali hero. We salute him and he deserves not only to rule Shabeelle where he is born and bred ( Qoryooleey) but to rule and occupy all Somalia. He will be soon crowned the de-facto ruler of Puntland.
  25. Now that the coward warlord Abdi-Qaydiid is finished for good, captured, injured and defeated, we expect the courageous Islamic liberators to keep on with the mission of cleaning Somalia off warlords. The next one on the list is Hussein Aideed, then Warlord Caasho Yuusuf ( I am sure she is pissing off her panties and is about to cry to her Husband-pimp Melez Zenawi). The remaining warlords should surrender now or ...we will eliminate and finish them for good. Warlords leave Somalia or surrender or pay the price. NO MORE WARLORDS... This is OLOL from the frontlines - Sei Piano Jaziira Bar , Ospedale Banadir, Gaheyr, Siliga Americanka, Medina Hospital, Digfeer, Siinka Dheer...are all free of the hands of warlords. (PS. respect to Osman Ato. Smart warlord, a true maverick and chameleon for surrendering and keeping inline with ICU edicts.)