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Everything posted by M-tz
The good ones have gone Gar-dheere. The rest are ..half Snoppy Dogg wannabes and half are confused between jaad/garaabo chewing and cafe shops with qabiil-talk day in day out!! My lil advise ..visit your local masjid!! M-tz
Walaahi people Never learn their mistakes!! I tried to read your posts to find if anyone of you guys here learned something when you left Somalia!! All i hear is let's fight back...revenge,form Terror groups,Torture some individuals! Some of you are complaining that one member called Somalis weak and their blood boiled to the boiling point!! Violence is what you're preaching!! What burned down and raped to death the islamic nation once called Somalia??? Ok! let's say you go ahead and form those terror groups! And they start killing some people! What did you achieve as a community?? More hatred between communities,right? More suffering,more destraction!! And believe me more somali youth will be looked as "crimianls or gangbangers" in every way!! Just look what kind of steriotype black kids got in America!! Telling somali youth to arm themselves and form mafia groups will only destroy their future in the new land!! Learn from your mistakes!! Ain't we the ones who show everybody that we are the "best" muslims by all those outfits we put on everyday?? Where are they the somali sheekhs?? Why can't you organize something positive togather with other communities in order to stop this madness!! Where is the Islamic teachings that we are so damn proud of??? We keep telling everybody that Islam is a religion of peace but we are the ones who run like a bunch of wild beasts without thinking the consequences of our actions!!! Teach PEACE the true way of Islam and not ONLY violence FOR ALLAH's SAKE!! Show the difference between a MUSLIM and NonMuslim! If you don't then no one will defferentiate who are the muslims and who are not!! Islam is for peace so let peace and positive thinking be part of your life!! ..and to be a peaceful community doesn't mean we're cowards!! M-tz
Kool_Kat ... ."Now let me ask one thing...I've always wanted to ask this and I don't see it anyone's turn offs... Ok to da fellas... Does a woman who is more educated or makes more money than you turns you off? Be real!!!" I love a chick that can feed me!! So i'll let you work and i'll just chill. How about that?? Seriously...I love a girl who can challenge me mentaly with reason and logic!! But not stubborns or the talkactive ones!! Hey... Hate those with heavy makeups and fake TIMO DHEER!! M-tz
The brotha is not saying that Somalis should HATE all Arabs... But! .."Get-our-priorities-straight" Take what's good and leave the crap behind in the west! Take the moment to Be an opportunist and let them call us whatever they want to! ...."plus we have to take into consideration the fact that islam and christianity have allways been at a collision course since the begining of time." That's something we can't avoid,but try to live in harmony with our neighbors ..."if you want to takl about war blame it on arabs cause they are the reason that live is difficult for every muslim today in a western country.it's because of them that before you were just an african and everyone loved you,and now you are a threat." True! True brotha! They blow themselves up into pieces and they call that Islam! While the Quran is clear that suicide is HARAAM! One member here is crying that he/she will not support Israel cause they're killing Palestinians!! What about Egypt?? An arab nation that has very close ties with Israel!!...How many of them got good relations with the Zionist nation?? I know somalis have this kinda mentality that we have to wait UNTILL all the arab nations recognizes Israel first!! This is "my-master-first-then-me-last mentality!! The world is getting so complicated that ..there're no longer Daaru-islam or Daarul-kufur! We got peace of mind in daarul-kufur than Daarul-islam!! It's not about hate towards the arabs but to get OUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!! Nothing more nothing less! M-tz
The answer is ...the whites are less than 10% of world's population and they are demising slowly! By the year 2050 the world will be ful of people of color!(UN-report) Figure it out now....why the population control-crap became the big issue in the west! Now if you're a white person...You must have some sleepless nights,right?? M-tz
It's simply! We're witnessing THE TIME when the WISEMAN is considered as a MADMAN! ..and a lowlife as a wiseman!! Welcome to Akhir-zamaan in action!