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Everything posted by Pacifist

  1. PSP MY collegue is a tech chunky and he got it last week. Pretty nice thing but for the games $40 i think is a bit expensive. The little mini dickettes cool. I think u can watch movies, games and music . Its kinda like the portable dvd players but a bit smaller and nicer. For $250 and then $40 buck per game is a bit to much for me. BUt hey if its free why the heck not. I can see myself with one of those in the airplane flying back to the motherland with it.
  2. Originally posted by BOB: quote:Originally posted by Pacifist: Yeah baby I see my Team is Rocking the boat. They have Kalusha One Zambia One Nation I also hope the Bfana Bfana rise too Sister Pacifist, I admire your enthusiasm and I respect your patriotism but realistically speaking we both know that Chipolopolo got a very slim chance of qualifying for the 2006 World Cup in Germany considering for the fact that they are in a same group with Teranga Lions (Senegal) and they still have to go to Dakar to play against them and I am sure King Kalu (Kalusha Bwalya) knows this too other wise he wouldn't have told an African Soccer magazine that his main target is 2010 World Cup in South Africa and I am sure the current players would be mature by then and be ready for any team they come against. and as for Bafana Bafana their fate is in their hands and I wouldn't bet against them because the Lady Luck seems to be smiling at them shamelessly as the results keep going their way and Ghana keeps dropping points and I must admit that Uganda didn't deserve to lose to S.A on saturday and if it wasn't for that dubious penalty the Nigerian referee awarded them which was absolutely harsh on the poor Ugandans as there was no foul whatsoever i am sure the game would have ended in a stalemate as S.A palyed poorly but credit must go to Quinton Fortune for keeping his composure after standing over the ball for more than 3 minutes as the Ugandan players were protesting the decision. by the way Ivory Coast won 3-0 against Benin and yep you guessed it, Didier "The Monster" Drogba scored brace to keep his country on course. I don't know how many of you have seen the Ivorians in action but believe me they are the most impressive team in Africa right now and everybody in here (Africa) is raving about them simply because they are an outstanding team and the reason why I believe they will qualify for the world cup is because both Cameroon and Libya will have to go to Abidjan and like Didier Drogba said "WE WILL BEAT INDOMITABLE LIONS IN ABIDJAN" and who can argue with you when you are the most feared striker in AFRICA? Peace, Love & Unity. Very true Bob.... 2010 it is but for 2006 hey we can only dream can't we....time will tell.. Keep me updated here in the US hate it they never show african games....Internet is the only source.
  3. Eman abayo welcome to sol family first and I like what u said very true. I hope ur stay with us will be pleasant
  4. Originally posted by raula: Pacifist-Botti on " when I fall in love " -mama mia and you finish the night away with Kenny G's - At last..the Duets album ..-boy are you gonna go nuts in your world Definately yes... I don't think I can find anything else that can top those two for me. Botti will be in my state but like a city five hours away am contemplating to drive that five hours or not..... Will see though.... Fine sista if u want a album try Chris botti u can listen to his songs AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  5. Allahamdulilah am feeling happy today..What a progressive day for me. I managed to get into my Fabulous Internship. Secondly I met so many people with great opportunity at the state capitol today. Well tomorrow morning have breakfast meeting with SA ambassador. I am so close to getting that perfect job I always dreamed about. but on the other side I feel sad because my sis and bro are sick have been sick for a week. And selfish me didn't even know. Allahmdulilah though if its not my personal life its my family vice versa Allah help me 10.15pm
  6. Thanks hon U know life is all about living experiences and learning from them. Well I learned my lesson. It just makes me stronger
  7. Am a big fan of Miles Davis, Nina Simone, Elle Fitzgerald and Norah Jones ohh Chieli Minucci. But lately I can't get enough of Chris Botti damn his good. When I fall in love, this song is very trenscending, deep and I feel like am in Cloud nine. I got it as a gift last year and I take with me every where.... CHRIS BOTTI ROCKS. Kenny G Too
  8. Girl a friendly advise keep the H#LL away and don't even try to get in between this drama. Gosh this same scenerio happened to me a couple months back I found out this dude was playing two very close friends of mine. Well when I told them it blew up on my face. A lesson learned don't ever open your mouth. Like they say in somali saying You are not sure about your sister so don't ruin things with your brother in law. Let them learn the ways of life.
  9. Yeah baby I see my Team is Rocking the boat. They have Kalusha One Zambia One Nation I also hope the Bfana Bfana rise too
  10. Originally posted by GuinaVere: Well am feeling happy today. Alhamdulilah but the weather here in Joeburg is crappy and gloomy. Me and my cous were trying to go out earlier today for a stroll in the city but it kept raining. May be tomorrow. If the damn girl Hasna or her so called other name Pacifist see's this ewe we been trying to call you but u freaking don't ever answer ur celly. Calls us Na and me wanna talk to you. Oky u really pissing us off. Damn go get a calling card :mad: Oky girl sorry but we miss u back home and its a damn sad that i have to post something on here for u to call us..... If u see this call usssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :confused: ohh yeah hasna guess who is getting married this summer not me hint hint kafue river u won't believe to who Salaam and why in the heck would I call you knuckleheads while I was on my spring break... Seriously though I left a message in Na mobile.... And yeah I already know they called to tell me the splendid news eat your heart out Guina U such a chikal chobe hehe don't laugh at my Nyan... Anyways u must be desperado to talk if you posting on SOl to search for me...ohh did I forget Mr.Groom and his Bride are sending me a ticket for the wedding again eat your heart out U devil. Naya I know u hate the word Naya again ohh wee am in a splendid mood today dear so I will call u when its 2am for me and its 11am for you oky answer ur cheap mobile. Ewe Sinifuna yenda Mwila... I sent your samwenda DHL arrs tuesday.. Cheers I miss yoll too...
  11. For the students now Have you heard of Scholarships...Tons of freebies out there. or org is it don't remember. I have been working fulltime ever since my freshman year in college. I pay cash for my junior college from my fulltime job. All my credit cards are in two pieces. Lets remember though they have interest and its harm. Except for the Citi ones that have 0%. Don't take loans make it your last option if none. If you are buried in debt try Credit counselors ..... They will cut your debt in half...Except for students loans, But credit cards and such they do a very good job I heard.. In the summer instead of going on vacations and stacking up on more debt get a second job. Pay it off. Be smart every paycheck you get put at least $50 or more aside. Put them on to CD's. Thats all I can think of now.
  12. CAIR SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM CAIR is seeking applicants for its summer internship program. The program is open to Muslim 18 years and older and has legal status in US to receive monthly stipend. This Internship program is specially designed for College and University students. CAIR's internship program provides first hand experience and training in Community Outreach and Chapter Development, Governmental Relations, Lobbying, Public and Media Relations, Legal and Civil Rights, Research and Leadership Training. Activities included research, organizing grassroots activities, writing information guides and pamphlets and learning the art of effective media and public relations. CAIR Interns work with skilled and dedicated mentors to gain first-hand experience on the "front lines" of CAIR’s work. The application deadline is April 30, 2005. Interested and qualified applicants should go to our website at to download the application and information package or call 202 488 8787 or email I have friends who did it last summer and they recommend it alot. Also it will be in Washington DC
  13. salaam Congratulations to you. This website might be helpful to you. they also will give you meanings .
  14. I checked my home phone and they have it but my address is wrong and they have some white dudes name Good info Bashi
  15. Ren tin tin----Since you preach to us about our religion. I think its time for you to practice what you preach. Where is the love for your people. Dude everyone in this world has good and bad people. You yourself is not perfecto kapish. So Grow up and act like an Odeey with Khamis and bakoorad..ohhh kuufiyad kaba... nin qoob ah iska diig ...wa ku siida Your sister in islam loves you okay don't hate me...
  16. George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788–1824) When We Two Parted When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this. The dew of the morning Sunk chill on my brow— It felt like the warning Of what I feel now. Thy vows are all broken, And light is thy fame; I hear thy name spoken, And share in its shame. They name thee before me, A knell to mine ear; A shudder comes o'er me— Why wert thou so dear? They know not I knew thee, Who knew thee too well— Long, long shall I rue thee, To deeply to tell. In secret we met— In silence I grieve, That thy heart could forget, Thy spirit deceive. If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee?— With silence and tears.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^Nuune walaal am soooo sorry that happened to you.. So what did you do watermelon did you leave the country or what..... Here is a tissue...... Its oky
  18. I feel like am watching a Shahrukan and Rani Movie.....Ohh I forgot whose the other girl none other than Preity Zeinta....Hindi Movie Okay Cute Girl I trully believe that if two people are meant for each other no matter what they have gone throught. It will happen..... Another question to ask yourself is are you fully certain that he is the one then be honest with him know am sorry i hurt you this is how i feel...but make sure that if you do get a negative on it that you can live with outcome. Hey you only live once if you are sure and very certain then go for it and so you don't wonder regret that you never shared your feelings. Make sure that you are ready for the outcome good or bad....I hope all the best for you.
  19. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ U sure are judging all the molendos. Dude 95% of them come on....Brother give people benefit of the doubt. Also stating their women are gold diggers..... Stereotyping is sure a bad disease try to stay away from it sisterly advise. Ofcourse that is what you believe but you can't judge all or some books by their covers. OHh by the way am not a Walendo or Mulendo as they say..... but surely a Pacifist.
  20. I really appreciate your response on this particular thread. Exactly that is what I was asking if the trc would work for us. quote ---I was prompted by your second reply to your own thread, it’s the sole reason that I am replying this topic. Cuz, any form Of news clips, editorialized paper or Online like this forum, when the subject of Somalia’s future surfaces, I have noticed Majority of reasonable Somalis tend to ignore, as if all hopes faded away. ---------------------------------------------- I have noticed that too I bet if it was some warlord bashing thread it would def be popular but no harm done.. quote -------------------------------------At the transitional government, they have divided power at 4.5% along clan lines, which made near perfect government sharing of its people, but with the horror twist of Qabiil politics. And since the 270 parliament and its ministers consist of virtually every warlord in Somalia….why on earth a foreign troops are needed?, who are they to disarm? Virtually every militia has its leader in this government from the bottom up. What defies logic is, a foreign government has to came in and forcefully disarm a militia that has its leader sitting in the government, clearly there are players in here who are perpetuating more atrocities to came in Somalia. It’s an other layer that makes an average free thinking Somali Question, what have we learned from 15 years of severing. The world is moving faster pace then it ever has, and Somalia is in the hands of feeble-minded thugs, and worst yet they are not even able to disarm themselves, I say lets get ready for an other 15 years. ------------------------------------------------- somali politics are def dirty and it can definately make you lose hope but we have to struggle and not lose site of the what we can achieve if we really try. Am a dreamer.. quote ------------------------------------------------- I believe the TRC might not apply to the Somali way of conflict resolution; TRC could be applied to more classic conflict resolution. Contrary to many other conflicts, the Somali tribal wars are unique and dirty. For an optimist every seemingly single forward step in the Somali conflict, the progress takes 2 steps back, One clan’s mortal enemy chances as fast as its tyrannical warlord finds different and more lethal ways to gain richness. Since, the start of this bloody civil war dozens of clans have became friends, foes and then friends ------------------------------------------------- this was what I was asking my fellow nomads thanks you I see the other side of this now quote -------------------------------------------------TRC might work when the atrocities committed are b/t two tribes like the case of Rwanda(Hutu & Tutsi) or two countries. But in Somalis case where it involves multiple clans and sub-clans, setting up Tribunal for seeking truth in Somalia might Prompt fresh negative energy that does more harm then good. I believe it makes the process more complex and create more resentment then reconciliation. Also, for us it will surely open more wounds for the victim and never protect the accused aggressor, it will only harden the mistrust, and hatred among people. So instead of the TRC, I would say the “Somali Forgiveness Committee†or SFC, where any two clans that had a direct fighting, sit down each other and ask for forgiveness among their Somali brethrens. Ooops, I hope the SFC abbreviation is not used by a warlord. ------------------------------------------------ that is a good idea but I think if you look it in a way you have a point but i thought it would help in a therapeutic way for them to release feelings but I understand. So how would we go about forming the SFC? I took a course with for this sole reason. The conflict resolution, research and resource Institute Inc. It was called the pursuit of promises. The problems was when the Professor gave us the readings. Can you imagine they had every conflict in the world and how it was dealt with. And if it wasn't dealt with or didn't come to a conclusion they said it in the reading. Also it was all up to date even the Kosova conflict. The most dissapointing thing was Somalia wasn't one of the countries. When I ask the instructor He said that Somalia's problem was beyond us. Any ways I urge the instructor to make Somalia the topic of the whole class. We had the warlords, Tng ETC and we were debating on how we can come to negotions with each other. We came to a resolution but what the instructor told me was It would never work in real life because we the somali people were way divided. He is actually doing Negtiations in Darfur crisis at the moment. I got to run but will respond more to you. Thanks Caveman and totti
  21. Am big on conspiracies..
  22. Alle Ubaahne instead of pointing fingers exactly what we somali people are good at why don't you yourself start the revolution. Don't just do the talk act on it. Lets see the action. YOu get my flow.
  23. thanks Totti I agree with you that we are all aware of the truth, but my point is coming from is our children or their childrens need to know of the history and the actual incidents that happened in our country. So that it is not forgotten. We have to learn from our past to progress in the future. I too think if the Afrikaans and the Safricans can live in peace so can we. Thanks for your import brother Totti