Taako Man

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Everything posted by Taako Man

  1. LOOOL at Butland. What do I and puntland have to do with this disscussion? You are turning this into a clannish argument now. Anyhow, Riyaale rigs elections. Do you think he will allow a woman to win an election, since he released this same lady. Correct? He will be the president for years to come. Your argument about her being a wife of the former leader is basically saying she is popular by association? That is not how you want to build a base. You want to build on merit. She has done great things. But in the political sphere will be eaten up when she needs support of the average faraax. The average faraax cannot call a lady madaxweyne. Whether the average citizen of the Northwest is 'above average' or not, the fact that ther hasn't been a vice president female means its highly unlikely for a female pres.
  2. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: he is the prime minister for God sake. Isku xeshooda! Who else but Somalis would question their head of government for being able to buy a house?
  3. Jaylaani Firstly, I vote in the nation I am located in. Don't know what you are on about. Secondly, you are talking about american rigged elections and saying that Riyaale didn't rig the last election and will not rig the next one? You are a funny cat.
  4. ^ Foreign culture to whom? I vote in my local/provincial/federal elections. Anywho lets wait and see. You keep talking. But for 16 years no lady has held neither one of the top two positions. If America the great can't accept woman don't tell me people who kill each other for grazing grounds could? Give me a break saxiib.
  5. ^ Whatever you say sxb. When I see 'Edna' at the top then you can say that. However the day that happens is the day I quit Somali politics. If america ain't ready for a woman, sure as hell ain't no somali ready.
  6. ^ Whatever you say sxb. When I see 'Edna' at the top then you can say that. However the day that happens is the day I quit Somali politics. If america ain't ready for a woman, sure as hell ain't no somali ready.
  7. Hey ask the average somali male and they will tell you what they think of Somali women and politics.
  8. ^ Hiraan online is reliable about hiraan related news but Puntland media are not about puntland related news eh? Ironic.
  9. She's done a lot of great work. But are somalis really ready for a female leader?
  10. MMA Is accusing Yey of nepotism? Geedi of clannishness? Weren't you on calacaal 101 when you were accusing abdullahi yusuf of clan nepotism? Are you going to accuse Farah liqanyo and Ambassador Ducaale to the UN of being from the same sub clan and holding the ambassadorships to the AU and UN respectively? Are you going to accuse everybody accept your arlaadi folk?
  11. My family met him in Jeddah last time they saw him in the mid ninties. He is a great president.
  12. ^ You are saying that reer puntland would not report something fairly but two regions with no reporters in garoowe are correct? Wow that must be true eh? Reer puntland are not savages. They don't descrete, kill, rape or maime individuals based on political ideology. Ofcourse there are sick individuals in all places. But it would have been reported by the international media and all somalis would know about this.Do 75 people go missing in a matter of minutes with nobody noticing (atleast locally)? Do you know how much International NGO's are based out of Garoowe? Do you know what this means? If this report ( It is a clan innuendo report) turns out to be baseless and false. Will you apologize on this website and never post clannish pieces?
  13. Funny that this is taking place in Garoowe, You know the fact that it's happening in the "capital" of Puntland means that this story is extremely fradualent. In Bossaso there are probably 100 times the residents of the clan in reference and this has not happened..... Another case of lies. Mujahid how come the only sources available are coming from Somaliland and Mogadishu based webpages and their source from a single entity?
  14. Originally posted by Muj. Red Sea: waagacusubonline@yahoo.com +2521-320000 Telcom Somalia +2521-5565600 Hormud Telecom [/QB] So the report you posted got there source presumably from wagaacusub who spills hate in their message at all times? How come Markaacadeey, Somaliweyn, and the local reports are not reporting this? I guess this is another try to make things look like an even keel situation. You know, If we do (drag, burn, mutilate, picture upon the dead) and they do, it must be fair right? Garoweonline.com ( The most anti Puntland websites and pro ICU websites, are still reer garoowe) and they still haven't reported this. Wagaacusub is filth, along with the other media that incites hatred.
  15. ^ Wagaacusub? Couldn't you atleast get one reer puntland souce? Namely the ones based out of Garoowe? Puntlandpost.com Wayaaha or even Garoowe online (Yes Garoowe Online)? There are thousands of Rer Mogadihsu in Bossaso alone. Many who live in IDP camps and inside of the city. The people of puntland or bossaso have had 16 year to burn, torture, mutilate, rape, and take pictures of the dead. They haven't done this nor will they. They don't stoop to savagery.
  16. ^ Hey sxb fight back and do as you must. That is all I am saying. But when reality sets in and supply lines are run dry (Like they are now) and they call for a 'ceasefire' to re up with ammo. Don't expect a rosy situation in which the TFG will sit idly and let them get more bullets and mortars. With that said I am gone.
  17. ^ Nobody will cry foul. But Karma is full circle as some of my indian friends say.
  18. You kill people and thats the end of it. You let there bodies rot on the side of the road you let them the scavenger birds feed off them. But you definetely do not Mutilate, spit on, take pictures of the dead in an unruly manner, and worst of all burn dead muslim bodies. There are etiquettes of war. Put 16 bullets in a persons body to make sure there dead, but why burn a human being? Does an islamic movement burn people? Qaadisiya labelled the pictures 'bakhti'. Is this really an islamic movement? Why negotiate with Ethiopians and say we are essentially cool with you MR Habeshi but we want the 'Puntlanders' gone. I guess islamic movements can become clan minded movements eh? Sickening indeed.
  19. Is a muslim resistance one in which muslims are mutilated, burnt, spat on and pictured on?
  20. AUB This goes beyond clan. It is a group of individuals trying to hold on to the last spoils of war aka the looted properties in Xamar.
  21. Press freedom is perfectly alright. Except in the case where media lies and distort truth and are inciting clan hatred.
  22. They are in "BOSSASO" ! They want to build a port in "GARACAD" ! "PUNTLAND PUNTLAND PUNTLAND"
  23. So this was not about jihad/islam/xaaq? It was a clan issue and they hate abdullahi yusuf for his clan? Weird.....
  24. Xabad joojin ay gaareen Beelaha ****** iyo saraakiisha Ethiopia Click here to find Shabelle news in English Mogadishu 23, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Odayaal Dhaqameedyo ka soo jeeda beelaha ****** iyo Saraakiil Sar sare oo Ethiopian ah ayaa waxaa ay heshiis ku gaareen sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaallada Ka socda Muqdisho, islamarkaana wada hadalo lagu dhameeyo khilaafka. Odayaasha beelaha ****** Kullan looga hadlayay sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaallada Ka aloolsan magaalada Muqdisho oo ay isugu yimaadeen odayaal dhaqameedyada beelaha ****** iyo saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda ethiopia ayaa waxa ay isla garteen in la joojiyo dirirta. Nabadoon Max’ed Ibraahim Aadan oo ka mid ah odayashii Shalay kullanka Saraakiisha Ethiopia la yeeshay ayaa waxaa uu sheegey in islamaantaba la kala qaadayo ciidamada Is hor fadhiya, intaa ka dibna laga hadlayo sidii loo dhameyn lahaa khilaafaadyada ka dhex jira dowladda iyo Beesha ******. " Waxa ay noo sheegeen in ay noo ballan qaadeen saraakiisha Ethiopia in la qaado ciidamada dowladda ee dagaallada kula jira dhinaca kale ee ka soo horjeeda,waxaanna anagu ballan qaadney inaan qaadno ciidamada dhinaceena" ayuu hadalladiisa sii raaciyey Nabdoon Max’ed Ibraahim Aadan. Saraakiisha waxaa ay noo sheegeen buu yiri in waxa lala dagaallamayo ay yihiin Al Qacidda iyo Maxaakiim, laakiin ay iyagu diideen in waxa lala dagaallamaayo ay yihiin Alqacidda balse ay yihin Beel taasoo ah Beesha ****** ayuu hadaladiisa siiraaciyay nabadoonka. Nabadoon Max’ed waxaa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Dhamaan Qeybaha kala duwan ee Beelaha ****** ay ka soo hor jeedaan Nidaamka madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yusuf,islamarkaana ay Beeshu ogal yihiin in ay ka dhintaan inta ay raaci lahaayeen nidaamkaasi ayuu tilmaamay Nabadoonku in ay u sheegeen Saraakiishii Ethiopianka ahaa ee ay la kulmeen. Arintaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmatay xilli dagaalo qaraar oo ka socday labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay magaalada Muqdisho ay galaafteen nolosha dad kor u dhaafaya 30 halka tiro ku dhow 120 kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen, kuwaasi oo u badan dad rayid ah. Shabelle Media Network Somalia
  25. Pi Caano Geel or Catalyst? They are muslims sxb. Stop the accusations sxb. The other three are something else. Pretty weird folk.