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Everything posted by Salahudin

  1. Thanks for sharing is a very good reminder wallahi...."Naked, destitute, barefoot shepherds (Arabs) will compete in building tall buildings." Anyone recently been to UAE?
  2. I encourage all of u to watch this series... I cried watching it...
  3. Adiga u see everything through the lens of qabil...u neen help...
  4. This is a crucial time for the country GUYS, and having incompetent prime minister in the office is no laughing matter...
  5. Hurdayow hargalay weeyee hurdada katoos...LOL
  6. Would be glad if someone could translate what the sheikh said into somali or english...
  7. Munaafaq nimada jooji, warya...few days ago, the governor stated that some of the trouble makers in garisa are the local boys that were recruited into the jubaland/azenia army. He said that these boys changed their mind n no longer wanted to fight for the jubaland army. so the boys came back to garisa n are cousing trouble since there are no jobs for them whereas the moryaan leader aka xaad made the bacaaaac statement today.
  8. Stop trashing the site, dude...these scripts are diminishing the quality of this site wallahi
  9. Kismaayo oo aan wax xabad ahi ka dhicin ayaa la shaaciyey dagaalbaa ka dhacay, maxay tahay sababtu Koox hubeysan oo la xaqiijiyey in lagasoo abaabuley Muqdisho ayaa isku dayey iney amaanka Kismaayo khalkhal galiyaan, balse Ciidanka Amaanka ayaa ka hortagey, waxaana la xaqiijiyey in kooxdii ay si iskood ah usoo wareejiyeen hubkii, iyadoon wax xabad ahi aysan magalada ka dhicin. Maanta waxaa saxaafad muqdisho qaarkood baahiyeen in Kismaayo dagaal culus ka dhacay, sida warar hoose ay Puntlandi ka heleen wararkaan waxaa ka dambeyey in la baahiyo oo lacag ku baxshey dad u shaqeeya Villa Somalia, kuwasoo xoogaa lacag ah siiyey dadka Internetka wax ku qora. Ujeedada ugu weyn ee laga lahaa baahinta warkaan ayaa ahayd in lagu kiciyo mid kamid ah beelahaa deegaanka kuwasoo. Maleeshiyaadka isku dayey iney khalkhal galiyaan amaanka Kismaayo ayaa dhamaantood la qabtey. Sida muuqata Dowlada Federaalku waxay ku guul dareysatey iney ku lug yeeshaan Maamulka loo sameynayo jubooyinka iyo Gedo, inkastoo Raysal wasaare Saacid uu hoosta ka xariiqey in Arimaha Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka uu ku qanav san yahay, hadana Madaxweynsha ayaa si kulul ugasoo horjeeda Maamul loo sameeyo Jubooyinka iyo Gedo. Kismaayo
  10. Lol@caluusha...r u say wallahi generation assuming calool xanuun ayad heesata lol
  11. Malika...It was the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him that said he looked into hell and saw that the majority of its people are women
  12. Dhurwaaga aamusan iyo kan ciya waxaa daran kan aamusan! women like silent and reserved type, not the class clown...And yes, men lie abt having sex lol
  13. Abigiis...for healthy man, craving sex with newer and younger women is normal...As stoic stated, you have a plenty of time to go to bed with as many women as you want. And it should be easier now that you know telling a joke isn't the secret to bedding women.
  14. A gathering of anarchist...let me guess...they r against maamul, nidaam iyo kala danbeen..were u there oba?
  15. Abo...r u going to be his interpreter since the classes are offered in english...
  17. Abwaan...let me guess... r u criticising the gud professor for opossing anarchism...or u calling him xoolo because of his strong opinion about abdiqasim, indhacade et al...