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I want to buy books about the Ethio-Somali war in 1978. Perhaps someone could help me.
There are those who contend that the 1977/78 war was disastrous for Somalia . I agree that Siad Barre's government fell short of attaining its objective at monumental costs. Some would say it was simply a costly misadventure which led to Somalia 's own destruction. I beg to differ. Whilst we were succeeding at the battle front we were failing dismally at the diplomatic front, and the forces which were arrayed against us and drove us out of the territory we liberated were but the manifestation of a tragic diplomatic failure. Our policymakers were soldiers who thought that in war only military hardware and military thinking mattered. But, surprisingly, that war brought Ethiopians and Somalis closer to each other http://wardheernews.com/articles/July/7_Somalia%20 &%20Ethiopia_Geeldoon.htm A video about the war in 1977. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=bWTuvwgWmow
http://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php?i dx=7206 During the ****** War the Soviet Union (once an ally of Somalia) and Cuba helped Ethiopia to defeat Somalia because at one point Ethiopia could only control 10% of Eastern Ethiopia in the ****** region
An article: http://dare.uva.nl/document/65588
The War in 1977 http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA264860& Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf Soviet support enabled Ethiopia to defeat Somali aggression and sent half a million refugees and guerrillas back across the Somalia border, many carrying modern weapons. 3 The ****** defeat unleashed serious domestic discontent against Siad Barre, who turned to the United States for help. The U.S.A. supported him until 1990,
An interesting article about the war and the somali future. http://www.globalaffairs.es/Noticia-pdf-334.html
An article about the war. http://www.onwar.com/aced/data/oscar/******1976.ht m
Horn of Africa: AIAI or Al Ittihad was defeated by Ethiopia in 1997.
But I have to say something Ethiopia defeated Somalia because Ethiopia had cuban and russian support without this help,Somalia could win the war.
Well the armies which beaten Somalia were 3:Ethiopian,Cubans and Yemenis.The russians only sent advisers. Dont forget the israeli(Israel) pilots who destroyed many somali migs. Look at this article about the war: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_188.sht ml
Hi Geel. Geel that Cuba did NOT beat Somalia in that war Well that is false,Somalia was defeated by Russia,Cuba,Ethiopia and Yemen in 1978,everybody knows that,please check out the opinion of Abdi Samantar about the outcome of the war.It is above. Geel do you think that Cuba could have stood up against the might of the Somali national army without hiding behind the skirts of mother Russia Well I dont know that,perhaps Somalia could win the war or perhaps Somalia could lose it,I dont know that. But the reality was the next one:Somalia was defeated by Ethiopia and it had Russian,Cuban and South Yemen support,period. That is the reality and you have to accept it,because nobody can change the history,even God.
Red Sea That my friend cannot be said was a military defeat Well,perhaps Somalia defeated Ethiopia in 1977 but the things changed in 1978,When Mengistu received cuban and russian help,somali army was not match for those countries. Look at this somali writer: http://wardheernews.com/articles/june/7_somali%20h istory_Geeldoon.htm After our defeat – we prefer to call it withdrawal – an Ethiopian colleague said to me jokingly, “ Ismail, we taught you Somalis a lesson” and I replied to him, also jokingly, “Yes, but the lesson was in Russian, not in Amharic”. He looked at me and simply walked away. I like this sentence: "Yes, but the lesson was in Russian, not in Amharic”. He forgot something,the lesson was in russian and spanish. Another somali source: http://wardheernews.com/articles_07/June/17_Glory_ to_Gloom_Osman_Hassan.html It was this embargo, more than anything else, and the shipment of billions of dollars worth of Soviet arms s to Ethiopia, together with over 40,000 Cuban soldiers, that overwhelmingly tipped the balance of power in Ethiopia’s favour. That reality persuaded Siyad Barre to cut his losses and withdraw his army from the ****** or face a certain defeat entailing incalculable consequences was certainly a political defeat for Somalia to the extent that it was not able to hold on to the territory in the face of the overwhelming military odds it faced. Ethiopia did not defeat the Somali army in any battle but recovered the territory on the back of the massive military help from USSR and its Cuban ally, and to the concomitant arms embargo imposed on Somalia.
Ok thanks you very much for the answer but let me show you the opinion of a somali writer Abdi Samantar about the war in 1977. The article is very interesting: http://digitalcommons.macalester.edu/cgi/viewconte nt.cgi?article=1045&context=bildhaan The liberation movement in Somali Ethiopia reached it zenith in 1977–78, when the military government in Mogadishu committed its forces to “assist” the struggle. The liberation movement had no autonomy from the Somali national army in this effort. Nonetheless, the Somali Ethiopian population supported the war despite the stranglehold. Somali successes were temporary once the Soviet, Cuban, and Yemeni contingents intervened and helped Ethiopian troops beat the Somali army. This defeat was catastrophic for Somalia and the liberation movement. In Somalia an armed political power struggle among the elite ensued, culminating in the state’s collapse and in the country’s disintegration in 1991.
Well Siad Barre was the man who destroyed Somalia in 1991,he was defeated by Russia and Ethiopia in 1978 and that disaster was the begining of the end for somali nation.
I dont speak somali,so talk to me in English.