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Posts posted by Muhammad

  1. Greetings Nur & Lucky


    you both got some part of the answers


    1. The Emir's name was Mahmood Saifuddin Qutz (Nur)


    2. The battle took place at Friday 25th Ramadhan 658 AH (september 1260 AD) in Ain Jaloot - Palestine.(Lucky)


    3. The Leader of the Mongols was Kedbuqa (Hulego Khan heir to Genghis Khan)(Lucky)



    ps. Lucky Baybars did take part in this battle and he was commanding the right-wing of the Muslim army, but he wasn't the Amir. Qudz and Baybars did live in the same house when they where young and slaves in Syria, but they later met in Egypt where they joined the Muslim, Qutz became one of the bodyguards of the Sultan of Egypt, the crusaders attacked egypt, the sultan and the muslim army went to face them, both Qutz and Baybars went with him.


    The sultan died before they deafeted the crusaders. The muslims defeated the Crusaders and went back to Egypt. When the son of the Sultan, who lacked experience, was asked to step down and let Qutz became the Sultan of Egypt, he accepted. Then Qutz lead the Muslim army towards the Mongols who where headed for Jeruselam from Syria. The two armies met in Ain Jaloot and there the Mongols where defeated.



    Bro Nur - I think the girl was his cousin, she was the daughter of the Sultan of the Khwarazmshahs and Quz mother was the sister of the Sultan. - Insha'Allah I'll check on this.


    Next Qustion » who wants to ask?

  2. » Asalamu Alaykum, Ramadan Kariim


    Alhamdulilah we are in the blessed month of Ramadan - the month when the faifhful compete for good deeds and Allah's pleasure.


    Some of the brothers and sisters have already started wonderful threads, with projects and missions to earn us good deeds in Ramadan.


    I wanted to open up this thread so we could learn more about our history and civilizations. It is very important for one to know his history, cause if one has no knowledge of what happened before him, he has no ambitions for the present or the future.


    so lets lear our Islamic History while also making it fun and enjoyable:


    » First someone will ask a question(s). Before you ask make sure you know the answer.


    » Then whoever knows the answer will post it. And then ask a new question.


    » In between questions we can discuss more and depate on the subject.



    So Insha'Allah I'll Ask the first Question(s):

    1. who was the Muslim Leader who was born a Prince - grew up aa Slave - Became a Sultan and defeated the Tartars(Mongols) and Died as a King?


    2. where and when did the battle against Tartars took place?


    3. who was leading the army of the Mongols?


    goog luck

    macasalaama - ramadaan kariim

  3. » Asalamu Alaykum, Ramadaan Kariim


    Masha'Allah brother Nur a great choice, Surah Al Ra'd is one of my most beloved Surahs.


    I am afraid I have many verses that I would like you to go over and share your knowledge with us:


    1. verse(1)


    A.L.M.R. - can you tell us more about it, Is it only Allah who knows its meanings or did the prophet know?


    2. verse(2)


    "Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see;.."


    I have read somewhere that Arabs at the time of the prophet believed that the mountains where holding up the sky.


    ".. He has subjected the sun and the moon! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed..."


    Now this is very interesting! and I'm sure all those who took Astronomy know why. This is excatly how Astronomers explain the Planetary Orbits around the Sun and the Moon's orbit around the earth.


    verse (3)


    "And it is He Who spread out the earth, and set thereon Mountains standing firm,.."


    This also relates to verse two, isn't it saying that the mountains are not pillars that hold up the heavens but they are actually holding down the earth.


    Also hence Mountains play a very important role and they protect the earth in may ways. And Mountains are not only what we see that are above sea-level - mountains also go deeper inside earth and most of the mountain is beneath sea-level. That is why folcanos usually come out of the mountains - thus the mountains let the earth breath in a way.





    At the end of both these two verses Allah(swt) says: "Behold, verily in these things there are Signs for those who consider!"(3) and "Behold, verily in these things there are Signs for those who understand!"(4)


    Is this an invitation for us to study and learn the sciences, because both of these verses discuss science, and I have seen many times in the Qur'an verses that end with that?



    4. verse(11)


    "For each (person) there are (angels) in succession, before and after him; they guard him by command of Allah."


    are these Angels different from the ones that are recording the deeds? And who are they guarding (us) from? shaydaan? do they also guard the kufar?


    "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.."


    could you please also explain this more - reflecting on our(somali and the ummah's) condition today. what 'with-in us' must we change?



    verse (12)


    "It is He Who doth show you the lightning, by way both of fear and hope.."


    I do understand how it shows fear but could you also explain how it shows hope.


    I don't know if this story is true, but I heard from a very faithful brother - that some Muslims who where getting ready for prayer at a Mosque one day. One of the them had little mental-illness. They where discussing politics and how the Kufar have Nukes and WBD while the Muslims only have stones. It was raining that day and suddently they all heard a loud Thunder-bolts and they all shook and Jumped up. The one with that had the mental problem didn't - he looked at them and said: "They (the kufar) may have nukes and WMD But Those (the Thunders) are our (weapons)."





    "Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the earth do prostrate themseves to Allah.."


    hmm.. get ready sci-fi fans. could there be other beings out there? or are there only angels?





    "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."


    nomads reflect on this verse carefully!



    verse (41)


    "See they not that We gradually reduce the land from its outlying borders?"


    can you touch on this also. is it refering to the rising of sea-level?



    Jazakallahu Khayr - I'm looking forward to reading your wisdom.


    Ramadan Kariim brothers/sisters and May Allah accept your fasting and dua. Amiin!


    (ps. sorry for any miss-spellings I had to write this in a short-time and couldn't double-check it)

  4. Mahathir dismisses US aid cut


    Tuesday 28 October 2003, 22:41 Makka Time, 19:41 GMT


    Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad has brushed off a US Senate decision to curb aid to his country owing to remarks he made about Jews.


    The Senate unanimously agreed on Monday to make $1.2 million in military training aid to Malaysia conditional on US Secretary of State Colin Powell being persuaded the southeast Asian country supports and promotes religious freedom, including for Jews.


    "It doesn't make any difference to us. We don't really need that money," Mahathir said on Tuesday at his office in the administrative capital, three days before he steps down after 22 years in power.


    Malaysia prides itself on being a peaceful multicultural nation, with a 60% Muslim majority and large non-Muslim Chinese and Indian minorities. The country has few Jews.



  5. Two Britons shot dead in Somalia


    :: Source : Guardian


    Simon Jeffery and agencies

    Tuesday October 21, 2003


    Two Britons were last night shot dead in Somalia, the Foreign Office said today.

    Police said that the pair, who were both teachers working for aid organisation, were killed by unidentified gunmen while they watched television in their sitting room in the school.


    According to police, the two were based in the breakaway republic of Somaliland, in north-west Somalia.


    A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that two British nationals had been shot and killed, but said no further details were available.


    Officials were in the process of informing the next of kin, the spokesman added.


    Earlier this month, an Italian doctor, Annalena Tonelli, was shot dead outside the charity tuberculosis hospital she ran in Somaliland.


    In a joint letter to the Guardian, Luciano Pavarotti, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and winners of the UN's Nansen Refugee Award, of which Dr Tonelli had been a recipient, called for greater protection for aid workers.


    "Contempt for human life in general, and for the lives of aid workers in particular, results inevitably in fewer and fewer individuals being prepared to do humanitarian work in the toughest areas of the world," they wrote.


    Somalia has been without an effective central government since long-time dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991 by rival warlords, who then fought for power.


    Much of the country was plunged into a long civil war. While enclaves such as Somaliland are more stable than the areas around the capital, Mogadishu, further south many Somalis continue to rely on charities and aid groups for health care and education.


    The Foreign Office advises against all travel to southern Somalia and parts of Somaliland.

  6. Father Of Bosnian Independence Alija Izetbegovic Dies



    "Death would come when Allah willed it, Izetbegovic had earlier said "


    :: Source:


    SARAJEVO, October 19 ( & News Agencies) - Alija Izetbegovic, former hero of Muslim resistance during the siege of Sarajevo who led his country to independence from communist Yugoslavia, died Sunday, October 19, at the age of 78.


    He was a devout Muslim who fought for the emancipation of his people within a multi-ethnic state, but never realized his dream of a reunified Bosnia, Agence France-Presse (AFP) said.


    "President Izetbegovic passed away," Sulejman Tihic, the Muslim member of Bosnia's presidency, told reporters gathered outside the Sarajevo hospital where Izetbegovic had been admitted last month with four broken ribs.


    Doctors said the cause of death was a "prolonged heart illness caused by a previous heart attack which further deteriorated due to a serial fracture of ribs.


    "Izetbegovic's heart stopped at 14.20 pm (1220 GMT)," said Amila Arslanagic, a doctor.


    She added that Izetbegovic was conscious until the moment of death and had brushed his teeth just 30 minutes before passing away.


    Bosnian television and radio stations interrupted their programming to announce the death of Izetbegovic.


    Izetbegovic long advocated a state in which ethnic Muslims, Croats and Serbs would fully enjoy their national and religious rights, denied in former communist Yugoslavia.


    But seven years after the 1992-1995 war, his country remains divided along ethnic lines and is struggling to recover.

    Key Figure


    "Izetbegovic's bravery was exemplified by the way he withstood the almost medieval siege of Sarajevo by Bosnian Serbs, Owen said."


    He was a key figure during the war in Bosnia when some 200,000 people died and more than two million were forced out of their homes.


    He won worldwide sympathy by running the government from sandbagged buildings during the three-and-a-half-year-long siege of Sarajevo by Bosnian Serbs, under constant threat from their artillery and sniper attacks.


    The short, blue-eyed Muslim walked to his office through the bombardment, believing, according to those who knew him, that death would come when Allah willed it.


    Together with the then Croatian president Franjo Tudjman and former Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic, Izetbegovic participated in marathon peace negotiations in the U.S. city of Dayton, Ohio, in November 1995 led by the U.S.-diplomat Richard Holbrooke. These resulted in a peace accord for Bosnia.


    The deal split the country into two highly-autonomous entities -- the Serbs' Republika Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation -- and brought in NATO-led peacekeepers to maintain security.


    "This is not a just peace, but it is more just than continuation of the war," Izetbegovic told his people after signing the accord:


    "In the situation as it is, and in the world as it is, a better peace could not be achieved."


    Izetbegovic said in an interview he considered his greatest achievement to be the fact that Bosnia never fell under Milosevic's regime.

    Tough But Honest

    "I think he was a very courageous man. When the history of Bosnia-Hercegovina is written, he will have a major role in it," said former Balkans peace broker David Owen.


    Owen, a former British foreign minister who was the European Community's peace envoy to the former Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1995, said that Izetbegovic, who died in a Sarajevo hospital aged 78, was tough but honest.


    "He personally played a major role in the creation of Bosnia-Hercegovina," said Owen.


    "I think he was a very brave leader. At one stage, the portion that his government controlled of Bosnia-Hercegovina was down to just over 10 percent," Owen recounted.


    Izetbegovic's bravery was exemplified by the way he withstood the "almost medieval siege" of Sarajevo by Bosnian Serbs, Owen said.


    Owen said that he found Izetbegovic relatively straightforward to deal with as he was one of the few Balkan leaders of the time who was not a former communist.


    "He wasn't easy. He was quite determined, but he was honest, within the constraints of the time," Owen said.


    "You did know, when you were dealing with him, that there was something different. He didn't espouse communist attitudes ... that made it much easier to deal with him.


    "He was tough, and for what he wanted and what was prepared to get, he was quite unscrupulous in some ways in getting what he needed, but he did it with an objective that was not a personal one. It was for the good of his country."


    In the postwar period Izetbegovic filled the Muslim seat in the tripartite presidency that also included a Croat and a Serb member.


    But in October 2000, his encroaching age and failing health forced him to step down from the presidency, after he was weakened by two heart attacks.


    In 2002, he also stepped down as head of his Muslim nationalist Party of Democratic Action (SDA), remaining its honorary president.


    He was fitted with a pacemaker by Slovenian cardiologists in 2002. Thereafter Izetbegovic rarely appeared in the media.



    His wartime charisma began to fade amid criticism that the country's economic situation was failing to improve leaving the country dependent on foreign aid.


    Bosnian Serbs also claimed Izetbegovic was responsible for "war crimes" committed by Muslim forces. They provided documents to the United Nations tribunal in The Hague in a bid to have him formally indicted, but the tribunal has yet to respond.


    The international community, deeply involved in the Bosnian peace process, also accused Izetbegovic's party, the SDA, of trying to dominate the multi-ethnic state.


    Meanwhile Izetbegovic said the international community had tried to reduce the influence of Muslims, who make up more than 40 percent of the country's population.


    Izetbegovic was twice jailed for a total of 12 years for his opposition to the communist regime in the former Yugoslavia.


    He was released in 1988 and less then a year later he co-founded the SDA, which won the 1990 elections along with Serb and Croat nationalist parties.


    After the elections, Izetbegovic was appointed Bosnia's president.


    In 1992, the country declared independence, following in the footsteps of Slovenia and Croatia, sparking the war with pro-Belgrade Bosnian Serbs.


    Izetbegovic, who like other Bosnian Muslims practiced a moderate form of Islam, said on many occasions he had never wished to create an Islamic state in Bosnia, stressing his ultimate support for a multi-ethnic country.


    Born on August 8, 1925 in the northeastern town of Bosanski Samac, Izetbegovic moved to Sarajevo with his family at the age of three.


    He was legal counsel to two Sarajevo firms before entering politics full-time in his mid-sixties.


    The fact that he was a newcomer to politics was seen by many as the reason for what was perceived as his indecisiveness and lack of diplomatic skills.


    Izetbegovic, reportedly separated from his wife, lived modestly. He had two daughters and a son.


    Huge Loss


    Sarajevo residents reacted with sadness to the news of Izetbegovic's death.


    "It is a huge loss for Bosnia-Herzegovina, he was the greatest man this country had," Osman Ibric, a pensioner, told AFP.


    "I just heard it. I am so sad," added a tearful Hadzira Cavcic.


    Reaction was much different, however, among Bosnia's Serb population."No Serb can feel sorry because he is dead. I am glad that he is gone," Mirko Savic told AFP in Pale, a Bosnian Serb wartime stronghold.


    "I am sorry that he escaped an indictment by The Hague tribunal," Ilic Dragoljub added.


    Since the end of Bosnia's war, experts from the Bosnian Muslim commission for missing people exhumed remains of 16,500 bodies from 273 mass graves.


    In October 2002, Bosnian and international forensic experts said they had completed the exhumation of what they described as the largest mass grave found in Bosnia since the country's 1992-95 war.

  7. Jews rule the world - Mahathir





    Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has called on Muslims to use brains as well as brawn to fight Jews who "rule the world".

    However, Dr Mahathir also called on Muslims to build their military might.


    "The Europeans killed six million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule this world by proxy... 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews," he said, speaking at the opening of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in the Malaysian administrative capital Putrajaya.


    Dr Mahathir, who is renowned for using such conferences to make scathing attacks on the West, bows out as prime minister in a week's time after a 22-year rule.


    Annan warning


    In contrast to Dr Mahathir's words, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan used his statement to the conference to warn of the growing gulf between Islam and the West.



    "There is, in too many places, a feeling of rising hostility between Islam and the West. This is ugly, dangerous and wrong," said the statement, delivered by the UN's special representative to Afghanistan, Lakhdar Brahimi.


    "There is nothing natural or inevitable about the sad state in which so much of the Islamic world finds itself today," he said.


    "The Muslim peoples are capable of much greater things and they know it," he said.


    Window of opportunity


    But Dr Mahathir's comments were uncompromising.


    "This tiny [Jewish] community has become a world power. We cannot fight them through brawn alone. We must use our brains as well," the prime minister said.


    He spoke of the futility of terrorism and the hopelessness of Palestinian armed resistance but demanded Muslims forge a greater unity.


    He said that 50 years of fighting had only worsened the situation for Palestinians and urged engagement in negotiations.


    "The Koran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True the treaty offered to us is not favourable. But we can negotiate - the Prophet did," he said.



    However, he also urged Muslims to match their religious studies with mathematics and science, because "we need guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defence".


    He told the conference that Jewish "arrogance" meant that they would "forget to think".


    "They are already beginning to make mistakes. And they will make more mistakes. There may be windows of opportunity for us now and in the future. We must seize these opportunities," he said.


    New challenges




    The OIC brings together 57 national leaders representing more than a billion Muslims worldwide.


    This week's conference is the first time the group has met since the 11 September attacks.


    The US-led war on terrorism is dominating the meeting's agenda.


    The leaders will also discuss their stance towards the American occupation of Iraq.

  8. The Horn of Africa


    CSC 1984


    SUBJECT AREA Strategic Issues





    Author: GOMEZ, Arthur, Major, USMC



    Title: The Horn of Africa



    Publisher: Marine Corps Command and Staff College



    Date: 2 April 1984


    Europeans had a legend of a powerful Christian king, called Prester John,


    who could aid them against the Moslems. When African traders brought back word


    of the existence of Ethiopia, the Europeans thought they had found John's king-


    dom. Portugal made attempts to contact the Ethiopians and set up diplomatic


    relations in 1509.(10) While the Portugese were looking for help against the


    Moslems, they ended up giving assistance as Ethiopia fought the Moslems.


    The Moslems of the Horn had a powerful leader, the Iman of Harar, Ahmed


    Ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, also called Ahmed "Gran" (the left handed), who was


    leading a jihad against Christian Ethiopia. He was a skillful military leader


    who also had the benefit of aid from Turkey in the form of troops and firearms.


    (11) The jihad was based on religion and on new Somali migrations which added


    population pressures to the Moslem kingdoms of the Horn. The Somalis provided


    the bulk of the Moslem army which was very successful as most of the central


    highlands were overrun, sacked, converted to Islam, or put to the sword. The


    jihad was only checked when the Portugese sent 400 musketeers, under the Dom


    Christopher da Gama, a son of Vasco da Gama, to aid the Ethiopians.
    In 1542,


    they helped the Ethiopians defeat Gran and forced him to retreat. Examples of


    the animosities of the war included da Gama claiming one of Ahmed's wives as a


    part of his share of the spoils of war. When Ahmed returned, he brought 900


    Moslem musketeers and more cannon and defeated the combined Christian armies.

    He also captured da Gama, had him tortured and then killed.
    Gran's victory was


    so complete, he thought the war was over and released his musketeers. The new


    Emperor, Galadewos, surprised Gran and forced a battle where Gran was killed


    and his army routed. Battles continued and saw a nephew of Gran defeat Gala-dewos in 1559. The nephew returned to Harar with a present for the widow of Gran, the head of Galadewos.(12)


    The importance of the jihad is summarized by Robert Gorman:


    Gran's jihad had two important long-term psychological effects.

    First, it reinforced the Abyssinian perception that Ethiopia was a

    "Christian island in an Islamic Sea," underscoring the religious

    nature of much of the conflict that had transpired on the Horn.

    Second, though ultimately unsuccessful, Gran is remembered among

    Somali as a folk hero and an archetypal national figure despite the

    ambiguity surrounding his ethnic origins.


    While one should not underestimate the significance of these

    psychological factors on the development of subsequent relations

    between Ethiopia and Somalia, a more tangible effect of Gran's

    exploits was the participation of Turks and other Arabs in the

    conquests. This fostered claims by Turkey, and later by Egypt, to

    both the Red Sea ports and much of what is now Eritrea. One can

    trace the causes of the current Eritrean succession back to these

    earlier historical developments.


    Finally, there is an eerie, although largely coincidental, re-

    semblance between the impact of foreign involvement during the Gran

    episode and the Ethiopian-Somali war of 1977/78. In each case the

    use of foreign mercenaries and equipment was decisisve to the out-

    come. Foreign influences from Gran, through the colonial era to

    Grazianni and beyond to the 1977 war, have greatly affected

    Ethiopian-Somali relations.(13)


    The battles ceased as both sides had to meet a greater challenge, a new


    migration by the Oromo. As the Somali expanded into the Horn, they pushed the


    Oromo out of their previous areas and set them in motion towards the interior.


    The Oromo movements overran some areas, bypassed strong resistance in others,


    and spread unevenly throughout the highlands.(14)


  9. Originally posted by Gediid:


    Originally posted by Conquest:

    do you guys know that the son of Vasko Da Gama, was leading the portugese army that come to the rescue of Ethiopia and defeated Ahmed Gurey and his Army?


    Think about that next time they teach you about Vasco Da Gama and his expeditions in school!


    strange that some years ago, I was big fan of the Brazilian soccer team, Vasko De Gama.


    Aqoonla'aani Waa Iftiin La'aan!

    It was actually Christopher Da Gama , Vasco Da Gama's brother who came to help the Ethiopians against Ahmed Gurey.However upon landing in Ethiopia half the army of 400 portugese soldiers and their leader Christopher Da Gama were ambushed by Ahmed Gurey and subsequently killed in the ensuing battle. So dhaweyn fiican dheh.
    Gediid, I believe Christophe was the son of Vasco, not his brother.



    see here:





    Insha'Allah I will try and find a better source.

  10. Fijians say sorry to eaten Briton's family




    The family of an English missionary who was eaten by Fijian tribes people 136 years ago are to receive an apology.

    According to local media, the remote village of Navatusila of Navosa on the Fijian island of Viti Levu has invited the descendants of the late Reverend Thomas Baker to visit next month.


    Reverend Baker, from the London Missionary Society, was killed and cooked by the people of Navatusila on 21 July, 1867, after he took a comb out of a chief's hair.


    It is forbidden to touch the head of a chief in Fiji.



    One villager who took part in the feast was quoted in contemporary accounts as saying "we ate everything but his boots". :eek: :D


    One of his boots is reportedly on display in the Fiji Museum.


    Fiji's Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase, is expected to attend the traditional apology.


    The Fiji Village website reported that the inhabitants of Navatusila believed they were suffering from a curse because of the actions of their forefathers.


    Reverend Baker is the only white man to have fallen victim to Fiji cannibals.


    Cannibalism died out in Fiji in the mid-19th Century with the end of warring and the acceptance of Christianity.

  11. check out this painting:




    "As we study the patriotic paintings, we find that the subject of warfare is often introduced as in all nations where warfare and patriotism seem inseparable. This is a painting of a Muslim warrior, Ahmed Gran, who was probably the fiercest Muslim warrior to battle the Christians in Ethiopia. He was a 16th Century warrior whose valor was undisputed and whose powers were said to be miraculous. He was impervious to bullets, and his huge sword could severe a tree. He was killed by a combined Portuguese-Ethiopian army.


    Portrayed in this painting, in the upper left-hand corner, are Portuguese soldiers with rifles, in modern uniforms, and Ethiopian soldiers with white headbands, sword fighting the Muslims who are in green. Also pictured is a tree which Ahmed Gran has sliced with his sword. He claimed bullets would not kill him. As you can see, there are bullet wounds and blood streaming from him. He was killed by the combined Portuguese-Ethiopian soldiers after he devastated much of the highlands of Ethiopia. He invaded several Ethiopian churches and subjected many of the Christian Ethiopians to indignities of all kind."





    Info on: Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey or Gran):


    If you want to read up on Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gran) start with the chronicle of his campaigns, Chihab ed-Din Ahmed ben Abd El-Qader (Arab Faqih) *Histoire de la Conquete de L'Abyssinie* (trans. Rene Basset), and with the most comprehensive study of the subject, Takla Tsadiq Makwariya's *YaGran Ahmad Warara* (Addis Ababa, 1966 E.C.). All accounts rely on Arab Faqih, but you might also look at Cerulli *Studi Etiopici: I. La Lingua e la Storia di Harar* (plus tons of articles published all over the place), Trimingham *Islam in Ethiopia* and Cuoq *L'Islam en Ethiopie*


    Dialog on Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gran) and Queen Gudit


    English: J.S., Islam of Ethiopia, 1952, pp.84-90.

  12. Originally posted by miz-unique:

    what is ss&h and what is sanag and suul :confused:



    SS&H = Sool, Sanaag & Hawd


    Sool and Sanaag are two regions in northern somalia, while Hawd(Haud)is part of the land Ethiopia occupies.





    Sool, Sanaag regions: look at north.





    Hawd region:]





    » Sanaag larger map: click here


    » Sool larger map: click here



    I hope this helps.


    for more info visit this site:



  13. OIC to give meritorious award to Malaysian PM

  2003-10-15 17:45:24


      PUTRAJAYA (Malaysia), Oct. 15 (Xinhuanet) -- The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) will give a meritorious award to Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamad for his contribution to the Islamic community.


      According to Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar, the award was proposed by Siera Lenone and it was approved unanimouslyby the organization.


      A certificate, to be given to the Malaysian prime minister during the 10th OIC Summit, which will be held here Thursday, saysthat all OIC leaders are "in recognition of his excellent, remarkable, and outstanding contribution to the social developmentof Malaysia and for his unflinching support and effective contribution to the objectives of the OIC."


      Mahathir, 77, will step down from his post at the end of the month after serving his country as prime minister for 22 years.


      Established in May 1971 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the OIC aimed to pool together the resources of Islamic countries in promoting their interests and to consolidate their efforts to speak with a single united voice in advancing the peace and security of the Muslim world. Enditem



    Source: Xinhua

  14. E9EC948B181B4CDB850E41570AA65385.jpg


    Wednesday 15 October 2003, 12:16 Makka Time, 9:16 GMT



    Four American guards were killed and one was injured when a landmine exploded next to a US diplomatic convoy in the Gaza Strip.


    Palestinian security sources said the blast occured shortly after 08:00 GMT as the convoy was travelling in the Beit Hanun area near the Erez border.


    Witnesses at the scene said a silver Cherokee jeep used by American diplomats was completely destroyed by the blast.


    However, American diplomatic sources confirmed US envoy John Wolf was not travelling in the convoy.


    Shortly after the attack Israeli forces backed by combat helicopters invaded the northern Gaza Strip.


    Israeli invasion


    The force penetrated 1.5km into the Beit Hanun region and headed towards the area in which the attack took place.


    Saeb Erekat, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, sent his condolences to the families of the US guards killed.


    Interviewed by Aljazeera, he condemned the explosion saying no Palestinian group would commit such an attack.


    “The US convoy included a group of US observers, not CIA members, who were observing events happening on the ground in the area, such as the implementation of the road map and the Israeli and Palestinian commitment towards it,” he said.


    “All Palestinian sides have sought the existence of international observation teams in the area. The Palestinian Authority presents a daily report to the observation teams on events happening on the ground.

    Disastrous consequences

    “The teams, in turn, observe the events and then present their reports to the US State Department, the White House, and the Quartet.”


    He added: “Such an incident will lead to disastrous consequences on the area, as Israel will have a justification to dissolve the observation teams there.”


    The blast is the first attack of its kind in the Palestinian territories against a US target.


    It came just hours after the United States vetoed a resolution at the UN Security Council which condemned Israel's construction of its Apartheid Wall across the West Bank.



    Source: Aljazeera

  15. greetings all


    nuune, it is also very fasinating for me and I enjoy studying ancient egypt and other civilizations. It is true that some believe that the first Pharoah(Fircoon) came from our area, that is why it is called Punt (Land of the Gods). Most of Somalis believe that Fircoon was the name of only the man who was mentioned in the Qur'aan. But actually 'Fircoon' is a title given to the Man or Women who is in power. There were many Fircoons who where both men and female.


    so when it it is said that Fircoon came from Punt, it doesn't mean that the Fircoon of the Qur'an came from Punt. Althought it is possible.





    that is a question that has been asked and a lot of research has been done. I can not honestly say that the Somali circumcision of women came from them but that is what is believed. this custom is found mainly in the areas influenced by ancient egypt,(sudan, ethiopia, somalia ect..).


    the fact that this custom is called 'Fircooni' in Somalia I believe shows that it probably originated from that area.





    those are good points, perhaps we need to invest some effort in finding some proves that shows that. it is very possible that even the queen hatshep, is herself buried in punt. her body has not been found in egypt and due to her love of of Punt, it is possible that she choose to be buried in this land.





    Thanks for sharing your piece, very informative.

  16. do you guys know that the son of Vasko Da Gama, was leading the portugese army that come to the rescue of Ethiopia and defeated Ahmed Gurey and his Army?


    Think about that next time they teach you about Vasco Da Gama and his expeditions in school!


    strange that some years ago, I was big fan of the Brazilian soccer team, Vasko De Gama.


    Aqoonla'aani Waa Iftiin La'aan!

  17. strange that few Somalis know what most of the Non-Somalis know. Can you believe that I have a video tape of Conoco searching for Oil in Eastren Sanaag in 1990?


    I hope all nomads wake up and realize that there is a far greater threat than clan-based supremacy.


    great post SW.