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Everything posted by Muhammad

  1. I was surfing the net and came accross this, Tour the Islamic Garden The World Service visits Arundel, in the South East of England, where we talk to John Brookes, an authority on gardens of the Islamic world. Geometry and water are two prominent features in Islamic gardens, both have symbolic meaning. The symbol of the garden, in general, is a powerful one in the Koran. The story of creation unfolded in a garden and God is considered to be the first gardener. We also visit an Islamic garden in the heart of London. It's a rooftop courtyard garden, part of the Ismaili Centre. We are shown around by Professor Azeem Nanji, Director of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. Discover the spiritual significance of the garden's geometrical design and the importance of the courtyard - which is viewed as a dividing line between the outer and inner worlds. In the Islamic world gardens are seen as a place of peace, an escape from the noise outside and the scorching heat of the desert. Perhaps the best place on Earth to feel close to God. This idea could be widened to include the western world where people increasingly need to escape from the noise of the urban desert, into the peace and tranquillity of a spiritually uplifting garden.
  2. » Asalamu Alaykum, this blessed month we should all strive to learn more about our diin, the history and legacy of Islam and the Muslims. here are some Documentaries that I've seen and would like to recomend to all, Insha'Allah. you can find them in most online Islamic stores. - Islam Empire of Faith - Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet - Muslims Fadlan - post any documentaries that you have seen and would like to recommend.
  3. Haseena sis, JZK for the links. since childhood I was fascinated by the story of Sulayman(as) and the gifts Allah(swt) has given him. one can just imagine the experience of walking on air, moving it or directing it as you wish. Subhanallah! Originally posted by Shams-ud-Din: Assalaamu calaykum Brother Muhammad, if we accept the battle of good and evil, we have a contineous struggle between the Awliyaau'l-Laah and Awliyaa'ush-shaydaan. The net is no different from any other battle ground where the armies of Ibliis, both humans and jinns, carry out their evil intentions. We seek refuge from them in Allaah. P.S. we propably have them here too! :eek: brother Shams-ud-Din, that is indeed frightening. but Allah(swt) has given us enough resources to defend ourselfs from this eternal nemesis. saying of Bismillah before every action, when drinking, eating, puting on cloth, sleeping, walking, and even now, clicking on a link, is a protection against the shaytan. ps. we hope to see more of your posts bro, Insha'Allah
  4. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give you all the most smartest of brains to think and reflect with. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give you the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make your studies easier for you, for nothing is easy except what Allah have made easy. He(swt) can make the difficult easy. May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect you from worry and grief, from helplessness and laziness, frow cowardice and stinginess, and from the oppression of man. Amiin Ya Allah!
  5. ^ Adaa Mudan Originally posted by MR ORGILAQE: My dream holiday is to take the Trans-Manchurian line, to Tarskaya. From Tarskaya southeast into China and all way down to Beijing. From there i wish to try the Trans Mongolian Line which coincides with the trans munchurian at Beijing, all the way into the Mongolian Plains and the Land of Genges Khan and down to Ulan Ude on Lake Baikal's eastern shore. From Ulan-Ude then head south to Ulaan-Baatar before joining the Trans siberian Line to vladivostock and finally To Moscow. Lots of history to see there that is why it fascinates me. you may enjoy hunting foxes with Golden Eagles with the Kazakhs as for me, I would prefer a journey through central asia and east turkistan((xinjiang), from Urumqi to kashgar, then east to almaty, down to bishkek and the vallies of kygrystan, where they'll welcome you with a goats eye. from there you can travel through the cities of bukhara(where Imam bukhari was born) nd samarkan, the land of Tamarlane(amir timur), then if you want, you can either go west to to the caspian sea or go east to the most beautiful place on earth, Kashmir through north pakistan.
  6. Originally posted Sky Yeah I don't drink coffee or tea! Can you believe this shit? I can't. But I better start drinking at last tea. at least a casariye. Originally posted by sheherazade: Muhammad, I have eaten octupus. bes - the interview is over. next, you'll say 'I have eaten whale in a Tokyo Café'
  7. hmm... if i remember igal's words, its been a while; mawaagoo dhalaaleybaa ma dhibic seermo waydaa ma dhalaan la jecelyaa ma xaley ubax dhashoo dhagaha fidiyoo ka dharqadey xareedoo la dhacaaya qosolbaa.
  8. sheh, have you tried octopus yet? A durian falling on a person's head can cause serious injuries or death because it is heavy, spiky, and may fall from high up, so a hardhat is essential when collecting the fruit. Because of this, the durian is sometimes called the most dangerous fruit in the world. waaba khatari saana.
  9. » Asalamu Alaykum, what do you know about the World of the Jinn? click here Book 4, Number 1106: Narrated AbudDarda: Allah's Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) stood up (to pray) and we heard him say: "I seek refuge in Allah" Then said: "I curse thee with Allah's curse" three times, then he stretched out his hand as though he was taking hold of something. When he finished the prayer, we said: Messenger of Allah, we heard you say something during the prayer which we have not heard you say before, and we saw you stretch out your hand. He replied: Allah's enemy Iblis came with a flame of fire to put it in my face, so I said three times: "I seek refuge in Allah from thee." Then I said three times: "I curse thee with Allah's full curse." But he did not retreat (on any one of these) three occasions. Thereafter I meant to seize him. I swear by Allah that had it not been for the supplication of my brother Sulayman he would have been bound, and made an object of sport for the children of Medina. I was reading this Hadiith in Bukhari, I wanted to know, what the Prophet(pbuh) ment by "had it not been for the supplication of my brother Sulayman(as)" Alhamdulilah, I found the answer. ps. before clicking on the link, remember to say Bismillah. which leads me to wonder, can Jinns surf the Net? either on their own or through a human?
  10. dumar ma dhididaan? cajaaib! so they just have beads of what, water?
  11. ^ durian? weligay ma maqlin. thanks for the advice, i'll try and limit it to 1 at iftar time, and i'll do an oil change before suhur.
  12. ^ a Somali eating a mushroom? :eek: how does it taste? sky, maxaa ku dhacay Shaah? Qaxwe? waa maxay yoghurtaad sheegaysid?
  13. ^ Jazakallah guys btw: there was a kenyan guy who won about $ 1.8 million this week in a lottery, i believe in Ohio.
  14. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by m u h a m m a d: I wonder how many of the actual words of Isa(as) are in it? :confused: None, really. Even the original Bible is mostly Paul's words. And Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And a whole bunch of other people. It is, however, considered to be the "inspired" word of god by christians. Ahmed Deedaat(ra) would have said; we know Paul was a christian hunter... but Mathew who? Mark who? Luke who? John who?
  15. Salaams to All since this subject is in the Sol oven, I thought I may spice it a little. there are two groups of people 1. those who sweat above the neck, and 2. those who sweat bellow the neck 80% of the people are bellow the neck sweaters 20% of the people are above the neck sweaters 80% of the worlds wealth is in the hands of the 20% that sweat above the neck the remaining 20% is left for the 80% bellow the neck sweaters. the bellow the neck folks sweat(work) 80% of their time the above the neck folks sweat(work) 20% of their time the bellow the neck folks know how to work for money the above the neck folks know how to make money work for them the bellow the neck folks sweat while thinking about their daydream destination the above the neck folks sweat while in their dream destinations so the question is who are you? Are you: Dhafoor ka Dhidid or Dhabar Ka Dhidid? and can the Dhafoor Ka Dhidids of SOL please tell those of us who are Dhabar Ka Dhidids, how we can join the club? fii'amanillah
  16. New Zealand, isn't that were they shot the Last Samurai? breaktaking. Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya: Where on earth is Lughaye? Luqaya, Waqooyi Galbeed Latitude 10.6878 Longitude 43.9364
  17. greetings Callypso Is the author expressing doubts on the smallpox vaccine specifically, or all vaccinations in general? Vaccination an "unproven theory"? I believe it is the former. This reminds me of the anthrax attacks. remember they still have not found the real attacker! I remember when the attacks first began, there was one company that sold millions of vaccines. I said to myself, 'boy aren't they lucky? maybe too lucky?'
  18. one thing that we all agree with is sister's have their Allah-Given rights. and one of those rights is that the sister's should have the ability to support themselves(and children), if anything happens, Divorce, Death, iwm. Often I can see they are after the overly subservient ignorant Muslimah who when told she lacks imaan because she does not want such a marriage for herself goes off to seek repentance like she said something wrong. but, walaal, huuno, abaayo, this is too much to swallow. why must the sister that is ok with polygamy be either ignorent of her rights, or unable to fend for herself? or will every sister, given she knows her rights and independent from the husband 'financially', choose against it? this is just a classical example of how one bad apple(or baruur in somali tradition) can ruin the whole, and the sad thing is those men who abuse polygamy, most of them have little or no knowledge of the Diin. :confused: Ragoow Take Note; Headline from 2200, Bishaaro Bishaaro Bishaaro Ku soo Dhowaada Arooska; RAXIIMA oo Guursanaysa faarah :eek: peace
  19. Castro, sxb, that was a 'faint hope, the team is lost. personally, i've decided not to watch another vikings game, as long as they have Ina Tice. since they fired green, the spirit of the team was lost, cc, jr, rs, and now rm. the team is suffering from a major 'identity crisis'
  20. ^ cayaari waaa gelin danbe sxb. oh i miss 98 :-(
  21. ^ lol are you sure, i hear that alot, i didn't know it was swahili. i thought it ment 'may i come in' too.
  22. ^ consult a south asian mother! LST - afkaaga caana lagu qabay! do you guys know that for the Aztecs, money use to grow on trees?
  23. Brother Shams-ud-Din, that was an eye opening article, Jazakallah Khair. I've been recently reading and fascinated by the Great Mosque of Tlemcen, the Almurabitun era. specially their white horse arches. simply magnificent, breathtaking!
  24. Ouagadougou, let me try that, Wa-ga-do-go? Blessed Berry, you migh consider having a cup of tea in timbaktu, on your way. < andalucia and the maldives