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Everything posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. i saw a somali girl doing it... and it was shacking to me... i don't know about u guys what ya think????????
  2. Mine have to be a GOOD MUSLIM....and of course funny in way...that's all..
  3. <a href=" [img">[/img] What Famous Leader Are You? personality tests by ]MINE IS


    My Results are April 5, 2005 Men See You As Understated You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman. You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men. Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you. You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well.. i like this test is fun... ps. og_girl like i tiold u girl u could be twins who knows...
  5. Originally posted by Classique: Its done already??!!! ic they still working on it, but don't know hows gonna be after him..
  6. Originally posted by Classique: Subxan Allah he was dreaming to make a movie about Abdul Haleem Hafiz (The Egyptian Singer), but it seems his time was up for good. he did the movie but they don't know how is gonna be after him...also he said b4 he died instead showing abdul haleem funeral in the movie, put mine instead..that's what he told the director when he was in the hospital.
  7. Originally posted by runaway^virgin: As Conspiracy pointed out I was very disappointed to know the pride of Nubian people didn't really care for them! My best friend who was Nubian(dark skin Egyptians) worked with him on the set of Ardh Elkhowf and told us about his obsession with lighter skin people and the degree of self-hatred! He was a really good actor, but yaa khasaara! ^^^instead of u saying Allah yarhamah the man and may Allah Forgive him...u had to say something negative about him...anywayz, ahmed Zaki was the best actor ever beseide he was very simple guy i was raised watching his movies and still do...His funeral will be held yesterday at Cairo’s Moustafa Mahmoud Mosque.(that where i used to pray Eid every year) Anywayz, Allah Yarhamah and Yarham every muslim and muslimah. Amen Amen..salam.
  8. ^^^i understand, and beside i didn't take what u said in wrong way..we still cool.
  9. Originally posted by sweeter_than_your_tea: cutie lil gal - tell ur friend to get a LIFE....that ought to keep her busy That's what i told her but she told me that i was just a hatter, so i said don't u ask me for again for advice then....see that's why i try to not give an advice to my friend cux they always think the wrong way... :confused:
  10. Originally posted by MsWord: ^^^Humor is diverse as Languages, just because you don't understand a language doesn't mean it's sad. Firstly, If she chose to take one part of the statement thus branding it's entirety sad while discarding the obvious and well meaning :eek: "advice" then that is her problem besides whether one found the first part funny or not is beside the point as long one is aware of what the obvious advice given is. so sad . WELL MEANING, wow i don't see what u said is well meaning, my u topic didn't need any humor if u have a point to make just say it w/o no rudness or to be funny aight.
  11. Originally posted by Tuujiye: She should stop watching watching love movies and stop reading them jaceel movies... wareer baanaa!! well do, but in this case is not moi, i felt like asking this q? since i got friend who going through this... ps. me falling in love will take me years to be in love... when y'all gonna grow up, y'all just trying to be funny w/o answer the question....typical somali ppl..i just knew this Question will get all y'all act like a babies and i was right.... my advice ta y'all grown up. Also thanks to Pacifist and Nuune for answer the question for the rest of y'all SO SAD... just Ignorant....Oh and that's my opinion...
  12. I gotta question fa all you people out there... What shall a gurl do when she has lost the love of her life and wishes she could have a chance at having that love again? Knowing that he may have moved on to someone else and maybe just as happy. Should she just forget about him and try to move on with her life? Or shall she try to spark up something knowing that he may not wanna talk to her again because of the heart breaking end to the relationship? ... So i ask again .. WHAT SHALL SHE DO?!?!
  13. Originally posted by Dinho: All Day I Dream About Sport dreaming of playin footy when i was in H.S They said All Day I Dream about Sex.
  14. We do not have these threads enough, and I am sure we all have questions we are just afraid to ask, and then you sit there and wonder for weeks on end, until one day you are in the bathtub, and you just drop a hair dryer in and fry your self. Ask the question, and I am sure someone will answer, and then you will have ten other posters berating. So Why is water just as hard as cement if you are falling from a great distance?
  15. They came to us in (kansas City) two eids ago, they were funny...just my friends did think they were...that's their view....u guys gonna like it ... ps. special the Pakistani guy is the funniest...
  16. ^^^ that's true no argument about that....
  17. Originally posted by Bullet: What is wrong with women? You're always flukes! NOT ALL WOMEN THE SAME BRO...U JUST ENDED WITH AN CONFUSED ONE THAT'S ALL...SO STOP STREOTYPING PLZ...
  18. Me have to say Egypt: Cairo, Alex (Most my life) Canada: Motreal, Toronto,ottowa... UK: London, Cardiff.. Summer Will be (Saudi and Dubai) Inshallah ps. Hargisa Looking forward to go soon.
  19. i Liked it's a good game...nice one girl, but sorry some ppl can't have fun in here...
  20. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: Hey CSI, ColdCase and Law and Order are good shows..but there's way too many detective/mystery shows on Television. I say...cancel the BACHELOR!!!!!! and all shows similar to it! Shows that shouldn't be cancelled :Roadrules/realworld challenges Bachelor is good, and i only i gree with u in realworld that's all... but the show is need to be cancelled NOW is (Second Time Around) the Show is very BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG....
  21. ^^^ i disagree with u on COLD CASE i love it...but another one should be cancelled is (Second time around) (that Show is BAD)...
  22. Mine have to say >>>KEVIN HILL and HALF&HALF ....... What about Y'all???????????
  23.'s the question. Say you discovered your significant other was cheating on you....would you just confront them, or would you find the other person and take your anger out on them? Is your cheating guy/girl really worth fighting over?
  24. I'm back with a new topic hey it goes.... Name wierd things that you do that you think no other person does (at least the ones you know). Lets see if anybody got wierd anything in common. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO___________? (fill in the blank)