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Everything posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. Man didn't even know that she is related to my mother.... wow what a small world.
  2. Originally posted by MC Xamar: The best part about Thanksgiving? Leftovers!! Mmmmmmmmmm......turkey sandwiches....... I have to Agree..
  3. Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: i have this tendancy to leave everything to the last minute... just now i have a 15 page essay to present by tomorrow, like always ive left it to tonight...WHY.... is anybody els like that? i cant be the only one... Welcome to the CLUB.
  4. They came to Kansas City Last Year, they were funny..
  5. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: congradualations Passion. May I know what you graduated into? ^^ She said EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES...oh almost forgot Congrats passion.. Wlc to the real world...GOOD LUCK.
  6. Give the man a Break, he could be busy or have something to take care of... so just wait and if you guys been together for 5 years, he will contact u some how... just give him a time girl...
  7. [/qb] Hey, That is the worst mistake you did in SOL....I need an apology in writing [/QB] oh please please don't tell me u are a GUY... if u are i apologize.. or if that not the issue what u want me to apologize for? just wondering.
  8. i don't have to demand my hasband to get me things, and that's not the way feminists approaches problems.. demanding things is not the answer sis...Also by doing so that does not make me a feminist.. just to make it clear to ya. a Muslim man would be talking caring of all the issues in first place that's his role, just like RendezVous said be, she explained really good. salam
  9. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Well I thought maybe you should make invitation card and just giving to yr close relatives, friends, and co-owerkers. To ensure everyone that comes in have invitation card u can have a body guard at the front of the hotel. Wa salam alaikum that was exactly what it was for the last wedding i went to.. only invitations... that's was really good cuz i didn't had to see any of the gangesta ppl overe there... so i do i agree with ya with invitation thing... salam.
  10. I have to say, this is one funny threat... anywayz, congs. to the couple... BUT still wonna know who are they.... salam.
  11. i have to say ethiopians.. No Hard Feels y'all... But in the same time there are good looking somalis. salam.
  12. Check this Site......... ps. Only for the somali Readers.
  13. Mine has to be, Arabic English Somali Salam.
  14. Originally posted by OG_Girl: This topic really embarrasses me for real . any way to answer ur quesntion I do speak Arabic, ,and I read and write English and French coz I never spoke english, Frence in my real daily life i just read books that is it. I don't speak or read , write Somali , shame on me right!! Salaam Welcome to my club girl.....hehhehehhe
  15. Mr. Red Sea: Are u Married? just wondering since u brought that topic up... salam
  16. I have to agree with Qanciye.. also girl u not the only one who feels unconfortable, but u also can avoid it but walking away and don't have to hear it...
  17. Wow Walaahi this is some crazy stuff...that's sad that her own ppl and country will do that to her...may allah help her throu this amen amen.
  18. I have a Younger sister, and i will be happy for her if she got married b4's called Nacib, see it meant to be that she go first, so i should be happy for her.. ps. hey what happen did ur friend marry the older sister?
  19. How well do those you are close to know you? Do you show the same basic personality in all relationships? If two persons were comparing notes, describing you as their former partner, do you believe there would be many similarities in what they would have to say? Leaving room for personal perception, of course. Have you ever felt uncomfortable by someone pointing out how different you appear when in another's presence? Do you have the tendancy to reinvent yourself with each new relationship?


    Hibo I have to say Nice topic as usual...and for ppl who is hating on ur topic let be cuz they don't have anything to say but to make ur topic sound bad...anwayz, do ur thing and will reply soon...salam.
  21. Congratulations Wiilo, wish u the best inshallah.
  22. Originally posted by OG_Girl: quote: Originally posted by: BORN BRANIAC : by the way u know who is this??? Welcome back my twin. Missed you Salam same here girl
  23. Originally posted by OG_Girl: ^^Lol Don't be nasty minded now . I meant energy of thinking of him and trying to be a perfect for him. Stop being bad boy Salam i see what u coming from og_girl.. by the way u know who is this???