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Everything posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. Is it really that important? Shouldn't the focus be on the actual marriage and not the wedding? After seeing all this Somalis Wedding Videos, it made me really think is it worth it??
  2. lasted 20.109.... it is very addicted....
  3. ^^ true true... glad that you enjoyed it...
  4. ^^^ lol good one... NO COMMENTS... its for me to know and for u to find out...
  5. StarGazer remember no complains..... I'm glad that the trouble makers kids are absent, made may day easy to teach.....
  6. J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o, Why ur articles are soooooooo long.. NO OFFENCE.. they are good, but to get ppl attention make it short and straight to da point... it an advice use it in da future..
  7. Today I took a snack instead of Lunch... BAD IDEA....
  8. Arabic English Somali (still working on it)..
  9. its nice to know all about somalia... Neva been there b4.. but its nice to see some of the pics and ppl talking about their memories.. my lil sister saw Hargeisa b4 me inshallah... soon i will go and see my home land....
  10. I forgot to say Thanks to all of u guys........
  11. J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o U might know know me, and i don't know u either, but that doesn't change the fact that im back to da site and i used to be a memeber a while ago, and as u see in the buttom of my message i was a memeber since when. U are an 04 memeber thats why u don't know me bro... wateva the case is i will except ur wlc even if u don't say it....
  12. Kool Cat, i used to be cute_lilgirl... but ppl grow up, can't be lil all my life u know... so i changed my nick.... and Mr. AA Wlc to sol u gonna like it here bro...
  14. Im happy to be back sol... any wlcs????
  15. ^^ I couldn't have said it betta sista.....
  16. My favorite places is as follows: -Jig Jiga Yar -Xafada 26 June there were more, but these areas tops it all
  17. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: Born Braniac, I am not married yet,but hey am I allowed to comment in this place? I will pass on my two kalimah when you allow it sis. Feel Free to share Red, u know u are always allowed to say wats in ur mind
  18. ^^ Sorry to disappoint ya, i'm one of the halimos..
  19. For the men out there who are married or about to, how did you know she was the one? Was there a moment? Something she said or did? Or did you just know the moment you laid eyes on her "Like Indian Movies ?
  20. Originally posted by Red Sea: quote:Originally posted by BORN_BRANIAC: Man didn't even know that she is related to my mother.... wow what a small world. LOL..I am glad I didn't say anything too crazy about her,specially after finding out that she is your aunty! anyways,did you show this thread to your mom or something,how did you find out she relates to your mom,cuz,you could do me reall big favor.