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Posts posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. Originally posted by Hayam:

    oh my god that was too funny, write as you wish yahki. editing and re-editing one's post on a public forum..would just take all the fun from posting anything on the spur of the moment..its up to us to figure out what your saying...nothing binds you to correct spelling or grammar...

    not sure though if anyone will respond.

    ^^^ I agree big time.... some ppl are a lil MEAN in here...

  2. ^^^True true but we are talking about time consideration, Allah made comfort for us with prayer, like when a person is hurt can pray sitting, or with eyes etc. but we are talking about a devoted muslim here who seems that he prays on time and never misses a prayer. So what else should he do, one this is for sure is to QUIT that’s about it… again he sure have thought about time conflict before he excepted this job.

  3. Despite the whole issue, this guy knew from the day he started this job it will some how effect with his praying time.. So I understand he is being a good devoted Muslim but his schedule is usually consistent, so he can always find a way to pray or takes his break at the prayer time… There are a flexibility some how, if he knew that some days he will have not time to pray he could have combined two prayers at a time… so really ppl make a big deal on this that it should have not been in the first place.

  4. Despite what her father did, the man is still her FATHER! I understand that he treated her like crap and all but he is part of why she is in the donia. A perfect example of this is Abu Hurarira---his mother was not a muslim and she hated the Prophet. Everyday she would say mean things towards Islam and Prophet Muhammed (SAW).



    And you know what Abu Huraria did---He prayed for her and treated her like a mother--and she became a MUSLIM!


    My point is no matter what your parents do to you, you don't have to return negative actions towards them----turn it to a positive aspect.

  5. Yes, I suppose it is possible. But thankfully there are always differences that enable you to pick one over the other. It's rare that two men possess the exact same qualities that you find very attractive, hence making the decision a difficult and awkward process. Fortunately, it hasn't happened to me yet and hopefully I'll never be confronted with the prospect of having to make such a confoundingly difficult choice.