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Posts posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. 1) What do the following words have in common?








    2) I can predict the score of a baseball game even before the game has started. How is this possible??


    3) Add the same word to each side of the equation to make the equation correct:




    4) Fill in the blanks

    36 B__ K__ on a S__ P__

    3 P__ in an I__ H__ G__

    12 F__ C__ in a D___ of P__ C__

    63 S___ and S___ on the A___ F___

  2. I heard on our Local radio station this morning about Kobe's Bryant's dad not wanting to have anything to do with his grandson due to the fact that he's bi-racial....viewers had a lot to say and I was surprised at some of the comments.


    IMO, Love your folks, no matter what race or nationality this is you blood line. You have a chance to educated another one of our brothers and sisters.. it's sad to say but I think I would have this same problem w/ my dad if I were to date outside my race. Don't get me wrong my dad's a good man,good husband of 41 yrs,and a dam n good father to all 7 of his children/13 grands. But he grew up in that hard era 1950's-1960's in Selma AL, where he was treated like nothing and he would have a very hard time understanding why I needed to date "the police" as he refers to all the caus. population..


    So what y'all think...Are these some counseling needed issuse that Kobe's dad(and mine)have, or are they being closed minded...


    Don't ask questions you are not prepard to hear the answer to

  3. Lets say you have a cook out or party and tell all your friends to come on in.Not knowing that you have just let somebody in your house who is going to do a number two in your bathroom so bad that lysol will be no match for the funk!!!!!!!!!Anyway,how many people feel that someone is disrespecting your household by doing a number two in your bathroom in the first place?And second,how many people out there feel extremely comfortable taking a number 2 in someone elses toilet!!!! :confused:

  4. In a way yes but in another No it kinda depends on the two of you if you can do it then yes but if have a hard time not being able to see them or have contact then it probably wont work....I had a friend who were in long dis. relationship, for two weeks but the only reason they didnt stay together is because he liked someone else that lives by me and he kept lying to her but other then that it would have lasted! By the way, wlc to sol silverman ;)

  5. i do beleive in love in some kind way but not all time thought. Well it can be true that sometimes some people’s love isn’t strong enough to keep them together but I don’t think its because love itself isn’t strong enough. I don’t want you to think love isn’t strong enough just because some times people in love don’t work things out. I think that understanding love is like understanding anything else – you must do it for yourself, think and feel your own way into understanding what love means. This is a lifelong process and you won’t understand love for many years. But as you begin to love your own process of understanding what love is then that love will become strong enough. You don’t have to believe or not believe in something if you can feel and understand it. You will learn about love for yourself and if you do that well you will discover just how powerful love is.


    ps. Love is like paint once u gets in to it some how it will fad a way and it’s up to u to repaint it again.

  6. The general notion of men and women friendship is an intimacy between a man and a woman which has no element of sex in it, but which is nearly as warm as love! They are supposed to be together constantly, and enjoy each other's conversation and mental tastes, but they are not supposed to give each other thrills! and each is free to love someone else. The whole thing is a fallacy of course! except under certain conditions which I shall come to presently. If young people are sufficiently interested in one another to desire to spend all the time they can together, the element of love, or physical attraction is holding one of them, if not both ~ although it may be unconsciously.

  7. i don't have a point, i just asking i just wonna it's the same question goes to skinny girls calling themselves skinny too, so it's both ways, i was just asking that' all....i'm not hatting on anyone or calling anyone names... so plzzzzzzzzzzzzz ppl stop jumping me mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...anywayz, y'all will never get my point the only person who understand me in thsi whole issue it's baby gurl...... i know she got my point....peace.





    "when you gon' let me slap some skins" ~ Boyz n' the hood...


    "You can't handle the truth" ~ A Few Good Men


    "When did you first fall in love with Hip-Hop?" ? ~ BROWN SUGA


    "I didn't know your daddy was a dancer" ~ Kingdom Come..


    "...Ham, no burger!" ~ Friday


    it's y'all turn.... :D:D:D