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Posts posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. i think it's something in our blood...see every girl wish her wedding to be PERFECT..and we wonna be betta than others and stuff....In my case i wonna my weding big, but hey if my family can't afford it hey i can't do anything about but thank allah for what i will get that's all...

  2. Originally posted by OG_Moti:

    sis ala i never said that, please again and read carefully i never said that.. dont make me look bad i never could never will ever say thaat... i demand an Apology and you welcome for your thanx...peace

    MY BAD WHAT EXCATLY U SAID WAS "i agree totally they all are ugly, actually all women arent ugly looooooooool" MY MISTAKE OG_MOTI NOW HARD FEELING MY BROTHER ;) AM I STILL UR FRIEND?

  3. hey OG_MOTI i can't tell u who to choose it's ur choice and beside that person u choose gonna be ur friend not mine....

    For my choice, i will go for who ever wonna be my friend :D:D:D ...peaceeeee.....

  4. og_moti...I QUOTE from u " ALL SOMALI WOMEN ARE UGLY" u said that b4 in the model topic, so now u actually voting for us wow...

    ps. sorry i know this topc for men only but i had to answer of OG_MOTI HERE...thanks.

  5. form what i read, i think it could be possible, beside u said urself

    Originally posted by OG_Moti:

    Remember: Even crazy looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem to be simple only when we find the solution with a cool thinking.

    so anything could be possible, but hey i'm still :confused: but it could be possible from what i understood...salam.

  6. my favorite commercial is the Sprite commercial where they have that fake sunny delight commercial. the family is about to drink some orange juice and that cartoon sun comes out and it was like "its full of vitamins and minerals!!" i thought that family was going to start laughing and talking with the sun (like most of those cartoon type commercials) but that family screamed and ran for their lives!! funny...too funny. :D

  7. Ladies and Gents (and others who act like neither!!) I bid you all blessings for the NU YEAR and bring you yet another topic. You all are some of the most comical people I "know" and I do appreciate your responses. With that said, here is the question:

    If you were the Editor of "PEOPLE MAGAZINE" who would you choose for the 5 most beautiful/desirable people of the year and the 5 least desirable/less attractive?

    ps. they could be somalians too....

  8. see i know they dump, and no one period can be ALLAH..the movie was funny but when it came to play Allah role wasn't understandable at all....But still i didn't want to go to that movie but hey light it up y'all half the movie was funny that's all...

  9. Originally posted by OG_Moti:

    i agree totally they all are ugly, actually all women are ugly looooooooool


    u betta watch ur back og, so u think all women are UGLY, so are u saying ur mama and sisters if u have are UGLY too right??????????????? WATCH WHAT U SAYING BRO...... :mad:

  10. if ur ex moved on u should do the same sis...that's what i think and if y'all really in love or think this relationship will work i would say go for if and good luck....but still becarful cuz if u rush something might go bad, just take ur time step by step is betta...peace.

  11. whuts going down!! come n show, post ur funny lyrics ta any song, post ur funny remixes, giv the name of da song 2,,, ima start it off 1) my remix is r. kelly (ignition) --

    now usually i dont do this buta , go ahead and break em off a lil remix

    now im not tryin ta be rude but hey lil girl im feelin you, i know your daughter's only 2 , but she lookin kinda cute....

  12. But still, she could be a good leader don't u think? u can give her a chance then we will see ok, and beside they are several men a good in this site not all, don't get it twisted... so come one OG give the girl a chance.....


    ps. am I still ur good friend??

  13. i understand that was wrong in first place and i didn't wonna watach it, but hey that's how they think and beside they the one who gonna go to hell aight....but on the other hand the movie was funny :D except the Play GOD role part...don't u think :confused:

  14. Fast answers PM the admins aight. and beside i son't think they will give anyone ur password to used come one u know they know betta than that so, don't u worry about that ok sis...then thwy will halp...but i don't think it's that a problem to have a topic for it sis.....sorry :(

  15. Originally posted by ZARQA:

    Nayaa Cute_Lilgirl, I never said they was anything wrong with ya...I think you are cool :cool:


    Cute_Lilgirl you need to relax, Filssan said that me and you were alike and write alike! Aint that weird~ What can I say, People these days!

    Innocent said that 2...Once again, People these days, especially somali people


    PS: I said "nayaa" to the people that I look up to!

    i love u too girl :D and by the way i am relaxed i'm chillin' chillin'....Beside i didn't have any problem at all i was just trying to be funny but it's not working redface.gif ..anywayz, peace out NAYAA... ;)