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Everything posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  1. GYM!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...i don't even know what gym look like..
  2. this show was one my fav. shows until the ending.... I think Kwame really decided his fate on this one... it was that damn Omarosa that screwed him over... that Mr. Ed lookin is a disgrace to black women if you ask me because she played Kwame twice. Then even though Kwame said he didnt know he could fire her... he goes on to say 'yea, we had a job to finish and thats what i was concentrating on, if i let her go it would only be 2 people..' WRONG.. it would still be three, he could have got his @ss in there and did something if he was that concerned w/ the job... i think being that she was a black woman he didnt want to fire her.. he kept trying to help her out.. which there would have been nothing wrong w/ if she wasn't sh!ttin' on him like she was.. she didnt deserve that help... if i was in his place Omarosa will be fired at that min. I really and truly think Donald like Kwame... i really do... but like he said, if he's the CEO, and somebody on there is not only not being a team player, but she sabotaging the team, you have to let them go.. its buisness, never personal.. there are people who have fired their own damn family members if they mess up.. the only color they know is green.. they'd fire they're on mom if it came down to it... I do however think that Omarosa was put there to set him up to fail... BUT.. just because the worm is there doesnt mean the fish has to take the bait...
  3. Originally posted by dhiirane: CUTE_LILGIRL are you obsessed with love like cilmi boodhari oh by the way is not my problem that u don't have anyone to love ya..don't take that at of me aight... just take it easy... :confused:
  4. Originally posted by dhiirane: If you are going to be like boodhari and that is the case I hope you are not like him CUTE_LILGIRL you need to get treatment as fast as you can maybe you go the garabtuuje clinic ok i will do that thanks for the advice bro...NOT.
  5. Originally posted by Try_Me: [QB] Cutie: U didn't cover about the love u feel for those that u never smelt, touched or even shook hands with. So what about their signs? :confused: QB] True, but remember this i'm one of those ppl, who never smelt or touched etc. I just said that form ppl and friends who experienced that's all..
  6. I have to say the and only LOVE JONES.... Clap clap clap
  7. Well know i know what love me to all y'all..And there are here are the top 10 SIGNS that you are in love 10. Time is an eternity without them 9. Time stop when you are with them 8. The thought of them make you shiver 7. The sound of them make you smile 6. When seeing them, you cant see nothing else 5. You start to listen to sappy songs 4. You actually like sappy songs 3. The smell of them make you see fireworks 2. You find yourself smiling constantly 1. You'd do anything, even die for them. LOVE IS FOREVER LOVE IS FOREVER LOVE IS FOREVER
  8. Originally posted by OG_Girl: COPY CAT :rolleyes: :rolleyes: thank u....HATER
  9. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: **clap clap** well said underdog. Smartest thing you've said all week i don't think it a well said at all...beside we just telling our point view that's all..
  10. Originally posted by rudy: my beef!!!lol.. sistas with lil brians! sistas who cant drive! sistas who dont know when to open their mouth! sistas with lil knowledge and who just latch on shzzt! coz they saw a tv program that told them such and such and know will swear that this correct! sistas! who worship gaals and obey gaaloos late slaves cuz they think all faaraxs have one thing in mind! to destory them! but the truth is .... these chicks hate themselves!! that my 2 cents! i am in good mood today!! lol.. do read the topic?'s about women and their pet peeve on men not the other way around...
  11. 1. Men..Know they are "Fine" and play with women's feelings 2. Are Unsure of what it means to be a Father or Dad because many say they didn't have strong Father figures...May have Peter Pan Syndrome..never want to "GROW-UP//type of Thingy..themselves...Let alone not knowing what all it takes to Be a Dad/Father to really help raise a BOY to a Man.....Proper know...
  12. Originally posted by Pele-2004: ^^sorry but London aint all dat,,,,,^^^some weird ppl u lot are,,,,, oh sorry to say but i do agree with ya.... my list (all about us) (The Apprentice) I just like when he fire ppl.. MY FAV. (Cold Case)....
  13. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Girl, u have nice topics .. Thanks girl
  15. WHAT'S THE BEST/WORST PICK UP LINE THAT A GUY HAS USED ON YOU? Him: "You're going to end up getting arrested." Me: "Why? What are you talking about?" Him: "Cuz it has to be a crime to look that good." Ur turn??
  16. well i how do i know if ppl used b4 anywayz, i have to go with OG_girl...we girl u have to stick together... ok then McDonalds or Burger King?
  17. LADIES, I was just wondering...what does love mean to you? how do u know when u are in love....whats ur definition?
  18. Well, i speak Somali, Arabic, English and lit bit French......
  19. Well well well, i was born and raised in Egypt,then i came to usa at age of 15....
  20. his aight sis, i seen betta,,,but hey u the one who in love and that's what matter...good luck.. ps. i do agree with shukri...5/7...
  21. But the question still reads... what difference will it make? He was never tied directly to the terrorism. He was never the mastermind, he was at best a facilitator. Now, if he becomes a martyr: Will the US be forced to pay by blood and damage all over the world? Was this worth all the lives? Also i wonna See the US Miltary leave, which i know it won't happen soon...they got what they wanted but they still in Iraq.. I’m not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Originally posted by CUTE_LILGIRL: -M- You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of sexual energy is inexhaustible. You are very social and sensual; you enjoy flirting and also enjoy mothering your mate. yeah I'm (M) too, and it's true....