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Everything posted by BORN_BRANIAC

  2. i agree with u og_moti..i just still not convenice, about calling ur wife U ARE MY PARTNER, will work most the cases.i just think it's all about how to communication, atlease that's my point view.
  3. Sice my sista started with me i have to start with her too og_girl- nice and kind... sue- crazy and fun. og_moti- thinks outside the box (smart). Devil Advocate- kinda rude but not in the mean way. Darman- funny.. and i know he got my back no matter what happen.. mombasa_queen- drama queen. caramel kisses- girly girly and nice. checkman- never understand him. kool kat- Intelligent. Sophist- uses big words...
  4. give it up for DARMAN..... CLAP CLAP CLAP.... u made me proud...
  5. Originally posted by OG_Girl: I can't believe this! Girl r u my lost twin or what? I know u love sleeping and chicken just like Moi.COPY CAT . Salam I know ..u could be my lost sister.... and one more thing i speak arabic too.hehhehhe
  6. ... I done preached a MILLION times that we are not supposed to be controlled by ANYTHING but however... there is ONE thing that has my goat and I must admit... I have not proclaimed victory over it yet.... CHERRY PEPSI's!!!!! Ya'll, I can go through a six pack of 20 oz. a DAY... I've gotten around to drinking one juice and some water today... But, I'll let you know how serious this thing is for me.... I determined TODAY that I wasn't going to drink ANY soda. I went to breakfast and instead of buying a cherry Pepsi.. I bought a cranberry juice.. I felt my skin getting even smoother... LOL I went to grab a bite to eat.. and had something on my mind (worrying about some friends) and got my food got back to my desk and realized I had bought a cherry Pepsi... Dag... I drank it too....!!! So what about Y'all...
  7. i would say it's ok, if the two are plan to get married...if not i don't see a point to answer..oh or if he a just freak so plz don't answer.
  8. hahhahaha, u made me feel like ...thanks.
  9. i have to say chicken any kind of chicken...
  10. oh How did i miss this topic...anywayz, congratulation Sophist.. and best wishes...
  11. it's UNPROFESSIONAL/ doesn't look good at all... that's all i have to say....
  12. - where you're from? USA - Your sex Female ( i think the nick name says it all) - Occupation student and BROKE :mad: - What you do when you think people aren't looking? i dance and sing..and trust me i don't wonna see me or hear me at all... - Favorite music Arabic music and R&B - General interests chillin' and chillin and more chillin' oh and most importand one (SLEEPING) just like OG_GIRL ....
  13. Originally posted by chubacka: * losing my glasses, i have to walk around blind for half the day while me poor mom helps me look! oh my god i'm not the only one then, but now its contacts time for me. so no more looking for my glasses. Also hate ppl who freekin' starring too much.. and i hate summer, that weather(HATE IT).
  14. Originally posted by Mombasa_QUEEN: Salam all Do you tell them every day they are the only one you think of? It isn't love, it's a lie. True that....Preach on sista..
  15. Originally posted by Ameenah: All the best walaal and let us know how it goes please yeah Keep intouch....and best wishes.
  16. XENA_FAN , i had to give up to u girl....I'm ur fan now...
  17. Originally posted by Salafi_Online: The eighth one said, "My husband is soft to touch like a rabbit and smells like a Zarnab (a kind of good smelling grass)." I have to go with this Man.... but Abu Zar story was said and u can learn a lot from it...
  18. Originally posted by Tahliil: so am heading Egypt for two and half months of Islamic Educations...... Egypt is a good place, i was born and raised their til age of's nice but education was hard that's all..good luck..
  19. i got love and respect for Somali men...But not all..just some of them just makes u Slap them.
  20. Originally posted by Darman: hoping to travel to Malaysia this summer insha alaah.. NICE Well me i going to summer classes and work work and more work...
  21. I'm studying Economics/ Political science as minor...
  22. Pick a persona or more than 1 and give a few words that comes to mind about them.... Darman- Funny/Interesting OG_GIRL- outgoing OG_MOTI-Playmakers & debate topics Qac Qaac- random sharing Try_me- possitive/cool carmel_kisses- sweet Kool_Kat-laid back/cool garabtuujiya-copy cat dhirrane- just hater that's all..
  23. LMAO Just tell the chicken to do something, and he