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Nabadu way fiicantahay, but I think it might be too late now. I wish the secessionist clique thought about nabad before they attacked peaceful cities. There is still a chance for a peaceful resolution if the secessionist militia withdraw. If the intention of the secessionist clique is not to withdraw then this is nothing more then their usual dacar.
Not really as long as there is a resistance there is no colonization, its occupation.
Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn we all knew he was gonna say that. And its because they are planning to COLONIZE SOMALIA.
^Germany the biggest and most powerfull country in Europe was once the playing ground for other European powers. So every divided nation can be used against each other. Somalia is not the first and won't be the last nation to become a play ground for external powers. The question is will we see whats happenig to us in time and will we be able to stop the external powers?
O Sleeping Somalia, Know Thy Enemy By Ali H. Abdalla November 24, 2007 Print violently The intractable Somali problem seems to be getting worse. This suggests the involvement of an invisible hand that fuels the crisis. It is inconceivable that a nation of a few million people who share the same language, color, religion, and culture are unable to resolve their differences peacefully through negotiation and dialogue. It is also strange that some regions in Somalia work tirelessly towards the further disintegration of the Somali Republic with out any clear benefits that may be accrue to the Somali people from such division and alienation. The Somali situation shares a lot of characteristics with other conflicts that seem to rage only in the Islamic world from Pakistan to Darfur. I do not subscribe much to conspiracy theories but as they say there is no smoke without a fire and these conflicts point to a conspiracy engineered by the west for their own economic benefits. At least the Berlin conference in which Africa was divided into several spheres of influence was public and its intention was never hidden from the world. African raw material and cheap labor was at stake at that time. This time there is no public Berlin Conference but informal secret agreements that divide underdeveloped but resource rich third world countries among the Western Powers in the hope of securing cheap labor, oil and minerals for their stagnating and aging economies. The forced labor that used to come from Africa seems to have been replaced by voluntary migration from Africa to the West. These hapless migrants are intended to replace the aging population of the West in order to spur their economies by filling low-level jobs that the western population can no longer fill. This type of mass movement is only possible through the creation of ongoing conflicts in Africa and other Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. More countries such as Syria and Iran are expected to join this list soon. Many Scholars such as Dr. Abdulla Al-Nafisi of Kuwait believe that the most powerful superpower has a long term strategy of fueling low-intensity conflicts in the Muslim World. Dr. Nafisi believes that the US engineers these conflicts and controls them at the same time to its own benefits. In all these conflicts it utilizes real or perceived differences among the local population in the area. In Iraq, it some times uses the Arab-Kurdish factor and at other times it uses the Shia-Sunni factor. In Somalia, clan is the dividing factor. Although there are no major differences in the Somali society, the West has utilized the clan factor to fuel the Somali conflict. This difference has been used very successfully to the point that thousands of Somalis have left their country in droves after getting easy access to many Western countries. Whole communities such as the so-called Bantu Somali have been moved to the US. It is the dream of every Somali left in the country to bail out and abandon the land of Punt to the devil in order to escape from the un-ending conflicts that seem to have no end in sight. The success of this strategy manifests itself in the indifference of many Somali people to the occupation of their country a foreign country, albeit African. The Somali people used to be a proud people who saw themselves as equals, if not better, to most societies in the developed white societies. For example Jardine in Mad Mullah expresses his shock at the self-confidence and pride manifested by ordinary Somalis who saw themselves as equals to the British Raj. Another manifestation of the success of this strategy is the disintegration of the Republic into tiny clan enclaves encouraged and supported by Western Institutions such as the International Crisis Group, ICG, better known to many Somalis as the International Crisis Promotion Group. The encouragement of the creation of Somaliland, Puntland and other similar enclaves are meant to kill once and for all the aspirations of all Somali speaking people to unite into a powerful nation that can exert influence in Africa and help other African countries overthrow the invisible shackles of imperialism and stop the exploitation of their counties by powerful multinational corporations. The British saw the influence of these dynamic people in colonial times and they stopped Somali advances into Africa by creating a law that prohibited them from moving beyond lake Tana, lest they influenced local populations to rise against the British Raj. The strategy is so successful that even Western educated Somalis are at the fore-front of this devious plan. For example, an organization known as SOPRI lobbies for the recognition of Somaliland although they live in a country whose name stands for unity, the Unite States of America. The strategy is so successful that Somalis have invaded other Somalis to reach a border demarcated by a colonial power that works diligently to divide the Somali people. It is ironic that the most powerful counties in the world are a union of different people who bring diversity and richness to their countries. Examples are the United Kingdom that groups the Irish, Welsh, Scotts and the English, and Russia that groups different ethnic groups with different religion, language and culture. The West engineered the downfall of Somalia which they saw as a potential threat to their interest in Africa. Somalia played a major role in the liberation of many African countries such as Zimbabwe and South Africa. We can all remember the patriotic song, “O sleeping Africa, Hohey Africaay Hurudooy”. What better way to destroy the Somali pride than driving them to seek refuge in Tel-Aviv, London and Rome, societies that would be unthinkable to adopt as homes in the good old days. The old Somali passport used to carry a stamp that prohibited the holder from visiting South Africa, Israel and some other undesirable countries. Today Somalis would be lucky to get a visa to any place on this earth. Somalia will not be whole again until its people realize that the enemy does not live in Mogadishu, Bosasso or Hargeisa. The enemy lives in London, Washington, Rome, Paris, The Vatican and Tel-Aviv. Ali H. Abdulla
Kooxo hubeysan oo loo maleynayo in ay ka tirsanaayeen Maxkamadihii Islaamka oo xalay gudaha u galay Degmada Mataan Sabti, November 24, 2007(HOL): Sida uu sheegay Guddoomiyaha Degmada Mataan ee Gobalka Hiiraan C/laahi Warsame Daba-gooye waxaa habeenimadii xalay si lama filaan ah gudaha iyo daafaha degmada Matabaan soo galay Kooxo aad u hubeysan oo sida wararku sheegayaan loo maleynayo in ay ka tirsanaayeen Maxkamadihii Islaamiga. Ciidamada oo sida uu gudoomiyaha Degmada sheegay ku hubeysnaa hubka Fudud ayaa ku war galiyay dadka Rayidka ah in aysan wax cabsi ah muujin isla markaana ay doonayaan oo kaliya in ay ka iibsadaan Degmada wax-yaabo ay u baahan yihiin, lakiin waxaa ay markii danbe kooxahaasi weerar ku qaadeen barkoontarool oo sida la sheegay fariisin u aheyd kooxo maleesho ah kaasoo uu dhaawac ka soo gaaray mid ka mid ah maleeshiyadii joogtay Jid-gooyada ama Koontaroolka. Ilaa hadda lama oga sababta keentay dhaq-dhaqaaqa kooxahani ka wadaan qeybo ka mid ah gobalada dhaxe gaar ahaan Gobalka Hiiraan oo isla maalintii shalay sidoo kale kooxo hubeysan ku weerareen Deegaanka Bacda ciidamo ka tirsanaa kuwa Maamulka Gobalka Hiiraan halkasoo oo logu dhaawacay labo ka tirsan Ciidamadii Maamulka. Arimahan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili maalmihii aynu soo dhaafnay la hadal hayay wararka sheegaya in ay jiraan dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ay wadaan kooxo loo maleynayo in ay ka tirsan yihiin Maxkamadihii laga itaalka roonaaday, sidoo kale waxaa xusid mudan in uu jiro dhaq-dhaqaaq iyana ay wadaan Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan deegaanka Jane-guudisho kuwaasoo ku raad-jooga sidii ay xog-buuxda uga heli lahaayeen halka dhab ahaan fariisinka u ah kooxaha weeraray deegaanka Bacda. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiraan Online Beledweyn, Somalia
Maxaakiimtii Oo Isku urur Sanaya Gobolka Hiiraan News(Balad-Weyne}24.11-7 Markii ugu horeysay ayaa waxaa Gobolka Hiiraan lagu arkay Dagaalyahano hubeysan oo la rumeysan yahay in ay ka mid yihiin Maxkamadihii Islaamiga ee dhamaadkii sanadkii hore laga itaalka roonaaday. Dagaalyahanadan ayaa waxaa la arkay, iyagoo ku hubeysan qoryaha kala duwan, sida kuwa fud fudud iyo kuwa culusba sida ay sheegayaan dadka deegaanka. Dadka ku dhaqan Degmada Matabaan ayaa waxaa xaqiijiyeen in xalay Degmadaas ay gudaha usoo galeen boqolaal dagaalyahano oo hubeysan, kuwaasoo ay sheegeen in ay ka casheeyeen Magaalada, isla markaana ay dib uga laabteen. Dadka deegaanka ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay la hadleen Dagaalyahanadaas oo ay u sheegeen in ay is dajiyaan, waxayna abaareen sida la ii sheegay dhanka iyo Buuraha Gobolka Hiiraan. Sidoo kale Ciidamadaas ayaa xalay fiidkii weerar ku qaaday Kooxo Isbaaro u tiil duleedka Degmada Matabaan oo ay ka dhaawaceen hal ruux, qaar kalena ay ka carareen. Dagaalyahanada ayaa la aaminsan yahay in ay kacdoon ka wadaan Gobolada Dhexe, gaar ahaan Hiiraan oo ay shalay gelinkii Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Gobolkaas oo ku sugnaa Bar Koontarool canshuuro ku qaadayeen ay weerareen, iyagoona ka qaatay labo gaadhi iyo qoryo fud fudud. Wariye ku sugan Magaalada Beled Weyn ayaa ii sheegay in si weyn looga dareemay Magaalada dhaq dhaqaaqyada Kooxaha Hubeysan ee la sheegay in ay ku sugan yihiin Deegaanada Keymaha ah ee Gobolkaas. Deegaanka Jenta Kundisho ayaa ah fadhiisin weyn oo ay ku leeyihiin Ciidamada Ethiopia, waxaana jira cabsi dadka deeegaanka ka muujinayaan dagaalo dhex mara Ciidamada Dowlada somalia iyo dagaalyahanada hubeysan ee isku uruursanaya Gobolkaas Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media center
Gudida nabad galyada Gobolka Sool ee Somaliland oo qoraal kasoo saaray shirkii Boocame. Warkii 24-Nov-2007 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal News Desk Waxaa maanta qoraal ka dhan ah shirkii Boocame kasoo saaray Laascaanood gudida nabad galyada ee Gobolka Sool qoraalkaas oo ay si adag ula hadlayaan ciddii ka qayb gashay shirkaas waxaana nuqul kamid ah qoraalkaasi maanta soo gaadhay xafiis ka shabakada ee magalaada Laascaanood. Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Gudida nabad Galyada Gobolka Sool Rf:-X/G/G/Sool/01/2007 24/11/2007 Ujeedo:- Go’aan gudida nabad galyada ee Gobolka Gudida nabad galyada ee Gobolka:- Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Markuu arkay: Sharciga gudida nabad galyada ee Gobolka qodobadiisda 170 iyo 164 aad. Markuu arkay: Go’aanka shirka Boocame ee 22/11/2007 Wuxuu Gudidu Go’aamiyay. 1. in shirka Boocame uu yahay shir xaaraan ah oo ay abaabuleen maamulka Goboleedka Puntland 2. in la qab qabto dhamaan xubnaha 90 (sagaashanka ah ee ka qayb galay shirka Boocame islamarkaana soo saaray baaqa lagu kicinayo dadwaynaha iyadoo iyadoo midkiiba lagu ganaaxayo 1(hal) sano oo xadhig ah iyo ganaax lacageed oo dhan S/L shs 5,000,000 (shan milyan) haddii uusan beenin baaqan. 3. in isimada iyana ka qayb galay shirka Boocame isla markaana wax ka soo saaray baaqa Boocame in muddo 3 (saddex) maalmood ah ay ku beeniyaan baaqaas hore haddii ay ku beenin waayaana iyana sharciga ayaa la hor gaynayaa. 4. fulinta go’aamadan waxaa u xilsaaran ciidanka Police-ka Gobolka. Saxeexa Gudida nabad Galyada Gobolka. 1. Cali Maxamuud Axmed Gudoomiye Gobol __________________ 2. Xuseen Maxamed Xasan Taliye Qaybta Sool _________________ 3. Cabdi Ciise Nuur Taliyaha xabsiga Gobolka_________________ 4. Axmed Daahir X. Xasan Duqa Laascaanood__________________ 5. Yuusf Xeer ilaaliye Gobol__________________ Cali Maxamuud Axmed Gudoomiyaha Gudida nabad galyada Gobolka Sool __________________________________ afnugaal News Desk
Boocane Declaration Will Never Change the Reality On the Ground
me replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Saaxiibayaal waa lays bartay meeshan, in marka oodweyne uu isyidhaahdo ***** in uu ***** keeno waan ogayn. Badacasna in uu baaldi biyo ah iyo maro la daba socdo oodweyne waan iska garanaynay. Marka yaan lays daalin. Ee iska sii wata sheekada. Oodweyne ********** ********** ______________ Baliis, hala isdhaamo. [ November 24, 2007, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ] -
Boocane Declaration Will Never Change the Reality On the Ground
me replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^^ quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Che , Oday markuu duqoobo waxaa kasoo hara dhuuso iyo faan . Soomaaliya wax lagu hayo ma jidho bal umaadaan masaakiinta yaan la,isku baabinin. Waryaa willkow, si fiican ii dhageyso: ( kow ) Aad iyo Aad ayaad u edeb daran tahay; ( laba ) waxaad tahay kuwa darbiga laga helay, ee aan ku soo ababin akhlaaq iyo guri sharafleh, toona; waligiina, ciyaal gudaafad qashinka uu ku dhex dhashay aan kasoo toosin ahaa; ( saddex ) waxaad tahay, mid u baahan, ugu yaraan in sibitoor, edeb iyo anshax dib iyo dhaqan celis ahaan lagu baro... Markaa waxaad yeeleysaa, mar hadaanan wakhti kuu heynin, orod oo meelahaa darbi-jiif, iyo kuwa gudaafadda laga helay, sida adiga oo kale, raadso, si ay kuula walaaqaan afxumadan aad kala soo kacaantey darbigaad ku-dhalatey ee aad ku soo kortay... Regards, Oodweyne. Aaaaaahhhhh the classics -
The Chat room open waaye/weeye nooh/dee
Some one is trying to argue with naxar............africaown your argument is flawed......but waan iska aamusayaa hada. This discussion is as old as SOL.
Waraa rudy stop pretending say it in capital letters that you deeply madly digg valenteenah.
I detect sexism here ladies.
I Understand MMA, Ilaahay ha u naxariisto kuligood, ilaahaynaha ha u gargaaro kuwa silica wali ku nool.
Me's SOL cabinet PM: Xiin Speaker of the parlement: Ngonge Arimaha Gudaha: Nur (Justice for all and internal peace please) Arimaha Dibada: Castro (Our Ho Chi Mihn) Dhaqaalaha (Economics) : Baashi Dhaqaaaha (Finance) : Sophist Xanaanada xoolaha, kheyraadka badaha iyo beeraha: Che (self sufficiency and even for export) Dib u dhiska : Dauud warqadle (The Somalia we al dream of) Infrastructure : Xoogsade (Roads, Ports, energy..its time we found alternatives for xaabo) Dhaqanka & Waxbarashada : Val - underminister Sharma'arke Difaaca : MMA (thought about Xubeer, but I dont want a coup) Caafimaadka : Dahia (Too many Somalis dying of preventable diseases) Arimaha Soomaaliweyn: Xubeer (your job is the liberation of the occupied territories, all means necessary and prepare them for future intergraion into Somalia ) Sports: Socod badne (keep the masses entertained, qabiil/regional based football clubs please) Chief of staff: Kashafa (incase MMA gets ideas)
Norf - I see corruption! + NGonge and Arabs? Ghanima ofcourse women can have their own cabinet. So pick yours. Xubeer - second nominations are not allowed. Lets see what other nomads say.
Somalis have no political orientation, they have a clan consciousness and clan orientation.
I haven't been following the news the past week, but what has happened in this world? WTF is happening in Xamar, this is unbelievable Somalis are being killed like they are dogs. Look at all these people shot execution style and the stories about Ethiopian make shift prisons, the killing, the torture, the rape of Somali men and woman and the humiliation of fellow Somalis, fellow muslims at the hand of these Xabashis. To hell with Somali pride, this shid hurts me deep in my soul. These unarmed civilians shot execution style by these coward Ethiopians deserve their justice in this world and the next and every self respecting Somalis with an inch of humanity will work to give these people the justice they deserve. Link: Xasuuq I Link: Xasuuq II Link: Xasuuq III Link: Xasuuq IV Link: Xasuuq V Link: Xasuuq VI Link: Xasuuq VII [ November 13, 2007, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
If you only knew.
Cool see you soon. Will have to download java first.
'Hidden costs raise' US war price The US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing nearly double the amount previously thought, according to a report by Democrats in the US Congress. They say "hidden costs" have pushed the total to about $1.5 trillion - nearly twice the requested $804bn (£402bn). Higher oil prices, treating wounded veterans, and the cost to the economy of pulling reservists away from their jobs have been taken into account. The White House has called the report politically motivated. "This report was put out by Democrats on Capitol Hill," White House press secretary Dana Perino was quoted by the Associated Press as saying. "This committee is known for being partisan and political." "They did not consult or co-operate with the Republicans on the committee, and so I think it is an attempt to muddy the waters on what has been some positive developments being reported out of Iraq." And some of the figures the report contains were labelled speculative by funding experts, the Washington Post newspaper reported. 'Lost earnings' The report was written by Democratic members of Congress's Joint Economic Committee (JEC). The BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says it was designed to shock Americans into stronger opposition to the war in Iraq. The Democrats calculate that between 2002 and 2008 the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan will have cost the average US family of four about $20,900. The report adds that the amount could rise to $46,400 over the next decade. It cites costs such as interest payments on money borrowed from abroad to pay for the wars, lost investment in US businesses, and the cost of oil market disruptions. Oil prices have surged since the start of the war in Iraq, from about $37 a barrel to more than $90 a barrel in recent weeks. The report says the rise has hit US consumers. 'Unacceptable price' The chairman of the JEC, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, said the "backbreaking cost" of the war was becoming an unbearable burden for American families. "What this report makes crystal clear is that the cost to our country in lives lost and dollars spent is tragically unacceptable." He said: "The cost of the war... is becoming the first thing the people mention after the loss of life when they are opposed to this war and the people who mention it, many of them are not people who were against the war in the past." The report estimates that both wars could cost a total of $3.5 trillion over the next decade. The Democratic authors estimated that treating veterans could add more than $30bn to costs, including disability payments and lost earnings for veterans affected by post-traumatic stress disorder.
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