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  1. Kuwa reer bariga ah ayaa af Soomaali ku ciyaaray. Af Soomalaiga saxda xagee baa horta laga hadlaa?
  2. Emperor some guy once said the difference between a dialect and a language is an army.
  3. Koora, Af Maay in aan barto ayaan rabaa, waa afkeena labaad.
  4. Abu Mansuur Oo Afka May-ga Ugu Khudbadeeyay Reer Baydhabo {Bayahdba} 27-1-09"Afhayeenka Xarakada Islaamiga ee Alshabaab Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow (Abuu Mansuur) ayaa maanta Garoonka Kubada cagta Dr. Ayuub ee Magaalada Baydhabo kala hadlay boqolaal dadweyne oo maanta isu soo bax sameeyay, maalin kadib qabashada Xoogaga Alshabaab ee Magaalada Baydhabo. "Waxaan diinta Islaamka aheyn dalkan laguma xukumayo, Dastuurka la sheegayana waanu diidanahay, Kitaabka Alle ayaan isku xukumeynaa"ayuu yidhi Abuu Mansuur oo dadka reer Baydhabo markii u horeysay meel fagaare ah kala hadlay, isagoo Afka Mayga kula hadlay. Waxaa uu sheegay in aanay jirin cid dhibaato loo geysan doono, wuxuuna caddeeyay in ay ku boorinayaan Dadka ku dhaqan Soomaaliya guud ahaan, gaar ahaan Magaalada Baydhabo in ay qaataan ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka. Abuu Mansuur ayaa tibaaxay in ay la dagaalami doonaan Ciidamada Ethiopia, waxaana uu sheegay in aanay haatan si gaar ah loo raadsaneyn cidii horay ula soo shaqeysay Maamulkii Dowladda, hase yeeshee wuxuu ugu baaqay inay towbad keenaan oo Kitaabka Alle qaataan, laakiinse wuxuu tilmaamay in cidii diida Kitaabka alle ay tahay Mujrim oo ay la dagaalami doonaan sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sidoo kalena Abuu Mansuur waxaa uu Dadka Baydhabo u sheegay in ay hubka guryaha ugu jira bannaanka soo dhigaan si buu yidhi loogula dagaallamo cadaw weli dalka ku hadhsan, isagoona sheegay in Mujaahdiinta ay sameyn doonaan Howl gal baaris ah oo ay guri guri ugu baarayaan wixii hub oo yaal si gacanta shacabka looga bixiyo. Ugu dambeyn Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur ayaa waxaa uu sheegay shacabka in dhowaan Maamul Islaami u sameyn doonaan Magaalada Baydhabo, kaasoo shareecada islaamka dadka ku dhaqi doona, waxaana uu u jeediyay dadka reer Baydhabo inay taageeraan.
  5. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: If DQ is red-carded from Puntland, so will Ibtisam and Red sea from Somaliland. I vouch for badacase, ibto ey aa cunay.
  6. preditions sauces is that what they have been feeding you?
  7. It is funny, but we should keep our eyes on the ball. We should demand real justice not these gimmicks. We shouldn't accept these gimmicks.
  8. The day Siyaad Bare went out of Muqdisho allot of people celebrated and genuinely thought that justice would be done. We all remmember what happened then. So Adam and Ibti whats up with the mob mentality? ps. Ibti my reply is still on its way for that other thread.
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Folks, stop the superficial concern for warlords like Xaabsade. How alshabaab treats him will not be consequential or have a political ramification. Xaabsade is no different than Hirraale. What will be important is how alshabaab deals with Sharif’s wing, especially if Sharif wins the presidency as I think he will. That will be what will matter, not whether Xaabsade is paraded around the city. This is not about the warlords Xiin, meel aye kaa dhaaftay. Dhalinyaradani sida ay ula dhaqmaan dadkaas aye cid walba ula dhaqmayaan. This is a test case for them. Parading around prisoners although it is a strong message for the warlords who have held the Somali people hostage for the past 18 years, it is also a signal for the Somali people. The Somali people are tired of tyranny. No more dictatorship, warlords and it will soon be no more to the wadaads if they threaten our basic freedoms. We have been in this war for 18 years now; we started of seeking justice for past crimes. But now we have come to the point that we want to prevent future crimes by holding those that want to rule us accountable. If the dhalinyaro do not take the just path they will take the same road as the warlords before them. The same goes for Sheikh Sharif. We want Transparency, Accountability and Justice.
  10. lol@president elect.....I haven't voted yet so take it easy you yamani. Although it is a momentous occasion, although I want to say that they get what they deserve. I hope that justice prevails and that those dhalinyaro do the right thing and bring those warlords/parliamentarians before a tribunal of the people. I hope that the TFG parliamentarians get a proper defense and that the principal of equality is applied. I have watched this film before so I won’t scream justice yet. I won’t scream justice if Huseen Caydiid, Muse Sudi, Qanyare Cismaan Caato, Indhacade and their likes will be in Muqdisho tomorrow and that no one will bring them to justice.
  11. JB - jeelkii amxaar ma taasaad ka keentay?
  12. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini: I'm telling you historical facts sxb. And you just want to engage in some heroic defense of Somaliness, when it is not needed. Somalidu dad bay adonsatey. I'm saying it again and again. You can't rewrite history. There you go again saying Somalidu dad bey adoonsatey. I am not defending Somaliness sxb. I am just saying that you are contradicting yourself. In teh first post you said Somali's enslaved fellow Somalis. In the second post you denied it. In the third post you are confirming in Somali dad adoonsatey. Waxaas oo dhan markii la soo dhaafay, you can not prove cida wax adoonsatay, siday wax u adoonsatay iyo faa'idada ay ka raadinayeen adoonsigaas. Mida kale adoonsiga aad leedahay wuu dhacay iyo gumaysigii Soomaaliya maxay ku kala duwanaayeen? Again I am not defending Somaliness, I am defending my personal history. My ancestors were not a part of that crime so why should I be blamed for something my ancestors not I did? why are you blaming me? ps. Since you claim this adoonsi to be a fact it shouldn't be too hard for you to prove that it did happen.
  13. The reason why I am taking it this far is because you associate the whole Somali race with a crime that we did not commit.
  14. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini: Some of their ancestors(the zanja of south-east africa) apparently sOMALI iyo Carab/others ba adonsatey. Hence why you have SOmali Bantus in SOmalia. Hmmmmm... Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini: ME; I never said Somalis enslaved other Somalis. Read what I said and make sense of it. People who were from SOuth East Africa were shipped to Somalia, the Arab world and even India. Somalis took part in that slave trade. Diaby, What does 'Baa Adoonsatey' mean to you? Allot of African chieftains in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal....and the list is long took part in the slave trade. We don't say wey adoonsadeen dadkii loo rarayey maraykanka. Marka maxaad u isticmaashay ereyga Adoonsi when referring to our brothers from wabiyada.
  15. Ibti, Expect my reply soon.
  16. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: "ME" Xagaad kaa dacadey?? I wrote some notes for you during the weekend. Ibti, That's top secret. But now I am here. What did you write?
  17. Diaby Slavery;... one man having certain powers over another. The dominant one is called Master, the servient one Slave. The relation of Master and Slave consists in the control and power given the one over the other. Ok eeg labadan tusaale. 1. Dadka webiyada Soomaaliyeed ag dega in ay Soomaali adoonsatay. 2. In gumaystuhu Soomaalida adoonsaday. Maxay ku kaladuwan yihiin labadan power relationship? Maxaa mid loo dhihi karaa waa adoonsi, mid ka kalena gumaysi?
  18. 1. I am asking for evidence of this adoonsi of the Somalida webiyada ag degta that your talking about. 2. When you say Soomaali ayaa Soomaali kale adoonsatay, be specific dadkeebaa wax adoonsaday? xagee bey deganyihiin? hada meeye dadkaasi? sidee bey wax u adoonsadeenna? faa'idadee bey ku raadinayeen adoonsigan? 3. The other day you were offended by the picture I posted about the Somali's carrying the white man and women. Why is it easy or you to claim that Somali people enslaved other Somali people? while denying that that happened to us at the hands of the white man. I hope that this clarified my original question for you.
  19. ^I wonder if we have pictures of dadka aad ka hadlaysid oo dhabarka Soomaalida aad leedahay wey adoonsatay ku sida.
  20. i lack the wisdom to decide for everyone including myself but it can be stopped. Your wiser then Yoda. Keep them coming.
  21. ^ Do they have bussy shipping lanes there?
  22. Why would Ethiopia want to pressure it's puppet to recognize another puppet? What Ethiopian interest does Somaliland serve?