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  1. Originally posted by John Wayne: quote:They will be INVITED to Gedo I am not so sure about that saaxib. In my entire life, I have never heard of anyone inviting people people that have robbed them of everything they owned into their places of residence. The USC courts are more likely to be invited in Baidhabo than Balad Xawo and Garbaharey. The last time the USC invited itself to this region, their leader escaped in a Burka while their second in command was beheaded like a goat on a Eid day. Hmmmm goat you say, these wadaads already got the beard and they behave like ari carbeed, So I can understand why someone could have mistaken them for a goat.
  2. Those who are fighting for justice are not afraid of the truth. The ICU if they are fighting for justice then they should not fear the truth.
  3. Amin Amir should not listen to these folks, he has been the voice of the Somali people for a long time. He is above politics and he has shown that by saying it like it is. Everyone here knows that Amin Amir is not for one faction or another, but that he is for the Somali people. Amin Amin is a Somali hero and the courts should recognize that, the courts should step carefully. Invading Kismayo while ignoring Shabelada Hose, burning the Somali flag and now attacking Amin Amir, the courts seem to be loosing the plot.
  4. No one individual can give away Somali LANDS including a former dictator, the only thing between us and a UNITED SOMALI STATE is power. No Somali is against the reunification of the SOMALI LANDS. We can hold a poll here, we can hold elections in Somalia and the overwhelming majority of the people in The Somali Republic, Jabuuti and all the occupied territories will be in favour of REUNIFICATION. To shariif saylici there is no point discussing with an Ethiopian about the future of Somalia. Somalia is rising from the ashes today. We are wiser and we are stronger then ever before. Your time is up my friend the prison of nations will be burned down and all its prisoners set free Look at Ethiopia today, how long do you give them? They are crumbelling and soon they will be shattered, they sowed the wind and now they will harvest the whirlwind. I hope they are wise enough to realize that the only way to avoid genocides like Rwanda is to set free all the oppressed peoples. The imminent state collapse of Ethiopia will make the Somalia of 1991/92/93 seem like heaven. Whatever happens I am ready to make a buck or two out of it.
  5. ^^^ the ziyaaro's are 'anti-islamic' so that might be a reason for blowing up those tombs. The ziyaaro's of the tombs are mostly done for clannish reasons and they have no 'Islamic' significance, they are actually against the teachings. Soooooooooooo, expect da worst I wud say. I am not educated when it comes to islamic matters, but I can see that the gardheeryaasha are not down with ancestor worship. (I am not speaking for Islam, because I am not educated, but I know how many of the wadaads of today think like and I have seen how far they are willing to go)
  6. ^^^ Kismayo has become a competition with Xamar, its a stick up!
  7. ^^^ Kismayo has become a competition with Xamar, its a stick up!
  8. Somalia as a nation has been devided, not only is our nation divided 5 ways by the colonial forces. Today each clan stands alone, each sub-clan stands alone, even each individual stands alone. We have become a society of 'me' against the rest, where everyone is init for hisown personal gain and the collective gain does not matter anymore. For what I can make up about our history we have always been individualistic but never to this level. The mistrust that exists among our people has penetrated each one of us. This might seem a huge generalization, but Somalis in the diaspora mistrust each other in a level that we have never seen before. Males mistrust females and vica versa. The young mistrust the old. The old don't see the young as their kind. The only thing that unites Somalis all over the world today is ISLAM. The love for the true religion is the only banner under which we can all unite. My fear is if this 'Revolution' turns out to be a clan tool intended for power grap, that we may loose the only hope we had. The only thing that untites us and disarms is Islam,lets hope that the leadership of the ICU sees this and does not squander our chance. If this revolution fails then it will take a long long time before we find a banner under which we can all unite.
  9. ^^^ I am glad you have joined THE DARK SIDE We have 1 rebel left and that one is pure-blood, sharif sacliici is not a Somali so he doesnt count. I think that this debate has been productive. Alright then blackies now that we have realized we are just plain old Somalis lets hug and make up.
  10. XIIN this might be the result of long hard work, but you can not dismiss the power of mistrust. If this mistrust is not adressed in every level we see the war continuing. Even if the ICU takes over the whole of the country, if they do not adres the issues of mistrust between teh clans, then this wholeproject will fail. New rebel groups will start and we will always have wars. I hope that you are right and that all ends well and that we get some breathing time and that we can atleast raise few generations in peace. But even if the courts takeover the whole of the country, Ethiopia and Kenya await us, so the wars wont end and after that, it won't stop. The war won't end. and was also wondering about something else. I was reading some of the end of the world prophecies. I would like to ask the resident wadaads here, is Somalia or its general direction mentioned in the end of the world prophecies? I came something like that across in the Bible end of the World prophcies in Ezekiel 38. and they state that CUSH, which stands for Somalia/Ethiopia(Oromo) will be one of the Armies. Ezekiel 38. 1 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, 2 Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 and say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, I am against you, Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal: 4 and I will turn you around, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, with all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords; 5 Persia, Cush, and Put with them, all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer, and all his hordes; the house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all his hordes; even many peoples with you.
  11. ^^Brother its not about the Courts or TFG, things go deeper then that. Both parties have made allot of mistakes and the TFG is no longer legitimate in my eyes because of their actions. I am not a big fan of the courts either but in the case of a war with the Ethiopians I will gladly side with them. But this all doesnt mean that the flag is represented by TFG or ICU. The flag is the Somali flag and not the TFG flag or ICU flag. This flag is owned by the Somali people where ever they may be. The people of the occupied territories respect the blue flag, they have paid heavy prce for their support of the blue flag and they will never surrender the dream of unity with their brothers. TFG's, warlords and traitors come and go but the Somali people will forever live on and the Somali people will truimph at the end. This is history being made, our nation is maturing before our very eye. 10 years ago people our age didnt talk about these matters. Now my 15 year old brothers who were born in exile is more Nationalistic then my parents. Our nation will free itself from ignorance. Movements like the ICU with all their flaws represent hope and many others will follow and improve on them. TFG is not Somalia. So the TFG can not claim the Somali flag. This flag is your flag, its our flag, don't let people like that detter you from being proud of your flag. Supporting the blue flag is supporting UNITY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD, because thats what this flag stands for. The Ethiopians would love it if we changed the blue flag. Because they know the meaning of our flag and they would like to erase the meaning of the flag and make it seem like just a MARO, instead of a symbole of UNITY and the DREAM OF SOMALI REUNIFICATION. Even if the puppet regime renounces Somali claims on the occupied territories, as long as we have the blue flag we will have a reminder of the division of the Somali Lands. And the dream of reunification will live on in our hearts, till the day the Somali nation is strong enough to reclaim all our occupied territories.
  12. Originally posted by WIIL_SHAYDAANKA: the entity that claims to represent the beautiful maro hasn't criticised the decision of cadde muse when he said he would deny people from koonfuur from entering the region the same people who are loyal to the beautiful maro the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the children of the parents from somali galbeed who died and fought hard for the 5 stars on the maro in the face when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro twice the same people who are oppressing the children of this beautiful maro today the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the female and male soldiers who died for that maro in the 60's and 70's when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro TWICE the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro hasn't put pressure on koonfuur africa and their killings of people loyal to this beautiful maro red herring red herring red herring red herring red red red red HERRING! WiilkaShaydaanka What you didn't get here is that that MARO stand for an ideal. It stand for a Nation for all Somalis. It is a reminder of our unity. This maro is not owned by one clan, region or even a regime. This maro is maro Soomaaliyeed. It represents the best in us. It represents UNITY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD. Do not mistake this maro with the crimes that some have commited. Allot of people have died defending this maro. This maro is bigger then you and I. This maro is bigger then any petty warlord turned president. Think wiilka shaydaanka, this maro is Somalia. This Maro is 1 star in a blue sea. The lone star in this maro stands for that the Somali Nation is Alone. The star has 5 angles, representing the five ways our nation was split. The background is blue meaning that wherever we may be, no matter how many ways we are split, we are united under the blue sky. This MARO is HOPE. I will die for this MARO. Nothing will ever replace buluugle. Lets hope the next generation understands what this MARO stands for. This MARO is inspiration and I hope that it inspires you too brother.
  13. ^^^ You dont get it man, people are not against the courts, they are against the way the take over took place. If the Courts negotiate allot of people will join them, there are allot of suspicions and actions like this one will not make the mistrust go away. The courts should have negotiated. They have burned themselves now. Kismayo was a bad move and they will regret it. Their cause might seem noble but their is allot of clannism involved in it. One of the beter move they made was when they announced the reconciliation forum. They should have used something like that forum to get support first then move towards the areas they are moving to and they should also get a more diverse leadership in terms of clans. Islam or not, mistrust exists. We are Somalis and we know what neighbours did to each other, we know what friends did to each other, so lets cut the crap. We are all tired of war and we all want peace, the courts seem to be a good choice for now,but they are making a big mess and that messis making allot of people doubt. Its not about your either with clan or your with islam. there are real fears here, fears of marganilazation, fears of discrimination and fears of genocides. No one will give us his weapons to his forner enemies even if they are now devout, there should be a negotiated settlement t end this or the war will continue in a new form. if the courts win, some groups will feelmarginalized and they will continue the struggle and the wars willbe forever going on unless the underling issues are addressed. Stop dreaming folks.
  14. Damnnnnnnnnnnn, Mudug boys and Gedo boys fighting over Kismayo. Maybe us North Westerners should come down and claim our share. Kismayo is a Somali city, all cities should become Somali cities, this whole ownership of territories & cities is wrong. We have come a long way since the days of grazing areas. These Geeljires from Mudug,Gedo & Bari are still thinking like the old days (heheh) where people fought over baraago and wells. Kismayo is a SOMALI city, enough for all of us. 1 man 1 vote.
  15. Damnnnnnnnnnnn, Mudug boys and Gedo boys fighting over Kismayo. Maybe us North Westerners should come down and claim our share. Kismayo is a Somali city, all cities should become Somali cities, this whole ownership of territories & cities is wrong. We have come a long way since the days of grazing areas. These Geeljires from Mudug,Gedo & Bari are still thinking like the old days (heheh) where people fought over baraago and wells. Kismayo is a SOMALI city, enough for all of us. 1 man 1 vote.
  16. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!! Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related.
  17. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Islaamahaan Qaadkooda Ha udaayaan!!! You gotta earn living somehow!!!! Che guevara you are out ofline there man. You don't know much about the situation, so its an insult to suggest that the arrest was qat related.
  18. Sharif saylac you and your likes are denying what is acknowledging. Are you blind? Can you not read for yourself? The best thing that you can do here is to denounce these acts of inhumanity by the secessionist mafia in Hargeysa. Who are so willingly abusing Somali Sheikhs, like they have abused that innocent girl. There is no point denying this. Denounce these savage acts or you are just as guilty as those who have perpetrated these crimes and still abusing this innocent man.
  19. These secessionists and their supporters are morally corrupt. We remmember what they did to that innocent girl and now they are doing this to wadaads under the disguise of 'terrorism'. Expect on the worst from those people.