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  1. me

    Somali TV Amsterdam

    Allamagan- Ik hoor van Denemarken man, het is een 'politie-staat' en de Somalies daar hebben het bepaald niet getroffen. Ach ja man, er is niks beters voor ons dan dat we terug gaan naar onze eigen land en dat we daar een leven op bouwen, deze asielzoeker bestaan is niet fijn. Laten we gewoon stoppen met de BS, snappie? Soms denk ik zo van ik zit liever in Somalie dan hier, waar je elke dag je waardigheid verliest en dat je elke gediscrimineerd wordt. Nafta- Ja, man al die kaasjes zijn weer terug gekropen naar hun 'hide-outs'. Originally posted by nafta: Zij en ik zijn van plan om voor paar dagen naar NL te gaan binnekort om onze oude wijken enzo op te zoeken...go back down memory lane. Ooh dat is een leuke plan, heeft zij nog Nederlandse vrienden daar? Jouw hoef ik niet te vragen want Den Haag is net als bijna alle grote steden asociaal. Je hebt gelijk dat die programma het wel goed zou doen als het in zijn geheel in het Nederlands was, maar het is vooral bedoeld voor Somaliers en in het algemeen Somalische jongeren. Mischien dat ze in de toekomst aan andere bevolkings groepen in Nedeland kunnen denken. Nederlanders maakt het niet uit in wat voor taal er wordt gesproken in een programma zolang er maar ondertitelingen zijn. Wij zijn wel boos op jullie Somaliers Nederland hebben verlaten, het is niet meerhet zelfde,het is veel rustiger nu. Zo rustig dat als iemand je herkent voor een Somalier dat ie je vraagt waar de rest is gebleven, want van de ene dag naar de andere waren ze verhuisd. Het is zo rustig nu dat je op 'donderdag' avond in de stad in Amsterdam geen Somaliers tegenkomt. Terwijl ze eerst uit alle hoeken vandaan kwamen. Eerst dacht ik zo van het zijn Somaliers het zijn nomaden. Maar Ik zie nuook dat Irakezen, Iraniers, Afghanen ook masaal naar de UK zijn verhuisd? zat daar mischien een beleid achter? wat denken jullie?
  2. Yes This is my 1000st post and I thought I give it its own topic. Dear Newbie, 1000 posts ago I was just like you and today I have officially wasted 1000 posts arguing about god knows what. One day you shall reach this point too and you will ask yourself, was it worth it? For me,hell yea it was worth it. The most memorable posts for me where when I was trashing Oodweyne or when I was annoying Red sea/Shucayb. So when you reach your 1000st post, post on this thread and tell us what you think of your 1000 posts on SOL and what your most memorable moments were. Thanx, me
  3. ^No not because its long, but because its a busy shipping lane. You cannot just construct a bridge on a busy shipping lane without there being an International consensus. Yemen or Djibouti alone cannot decide whether to build a bridge there. Thats why I am saying I would believe it if they said that they would build a tunnel. They have to ask for PERMISSION first. Plus what benefit will it have for Africa or the Middle East? Nada Nothing Nopes.The problems or Africa and M.E are corruption and mismanagement, they should deal with that first and stop wasting time on fantasy projects.
  4. This is bogus, if they said a tunnel, I could have accepted it,but a bridge? its one of the busiest sea lanes in the world, Yemen has nothing to say there. Only the USA can decide that.
  5. ^ haa bal noo soo baadh waxaan ku fiicnahay, anba taas waan is weydiinanay baryahanba.
  6. ^hahahahahahahah, that explains it.
  7. ^I meant shortly. Centurion, I have sent you the nominations, I can't wait to see how it goes.Be fair alright! I am already writing my acceptance speech badacasoow. So go ahead and nominate me
  8. Waraa Che, don't waste your time and energy on these kind of people. They are misguided and full of hate.
  9. ^^ Yes I am cool with it. I will PM you my nominations shorty.
  10. me


    Originally posted by rokko: Me Waa jiilaal iminka sxb.. diraac I belive, Gu season starts sometime in April insha’allah So you advice April till June?
  11. me

    Somali TV Amsterdam

    ^Gartay sxb,meesha ka fadhiiso ninyahow kabihii wey kaa dhamaadeene anigu wax aan ka nebcahay in aan guuro ma jirto. War horta Denmark maxaa lagu hayaa? Maxee dadku qabtaan?
  12. Beleshiyo- Beleshiyaadkii - Beelo maleeshiyo ama ciidan beeleed. Kaas ayaa maanta igu cusub. Erayo cusub hadii aad aragtaan hakan bal noogu qora.
  13. SOL NOMAD AWARD 2004- by butacow boombale.;f=6;t=003631#000000 SOL NOMAD AWARD 2006 - By badacase;f=6;t=006773#000000 7TH S.O.L Academy Awards.- BOB(2005);f=6;t=004219#000000 AWARDS- P508 (2004);f=6;t=003053#000000 SomaliaOnline Awards of the Month! - Jlee(2003);f=6;t=002171#000000 S.O.L Awards....Vote Wisely!!!!! - Soma-inc (2003);f=6;t=001664#000000
  14. Ok your right, so now we nominate and when is the actual ceremony and are there prizes that can be won? Who will maintain this thread? I want that this becomes an annual ceremony, but can you guarantee us that next year around this time we will have the ceremony again? Why cant we have a POLL, so that everyone can nominate one person.
  15. ^meel walba oo sabtu ka jirto miyaa?
  16. Be original man! I boycott this thread for not being original enough,at least wait couple of weeks for when the other thread dies out.
  17. hahahahahah@jacaylbaro, you liar! and I was waiting for you to give me tips, now your pretending you don't know jack. Xulaxu your right, its the same as pen-pals or seeing someones picture and falling for them like back in the days. This is just faster and more convenient, when we get better webcams and faster computers, you can have a whole relationship with people without even meeting them, the possibilities are endless. The question is will this substitute the real thing? In the other thread we were talking about toys, now relationships. People just don't know how to communicate or get all long anymore. People are becoming more ego' and anti-social. My question is why is this happening, why are so many people 'their own little island' these days. Do people have such high 'standards' these days that they will probably never meet who they are looking for? and is this why they need toys, dolls or love through phone/Internet. Do people just not have the patience? and do these 'convenient' relationships offer them 'instant' love or satisfaction for when they need it.
  18. ^AY once represented hope to the Somali people, this was before he invited the xabash to attack Somalia. In my book Saado Cali is a wadniyad artist. I am judging her through her track recordings, I haven't even heard of that MN thing your talking about, but almost every Somali heard Soo bari galay
  19. me

    Somali TV Amsterdam

    Nee, Xulaxu, mensen zijn geintergreerd nu, ze werken of gaan naar school, ze hangen niet meer rond op station. Sneek dus een Fries, spreek je ook Fries? Nafta - Etten-leur? Ik hoor altijd over dat stadje maar weet er nix van, waar ligt het precies? Er kunnen wel nog boerderijen over zijn maar het 'boeren-bedrijf' wordt ontmoedigt in Nederland. De overheid wil dat Nederlandse boeren stoppen met boer zijn of dat ze verhuizen naar Oost-Europa of Canada en dat ze daar een boeren-bedrijf opzetten. Dus ze maken het leven van die boeren zeur met 'regeltjes' zo dat ze vanzelf weg gaan en als ze weg gaan, gaan ze hun subsidieren (ongeveer wat ze met de Somaliers hebben gedaan) Als die boeren weg gaan, kopen ze hun land op en die verkopen ze dan weer op hun beurt aan de bouwbedrijven, die lelijke nieuwbouw daar voorin de plaats zetten. Centurion, NL is nog steeds een leuke plek om op te groeien, het is goed voor kinderen. Dus als je later getrouwd en kinderen hebt kom terug, UK is geen plaats voor kinderen. Voor ouwe mensen is het ook goed, als je niet van plan bent om een eigenzaak op te zetten. Het lijkt erop dat de overheid ondernemerschap 'ontmoedigt' Allamagan, jij bent een originele Nomaad man, Duitsland, Denemarken Nederland, Somalie,waar nog meer heb je gewoond?
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Saxib, I am defending the Somali national government and its method of restoring the state. You are making up imaginary friends in your quest to keep talking utter nonsence. There is a governemnt in Somalia its got the mustcle, some outsourced for now. It has the diplomatic recognition and the support of the people who want a new life. The TFG is going fast and far as it is made up of all the Somali clans, it has captured the country and a few mortars here and there will not change anything. Thsoe thugs will be chased out soon enough insha Allah. The tide has turned and Somalia is no longer without a governemnt. [/quote A government that needs protection from its own people is not a government but an occupation. There is no such thing as an outsourced force. Somalia is occupied so stop lying o yourself, wake up and smell the coffee. I am not making any imaginary friends, I know who is for keeps and who is not, I can guarantee you that the TFG is dead, it was still born. You are a man of no principles as I have told you before so when in lets say 6 months the TFG is dead, it won hurt you, because the only reason you supported the TFG was for clan reasons. The TFG is not the government of Somalia, because its people do not want it.
  21. Why give it a break? You are defending Xabashi daba-dhilifs and you are calling the Somali resistance thugs. I think we have a major disagreement here,so lets discuss it. Unless you have realized how wrong you are and you are willing apologize to the people on SOL, whose intelligence you have insulted. Yes the TFG is to stay in the collective memory of the Somali nation as the darkest day in its history so far.
  22. Originally posted by Taako Man: Me So 1.0 is better then 4.5? LOOOOL. Yes if the 1.0 stands for a United Somalia for the Somalis. Somalis are a Nation, not clans
  23. ^^ Thugs? so thats what you call resistance fighters. General Duke, your not Somali your reer hebel, thats the difference between us all you see is clans,whats that term they use here often 'myopic?' Soomaalinimo and Islaamnimo are nice terms indeed but meaningless to someone like you who lacks courage or damiir. These terms offer us visions, what does your TFG offer us, Xabash occupation? We know that meles zenawi is in control of the TFG why do you present that AY has anything to say? and when AY dies next week, who will you support? Are your loyalties only to a clan or to a nation? and as you have said before your loyalties lie with a clan, why do you expect people from lets say other clans to support you?
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: ME, who is inconsitant me or you? Saxuib you flip flop and pretend more than many here, you hild no position what so ever. Saxib, my former prediction are the past, I got some wrong and some right, one thing for sure though the tide has turned long ago, in favour of the TFG. Like I said when the governemnt was "holed up" in Baidoa, wait for the crunch, its coming again. No Duke you are the flip flopper, liar and the most inconsistent person here on SOL when it comes to principals and raganimo. You are only consistent in your hate for fellow Somalis, your lack of damiir and your daba-dhilifnimo for the xabash and I don't think you deserve an award except for being xaarka kabta amxaar. I have never flip flopped on my principles, I have always stood firm and will always stand for walaaltinimada Soomaaliyeed, wadanoolaanshaha Soomaaliyeed iyo Wadajirka Somaaliyeed. Inta aan meeshan joogay halmid un ayaan la jiray taasna waa Soomaalinimo iyo Soomaaliweyn. Adiguna qabyaalad iyo qudun ayaad ka shaqaynaysaa. I have supported the courts and I still support the courts for the reasons that the courts stand for a united Somaliweyn under Islamic law. While the TFG that YOU support stands for qabyaalad in the form of 4.5, while the TFG that you support stands for Daba-dhilifnimo xabashi. I do not flip flop I stand firm, because my ideals are not the kind that allow one to flip flop. Either you support it or you don't but you do not flip flop on Somalinimo. The ICU offered the Somali a vision of a peace full and prosperous future without clan discrimination, while the TFG is offering us a future of clan discrimination and Ethiopian oppression. Do you blame me for having the sense to choose the ICU?
  25. me

    Somali TV Amsterdam

    ^^ nee man ik maakte een grap, Ik bedoelde dat er zoveel mensen hier bij SOL kaaskoppen zijn, dat straks Duke ook eentje is. h-oe is het leven in denmark?