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Gadiid don't waste your time with people who speak of Muslim unity yet support warlords who hide behind Islam. :mad: Contrary to what you try to picture me as, I respect Abdiqasim's stance against seccession, his religious personality, and his pro-Muslim, pro-Arab policy. We know why he was religious and pro-Arab, to steal the money that the Arabs were giving to the people of Somalia. Horn, why don't you answer the this, where did all this money go??? How much did you get?? :confused: The chairman of the Somali parliament Abdullah Yitzhak said that Saudi Arabia vowed to offer to the Somali people financial aids estimated at US $ 930 million as a contribution to rebuilding the country and revive services establishments destroyed during the ten year of civil war in the country.
Horn, But to be honest to be in Siad barre's gov did not mean you participated in his activities. How hypocritical as usual, hiding behind Islam like your mentor Salad Boy. Wasn't he the very man who justified the bombing of Hargeisa on CNN. :mad: Go and morn with him in Xamar, maybe he’ll give you a raise from the $Millions that he stole from the nation. :mad:
People take a break from your warlordism, tribilism, fanatism or any other ism and read the below content it might save your life. Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself. Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing conscious. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives !!! Don't ever think that you are not prone to heart attack if your age is less than 25 or 30. Nowadays due to the change in the life style, heart attack is found among people of all age groups. BE A FRIEND AND PLEASE SEND THIS ARTICLE TO AS MANY FRIENDS ! AS POSSIBLE. If everyone who gets this sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.
Zak99, well said bro, we all claim we r good moslem but if the murder is your keenship, u look the other way. HornAfrique, Though I agree with you the list of names you identified as war criminals I hope you are not excluding ina Salad Boy, because you support him or worse because he's your kinship.
Uh did i miss something? i don't think anyone is hating anyone. Yusufaddie, let the boy release his tension. guraad I hear you my boy. It’s hilarious to read their writings. Bari and Guraad keep on making my day their pathetic cries and moaning. If you notice he and Bari go off the topic of discussion and never understand what is written by others.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Yusufaddie is it gara'd or garacad>? if garacad what is the post saying? there is an airport there? Originally posted by SmithNwestern: But knowing some people they dont even know where GARAD is SNW well said, Garad where???? :confused: :confused: :confused: How desperate and pethetic can these people get.
The below article states that the men who presented themselves as the elders of their clans refused to take oath, to prove that they are the genuine elders of their clan (H***ye & D***d). The organizers took this measure of asking the elders who presented themselves to take oath after they received reports stating that many of the (genuine) elders stayed behind in Somalia. Now not only do we have warlords, but also fake elders (odayaal). Nice combination to lead the country huh? :confused: ------------------------------------------------ ODAYAASHA DHAQANKA BEELAHA ****** IYO ******* OO GALABTA ISKA DIIDAY IN AY DHAARTAAN Isniin, 4 August, 2003 Waxaa galabta lagu waday in shirka ka dhacayay madasha shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee Mbagathi lagu dhaariyo duubabka dhaqanka ee beelaha Soomaalida, iyaga oo horay loogu wargeliyay in oday kasta uu soo diyaariyo sharcinimadiisa oday dhaqameednimo, cidda uu u dhashay iyo deegaankiisa. Haddaba markii shirkaas la isugu yimid, isla markaana la isu qaban qaabiyay in uu oday dhaqameedyada dhaariyo nin Sheekh ah oo lagu magacaabo Sheekh Mohamed Musalam oo Imaam ka ah masjid weyn oo ku yaala magaalada Nairobi ayay odayaasha Beelaha ****** iyo ******* ay gebi ahaanba diideen intii ku soo xaadirtay hoolka shirka Mbagathiin ay dhaartaan, iyaga oo sheegay in ay yihiin odayaal dhaqameedyo sharci ah oo la yaqaano, isla markaana soo jireen ah, sidaas darteedna aysan meesha oolin wax loo dhaariyo. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in odayaasha labadaas beelood aysanba badankood shirka imaanin, kuwii yimidna ay ka hor yimaadeen dhaartii. Si kastaba, arinta keentay in la dhaariyo odayaasha dhaqanka ayay warar isa soo taraya sheegayaan in loola jeeday in lagu xaqiijiyo odayaasha dhaqanka rasmiga ah ee beelaha Soomaalida, bacdamaa laga doonayo in aysan qeylo dhaan iyo duubkeena rasmiga ah ma ahan aysan ka daba imaanin xulista xubnaha baarlamaanka ee ay sameyn doonaan, haddiiba sidaas la isku af-garto. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online saladxiis@yahoo.com Mogadishu, Somalia
To the blind followers, If you haven't noticed none of the pro-Somaliland people in this forum make any apology or condone Dahir Riyaale's crimes, none of them came to his defence when Bari posted the article written by Raqiya Oomar (Somalilander). Yet when Bari-Nomad requested our response, I responded to him that we read the report, which was posted all over the Somaliland websites 6 months ago. I also stated that we debated his crimes among ourselves (Somalilanders). I pointed out to you that we don't discuss our problems outside our country and use the saying "We don't hang our dirty linen OUTSIDE". Now whether at this moment of time we continue with the "Forgiveness" for all previous crimes reached during the Somaliland reconciliation conferences or revisit the records of previous offenders is a matter for us and ONLY for us ALONE. We will NOT and we will NEVER let outsiders specially non-Muslims come and tell us how to solve our problems with each other. The difference with you guys (Smithy, Bari-Nomad, Guraan or Samurai-W) is that you seemed to praise a warlord (C/Lahi Yusuf), which his crimes go back as far as pre-Independence. Whether it’s the above article posted or the one entitled “How Kenya Helped to fight Siad Bare”, with the following quote: He hardly fits the portrait of a seasoned rebel... Now if you believe all that and are blinded from his brutality, then all the best to the people of Puntland who will remain hostages to this man for as long as he has people like you defending him in the virtual world and the "Death Squad" in the real world.
Bari-Nomad & Guraad, Keep on beating around the bush and not produce any evidence. What I'm asking is very clear, so let the people in the forum be WITNESSES to your FABRICATIONS and FORGERIES. Till then.....
Guraad, mystery , if you go back to my prefuse post titled “DECLARATION ON THE POLITICAL POSITION OF THE PEOPLE OF SS&H” you would see in the end of the letter i produced the names and signators of the dhul.bahante garaads and olders of sool,sanaag and hawd . guraad I saw the names you typed, but no signatures, so don't beat around the bush and produce your evidence. I repeat if your eyes failed you last time. Gulaad, can you name the place and date any of these public conferences please? Also can you scan and post the agreement to show the signatures ? Why is that so hard for you to produce? Or was it written by the 5 people in this forum and typed the names of the elders? You know you don’t represent the majority so stop these forgeries.
Heay guraad, you didn’t produce the proof of signatories I asked you previously with regards to the “DECLARATION ON THE POLITICAL POSITION OF THE PEOPLE OF SS&H” you proudly posted or did you conveniently forgot. We know how well you forge documents in those regions, bank notes, passports, people etc. “…the people of Sool, Southern and Eastern Sanaag regions and Buhoodle District…freely decided through series of consultative and constitutional public conferences, to join with their brethren in the North-East Somalia…” I repeat, Gulaad, can you name the place and date any of these public conferences please? Also can you scan and post the agreement to show the signatures? So you agree with me in the following points I mentioned regarding the people in these regions: 1. They turn their face whichever way the wind is blowing. 2. They are sitting on the fence. 3. If they choose Puntland they will not be considered second, nor third, nor….but the lowest class in that state, compared to the ruling clan. 4. You are a minority in Somaliland and so will you be in Somalia.
Oodweyne, Angle_Dust, Mujaahid, Ayub Sheikh, Lander, I would ask you all to refrain from responding to this article. I will highlight few of the sentences that show Mina’s lack of knowledge and research on this topic. Had she not made these grave mistakes I would have nominated her for the Noble Prize, for Historian or Military Expert or Anthropologist or... Read on and you will know. First my comment followed by her quote. So such a small qabil should not be any threat to nons. Or are they? The **** concentration is limited to Northwest and Togdher regions. In other words, more than two third of the land area of Somaliland is inhabited by non-**** clans. The below quote tells me that she’s definitely not **** . Take a wild guess of her qabil. Guraad you know her personally, or is Mina one of your aliases? The **** is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists. Where did she live in the early 80s? Definitely not Hargeisa Nor Burco and even if she did we know who she would have belong to. To deny any wrongdoing to **** . The oppressor conveniently forgets the atrocities they commit, while the oppressed never forgets. Hence, the **** claim that they aren’t ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. Yet she contradicts herself in the below quote. …the destruction of whole towns and massacre of innocent civilians. Now she reveals her reference, whom she regards as an SNM expert. By the way did I miss this part of the history of SNM and maybe Jama Yare was the 10th SNM Chairman, if there was such a number. Knowing very well how they can re-write history and fabricate facts it wouldn't be any surprise. In fact, it is in the records that the ****** and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his “The Cost of Dictatorship” book, Jama Ghalib (an **** ) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and ****** to the SNM in early 1980s. By the way she’s also a military expert. Sadly she didn’t offer the alternative military strategy that SNM should have taken, I would have love to have known. The SNM’s ferocious kamakazi style attack on Hargeisa and Burao gave the tyrant every excuse to hit back and hit hard. Should the SNM take a different military strategy, what happened to Hargeisa and Burao would have been averted. As mentioned before,.. How many times, not once, not twice, but three times. We hear you, but not for long my dear, rest assured. Now ladies & gentlemen you do not have to guess any more, for she reveals her true colours (qabil). .. Sool and Sanag joined the regional administration of Puntland. In fact, Sool and Sanag are part of Northeast regional administration of Puntland. Moreover, Sool and Sanag currently fall under the regional administration of Punland in the Northeast. Egal (May Allah have mercy on your soul) you were one clever man. They fell for your trap I have to give it to you, what can I say simple (to use a polite word) people . The secessionists have been also busy of destabilizing Mogadishu and the south believing that the longer Mogadishu stays in chaos and anarchy the better chance they have to get international recognition. Actually, Mr. Egal had been paying millions of dollars to sum warlords in Mogadishu to continue the chaos and tarnish the image of the country’s capital as one dangerous one. She’s not only military expert, read on, but also world politics expert. Bush & Blair make sure you hear this girl's warning loud and clear. You’ll never know she might be teaching you a great lesson. The international community is warned of the dangers of accepting clan-based statehoods in this volatile region or continent. If these clan-based secessionists are granted statehood, it will set an unprecedented step towards the integration of the countries in the Horn and many others in Africa, Asia and even Europe. Ooooh did I miss to say she’s also historian. It may lead to the declaration of independence by sub-clans and village states may be reintroduced, taking the world back into Aristotle’s time. She really spread herself wide and thin, had she concentrated on one topic, maybe she would have excelled in it. Best of luck Mina, continue doing a great job of making fool of yourself, it will only enhance our case. Thank you
What follows are two accounts of George W. Bush's visit to Sub-Saharan Africa. In my opinion they reveal the true attitudes of our current administration and their cynical approach to domestic politics and international aid. The implicit message that Bush has sent to the people of Sub-Saharan Africa is nothing short of shocking. As a U.S. citizen I wish to personally apologize for this unacceptable behavior and open disdain for the hard won sovereignty of the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Jim Igoe University of Colorado at Denver Bush in Senegal FYI. Not knowing the Senegalese writer of this private message and not wanting to cause him/her any trouble, I have deleted the routing information. Dearest friends, As you probably know, this week George Bush is visiting Africa. Starting with Senegal, he arrived this morning at 7.20 AM and left at 1.30 PM. This visit has been such an ordeal that a petition is being circulated for this Tuesday July 8th be named Dependency Day. Let me share with you what we have been trough since last week. 1- Arrestations : more than 1,500 persons have been arrested and put in jail between Thursday and Monday. Hopefully they will be released now that the Big Man is gone 2- The US Army's planes flying day and night over Dakar. The noise they make is so loud that one hardly sleeps at night 3- About 700 security people from the US for Bush's Senegal, with their dogs, and their cars. Senegalese security forces were not allowed to come near the US president 4- All trees in places where Bush will pass have been cut. Some of them are over 100 years old 5- All roads going down town (were hospitals, businesses, schools are located) were closed from Monday night to Tuesday at 3 PM. This means that we could not go to our offices or schools. Sick people were also obliged to stay at home. 6- National exams for high schools that started on Monday are postponed until Wednesday. Bush's visit to the Goree Island is another story. As you may know Goree is a small Island facing Dakar where from the 15th to the 19th century, the African slaves to be shipped to America were parked in special houses called slave houses. One of these houses has become a Museum to remind humanity about this dark period and has been visited by kings, queens, presidents. Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, and before them, Nelson Mandela, the Pope, and many other distinguished guests or ordinary tourists visited it without bothering the islanders. But for "security reasons" this time, the local population was chased out of their houses from 5 to 12AM. They were forced by the American security to leave their houses and leaves everything open, including their wardrobes to be searched by special dogs brought from the US. The ferry that links the island to Dakar was stopped and offices and businesses closed for the day. According to an economist who was interviewed by a private radio, Senegal that is a very poor country has lost huge amount of money in this visit, because workers have been prevented from walking out of their homes. In addition to us being prevented to go out, other humiliating things happened also. Not only Bush brought did not want to be with Senegalese but he did not want to use our things. He brought his own armchairs, and of course his own cars, and meals and drinks. He came with his own journalists and ours were forbidden inside the airport and in place he was visiting. Our president was not allowed to make a speech. Only Bush spoke when he was in Goree. He spoke about slavery. It seems that he needs the vote of the African American to be elected in the next elections, and wanted to please them. That's why he visited Goree. Several protest marches against American politics have been organized yesterday and even when Bush was here, but we think he does not care. We have the feeling that everything has been done to convince us that we are nothing, and that America can behave the way it wants, everywhere, even in our country. Believe me friends, it is a terrible feeling. But according to a Ugandan friend of mine, I should not complain because it Uganda one of the country he is going to visit, Bush does not intend to go out of the airport. He will receive the Ugandan President in the airport lounge. Homes bulldozed to clear way for Bush ABUJA - Armed police backed by bulldozers tore down illegally built homes and shops in the Nigerian capital Abuja today ahead of a visit by US President George W Bush. The operation began yesterday after an order from President Olusegun Obasanjo to clean up the city ahead of his American counterpart's arrival, officials said. In one residential quarter of the city reporter saw around 60 buildings - ranging from brick-built structures to makeshift wooden shanties - ploughed down as hundreds of residents looked on in despair. "They didn't give us any warning," wailed tailor John Emeka, who saved his sewing machine but lost much of his stock when a joint taskforce of police and environmental protection agents pulled down his business. Nearby a stock of computers lay mangled in the wreckage of an electronic goods store, and the ownwer of a grilled meat stand argued with officers attempting to condemn his barbecue. The police came armed with assault rifles and tear gas, but there was no violence as the bulldozers rolled in. A senior local official, Babangida Aliyu, told reporters that Obasanjo had personally ordered the destruction on a visit last week to the Federal Capital Territory's lawmakers. "Obasanjo gave specific instructions when he visited, and we have no qualms in carrying them out," he said. More than 2,000 Nigerian police and intelligence officers have been deployed around Abuja to provide security for Bush's visit, the last stage in a whirlwind five-nation tour of Africa. The US leader is due in Abuja late today after a stopover in Uganda and is to return to Washington on Saturday.His trip has so far taken him to Senegal, South Africa and Botswana. AFP
Bari, We read & debated these reports done by Raqiya Oomar, who incidentally lives in Hargeisa, where Riyaale or anyone else cannot touch her. I wonder if similar reports were done on the warlords and if so, is the person living in the same city? Lastly we debate & solve our problems among ourselves (we don’t hang our dirty linen outside, unlike you) and not cry to the International institutions and other countries to come and fix our problems.
Mujaahid, How about, "dagar qabe dhulkaa u dhagdhaqaaqa". Please be gentle with guraad & Bari, since they're facing identity crises.