Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by Arac: The gene for SOL hydrogenase is in chromosome 13. You have two chromosome 13's, one you inherited from your father and one you inherited from your father. Saaxiib, you whole argument is flawed because your premise was flawed to begin with. This lady you are engaging was not sired by 2 fathers... Arac, you have no evidence to prove that God does not exist. So move along with these cheap drivel, mate.
  2. ^^ This topic is so very gay. Waryaa, we are Somali.
  3. ^^^ The arguement is there, if you're so dense that he needs to re-explain it, too ****in' bad for ya. Overall, sharif is the most incompetent buffoon that has ever set foot in Villa Somalia. nuff said
  4. ^^^ Your reactions are so predictable. Pointing out Yey's failures do not make me happy. I treat all Somali all politicians (past and present) equally. Who cares about what makes you 'happy'? But nonetheless, honest answers are appreciated. I'll continue to criticize those who fail to live up to their duty to the Somali people. Especially when they're so ripe with irony.
  5. Originally posted by BiLaaL: Not sure whether you bothered reading the article. It has some harsh words for your hero Yeey. It is amazing how someone can continue to admire an individual so condemned by all. Easy there Bilaal, don't burst a blood vessel.. not on Yeey's account bwahahahahahahahaw .. but that aside, the only people who still want to heap ALL the problems of Somalia onto the great legend are M society's infamous anarchists and those somehow affiliated with the incompetent Sharif. *glares at Bilaal*-- Nip it in the bud sxb. Our problems will ONLY get worse as long as we continue to play the blame game.
  6. Originally posted by UZTAAD: it is time sharif hotel to resign he collected enough money to enjoy the rest of his lif . sharif hotel is another abdiqasim salad hasan. he spend most of his time traveling from one capital to another capital as he is tourist I, too, have had enough of the moron. First of all, let me say this.... WHAT SORT OF A PRESIDENT CANNOT TRAVEL TO ANY OTHER CITY IN A COUNTRY WHICH HE CLAIMS TO BE THE LEADER OF? Secondly.... WITH ALL THE MONEY HE"S RECEIVED FROM THE OUTSIDE WORLD, WHY IS HE STILL UNABLE TO PUSH THE DEVIANTS NIQABIS OUT OF XAMAR??? He HASN'T DONE JACK SH1T. HE MUST GO!
  7. Originally posted by peacenow: Does this notion get you at all starry eyed and with that warm feeling inside??? Well it lies at the heart of the failure of the Somali people and abject humiliation they present live in. This is a emerging threat for the present and the future and I saw it coming. Thousands of hordes of failed Somali men with passports of civilized countries with this romantic notion of the 'international islamic brotherhood' of brown and black in them. That exists in their imagination. They are perfect terrorist fodder. They will be the sole world's terrorists for decades to come. Forget the Pakis, this group is the one to watch. I agree with you. They should ALL be hanged from the testicles.
  8. Originally posted by Somali09: "Mr Somalia" I have to say, you have amazing evasive abilities when it comes to answering points in discussions. You should be a politician! What evidence would you consider sufficient to prove God does not exist???? If the holy books (like the Quran) is the literal word of God, then by proving the claims it contains as FALSE - doesnt that tell you something???? Have you read (hopefully not from creatinist or religious sites/books) about the Evolution Theory & The Big Bang etc??? Or you are in league with your christian counterparts at the Creation Museum showcasing Dinosaurs and humans living side by side in some eden. ^^^^ Somali09, if I make a claim that God exists and you make a claim that he does not exist, we are both making claims. Are we not? Why then, do you think that I should believe, you are exempt from proving your claim just because you say that you are exempt from proving your claim? Is it a law of nature that makes you exempt from providing proof that God does not exist? No. Now I know as an atheist, you do not believe in God, but you cannot prove that God does not exist either. How can you then be certain of anything you do not know, unless of-course you believe you know all. And I for one, do not believe atheists know everything that exists. People who simply proclaim God does not exist as if it were a truism, should be required to prove what they say is true. This is just a part of critical thinking, saaxiib. I WILL not accept a simple assertion as a substitute for truth. There... now that we're back on an equal and rationally intellectual footing and we agree no one can DISPROVE the existence of God; and there clearly aren't any intellectual or scientific tools available to do so. So the question then becomes, "who has the better case?". In my opinion, it is far more rational and supportable to argue for the existence of God than to argue against it. I worship the All-Mighty-- Creator of the universe with ALL its enormous mass and energy, and gravity, and ALL the amazing natural processes and laws that govern our world. Your Big Bang argument on the other hand; would seem to be things "coming into existence" as reformulations of existing mass and energy acting on each other, based on existing physical laws, correct? Well... even if we posit that the Big Bang was simply the explosion of matter that already existed, we still come back to an ULTIMATE Cause issue; WHY did they exist, how did matter and energy AND the laws that govern them come into existence? Scientific reasoning requires a cause for every effect; what was the cause of the Big Bang? The idea that the creation of the Universe did not require a Creator(a causal agent) is rationally untenable. Many great minds, from Avicenna(Ibn Sina)to Kant to Descartes have offered persuasive philosophical arguments for their faith and the existence of the one true God; I have yet to see even one argument for Atheism that doesn't boil to the simple declaration, "I don't see Him, so He does not exist."
  9. ^^^ More whining from our resident infidel. Is there some empty void in your life that makes you want to come here and whine about the big bad Muslims constantly? How dare you try to pin the ineptness of the C.I.A for not catching the terrorist mastermind, OBL, on the Muslim people! And NO: Muslims do not think criminals are superior to anyone. I wish life was as easy as your over simplified generalizations, but you need to get over yourself, bombastic toad!
  10. Originally posted by Raamsade: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Raamsade , how did you come to your conclusion that there is no God? By the same way that led you to reject all Gods except Allah. ^^ Nice to hear from you, Raamsade. You have broken your silence. Why? I do not scare you, do I? I certainly hope I don't. Honestly sxb, I haven't heard one person asking you to prove God does not exist. I figured if certain people of atheistic persuasions such as yourself, could bandy about the simple statement that "no one can prove the existence of God," then surely, they should be able to prove that the following simple sentence is false: To date no one has produced any evidence that proves God does not exist. Methinks, no one has succeeded so far, because they just do not know and cannot prove it.
  11. Originally posted by Johnny B: Mr.Somalia.... Arguing that it is on the others(the Atheists in this case) to disprove that extraordinary claim is committing the fallacy of demanding a negative proof, Again, here is the example of the logical fallacy of demanding a negative proof that i used to sum Nrof's argument. ^^ Is that right, that no one can prove a negative? I beg to differ very much saaxiib. A very long time ago, a Greek philosopher by the name of Democritus proposed that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles which he called atoms, or in Greek "a-tomos". The reason why he assumed this, was that he believed, nothing could come from nothing. But by and large, his remained a theory for ages, and in fact, many prominent scientists over the years treated it as pure hogwash because there never was strong evidence to prove such a thing. It was only in the recent 19th century, that a scientist called John Dalton was able(based this time on research and experiments)to prove that matter was indeed composed of atoms. And thanks to him, we now ALL know that atoms do exist, period. At one time in the past we did not. Now, when I asked you to prove God does not exist-- you called it proving a negative, just because you do not BELIEVE that God exists. You are no different than ALL the people in the past who did not believe atoms existed. With every negative there is a positive to consider, and both can mean the same thing, so you will have to prove both positive and negative. This is universally true, Johnny B. For instance; you can prove God does or does not exist by using the positive and the negative(i.e God does exist, yes or no. God does not exist, yes or no)... If God does not exist is true, then God does exist is false. Both assertions are correct. Conversely, If God does not exist is false, then God does exist is true. This is a perfectly obvious verbal truism.
  12. I officially support the killing of ALL deviants and their supporters, wherever they may hide. This is for all the innocent mothers and children they've killed and maimed. Video footage from Apache gunship taking out terrorists. (WARNING-- Not for the faint-hearted)
  13. Originally posted by Norfsky: Not much has been offered from the resident Atheists I see. All we have had is confusion dressed as conviction written in blabber hoping it would be mistaken for intellect . Waxba islama haysaan Norf, I single-handedly negated his shallow statement that "God does not exist". To date no one has produced any evidence that proves God does not exist. He doesn't really know what does and does not exist anyway. A long time ago germs did not exist (so said some 'smart' people); now they do. What happened? Atheists just deny the proof that most people of faith can see. To the average person, it is absurd to deny God's existence; most people on earth believe in the existence of God, because His existence is undeniable. Atheists are obsessed maniacs who spin a web of self-deceit that allows them to deny the proof of God's existence to themselves ONLY; their self-deceptions are NOT even necessarily scientific in nature. There are enormous problems with their so-called "scientific" explanations for all that exists and for all that occurs in God's Creation, but the web of self-deceit is large enough and complex enough that they can deceive themselves if they choose to do so. The average Muslim has no wish to do so.
  14. Johnny B, You replied to me, "In an Ideal world, one would atleast expect from ( my 'xamarawi' fellow ) Mr.Somalia to go through the twisted logic of incoherency to its conclusion, and ask me to stop believing BOTH that Allah(SWT)does or does not exist, but with this not being the case , i'll have no choice but degrade it a level and say a rationally justified 'BAH', and this time mean it." But I never demanded that anyone believe anything; and I certainly did not say that you should "stop believing" in something just because there is no evidence against it. I actually proved the opposite, that no proposition about anything should be believed unless it is proven true. Please do not pretend that I said things which I did not say, just so you can justify the cranial constipation that has clearly handicapped your debating prowess.
  15. ^^ Johnny B, you replied to me, "I refuse to discuss this any further, you disarmed my argument so i give up." But you never did have any tangible argument, in the first place, that needed disarming. What you don't seem to get, Johnny, is that it is illogical to believe ANY unproven proposition, stated in the negative or in the positive, about the existence of a thing, or about anything else. So IT IS ILLOGICAL for you to believe that Allah(SWT) does not exist, unless you have explicitly seen proof that the proposition "Allah(SWT) does not exist" is true. And please don't try to repeat your silly assertion that it is logical to believe that something does not exist until its existence has been proven. That is not logical at all. Applying such reasoning will ONLY lead to incorrect beliefs on your part. However; there maybe one way by which that reasoning could possibly be logical: if believing that something didn't exist would magically make it cease to exist. Then one could never be wrong. Otherwise, you will be wrong a significant amount of the time if you believe that nothing exists except for anything for the existence of which you have seen proof. AFTER ALL, THERE ARE THINGS WHICH DO EXIST, OF WHICH YOU KNOW NOTHING. So, Johnny, it might be time to stop believing that Allah(SWT)does not exist.
  16. ^^^ You "DEMAND"?? Ha ha ha...(Horta saaxiib-- shactiroole weyn ayaad tahay) Johnny B, by definition-- Burden of proof is "the obligation to shift the assumed conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one's own position, this may be either a negative or positive claim. The burden of proof may only be fulfilled by evidence." It goes on to say, "under the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit", the general rule is that "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."--which in this case is you, Johnny! Your claim was made way before mine, and it was a clear denial of Allah's existence on your part. Now, I simply request that you prove what you say is true! Do not just expect us to believe your simple assertion that He does not exist. Meretricious arguments and thoughtless assertions WILL NOT convince me that you are right. I know, that you know, that I know, there isn't the slightest speck of evidence to prove there is no God. Marka, don't expect me to let you get away with such a simple and careless thought process for such a complex matter. You are the one who complains about the non-existence of Allah(SWT) and who the burden of proof therefore lies with you, are those like you, who don't, in this context, believe in Allah(SWT). Or maybe, I should make things easier on you...and ask you instead to prove to me the 'void' you believe in exists.
  17. ^^^ Anigu waxaa mowdey wellgiis dugsi inuusan soo dhigan! Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: I Agree with the creepy creature above. A&T, like Churchill said about Russia, you too cannot forecast my actions on this forum. He called the Russians a "riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma".
  18. ^^^ Disgusting indeed..! Indeed, those hell bound deviants have, for a long time now, demonstrated an absolute disregard for the value of Somali life, and their willingness to fight their jaded concept of jihad at any cost, has led to so much suffering amongst our people. However, there appears to a positive side to this brutality: Whilst potentially furthering their quest for power in Somalia; Al Shabab's savagely tactics and attacks, have damaged the support they previously had within some segments of the Somali population. Their blatant disregard for civilian life has alienated many people, who are now shifting and readjusting their allegiances and rising up against this deviant group, who consistently continue to employ overtly brutal tactics against innocent civilian populations.
  19. ^^^ Now, now...not another meltdown please. What WILL the "thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and Arab origins" think? Bwaaaahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahah
  20. ^^^ These pictures remind me of this poem... Ode To The Displaced... The hour before dawn, the hour of silence, when time seems to stand still. Dawn, the hour when we think our loneliest thoughts, when we beseech God, and search for understanding deep in our hearts, our essence. What is the secret that keeps our people alive, what pain, what breath? Over and over, the question returns to haunt us. Suddenly, impressions of mayhem flood my mind: war and conflict are raging, Somalis are being driven from their homes, bombed, gunned down, abused, tormented... concentrated in death camps. Humiliated for a name, an origin, an identity. Humiliated, and then forgotten. It was only yesterday, and in the mists of my memory, their faces are simultaneously engraved and obliterated by the immensity of the evil wrought upon them. Are we not responsible for our history? Can it be that we have not learned to confront our demons? The taste in my mouth is repulsive, bitter. Today is so like yesterday. Where have we come, in fact? Are we innocents droning on for all to hear about their insignificant lapses? Bedlamites carried away by ignorance of what they have done? Monsters possessed, by their thirst for power and control? Who are we? Yesterday’s victims, today’s killers... suffering at dusk, dictators at dawn? And when the long night is over, what will we have become? Who, finally, are we? What memory can we call our own? The same images: of those driven from their homes, bombed, gunned down, abused, tormented...concentr ated in camps of the selfsame death. Today, like yesterday. They knew, of course. And they let it happen... Today, we know. We let it happen. The cravenness is deep. The hour before dawn, the hour of silence, when time seems to stand still. Suddenly, I feel I must speak with my sister, my brother. To whisper to them what lies in the heart. A secret. Down deep, I do not know what we have become;I cannot know our hopes, our aspirations. I no longer know the value of our promises, so much have we betrayed each other. My sister, my brother, if our life’s blood has any meaning, it is time to awaken our shared memories. It is time for us to awaken; to resist. We have been deceived. How beautiful were our dreams; how ugly the reality. They spoke to us of peace as one would speak of hope: something for us, beyond us, without us. Without effort. We witness a destiny free of memory, of sacrifice, of justice. Without dignity. Under the unfathomed blue skies of Somalia, I can hear the deadened melodies of contrition, of sustained guilt, of a slowly throttling ailment; I would like to become the ambassador of the unvoiced, of the doomed, the friendless and the refugee, those who have paid the price for our meekness. I would like us to invigorate our national bond with those victims, the memory of dusk that brings forth the demanding justice of the dawn. To awaken us from the long night of our history. How I would like to do that! The hour before dawn, the hour of silence, when time seems to stand still. To live for peace! To stand up at last, in the name of those driven from their homes, bombed, gunned down, abused, tormented... assembled for death, today like yesterday. To become the conscience of the downtrodden . For here love, dignity, and hope lie hidden. Here faith is born, the breath of life, the task that lies before us. This, finally, is the price of peace: among us, with us, for us all. Never give up. Simple, when you come down to it. But at the heart of this deafening silence, here amongst brothers, I know no other secret.
  21. ^^ "The thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and Arab origins" unanimously cry foul at this sudden and cowardly attack from the sky... "The thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and Arab origins" anger rises like the rough seas and ONLY the limbs of the innocent will ease it...