Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^^ The secessionist den up-north is a house full of abused wives because of Riyaale's iron fist rule. They have become a region of frightened and unstable citizens caught up in one big circle jerk of former NSS officers. They have foolishly convinced themselves that their troglodyte's den is the epitome of freedom and democracy. Which has lead them to believe, wholeheartedly that they will be recognized by the world. This false belief and hope for recognition they simple will NEVER achieve, has turned many marfishlanders into a pitiful and unstable bunch. Their self delusion is one sick f**king joke that Puntland and the rest of Somalia finds funny. I could go on but this has all been done before. Silly secessionists want to remain relevant(when they never were) in the fast moving affairs of the Somali republic, while the rest of Somalia and the world simply doesn't care about their nonsense because everyone sees through their bullsh1t.
  2. ^^^ I guess he is working hard to appease Puntlanders in America, who he hopes will give him a warm reception when he visits Minnesota. I bet he is going renege on his remarks once he returns back to his small bunker in villa Somalia.
  3. ^^^ Yeah. Sharif reproduced last year's speech to the UN by Mr Yey verbatim.
  4. Originally posted by Qudhac: but riyale is my folk unlike you and bugland i dont see somaliland own by one tribe indeed what primitive minset you have, no wonder reer sool said goodbye to your dispotic rule. so keep hating defeated boy ^^^ I would like to remind you, Qudhac, that this thread is about the new public finance system being implemented by the Puntland authorities, which will ONLY add to Puntland's greatness and superiority on the Somali platform. Please stop incessantly spamming this thread with your off topic malarkey and obvious envy for the Greatest State of Somalia. Now as a Puntlander, I can safely speak for my fellow Puntlanders when I say-- hate it or love it, we will always do our best to highlight the constant great strides our state is making in the economic, social and political arena. Now, I don't understand what it is about Puntland's progress that rubs you the wrong way, Mr Qudhac. But maybe you can elaborate your sickness, so that we may prescribe the right medication for what ails you. :cool:
  5. ^^^ Horta adiga, jareer walba ma Sharif Hotel baa? That kid on above President Barre is our very own, Mr Aw Musse.
  6. ^^^ Cowke, Puntland is the only region in Somalia where crimes will eventually get punished. It may take a while, but justice by the grace of God will always prevail. The reason why, is that-- the people and the government-- both realize it's in the best interest of our peace and stability, that we deal with the criminals in our midst with a resolute hand. Like you said-- Puntland Always Forward!
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Inta aan la hubin laakin laga shakisan yahay, Ngonge Mr.Somalia ^^ Horta, let me begin by first proclaiming, for ALL to see, that I bear witness that there is no god except Allah(SWT). And I ALSO bear witness that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is indeed the last messenger of Allah. Now, A&T-- Xabashyahow Orthodoxka ah-- waa dambe sheekadaas raqiiska ah yaana lagaa maqlin! p.s A&T ninyahow, ma iga hubtaa that this thread's flaming infidel, Arac is indeed our Cara? :confused:
  8. Originally posted by The Zack: Tell him Jafe, tell him. This banned/came-back kid aka DHulQarneyn/"Mr.Soma lia" aint get no clue how it is done in the lower Jubba. P.s. Some one from Garowe calls Lower Jubba a desert walee waa yaab. Zack, you're incredibly pointless. I am not dulqaarun. That's just a lame accusation with no merit and as ever you're always trying to score cheap points with such deflections rather than focusing on the topic at hand. Anyone with a brain knows that the days of your adeer Turki, are numbered. Al Shabab will cut off his head and defecate on his little beard by the time they are done with him. And the desert I was referring is not anywhere near the lower Juba, but the ONLF region in eastern Ethiopia-- that Turki's pestilent xabashas originate from. Now my little plank, don't you have some remittance to send to some god forsaken ONLF refugee camp? Quit this slobbering crap you post on SOL and go earn money to send back to the ONLF desert. Chop-chop hurry!
  9. M Society's finest in this thread are just bitter losers who, as always, never have their priorities in order and always bark up the wrong tree. Saaxiibyaal, Halyey Cabdullahi was the best thing that ever happened to Xamar. Deal with it! Secondly, it's totally understandable that any Somali(M society or not) has every right to criticize their former president, albeit an unjustifiable criticism. But what baffles the mind is when silly Xabasha boys raid somali forums to insult great Somali presidents. Want some advice? Get yourself back to that horrible ONLF desert you came from in eastern Ethiopia and unlearn how to be professional slaves to Addis Ababa. Don't you ever get it? Bad mouthing Somali warrior presidents will not aid you in your fight against Addis Ababa, silly Xabasha boy.
  10. ^^^ First of all-- who the hell are you? Secondly, I understand you have this pitiful grievance against me like most of you xabasha brethren and I'm not surpirsed but you need not take things personal. Granted Al Shabab are deviants worthy of contempt but nonetheless they are still Somali unlike the stinking Xabasha malitia opposing them in Kismayo--And thus I will take their side in this beef any-day.
  11. Originally posted by dhufayz: alshabaab oo isku soo aruurisay kismayo oo kasoo cararayah duurka ama badiyah waxaa ku kacay ree miyigii iyo dadkii badiyah jubooyinka awal qarin jiray hada waxaa lasheegayaah inee shabaab wado waan waan balse kanbooniyiintii iyo caanoole oo diidan arinkaas hada waxaa lasheegayaah ciidan badan inee ku soo wajahan yihiin dhanka magalada kismayo xafada badankood oo laga soo dhawaynayo magalada dhexdeeda ciyarta kanbooniyiinta iyo caanoole waxee ku soogaleen 4-4-2-1 waxaa laga dawanayaah Tv ifiiri. live ^^ LOL... Who wants to bet with me? The ragtag militias of the Ras kambooni & Caanoole(a.k.a Xabashas pretending to be Somali) will get their a$$es served to them. By the time it's all over, they will ALL wish they were back in their desert across the border-- like the rest of their irresolute brothers-- playing the ever obedient and pusillanimous slave to their master in Addis Ababa.
  12. I see our resident Xabashas are now fluent in af soomaali. Good job! But alas, that won't save your xabasha butts from the noble thoroughbreds who are rightfully out to wipe y'all off the map of Somalia. :cool: p.s waxaa cajiib ah sidey ugu soo ordayn thread-kaan. show waxay mowdeyn canjeero xabashi meesha ina lagu qeybinayo. Well if that the case...Enjoy saaxiibyaal!!
  13. ^^^ I couldn’t agree more. Puntland represents absolute perfection. Unlike those other primitive Somalis in the north and the south-- Puntland is anarchist free, deviancy free, and free from abject poverty. Puntlanders are the most intelligent Somalis around and everyday they concentrate on the progress of their beautiful state. There is no tribal animosity against other clans in Puntland-- for each and every Somali clan is welcome to live peacefully and thrive. The Puntland economy has contributed to the wealth of ALL its citizens as well as, to the wealth of all the other Somalis wise enough to invest in the Greatest State of Somalia. The only mistake other Somalis are currently making-- is not allowing their traditional rulers assume the reigns once again(Aint that right, Mr Cowke? ). Then ONLY, could they all share the totally awesome progress of Puntland that never puts a wrong foot forward.
  14. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*: This seems true. koleey amin wax un buu ogyahay This is getting old fast, please up your meds genius!
  15. Al Shabab MUST annihilate ALL Ethiopians in Somalia, especially Hassan Turki and his ONLF half-wits!
  16. ^^ Are you serious? What the heck are you talking about and what do you mean "specifically her clan members"? Mudane Cabdulahi Yusuf was a legend of legends. Now, come back when you're not such an obvious tool!
  17. ^^^ LOL...I guess we all admire Cummings now. e.e. Cummings is one of the best poets in the world even though some of his poems get pretty graphic for some. I recommend you guys read all his works of poetry! check this nugget of pure brilliance out... because i love you)last night by e.e.Cummings because i love you)last night clothed in sealace appeared to me your mind drifting with chuckling rubbish of pearl weed coral and stones; lifted,and(before my eyes sinking)inward,fled; softly your face smile breasts gargled by death:drowned only again carefully through deepness to rise these your wrists thighs feet hands poising to again utterly disappear; rushing gently swiftly creeping through my dreams last night,all of your body with its spirit floated (clothed only in the tide's acute weaving murmur ******************** **************** p.s (I urge y'all to read it again and this time around read it slow, and notice the cool effect he creates by his unrelenting use of the 'r' and 'l' sounds-- as though he's out to induce the image of someone gasping for breath from under water as if dying by drowning or --as some have hinted-- drowning in orgasm...!)
  18. ^^ Democracy? Your party sucks and it won't get far, especially without me on top. I quit.
  19. ^^ C.V? What's that? I'm already working on my acceptance speech as supreme leader. you just make sure all the party cadres are in line with my new rule or else there will be hell to pay.
  20. Originally posted by President Anwar: I whant USA OR NATO back to Somalia I whant USA OR NATO back to Somalia I whant USA OR NATO back to Somalia Anwar, the US and NATO cannot help Hobyo, Galmudug. You have to be on crack to think otherwise. Get rid of your anarchist traitor brothers who constantly wreak havoc on the local populace and watch how better it will get without US and NATO presence.
  21. Originally posted by UZTAAD: let us form a part , solers part and send our represntative to whole somalia like SYL style. no more talks. substance is needed here. I will only join this party, if I get guarantees that I will lead it. So will you submit, UZtaad?
  22. Originally posted by humble.: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ This topic is so very gay. Waryaa, we are Somali. Oh really. Of all your thoughts that you could contrast with being Somali is the thought of being or not being gay? How interesting is that? Tell us more about this thought of yours then, Mr. Somalia.I have to admit, it's really indefensible that I attacked your topic, but this phenomena isn't exclusive to your thread. Look around SOL and you'll find plenty textual fagotry.
  23. ^^^ Why don't you do just a little bit of work yourself, Arac. Your idea of proof-- that she has 2 fathers-- appears to be a sentence with few words and no proof. There are a lot of people like you who cannot prove their simple careless statements. I'm not surprised sxb.
  24. The point are no mathematician! Go figure!