Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^^ TFG? You mean Amisom, right? 'cuz they aint no such thing as a TFG that needs 'regrouping'.
  2. ^^^ You are one paranoid kid, I tell ya!
  3. ^^ Hassan Daahir, played his cards right this time. He refused to side with Hassan Turki in the conflict in Kismayo, despite the fact that they both fall under the umbrella of Xisbi Islam-- in the hopes that Al Shabab will still consider him an obedient follower of their deviant cult. Time will tell, if his gambit works to his advantage in the long run.
  4. ^^^ I don't understand see how you read in the above article that he wants more problems for M Society-- when in fact; on the contrary, he is trying to cajole them to unite for peace because it is their people who are suffering the most in this conflict in Xamar. I believe Waraabe is simply trying to reconcile the anarchists in the south, and we should commend him for his efforts.
  5. ^^ Thank God that the youth of Sool are FINALLY organizing themselves to handle the affairs of their people. I've always argued that Sool folks go their separate way-- instead of employing the deliberate strategy of milking Marfashland and Puntland, simultaneously. I believe if this does indeed happen-- there will be less friction between the deranged Shankaroonis and Puntlanders.
  6. ^^LOL @ anti- m.., I mean anti-puntland agenda Cowke, saaxiib, are you scared??
  7. ^^ I agree with this stuff&nonsense. As a resident in the U.S.A, I know first hand that this is the easiest place on earth to file a law suit against someone(innocent or not) and still win. Especially if the defendant does not have sufficient funds to hire a good attorney. But in this case, if Samatar decides to put to work all the funds he stole from the Somali Republic during his tenure-- Am sure he will beat this lawsuit without even breaking a sweat!
  8. ^^ Yep it all about da MULLAH-- eventhough the Niqabis (who are financially strapped these days) are mainly after the control of the income generated by the ports, whilst the Xabasha refugees calling themselves Ras Kambooni gang and their so-called Canoole cousins have obvious clan ambitions for the city. On a side note: It turns out that Mr Aweys is fast becoming one cunning old fox. He has decided to keep his distance from the Kismayo dispute, and he is yet to pledge his support to his Xisbi Islam collegue, Hassan Turki. I personally believe, it's prudent on his part to wanna wait for the dust to settle before putting his weight behind that senile old goat from Ethiopia. At the end of the day, we all know his clan motivated agenda will be overcome by the united front(Clan wise) of the deviant Niqabis. Say what you want about Al Shabab-- but they are not clannish. Meanwhile, Hizbul Islam rebel chief Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who declared a new jihad on the government of his former ally, Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, has declined to comment on the Al Shabaab-Hizbul Islam rift over Kismayo. Sheikh Aweys spoke on Wednesday in Elasha Biyaha area, in the southern outskirts of Mogadishu, where makeshift displaced people's camps have transformed into a city of its own since 2007. He said the area's new name will be Lafole and administered by Hizbul Islam. "It is our duty to fight AMISOM [African Union peacekeepers], because they are an enemy who invaded our country," Sheikh Aweys told supporters. On the Kismayo conflict, he said: "The dispute will be resolved." Hizbul Islam is led by Sheikh Aweys and Sheikh Hassan "Turki" Abdullahi, two long-time Islamist leaders in Somalia. The U.S. government accuses Al Shabaab's reclusive commanders of direct links to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Source: Garowe Online
  9. ^^^ Yep, Apoel are history: Chelsea bounced back from that shock at Wigan. Now next is Liverpool, which I feel will be the defining game of Chelsea season. If we beat them, then I'm confident we will be the team to beat. However; I have some concerns regarding 2 players: -Frank Lampard is not in form and his goal drought is becoming a liability to the team. It seems Ancelotti's diamond formation is affecting his play, but if this guy doesn't start to score goals, it will have a huge impact on our campaign. I'm also worried about Kalou. He seems to lack the confidence to finish, every time he's infront of the goal. He is a talented player who lacks determination to score goals. I hope he gets his act together quick, because we need goals from everyone.
  10. ^^^ I think Aweys should beat them to the punch this time around, and start calling the Niqaabis, Murtads-- before they do. It's amazing how hypocritical these groups fighting in Kismayo are. The sole root cause of their current beef is simply the unfair sharing of the economic resources generated by the city's airport and harbor. Yet they both have the audacity to say they are engaged in a 'jihad' against the other. Jaahiliin jaahilin dhashay waaxid dheh!
  11. The much anticipated fight between the deviant cult followers in Kismayo is fast becoming a worthwhile Popcorn Movie. Enjoy! ** **** ******** ****** * * * **** **** ****** War Deg Deg ah: Dagaal aad u Xoog badan oo haatan ka Qarxay Kismaayo Waxaa goor dhow Gudaha Magaaladda Kismaayo ka qarxay dagaal aad u xoog badan kaas oo leysku adeegsanayo Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, halkaas oo ay ku dagaalamayaan Kooxaha Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam. Dagaalka ayaa ah mid si toos ah uga bilowday goobo badan oo ka mid ah Magaaladda Kismaayo goor dhow. Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in Dagaalku uu yahay mid rasaasta leysku adeegsanayo Hubka Noocyadiisa kala Duwan. Iska horimaadka haatan ka socda Kismaayo ayaa yimi, ka dib Maalmihii ina soo dhaafay khilaafaad soo kala dhex galay Kooxahaas oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay isku hayey Maamulka Magaaladda , iyo Qaabkii loo maareyn lahaa Dhaqaalaha ka soo Xerooda Ilaha dhaqaale ee Magaaladda Dekadda ah ee Kismaayo. Dagaalka Xoogiisa ayaa waxa uu haatan ka socdaa halka lagu Magacaabo Qudbiga oo Magaaladda Kismaayo ka xigta dhanka Qorax u dhaca halkaas oo ay horey ugu sugnaayeen Ciidamada Xisbul Islaam garabka uu hogaamiyo Sheikh Xasan Turki. Idaacadda Al-Andulus oo ay leeyihiin Al-shabaab ayaa wax ay ilaa saakay Baahineysay warbixino la xiriira sida la sheegay Jihaadka ay wadaan Kooxda Al-shabaab oo looga soo horjeedo Ururka Xisbul Islaaam, Sida ay Horseed Media u sheegeen dad Xog Ogaal ah oo ku sugan Magaaladda Kismaayo. Boqolaal dad ah ayaa haatan ka cararaya Xaafaddaha Magaaladda wallow dadka qaarkiisa ay awoodi waayeen ka dib markii Kooxaha weli dagaalkoodu uu yahay mid aad u xoog badan oo leysku adeegsanayo Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan. Shiikh Ismaaciil Caddow oo ka tirsan Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in dagaalka Kismaayo uu sidoo kale saameyn ku yeelan doono goboladda kale ee dalka halkaas oo ay wada Maamulaan Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam, iyadoo Dhanka kale Sarkiil ka tirsan Al-shabaab aya sheegeen in aysan xilligan u baahneyn wax wada hadal ah oo dhex maray isaga iyo Kooxda kale ee Xisbul Islaam. source: Horseed Media
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: the heartache they put through the Somali people ...this is further continuation of that heartache. Precisely why it is bad news. ^^^ "Labadii xaqdara isku raacda, xaqee ku diriraan"
  13. ^^^ No. It's actually the most excellent and wonderful news we've received in these last few months, now that the deviant cult is at each others throats. After all the heartache they put through the Somali people, this is the least consolation we can get as a people who oppose their deviant and extremist ideology.
  14. ^^ LOL...This sorta reminded me of Daniel Defoe's, Everybody's Business Is Nobody's Business. But honestly I think, Kismaayo inuu Jinn iska leeyahay! That's why NO one single group will ever annex it wholesome.
  15. Originally posted by Qudhac: ^^^^ whats with the calaacal young boy, all i stated was that bugland aka the clan enclave of m-tenia has never won a war, it has alwasys either being humiliated or ran withough a bullet being fired with its tail between its legs ^^^ Only in your imagination, Qudhac. But as always--Keep dreaming! Marfashlanders are no match for the Greatest State of Somalia. For Puntlanders are, in EVERY way, superior to your brain-dead Shankarooni brothers. Marka, quit hating, before I rip you a new one, O.K! A single former NSS officer of Somalia has single-handedly shamed your whole clan into submission, and you wanna talk to me, like I'm on your level. Negro Please!!! Sadly, Qudhac, your secessionist co-hearts have no concept of Somali pride, personal responsibility and intelligent choices. The know only how to BE servile before brutish dictators, whilst grazing tonnes of qhaat like deranged goats in the bush. The reason Riyaale deals with your Marfashlanders with such impunity is because he is confident that y'all need him as your Master because he knows, y'all aint intelligent enough to govern yourselves without unleashing bloodshed and violence against one another in your little clan enclave. Of course Riyaale is wrong. Marfashlanders need to be free to exterminate themselves with their own foolishness(if they so choose to!)
  16. ^^^ As opposed to the mass political rape of a whole clan by a single man, that's nothing. Oh my about embarrassing. You write (and think) like a first-grader, my friend. This is not an insult; this is a fact.
  17. ^^^ Your comparing apples to oranges, stick with apologizing for Aideed's vile actions. Oh that's right you deny, you were one of his eager gunners in the early '90s. LOL
  18. ^^ Haye..markii aad baadiyaha gali jirtay miyaa la gaaray? What's the relevance of bringing such unimportant news about the late Sayyid. Cowke, ADD much?
  19. ^^^ You do realize that the people who attended this grand deviant's so-called "muxaadarooyin" are simply hostages who are forced to attend his deranged sermons under gun point, right? Now as for him talking about attacking Puntland. He is talking out of his behind. Puntland will do whatever it takes to protect it's cherished peace, because we have zero tolerance policy for those who wish to unleash unbridled fitnah in our midst. I just feel sorry for M society, who might believe this guy's propaganda and think he's actually serious when he says, he's working towards spreading his false 'jihad' in Puntland. Only gullible fools would take this man on his word. But I guess gullibility would not be a first for M society folks.
  20. I think it is ONLY befitting to continue to add to this hallowed thread and highlight the continued free-fall from grace of the deviant movement called Al Shabab. Ladies and gents-- lets ALL enjoy the savor of their collective demise as they turn their munaafiq brutality on one another and away from the innocent Somali populations. :cool: ******************** ******************** ********* Tension Mounting in Kismayo as Somali Islamists Jostle for Power A power struggle between Islamist insurgent groups in Somalia's strategic southern port town of Kismayo is threatening to turn violent and tear the alliance apart. The rift between al-Shabab and Hisbul Islam Islamist groups has also been Hundreds of people in Kismayo took to the streets Monday, demanding a peaceful end to a political dispute that began last week between two factions of Hisbul Islam and the local leaders of Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group, al-Shabab. Residents say they fear violence could break out at any time, following threats by al-Shabab to retaliate against Hisbul Islam's decision to send hundreds of extra fighters and dozens of battle wagons into the city on Saturday. The arrival of the fighters forced al-Shabab to withdraw most of its guerrilla force out of Kismayo and re-locate them to another town north of the city. The two Hisbul Islam factions, Ras Kamboni and Anole, and al-Shabab have been in an uneasy alliance in Kismayo since last August, when they jointly captured the city from a local factional leader. In addition to sharing security and administrating duties, the Islamist groups shared tax and other key revenue generated from Kismayo seaport and airport. But on Wednesday, al-Shabab named its own local governing council for Kismayo that excluded members of the Ras Kamboni Brigade and Anole. Al-Shabab's announcement angered the powerful Islamist leader of the Ras Kamboni group and Hisbul Islam in the Lower Jubba region, Hassan Turki, who denounced the new al-Shabab administration and has refused to recognize it. Al-Shabab has downplayed the possibility of an outbreak of violence between the groups, noting that they remain important allies in the insurgency to overthrow the U.N.-backed transitional federal government in Mogadishu. Speaking to local reporters, al-Shabab's spokesman in Kismayo Hassan Yaqub said that the extra Hisbul Islam fighters had been sent to Kismayo not by Hassan Turki, but by a local Hisbul Islam commander named Ahmed "Madobe" Mohamed. Yaqub says it was the military commander, who sent the fighters to take Kismayo without a clear order from the top. Yaqub says Mohamed's aim was to create insecurity and to sow discord among the Islamist allies. There has been no comment from Hassan Turki or from the chairman of Hisbul Islam, Hassan Dahir Aweys, on the taking of Kismayo by Hisbul Islam forces. Aweys is also the leader of the hard-line faction of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia or ARS. ARS, the Ras Kamboni Brigade, Anole, and the Islamic Front make up the four factions of Hisbul Islam that emerged as an insurgent group in February 2009. Although Hisbul Islam and al-Shabab share the goal of toppling the government and forcing the withdrawal of 5,000 African Union peacekeeping troops from Somalia, they are believed to have sharply differing religious and political agendas. Recently, those differences have played a role in igniting power struggles in other parts of Somalia. Last week in Somalia's Gedo region, local Hisbul Islam officials angered al-Shabab by unilaterally appointing a governor, a security chief, and a treasurer for the region. Hisbul Islam officials said the move was prompted by the defection of several Hisbul Islam officials in Gedo to al-Shabab. Source: VOA
  21. ^^^ When you say young Somali; are you trying to imply Sharif looks good as opposed to Yey looking ugly like a Bengali??? LOL... I guess Duke was right, when he said: Originally posted by General Duke: Kindly answer the question. He is good, tall and light skinned does not mean much here. Sherbaan, are 'good' looks the only single solitary redeeming quality you wish to present to the gallery as a case for the greatness of Sharif Hotel?
  22. ^^^ Be alittle more specific: Libaax libaax dhalay iyo Bakayle madow miyaa isla mid ah dheh!
  23. Originally posted by Qudhac: ^^^ listen dont cry lil boy i dont make you this history that what you forefathers have left for you. i know when you were feed caano boodhe and guulwade songs you were told of how glories you are but unfortunately reality is somewhat different. unless you call leaving your pants brown and running like wind a glories history then i would suggest you sobber up and cut down on the calaacal and baroor. ^^ Qudhac, I know you were never blessed with anything remotely resembling a brain, but this one is a classic. Of course I have a glorious past and I am very much proud of it, regardless of your incessant flow of --marqaan induced-- delirious nay-saying about the prolific past of my ancestors, that will not change. As always, you --like your fellow secessionist minions-- are barking up the wrong tree. I think it is ridiculous that you call me a guulwade, when you damn well know, the real guulwade you should be worried about resides in General Morgan's old villa in Hargaysa and continues to abuse his concubine ladies with impunity. Riyaale abuses and dominates your clan because, like your insignificant ancestors, your people make very good slaves, and ever since Riyaale's true colors have become obvious and y'all got your azzes beat up-- after you cried foul about the delayed elections-- you've been whining at Puntlanders ever since, as if, Riyaale is from Puntland. Your anger at me and mine, is misplaced and like a mad puppy you seem lost. I know that's too much information for you in one shot, but try understand it anyway.
  24. ^^^ when chelsea are good, they never remember...when chelsea are bad, they never forget! COME ON CHELSEA!
  25. Originally posted by Qudhac: ^^^ i can understand your howling since you are historically known to be a coward fighter and turn back and flee withought a bullet being fired, markaa waa inaad afka ku ciil baxdaa Allow me to educate you here, my dear puny marfashlander. Your claim that I am a 'coward fighter' is preposterous to say the least-- for cowards can never be fighters in the first place. Now do not get cheeky with me with such a deranged diatribes against me. Marfashland and it's constituents will never amount to anything, except the odd, 'lols' on SOL by our resident genius here, Mr JB-- and regardless of how aad iskugu camirtaan, at the end of the day--you still remain hopeless concubines of Somalia's former NSS officer, Riyaale. I urge you all to deal with his constant and blatant b1tch-slapping of your kinfolk in Hargaysa, instead of wasting your precious time chatting sh1t on an internet forum. For once in your lives, pull your pointy heads away from the drivel that says "Marfashland is a democracy" and pursue a different strategy to help your people overcome this dictator. You know, an intelligent person would take my advice seriously. I hope you, Mr Qudhac, are intelligent. Because Mr 'lol' here, is clearly a lost cause...I tried, over the years, to educate him on what ought be his top priorities in life, and I've finally given up and was forced to submit his name to the Guinness book of world records, as a contender for the world's dumbest human.