Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^ LOL Caku wixii rabaayad ah oo dhan: Xaaji, fulaynimada intaas la'eg oo kaa hadlinaysa maxay ahayd?
  2. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Well I just no 2 days ago Alshabaab said we are taking over the entire horn, that could mean something, second the garaad said he gave Somaliland 7 days, he killed a Commander of the military of Somaliland. Not a native from lascanood , but from burco. So if the garaad is waging a Clan war inside Somaliland that could be a possibility. ^^^ I know you are scared sh1tless, but try not to soil your nappies, Xaaji? Clan warfare will not happen. Riyaale will NOT allow his Shankaroon slaves to wage a war and divert meager resources away from his pet projects in France and else where.
  3. ^^ Waryaa nacnacda raqiiska ah meesha kalatag! Waxaad rabtaa inaad u aqoosatid cidahaaga xaafada xunta ah oo aan hormarka lahayn oo tarniig-yadii laga bililiqaystay oo ay dagirta ku cunnaan. Saaxiib,markii horayba anagaa idinkeenay; hadana hadii aad qalalaaso iyo fasahaad keentaan, waa idinka rareenaa oo xuduudkiini horay oo magaalada ka baxsaneed baan idinku celinnaynaa. Your kinfolk seem to have taken our kindness for weakness, but misbehave one more time-- and I assure you, you will pray you were back in Xamar ducking the shelling from Amisom forces.
  4. ^^ Am still waiting for your bank account number...
  5. ^^^ Ina-Adeer, I heard about your press release. *hatu*, cousin or no cousin-- if I don't get my share of the loot, I'll snitch you out to the NATO forces patrolling the sea. I know where you are..
  6. ^^^ You must have been fooled by their use of our somali language, but rest assured these folks are far from being Somalis. BUt lets not concern ourselves with issues far beyond your comprehension. How goes the Amisom and Shabab shelling of your neighborhoods?
  7. Originally posted by Cowke: Mr.Somalia, Las-Canod Is a Very Pro Somafiland Town sxb, what are you talking about!!!! In that case, why the heck are they taking out their co-hearts? To Ibtisam: This is the politics section and freedom of speech reigns supreme. I may disagree with the method of his death but one less secessionist traitor in Somalia isn't as bad as it looks.
  8. ^^ Ninyahow JB af xumidaa? Nimanku waa Coast guard ee Aflagaadada jooji!
  9. ^^ JB, I mourn with you. This is indeed a cowardly act and I hope Al Shabab are behind it. Because, if this was in anyway sanctioned by any person from SSC to get back at Hargeisa, then they have dealt a huge blow to their righteous struggle against the secessionist enclave. A very sad and shameful day for the descendants of the darawiish.
  10. ^^^ LOL, the guy in the wife-beater looks exactly like a cousin of mine.*note to self-- make sure to ask for my cut* Seriously guys, what point do you hope to prove in here by whining and complaining about President Faroole's speech and posting pictures of our no-nonsense, Coast Guard? In any case, allow me to poke fun at you guys by reiterating the most important point raised by the President: The Somali language speaking Xabashas of the ONLF have no business waging their treasonous war against their national government in Addis Ababa by hiding on Somali soil. Cry foul all you like, but this will NEVER be tolerated. Now if the vapid waste of flesh(ONLF supporters of SOL) still think they can test our resolve by composing bland and insipid buraanbur online, they are setting themselves up for a big disappointment. Do better, guys!
  11. ^^ While he hesitates to compete with the owners of Galkacyo because he feels inferior, we are busy working hard, becoming superior and developing our city...and that's exactly where this unbridled jealousy of his truly emanates from. His town is in the hands of religious deviants who terrorize his kinfolk, yet he has the wherewithal to criticize the greatest city in Somalia on SOL. Talk about misplaced of priorities...!
  12. ^^ LOL @ "roadblock workers and scrap merchants" Firstly Duke, this guy isn't as smart as Juje and seems to me, his ONLY intent is to foment a confrontation between the two brotherly communities of Galkacyo. 10 bucks says, he aint even from Galkacyo nor anywhere near its environs: I hate to break his hermetically sealed bubble, but ALL the citizens of Galkacyo are united when it comes to their common interest, which is peace and prosperity for ALL. Secondly, the unrest that took place in the city market was not orchestrated by the non-puntland(baraxley) residents of the city, but by IDPs, who illegally set up make-shift shops and kiosks on all the roads leading up to the central market of Galkacyo. The municipal authorities of the city undertook an operation to clean up the mess and were caught off guard by a few agitators whose only aim was to cause mischief amongst the residents of Galkacyo. These violent rioters must be dealt with resolutely. And the Mayor's plan to clean up the City must be supported!
  13. This old man has become my latest role model. I hope to grow up to be just like him once I become a centenarian, IA. I always knew caano geel was capable of giving Viagra a run for its money...
  14. ^^ You sir are a gentleman and a scholar: King, maybe you outta go to Gaalkacyo and show 'em how it's done? Excellent post...
  15. ^^ The ONLF cab drivers around these ends have become infamous around these parts for asking for $5 donations to send back to the ragtag non-starters back in the occupied desert. These men apparently have no sense of shame. If I were a hopeless ONLF sympathizer(Thank the heavens I'm not) I would face up to my foul deeds and turn myself in to the cops at once. Seriously dude, you guys believe $5 alms collected by over worked cab drivers is gonna liberate a land? How ridiculous! I suggest y'all just need to stick to talking tough over the internet and dancing your dhaantos(...which you are very good at), instead of wasting the time of these poor, hard working fellows out here on the streets of the west!
  16. ^^^ Cowke, are you now calling the Maakhiris, diaspora jews? 'cuz you lost me at the 'six day war'.
  17. ^^ LOL.. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Mr. Somalia... Su'aashaadu ma xuma, laakiin meeshani horta ma aha meel riyaha lagu liso oo detail badan kusiin maayo Gobol sanaag waa shan cirif.... Afar iyo barbay reerkeygu degaan. Marka hal dhinac in aad igu tilmaamto waa kuu aqoon daro. Gobolku waa 6 degmo, hal ayay shankaroon degtaa, 5 kalena anaa dego. Do the math, and let me know your thinking. Aad baad umahadsantahay Koora. Maanta laga bilaabo, reer SSDF waan ka mamnuucayaa iney dhulkaaga ku tilmaamaan Bariga Sanaag. After thoroughly doing the math, I have concluded with great trepidation, that your lands will henceforth be referred to as 5/6 Sanaag. But bear in mind also, that the 'SSDF' media cannot refer to your lands as Sanaag proper either, because, once again mathematically speaking, the whole province of Sanaag does not fall under your domain.
  18. ^^ Ooops, I guess I unknowingly got in between a slug-fest between the Maakhrirs and the 'kings'. This is some sort of east Sanaag Vs west Bari beef, right? Gentlemen, do continue...
  19. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: AllPuntland waxay kaloo qalad ku leedahay mar walba ay wax ka qoreyso sanaag, Ama koonfurta---Fiqi fuliye, Damala xagare, Carmale, Ceelbuh--------Ama woqooyiga Sanaag markey wax ka qorayaan---Geelweyto, laasqoray, haramle, Moon, durduri---- Allpuntland waxay u taqaanaa Bariga Sanaag. Waa waxa ay ka barteen maamulka S/land oo siyaasad ahaan loolan ugu jira gobolka Sanaag. Koora-Tuunshe, arintaan aad tiri waa khalad oo ah dhulalka Maakhir ee Puntland ina lagu magacaabo Bariga Sanaag, anigu waxay ilatahay inay run tahay. In kasto adigu si kale aad u aragtid. Gobolka Sanaag miyuusan ka dhexeyn shacabyada reer Shankaroon iyo reer Maakhir? Degaan ahaan markii loo fiirsho, reer Maakhir waxay u badanyihiin dhanka bariga Sanaag; reerka Soomaalidiidka ahna waxay degaan galbeedka Sanaag? Miyeenu taas run ahayn? Hadii aan khaladanahaynah, walaalo iga jaahil bixi!
  20. Cowke, I guess you haven't yet encountered the many Somali women in the west who have borne non-somali children after doing the nasty with Jamaicans and the like. As long as this girl was not raped, she is fair game for anyone she lets get close to her.
  21. ^^^ LOL -- war ninku haduu ihayo, ha ituso masawir satellite soomaaliya dultaagan uu soo qaadey oo aan holceynin!