Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^^ Ismahan, no one was handed over. In-spite the incessant propaganda of the ONLF riffraff, the culprits are still in police custody in Bosaaso. That's why they get laughed at on these threads.
  2. Bile, These cretins couldn't "free" themselves and their lands, if their lives depended on it. Yet they have the audacity to wanna make us believe that they will liberate Bosaaso. Fascinating. The depth of their stup1dity is boundless.
  3. ^^ I don't hate Galmudug. Never have and never will. Nor have I lied about anything concerning Galmudug saaxiib. Infact since many Galmudug citizens reside in Galkacyo are my cousins-- I wish for them, nothing but success in all their endeavors. My people and theirs have always lived side by side, united in peace(except for the few skirmishes early in the civil war) and prosperity. We intermarry. We trade with one another. Wee ALL consider ourselves FIRST as reer Galkacyood, then maybe, as Puntlanders or Galmugdis... Hassan, like Sabriye, I bet you have no business whatsoever in Galkacyo. I feel, after reading the news about the scuffle in the city, you feel you have a right to chat sh1t about matters that are beyond your grasp and don't have the slightest clue about. The day you and Sabriye learn what it really means to be reer Galkacyood is the day you can freely criticize and comment on the affairs of our city. In the meantime, just keep attempting to propagate discord amongst two brotherly communities who have nothing but love and respect for one another. It will take you nowhere. Our city is united.
  4. ^^ Saaxiib ma ila aragtay? ******--------*******----------****** President Faroole's interview with the VOA --They key point was that no one will be allowed to use Puntland soil as a launchpad for any silly rebellion. --No one will be allowed to jeopardize the peace in Puntland. --Puntland belongs to ALL Somali citizens of Somalia. However, the Somali speaking Xabashas from across the border are not citizens of Somalia and this includes the ONLF riffraffs.
  5. ^^ Hush puppy! If you can ever find a job that pays you by the word, you'd make a fortune! Rarely have I seen someone who can use more words to say virtually nothing. You are truly relentless with your gibberish!
  6. ^^ Thank you! I am more accustomed to just receiving extended middle fingers *metaphorically, unless you can actually see me*, but I'm sure I have no taste for Oromos-- Pthu!!! Oromos are the ONLF's immediate cousins. They talk the same, dress the same and act the same. Both speak a language similar to our very own Somali language. So no thanks!
  7. ^^^ I thought Riyaale was the big daddy of "Ilma Isla Weyn"?
  8. ^^^ LMAO @" Reliable sources say that even his speech has been written by the xabashis." I'm done with this topic. It is clear that Zack has gone off the reservation. Ciao, saaxiib. Enjoy your illusions! Make sure, caawa inaad ku riyoon Faroole oo canjeelo Xabashi cunaya and make sure not to report it to your reliable sources!
  9. Originally posted by The Zack: ^You talk Same Sh** but just different day, eh? Let's play hardball, shall we? The difference between my people,Western Somalis regardless of their clan,(well, except few dabaqaoodhis) and your people (eastern-xabash-boot-lickers) is my people don't deny the fact that their land is being occupied by Tigray and therefore fight for it whereas your people(again, except few good ones) deny the fact that their adiministration in a SLAVE for the Xabashis. They are mentally being colonized, they are told how they run things in their own land and they can't even say a word about it let alone fight. Aint' it so disgusting that their so called President is told what to say in media by stinky Xabashi militia man. How can claim you are free when the President's office is run by an uneducated Tigray dude. Dude, stop entertaining yourself and start working on freeing your self from the tigray. Majority of eastern Somali politicians are boot-lickers. History proves that. ^^^ Stay in denial, Zack. Facts are facts and your denial does not change anything. President Faroole spoke the truth. His sole mandate is to protect the interests of the citizens of Puntland whether you accept it or not. You are either terribly dense or just a typical ONLF propagandist who cannot comprehend what he reads.
  10. LOL...@ miles militis! I listened to Buraale's interview and the guy means business. He was like, "This is our land, and we will not allow any Shankaroonis and Awdalites on our land". miles militis, has Buraale Opened Pandora's Box?
  11. Originally posted by *hatu*: Mr. Somalia sxb, you may not agree with ONLF's policies but to say they are not Somali is offensive to every Somali. *hatu*, the only Somali I care about offending is your my friend, so accept my apologies. But please, don't buy into the ONLF propaganda in the future!
  12. Originally posted by The Zack: ^OK Mr. Cyber-Xabash-***-Licker. Your uncle Faroole is doing it in real life while you lick it on the net LOL. Bahasha xageed ka keenteen, Mr. Un-Somali? To Zack: I'll try to answer your query about Faroole and I as if it was sincerely put forth. You cannot call us *** lickers when thousands upon thousands of your own kinfolk gladly nibble on Xabasha nuts in Jigjiga and Harar and other towns in your infamous desert. Now unlike the constant propaganda your peddle here about fighting for freedom--when all the evidence points to your clan's submission to the Xabasha occupation(internet freedom fights don't count!), we in Puntland are free men who, by the grace of God, work hard everyday to improve themselves and build a better future for our posterity. You on the other hand are LOST. And your ilk are unlikely ever to get freedom from Addis Ababa because your young are lazy taxi-drivers and silly trash talkers, whilst your elders have chosen to promote ignorance, narrow-mindedness and tribal bigotry over intelligence, education, progress and most importantly UNITY. Don't get me wrong! I have no problem with blue-collar jobs, and, in fact, I have a lot of respect for any hard-working person. I do, however, have a problem when a taxi driver in the west with a fat belly talks tough about issues beyond his control. I hope, Zack, that you'll eventually figure things out before it's too late. Your density can eventually be overcome, if you work hard at it.
  13. ^^ expect me to buy that? Denial is futile, Zack! p.s Nice basketball avatar. Now I can command your old puppy avatar to fetch whenever I wanna get rid of you..
  14. ^^ If you claim to be Somali, my ONLF sympathizer friend-- Aabihii garashada was your uncle aswell! Unless ofcourse, you've become a believer that the ONLF are Xabasha afterall...
  15. ^^ Thats your gambit? Your whole and complete defense? Keep fooling yourself Mr Internet freedom fighter, okay...
  16. I group calling itself JNM has claimed responsibility for the attack. A spokesman of theirs spoke with Radio Daljir. Buraale Yusuf, oo u hadlay ururka JNM ee sheegtay qaraxyadii ka dhacay Laascaanood oo aan waraysanay.
  17. Originally posted by UZTAAD: ONLF are also Somalis and they are hugely popular in their community so to say they are Hashas is not making any sense. ^^ ONLF are traitors who work for Addis Ababa. Their sole objective is to sow discord and confusion in the Somali communities of SomaliGalbeed. The divisiveness they cause amongst the people aid the Xabasha occupation. This is why I say they are not Somali. FYI-- they are not popular with their own people like you say. I live in California which has a very large SomaliGalbeed community and many friends of mine from this same community are opposed to this organization.
  18. ^^ Bah! Clearly you guys haven't yet grasped the differences between the riffraff organization(ONLF xabashas) and the occupied people of SomaliGalbeed(who are genuine Somalis)... Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: ... I support Puntland) ^^ Really? If you would back up your post with proof, it would be refreshing. Many naysayers have, in the past, claimed to suport Puntland, only to distract me and delay my wrath. I hope Paragon, that you are not one them.
  19. Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: quote: "Dadka Af-Soomaliga ku wada hadlaa in ayna wada ahayn Soomaali" waxa uu tusaale u soo qaatay Faroole dadka u dhashay Somali Galbeed inaysan ahayn muwaadniin Somaali ah ayna yiiin Itoobiyaan waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay Faroole. Dhanka kale wuxuu u sheegay Faroole dadka Somali Galbeed ee jooga gobalada uu maamulo inay ay guuraan hadii ayna guurinna ay iyagu ku celin doonaan meeshii ay ka yimaadeen oo uu ula jeedo Somali Galbeed. Waxaa kale oo kamid ahaa hadaladii Faroole "Ma ogolin in ay ONLF hub kala soo dagto Puntland" arintaas oo ay dadku u arkaan fariin ay gaadhsiinayaan xukuumadda Tigreega oo ay u muujinayaan in ay san ogalayn dadka Soomaali Galbeed. Waxaa kale oo uu Faroole khudbadisii kamid ahayd "Inuu saxaafada ka maqlay dad isku sheegay inay yihiin beesha A'bsame dadkaas oo ku shiray Gaarisa sheegayna inay reer Puntland kaga aargoosan doonanan Jubooyinka" waxa uu sheegay in nin ka soo gudbay xadka Kenya uusan dadka reer Puntland waxaba yeeli karin iyagana waxaan usheegaynaa ayuu yidhi Faroole inaysan waxba la hadhin hadii ay wax nayeeli karaan. Arintan oo ah arin keeni karta colaad bilaabata oo labada belood ka dhaxaysa. This is truly saddening. I have actually heard the audio version of this report and he indeed said what he said about the non-Somaliness of reer Somali Galbeed. Sad thing Faroole has thus far uttered..but even sadder is the fact that none in Puntland has spoken against this. Who gave Faroole that right to alienate Somalis and turn them into Woyaane? Who? I ponder.Ponder all you like saaxiib, but if -- a big IF-- the President said that aforementioned quote, then he has spoken the truth. I have said the same many times over... let not their knowledge of our Somali language fool you. The ONLF are a Xabasha entity.
  20. ^^ Hmmm, is this a joke or ONLF propaganda? Evidence is inconclusive at this stage, but history dictates that this is most likely ONLF propaganda.
  21. My sincere condolences to any SOLer related to the deceased.
  22. ^^ Someone here is awfully defensive. I wonder why that is. Saaxiib meeshaan qof ku caayey majiraan-- just reduce this display of abject hypocrisy and vainglory. p.s 'remarkable'? Do you even understand the meaning of the word? Hint: It's got nothing to do with roadblock crossing rates.
  23. I think the title of this thread is misleading and should be edited! The title should say: Secessionist Traitor Euthanized Against His Will In Las Anod
  24. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: He said Riyaale will NOT allow his slaves . His trying to provoke you to pick your gunz and kick out the dictator. Don't you guys ever get it? ^^^ AfricaOwn... if I could bottle you and sell you to the masses, I'd be rich. Geniuses such as yourself are few and far between...