Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^ Saaxiib, afar-leyda la iguma gaaro!
  2. Paramuck, Your post is refreshing in this morass and sewer of Puntland based hate. Thank you for another fine example of how low a silly Puntland detractor can stoop to. Does it cause you any pain to be so dishonest?
  3. ^Daft and definitively silly naivety.^ Kulahaa, "I feel relieved".
  4. ^^ Ma baalaleeda duushoo dabka lagu bisleeyaa? Ma barafka laxaaqoo badda lagu daraa baa? Ma buunshiyo iyo galey oo lagu baahi bixin baa? Ma bukaanka liitoo wax baxnaansho waayaa? Ma bartii tilmaantoo shiishka lagu bacsiiyaa? Ma rag buuq yaqaanoo dhaantada ka boodaa? Nimaan buulna gubi karin, Barqin aan dagaal iyo u bareerin duulaan, Muxuu buun afuufaa? Belo uu uyeertaa misna balow yiraahdaa, Fulanimo la bayraa, baqal-yawna ooyaa. Adigoo bartaadii Xabash kaaba baacsaday adoo boogtii wali qaba bukaan socodna aad tahay, Buuntilaan inaad balo bambo aad ku tuurtaan ma wax loo bareeraa? A&T, bal intaas ka jawaab!
  5. ^^ Are we compelled to think that, that is funny? *Yawn* That is all.
  6. ^^ I thought he deserved it. He was wasting time and dragging his feet to get off the pitch to receive treatment.
  7. Apologia by Oscar Wilde Is it thy will that I should wax and wane, Barter my cloth of gold for hodden grey, And at thy pleasure weave that web of pain Whose brightest threads are each a wasted day? Is it thy will - Love that I love so well - That my Soul's House should be a tortured spot Wherein, like evil paramours, must dwell The quenchless flame, the worm that dieth not? Nay, if it be thy will I shall endure, And sell ambition at the common mart, And let dull failure be my vestiture, And sorrow dig its grave within my heart. Perchance it may be better so - at least I have not made my heart a heart of stone, Nor starved my boyhood of its goodly feast, Nor walked where Beauty is a thing unknown. Many a man hath done so; sought to fence In straitened bonds the soul that should be free, Trodden the dusty road of common sense, While all the forest sang of liberty, Not marking how the spotted hawk in flight Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air, To where some steep untrodden mountain height Caught the last tresses of the Sun God's hair. Or how the little flower he trod upon, The daisy, that white-feathered shield of gold, Followed with wistful eyes the wandering sun Content if once its leaves were aureoled. But surely it is something to have been The best beloved for a little while, To have walked hand in hand with Love, and seen His purple wings flit once across thy smile. Ay! though the gorged asp of passion feed On my boy's heart, yet have I burst the bars, Stood face to face with Beauty, known indeed The Love which moves the Sun and all the stars!
  8. ^^ Duh!!! That's because you are not, hombre.
  9. ^^ It's only "huge" in their wishful thoughts and malice tainted dreams about Puntland!
  10. This article is very insightful and a thought provoking read. Ha noolaato Marfishland! Ha noolaato, Shankaroon! Ha noolaado, xukunka Daahir Riyaale uu madaxa uga hayo sadexda habrood oo waalan! Ha noolaato, la-la land!
  11. ^^^ Don't even try it RedSea... you should be the last person telling others what to 'learn' and what not to learn- and we both know it.
  12. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Mr. Somalia, I know where people like Sabriye & co are coming from, always posting negative news from one region and never from theirs. If they were so concerned they'd write the good and bad. However, my concern is that these relatively little incidents will be exaggerated in the media and people will start thinking that they are worse then they are. It seems the Puntland government thinks that if they don't acknowledge this news, people will forget. I understand that these things happen all over the world and especially in Africa, but the people need to know what the government plans on trying to do to stop them. If the people throwing gernades aren't getting the governments attention or feel that they can get away with it, they might become even more bolder and start making their attacks larger. ThankfulSP: These are small incidents and the police have done a great job so far. And at the end of the day, all that matters is that the Police have the backing of the people and the government. in the long run, these misfits and trouble makers wont have a leg to stand on.
  13. This nonsense does not need addressing, by anyone other than the security apparatus of the city. I have not seen a single shred of evidence that this incident was caused by anything other than a young man playing with a hand grenade. It is unfortunate that the teenager blew his arm off but this had nothing to do with any act of terrorism against the people of Bosaaso. ThankfulSP : Please take these sons of mo'oryaanimo, who find newsworthy every little incident in Puntland, for what they really are--Naysayers through and through, who are wounded by the peace and progress enjoyed by Puntlanders, whilst their cousin's arms and legs are constantly being chopped off every-time they resort to their social pastime, Isbaarooyin iyo dhac!
  14. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................
  15. All hail the blues. Even-though it was a close game, the team got it done. I want to complement the team for hanging in there against a relentless United attack. 5 points above Arsenal and United isn't bad at all, but we need to aim for bigger points difference, to prepare for the drought that is sure to come in January when our African players will be away playing in the Africa Cup. All hail Chelsea.
  16. It is expected that those who remain loyal to mo'oryaanimo will abide by their well-known, although unofficial, motto - "Peace is not an end-goal".
  17. ^^^ Meiji: are you aware that everything you offer is nonsense? Do you care?
  18. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Abtigis wagaan internetka soo gashaday ayaan google ku qoray Somali , iyo online markasu websitkanii ii soo booday iyo awr yaro ku sawiiran dee waan iska soo raacay. ^^^^ -- -- Xaaji, maxaa kugu kalifay inaad ku qortid google, Somali,? Somalilandonline maxaad u raadinwaydey?
  19. Originally posted by Abwaan: Ilaah mooyee cid aan ka baqayo ma leh! You'd so love that to be true, wouldn't you?