Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: It’s not a bad day for Somalia when secessionists agree with anarchists Yes. It is no surprise that Puntland and Puntlanders in general, have always remained a unifying factor in Somalia. You can ask the fickle secessionists of SOL and m society's finest in here.
  2. ^^ Miraculously, your response was actually dumber than your original comment, Meiji. Saaxiib, once again, you are delusional. There is nothing 'elitist' about northwestern Somalis. Not even close. Unfortunately, your thinking puts you in an extreme minority of Somalis who are so hate-filled and brainwashed, that they will resort to uttering the first foolish thing that comes on their mind. And that's why you have no choice but to spew such irrational nonsense out of fear, which only makes you irresponsible and premature. Only God can cure such paranoid delusions and your senseless inferiority. Marka, orod utag wadaadada Quraan haku soo saaraanee!.
  3. Gudoomiyaasha magaalooyinka Puntland ayaa ku sii jeeda magaalada Nayroobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, ka dib marki ay dhawaan wada xaajoodyo ku yeesheen Xarunta Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha ee magaalada Garowe, kuwaas oo ku saabsanaa horumarinta magaalooyinka. Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dawladda Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer miyiga oo uqabatay gudoomiyaasha degmooyinka Puntland, kulan ku saabsanaa horumarinta degmooyinkooda, ayaa ugu dambeyntii waxa ay dhawaan usocdaal ugali doonaan magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya. Gudoomiyaasha degmooyinka ayaa maalmihii ay joogeen magaalada Garowe, waxa ay isla eegeen isla meeldhigida Horumarinta degmooyinka Puntland, waxaana xubin kasta uu soo jeediyey baahiyaha taagan iyo sida ay udoonayaan horumarin in ay ka sameeyaan degmooyinkooda. Afarta Duq ee magaalooyinka waa weyn ee Puntland ayaa si rasmi ah magaalada Nayrobi, falan qeyn dheer ugu sameyn doono qodobada la xariira arrimaha Horumarinta degmooyinkooda, isla markaasna waxa ay soo qaadan doonaan oo kale qorshayaal ku aadan sida ugu wanaagsan ee ay horumarin ugu sameyn karaan magaalooyinkooda. Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dawladda Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer miyiga ee Puntland oo ka mid ah Wasaaraddaha sida rasmiga ah mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey shaqadoodu socotay, ayaa barnaamijkan la balaran lakaashanayna Hay’ado caalami ah oo ka tirsan Qaramada Midowbay. Barnaamijkan ayaa qeyb ka ah Barnaamij loogu magac daray Joint Program Governance, oo ay qeyb ka yihiin Hay’adaha kala ah UNDP, UNICEF,UN-HABITAT,ILO,UNFCU,Wasaaradaha Arrimaha gudaha & Haweenka Puntland, oo si rasmi ah uwada fulinta barmaamijkan oo ay dhaqaalihiisa bixinayaan Shanta Hay’adood. Gudoomiyaasha degmooyinkan ayaa horay utagay magaalada Nayrobi, ayagoo wada xaajoodyo ku yeeshay magaaladaas, kuwaas oo ku wajahnaa horumarinta rasmigaa ee magaalooyinka Puntland lugu sameyn karo, waxaana lafilayaa in ay gudoomiyashan fuliyaan balan qaadyadii ay sameeyeen markii uu dhamaanayay tababaradaas oo ku aadan in ay horumar wanaagsan ka qaban doonaan degmooyinka ay ka yimaadaan. 16-ka Bishan ayaa lafilayaa in ay Salaad Xareed Cali (Duqa Bosaso), C/rixmaan Xaaji Xasan (Duqa Galkacyo), Cabdi-Nuur Cilmi (Duqa Garowe) iyo Cusmaan Buux Cali (Duqa Qardho), Afartan gudoomiye ayaa lafilayaa in ay tagaan magaalada Nayrobi, waxaana lafilayaa in ay halkaas ku saxiixaan heshiisyadii wada shaqeynta Shanta Hay’adooda ee ku aadan horumarka Puntland, ayadoo ay hogaminayaan wafdigan Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dowladdaha Hoose & Horumarinta Reer miyiga ee Puntland. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  4. Gudoomiyaasha magaalooyinka Puntland ayaa ku sii jeeda magaalada Nayroobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, ka dib marki ay dhawaan wada xaajoodyo ku yeesheen Xarunta Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha ee magaalada Garowe, kuwaas oo ku saabsanaa horumarinta magaalooyinka. Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dawladda Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer miyiga oo uqabatay gudoomiyaasha degmooyinka Puntland, kulan ku saabsanaa horumarinta degmooyinkooda, ayaa ugu dambeyntii waxa ay dhawaan usocdaal ugali doonaan magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya. Gudoomiyaasha degmooyinka ayaa maalmihii ay joogeen magaalada Garowe, waxa ay isla eegeen isla meeldhigida Horumarinta degmooyinka Puntland, waxaana xubin kasta uu soo jeediyey baahiyaha taagan iyo sida ay udoonayaan horumarin in ay ka sameeyaan degmooyinkooda. Afarta Duq ee magaalooyinka waa weyn ee Puntland ayaa si rasmi ah magaalada Nayrobi, falan qeyn dheer ugu sameyn doono qodobada la xariira arrimaha Horumarinta degmooyinkooda, isla markaasna waxa ay soo qaadan doonaan oo kale qorshayaal ku aadan sida ugu wanaagsan ee ay horumarin ugu sameyn karaan magaalooyinkooda. Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dawladda Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer miyiga ee Puntland oo ka mid ah Wasaaraddaha sida rasmiga ah mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey shaqadoodu socotay, ayaa barnaamijkan la balaran lakaashanayna Hay’ado caalami ah oo ka tirsan Qaramada Midowbay. Barnaamijkan ayaa qeyb ka ah Barnaamij loogu magac daray Joint Program Governance, oo ay qeyb ka yihiin Hay’adaha kala ah UNDP, UNICEF,UN-HABITAT,ILO,UNFCU,Wasaaradaha Arrimaha gudaha & Haweenka Puntland, oo si rasmi ah uwada fulinta barmaamijkan oo ay dhaqaalihiisa bixinayaan Shanta Hay’adood. Gudoomiyaasha degmooyinkan ayaa horay utagay magaalada Nayrobi, ayagoo wada xaajoodyo ku yeeshay magaaladaas, kuwaas oo ku wajahnaa horumarinta rasmigaa ee magaalooyinka Puntland lugu sameyn karo, waxaana lafilayaa in ay gudoomiyashan fuliyaan balan qaadyadii ay sameeyeen markii uu dhamaanayay tababaradaas oo ku aadan in ay horumar wanaagsan ka qaban doonaan degmooyinka ay ka yimaadaan. 16-ka Bishan ayaa lafilayaa in ay Salaad Xareed Cali (Duqa Bosaso), C/rixmaan Xaaji Xasan (Duqa Galkacyo), Cabdi-Nuur Cilmi (Duqa Garowe) iyo Cusmaan Buux Cali (Duqa Qardho), Afartan gudoomiye ayaa lafilayaa in ay tagaan magaalada Nayrobi, waxaana lafilayaa in ay halkaas ku saxiixaan heshiisyadii wada shaqeynta Shanta Hay’adooda ee ku aadan horumarka Puntland, ayadoo ay hogaminayaan wafdigan Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha, Dowladdaha Hoose & Horumarinta Reer miyiga ee Puntland. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  5. ^^ No. You, as ever, are very wrong, Oodka. You assume, using your-- ever filthy and hate-filled tribal lenses-- that Puntland, a.k.a Pirate-land to you, is an entity solely owned and operated by your hated 'defeated lot' and as such, God forbid, that they dominate the rest of Somalia. Which ONLY goes to show you how sick you are in the head, to be filled with so much futile moronic tribalism, in this day and age. And you are wrong for it. You are wrong in your assumptions about Puntlanders, and your blind hate of Puntlanders is in the end, only hurtful to you yourself and it is unfortunate to see that it has poisoned your whole outlook on life... Just maybe Oodweyn, for once, if you'd viewed Puntlanders as fellow Somalis and as brothers, instead of this big threat from the east-- you wouldn't sound so unhinged ALL the time, by fearing fictional illusions of dominance by Puntlanders and hopefully(*I won't hold my breath*)-- all your nonsensical paranoia about "'defeated lots' out to dominate 'us'" and whatnot, would become history. But that's like asking for a miracle, right?
  6. I own an account. Actually I had an account with GrandCentral before Google bought it and named it googleVoice. The feature I enjoy the most about gV is the call forwarding. I'm not allowed to take my cellphone into work and gV makes it very easy for me to forward my cellphone calls to any number I choose, depending on where I'm at, at my work location. Also the Cheap international calls are great, especially for Africa. To call Somalia only costs 53 cents a minute, which beats most calling cards and the whopping $5.28 that Verizon and AT&T charge, if you don't purchase an international calling plan. And even if you were to buy a calling plan, the calls would still cost close to $3 per minute.
  7. ^^ Oodweyne, you said: "..every other political slogan that your lot have tried have turn into dust.." See, you are as predictable as the sunrise. However; like I said earlier, it is indeed unfortunate that you feel so threatened by Puntland. But rest assured; your ideas of divisiveness, negativity and hopelessness will always be opposed by us. Somalia will no longer remain a hostage to the type of archaic tribal mindset associated with senile folks like yourself. We will overcome.
  8. ^^ Meiji, Arguments like yours are perpetrated by delusional darodphobes who are foaming at the mouth with hatred for Puntland's nascent power and influence in the political arena of the new Somalia. So, Mr M Society's finest, it's only natural--like Oodweyne-- that you feel so vulnerable and susceptible to Puntland's fast approaching political dominance.
  9. ^^ No awoowe. You're just a bitter old man, that's all. But on behalf of the 'defeated lot', please accept my sincere apologies for turning you into this miserable old man that you've clearly become. p.s Just for sake of my own curiosity, how is outing me as a troll every chance you get to reply to me, going to add to your posts? I don't quite understand.
  10. ^^ Sounds like someone needs to up the dosage on their medication... We get it Oodweyn, you hate anything remotely resembling progress for the Puntlanders. It is o.k, nobody is shocked to find out you are a pathetic hate-filled tribalist. But don't let us stop you. Do go on trivializing Faroole's latest political maneuvering in Nairobi with your patented doddering garbage. It will not affect the great state one bit.
  11. ^^ It really amazes me when people are totally ignorant of issues and simply use invective and rhetoric as a way to make their point. So yeah, Oodweyn-- let's ridicule Faroole for trying to do his best to get his people's rightful share of the federal budget.
  12. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: President Faroole knows very well the power of the media and has a website Garoweonline that promoted his campaign and now his presidency(which doesn't get updated much). Which really makes me curious as to why, someone who runs websites, purposely refuses to use the Puntland Government website. It just doesn't make sense. I heard there is a new one coming out and that it was being tested, but almost a year in and the website has been barely touched. I am not sure what the government motives are. ^^ Oh Lord! More gibberish about Garoweonline. Stay focused please. This has got nothing to do with your obsession with this particular fadhikudirir site. Faroole is no webmaster, so stop associating him to this private site! Even though Puntland is part of Somalia, killings of government official never ever happened. We have now seen 4 in less then a year. You'd expect this type of attacks during the ICU days when President Abdullahi Yusuf was in office in Mogadishu and Puntland was the TFG's life line. (sometimes I think, maybe it's President Faroole lack of Military experience that is resulting in these bold attacks.) Saaxiib, people always die. They've died in the past. They die today, and most certainly they will die tomorrow. So please-- do not make Faroole out to be some sort of death stopper. Sure, he should be held accountable for the failures of the security forces, but that is, if indeed they do fail to bring the culprits in front of the law. But in the meantime, lets NOT get carried away with fear. That's all.
  13. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: If President Faroole does not return to Puntland by the weekend, I will question how effective a leader his is. The government website is never updated and this year alone has seen 4 unprecedented murders of government officials. President Faroole cannot mount an effective response while he is in another country and people need to hear him on the radio and internet reassuring them that the government will take appropriate measures. I don't know what's going on with the government but they need to wake up. Dude, get a grip will yah! Faroole this. Faroole that. Quit your whining alright! Have you forgotten that Puntland is no Switzerland and is still part and parcel of a country called Somalia, which happens to be one of the unsafest states around the world. War ninyahow fulaynimada intaas l'eg iska daa. Faroole dadkii dintau naf kuma soo celin karee..
  14. Mintid Farayar, Maybe he is just afraid to return to Garowe and has opted instead to stay under the safety of the Kenyan goverment. Afterall a xildhibaan was murdered there, right? Sometimes things are just NOT as complicated as they seem. So get some rest my friend.
  15. Subxaanallah-- this is truly amazing. Libaax-Sankataabte, I think this man is mocking you.
  16. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: quote:Originally posted by Castro: quote: Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Kooonfurians needs to be removed from somaliland asap. احمق فوق الاحمق أكيد! احمق فعلا. للأسف ، انه لا يفهم لمعضلة
  17. ^^ Good points. For once I agree with you, my senile secessionist friend. Puntland needs a unified central command for ALL its armed forces. For starters; the pirates who freely roam the streets of many of our cities, with impunity, protected by their clansmen, must no longer be tolerated. So too must those that profit in the illegal migration of people across the gulf of Aden and anyone else for that matter who is involved in any form of criminal activity, must be brought in front of the law. Come hell or high water-- this government must bring EVERYBODY, including itself, underneath the law of the land. Only true justice will guarantee genuine peace in the long run.
  18. ^^ Nassir, It is should be no surprise to you that the secessionist Somalis on SOL love to pop out stupidities. But that is a different topic altogether... The simultaneous attacks in Puntland today, in all their wretchedness, only show the full antipathy and hatred for the peace and stability enjoyed in Puntland, that is harbored in the hearts of the niqaabi terrorists from the deviant sect of Al Shabab. But this will only test our people and government. Furthermore, it is needless to say, that Faroole's leadership abilities have come under a spotlight, and the public will eagerly judge his merits in the coming months. Only time will show us his resolve.
  19. ^^ Someday you'll be funny, my amigo. Just not today. Not even remotely. And I daresay, it's hard to take calls for brotherly unity from a crackhead lookin' little fella like you, rudy. But I will accept it this time...I am your brother and you are my sister. Any arguments about that, rudy? p.s What on earth is a "mutuleh"?
  20. RedSea, Please inform rudy, in private if you must, that if indeed he fantasizes about sitting on this "Uncle Middle Finger" -- he must remember two things: 1. Faroole is not currently in the U.S; last I heard, he was in Nairobi. 2. If he opts for something else to sit on, he must save his loved ones from having to clean the blood in the house and do it outside. And why aad ugu camiraysaa waxaad rabtaa inaad ka waashid?