Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^ Shabab, xaraan quudatadii Isbaaro Inc kaliya ayee barteen sida gacan iyo lug is-dhaaf ah looga jaro, ee naf kale ey hayaan majirto. Marka ninyahow, qalbiga hadaad ku qaboojisaneysid oo aad daciifnimadaada marmarsiyo uga dhiganaysid Al Shabab anakee naga adgaatayee, idinkana wey idiin soosocota, taasu arin adiga kuu taala weeyaan.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: ....the ONLF boys not even caring about losing Afmadow but concentrating on OJ's promotion. It always amazes me just how pathetic the ONLF riffraff are and how easy it is to expose their bravado, but then again they only have to fool the posters of SOL with their cyber-bravery and warmongering. Afmadow xataa waa difaaci waayeen. What can these folks actually succeed in, besides killing one another in the desert across the border?
  3. ^^ As anyone with any intelligence knows, is the preferred mouth piece of Congressman Payne.
  4. ^^ Well, you know many things that are wrong. Nevertheless, this is SOL and you're welcome to believe and promote your fantasies as you see fit.
  5. ^^ Cilada jirta waxay tahay, markii qof qabiil ku qufulanyahay aad hadal is dhaafsataan, su'aal waliba wuxuu kaaga jawaabayaa,"laakin qabiilkaaga... iyo wax lamid ah"... For once in your life, put aside your clan spectacles and get a grip on reality. A&T, General Barre was from Mudug and for generations, his family and ours have shared grazing territory-- thus, need I say more. As for Cabdi Tahliil: Bad personal choices have led him to where he is right now. So it isn't fair that you try to blame his miserable life on us.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: ,,,,, meelo aan la gelin baa jira. ^^ In the interest of accommodating your faulty memory, this would be one of your many lies.
  7. ^^ JB, nin iska xanaaqayo baad noqotayee, bal raali ahow, laandheerayahow. Have a good morning, bro.
  8. ^^ Only your delusional mind has convinced itself that it is been applauded. Hadaad waxaad keenteen laangaabnimo darteed, inaad ummadihii Soomaaliyeed oo idinla daganaa inaad tira ahaan isku badisaan.
  9. ^^ I love a challenge. Saaxiib, the highest ranking military officers EVER in the history of the Somali National Army were General Salxaa and General Cali Samatar(who also later became Vice President) and also Professor Bootaan who was the Minister of Higher Education. These are just a few examples of the many prominent Puntlanders that are known by all(except you of-course). p.s Let's not forget Abwaan Cabdi Tahliih.
  10. ^^ Nonsense. These so-called pestilent folks are big qabiileysteyaasha markii loo fiiriyo ummada kale oo Soomaaliyeed. Tan labaad, dadka aad leedahay waa la xaqiraa('untouchables') Somaalida kale wey uroon-yihiin weyna tixgaliyaan, laakin nimankaan somaalidiidka ah si xun oo bini aadamnimada kabaxsan ayee ugu xadgudbaan xaquuqdooda. Mathalan, bal car ii sheeg nin Hargaysa kudashay oo reer 'untouchable' ah oo hormar gaaray taariikda Soomaliya oo dhan ma haysa? Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: EDIT- you are asking me the worng question in an effort to come out of the mud you are in. Anigu untouchables weeye ma odhan, mana xumayn dadkaas. But the discrimination against them is done by all Somali's including you and me. I was only looking at this new model as one that can serve as a good start. In the end, clan x mixes with clan Y and gets 'purified'. If such wrong means brings about a speedy end to this horrible practice, it is fine with me. The individual human being will win. War ba'a! 'Purification' aad sheygaysid muxuu yahay? Soomaalida oo dhan baa qashin ah, ee marka laba qashin hadii la isku qaso, ma wax nadiif ah ayaad ka rajaynaysaa?
  11. ^^ Isir wadaagnimo, yes. Hogwash, NO! Dadkaan aad tiri 'untouchable' weeye, ilahaay baa abuurtay-- meel Quraanka sheegayso inuu dadku ku kala sareeyo isir, majiro. Nin waliba sagaal bilood buu ku dhashay, marka adiga ma kula qumantahay nin adigoo kale ah oo sagaal bilood ku dhashay inaad yastid ama aad xaqirtid oo uu ku sheegto ma kula qumantahay?
  12. ^^ Shame on moi? LOL, Now that is funny. Saaxiib, Sayidkii baa wuxuu ka yirri nimankaan dhahaya ummad baa anaka nagu soo biiraysa, iyaga laftigooda inuu ku tilmaamay, isir ahaan ineyna kuwaan aad tiri 'untouchable' weeye, waxba eysan dhaamin, oo waa asagii gabay kulahaa:- "inaad adoonkii muqlaad aad tihiin eega gacantiina..."
  13. ^ There is nothing 'touchable' about any one of those clans you've mentioned, but I guess in the end, it's all a matter of perspective.
  14. ^^ Trumping up the merger of two untouchable clans is like trying to make sense where there is no sense, and encouraging a laudable ambition where there is none, my friend.
  15. Originally posted by The Zack: P.s. They better promise that they will keep their Qashin out of our seas lakin. Did you say 'our seas', or are you simply pulling our legs? 1, 2,3...
  16. "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, We don't need no water let the motherf*cker burn, Burn motherf*cker burn."
  17. "Xaafada axmed dhagax sida kaliya ay biyo ku heli doonto, waa inaynu Sheekh Sharif carabka kajarno."-Mr Waraabe
  18. ^^ That does not mean, the kitaab is not worth sharing with others.
  19. ^^ Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla bla! I bet your favorite color is MAROON.