Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. To Moonlight: War ninyahow nac-nacda meesha kalatag. Munaafiqiintaanu qabiil shaqul kummaleh, cid ey badbaadinayaan majiro. Dibta meesha jirta waxay tahay, ninkaan is qarxiyey ma aha, ee waa nimankii soo abaabulay oo soo khalday, maskaxdiisana wax ka badalay, si uu usameeyo wax dadku ee layaabaan oo ka argagaxaan ama cabsi galiso. Marka hadaan Soomaali nahay, ragaas ayaga ah anagoonan qabiil ahaan u fiirineynin waa inaan nu isku meel uga soo wada jeesanaa. Marka Godane, Shangole, Abu Mansuur, Hassan Turki, Axmad Madowbe, Cali Dheere, Daahir Aweys iyo qashinka ey ku adeeganayaan oo dhan waa inaanu meel qura uga soo jeesanaa oo aan iska qabaanaa, si masiibadaan aa uga baxno.
  2. Originally posted by Nogobi: [QB] The man who did the terror act could be from any clan. But his leaders are known. They are from Somaliland and Puntland. Fu'aad shangoli and Godane, are bussy to brainwash many more Somalis to do worse terror acts in any village in Somalia. O.k, since we are talking about terror leaders, who are Hassan Turki and Abdi Modowbe?
  3. ^ One piece of advice, JB... clutch your marduuf with both hands - the Pirates will rob you blind. Have fun!
  4. ^ Now, now, lets not resort to baseless personal attacks, JB. FYI: Pirates feel on top of the world-- for this year, at least.
  5. Me, "late"? Dude, I didn't know there was a deadline I had to beat. Hey Marx, answer me this! Why are goats superior to secessionist posters?
  6. Mr. Somalia

    Global warming

    So what if the earth warms up? Mother nature will always find a way to balance itself, even IF it means a few billion or so humans will get wiped out by Tsunamis, Hurricanes and the like.
  7. It seems Comedy Central is having a ball with Somalis of late... The Buccaneer Stops Here LOL @ Live From Somali Coast
  8. Since the Americans and Nato have recently agreed to further increase their fight against Al-Qaida in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area, Al-Qaida has been increasingly looking to relocate their top brass to a different location. Unfortunately for us, Al-Qaida finds Somalia's lack of strong government very inviting and they have instructed their Shabab deviant slaves to speed up the spread of anarchy and chaos in our country. Thus making conditions in Somalia conducive enough for Al-Qaida to gain a foothold and sanctuary in our country. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we Somalis, for once and all, set our local political squabbles aside for once and unite to defend ourselves and our country against this evil group, whose only objective is to collectively unnerve us into submission by killing and maiming as many of us as possible. Somali people MUST unite, or else, not only our country but our very own survival as a people will be jeopardized.
  9. ^ It's so laughable that the people who have foolishly supported the deviant Shabab terrorists in Somalia would want to engage in such a futile PR campaign to defend these devilish *******s. Little do they know, but today's attack in Xamar has sparked a collective outrage amongst all Somalis and has united our people's resolve to fight this deviant cancer in our country. Sooner or later, Al Shabab and its leaders, will pay for their evil transgressions and the massacre of innocents.
  10. Somalian Pirates....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haha. God I love that show! ******-----**********---------********-------- We drink and we pillage and we do what we please We get all that we want for free We’ll kick your a$$ And rape your lass Somalian pirates we So with a yo ho ho And with a yee hee hee We take to the African sea We’ll brave the squalls And bust your balls Somalian pirates we We left our homes and we left our mothers To go on a pillaging spree We’ll cut off your ears And break your toes And make you drink our pee And if you sail into our waters You best hear this decree We’ll take your boat Set your a$$ afloat Somalian pirates we With a yo ho ho (yo ho ho) And a tricky lah-tee do (tricky lah-tee do) We’ll shoot you in the face with glee Then we’ll cut off your cock And feed it to a croc Somalian pirates we Somalian pirates we Somalian pirates we
  11. Get over it folks. Halyey Cabdulahi is no longer in Somali politics. You can drop your anger and your spite now. It will turn you into a much happier group of people if you do. I guarantee it..
  12. ^^ Walaale, aakhirka Ina Faroole haduu xafiiskaas ku ciyaaro, masuuliyadeeda waxaa qaadayo Madaxweyne Faroole. Faroolena, sidaan wada ognahay, afar sano kabacdi ayaa lala xisaabtami doona, Eebe idinkiis. Marka, yaana wakhti badan lagu luminin sheekadaan Ina Faroole.
  13. ^^ Yeah, yeah! And in spite of your nonsensical nay-saying, remember that President Faroole is ONLY accountable to the Puntland citizenry who put him in that office in the first place. :cool: p.s The latest reports state the 4 Ethiopian looma ooyaans are still being held in jail. As of yet, no court date has been set.
  14. ^ HAW HAW HAW. By deviating in this exceptional case from the normal secessionist party line, Mirqaanka Xaajiga has gained a very unique distinction; while, at the same time, the partial conformity with the usage of the word "Somalia" instead of the infamous "Konfuria", will give perspicuity to the Xaajis innate loyalty and true patriotism to Mother Somalia.
  15. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: The quote must be a new discovery the quoter was desperate to parade, but the relevance is lost to me. Faroole's son is nominated not selected on competitive process. So, the issue is not whether he is qualified or not. It is why give him salary for an advice he will no doubt give as a son anyway. It shows greed and naas-nuujin. By the way, Mr. Somalia, don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime? ^^ haha Like clockwork. Must you be so predictable, A&T? Ofcourse you must. Mohamed Faroole, prior to getting involved with his fathers presidential ambitions, had gainful employment outside Somalia, alright. Now for last year or so, he'd been in Puntland, working with his father on issues concerning the press and news media at large. Now you tell us, why do you find it so shocking that a stipend is paid to him for the advise he provides to the president, after all, he is indeed as qualified as any other man vying for the same position and on top of that, he too has got a family to feed. At the end of the day, Ina Faroole has every right to partake in the governance of State, just like I and any other Puntlander has the right. p.s you said to me, ".. don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime?" Not at all. These so-called 'politicians' are my leaders, and all Puntlanders, through their respective familial agents to parliament, have given these 'politicians' the mandate to govern for predetermined term. Now once these politician serve out their terms in government, we will hold them accountable and if we, for any reason become unhappy with their performance in office, then we elect a different individual to take the reigns. It's as easy as that-- Capice!
  16. Originally posted by Haatu: quote: Originally posted by who-me: I think you should know your input does not matter here, after all you are another disgruntled ONLF supporter, yearning from the arrest of the five criminals. quote: Originally posted by Haatu: Sounds to me like the first signs of a dictatorship. War uff iyo kir baa lagu yiri. How do you know that I'm an another disgruntled ONLF supporter. Is it just because I'm from Gaarisa? Just to let you know I do support ONLF and so what? Plus, I have every right to voice my opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. And once again, uff iyo kir! ^ Haatu, bas! Ha xanaaqin, anaa kaa celinayee. Who-Me, the only onlf supporters worthy of your rebuke is our resident headless chicken friend, A&T. So please direct your artillery at him, and kindly seize and desist from directly engaging Mr Haatu.
  17. ^ Peace Action, I think Mohamed Farole would make a great press secretary for his father and so do many other Puntlanders, so you are wrong on this one. Now as for the Ethiopian refugees, secessionist and aimless anarchists of SOL commenting on the political machinations of the great Somali State of Puntland, I will leave you all with a deliberately mordacious quote: "In souls nobly born, valor does not depend upon age." :cool:
  18. ^^ Such engineers are not welcome in Marfashland. Ha noolaato Marfishland! Ha noolaato, Shankaroon! Ha noolaado, xukunka Daahir Riyaale uu madaxa uga hayo sadexda habrood oo waalan! Ha noolaato, la-la land!
  19. Press Releases Response: Piracy Comments made by the Ex-president of Puntland State of Somalia 30 Nov 30, 2009 - 2:25:49 AM An Eid-ul-Adha speech presented by the former president of the Puntland State of Somalia Adde Muse regarding members of the armed forces joining the Somali pirates during his term of office has been wrongly translated and reported to mean the current coast guard and members of the security forces joining the infamous pirates of Somalia. This information, reported by local and some international media, is false and baseless. It is locally and internationally recognized that the Puntland government does not have a functional coastguard and is in the process of re-establishing a coast guard with the close collaboration and support of the international community The incidence of piracy along the Puntland coast has been greatly reduced thanks to the new government policy that addresses issues like the timely payment of salaries for the armed forces. The issue of timely salary payment that was not prioritized by the former government may have caused a great number of their armed forces to resort to alternative ways of living, which allegedly included illegal and unlawful actions including kidnappings and possible piracy on the coastlines of the Puntland State of Somalia which is not the case at the present time. The ex-president blamed certain parties for the responsibility of the recent assassinations, however, the government of Puntland has not made an official announcement of the culprits since intensive investigations are underway and any misinformation related to this issue may jeopardize investigations. The only assertion that can be said so far is that these ruthless assassinations were committed by elements against the peace, stability, development and prosperity of the Puntland State of Somalia.
  20. Source: GURXAN: “Mirqaankaad maqasheen waa Naf mowtideed la cadaa'boo Mootan oon is ogaynoo Maqsin foorno la moodoo Marfash baas lagu sheegoo Daaqaddii la malaasoo Albaabkii laga moosoo dhammac miici galooliyo Maygaag weyn dhuxushiisa Markaa laysu dul saaray……” GURXAN: “Mijaynoow minna naar Magane cawdu billaah Ma waasheen ummadaasi Waar mallaa ma jiraanba?” WAA MAXAY MIRQAAN? “Mirqaan waa naf awoowgeed iyo asuulkeedba la gubay, oo lagu aabudhay qol billaa daaqad ah oo dhammaci ka holcayso, taasoo lagu cabudhiyay dhawr baakidh oo sigaar ah iyo tennekad bigays ah; Miriqaankaad maqasheen waa naftaa sirinsirqaysan, ee markay kob ay ka baxdo weydo indhuhu bannaanka u soo boodaan.” Ayuu ku tiraabay nin reer Somali Galbeed ah oo aanan magaciisa hayn. Haddaba, murtidan ayaa soo gaadhay Gurxan & Bulxan (G & B) oo sidaad hore ula socoteenba ahaa laba nin oo aallaaba figradahoodu isku yihiin “Maan Barreey & Maan Billaal”. Haseyeeshee, doorkan waxay u wada guuxeen murtidan sare ku xusun, waxayna aragtiyo isku dhaw ka muujiyeen dhibaatooyinka Qaadku keeno ee ay ka mid yihiin: 1) Mirqaan-Raadis, 2) Dhammac-Oogis, 3) Sigaar-Fuuqis, 4) Shaah-Qalaxsi, 5) Badhgo-Qaylsi, 6) Dubaab-Qaadis, 7) Qaadiraysni, IWM. GURXAN 1: Mirqaankaad maqasheen waa Naf mowtideed la ca*****o Mootan oon is ogaynoo Maqsin foorno la moodoo Marfash baas lagu sheegoo Daaqaddii la malaasoo Albaabkii laga moosoo dhammac miici galooliyo Maygaag weyn dhuxushiisa Markaa laysu dul saaray! Meeshaa laysku bukhuuree Miciinkii laga dhaarshay Bay mirqaan ka dayaane Maandhe sow lama yaabtid! BULXAN 1: Dabkaa naarta la moodo Marka uu miir dillaacee Dhididku meel walba daato Dhex-mushaaxo jidhkoo dhan Mijin qaad lagu sheegoo Oday aan sanad maydhan Oogadiisa maddowga Uskaga miiddale heerku Midabaystay korkiisu Farahiisa millaalmay Laga maydhin habeeda Murduufkuu ku xidhaayo Maydhaxduu ku jiqsiiyee Ku maroojin yaqaano Markuu boog xoqanaayo Malaxdii ka da’aysay Caleentuu marinaayay Bay markaa ragga qaadku Iyagoon ka mishiiqsan Misna aan wis-wisaynin Ay sidii wax marraadla Jilibka ugu mutaanoo Aan mirqaano dhahaane Maandhe sow lama yaabtid! (GUXAN &BULXAN) Hooris! Mijaynoow minna naar Magane cawdu billaah Ma waasheen ummadaasi Waar mallaa ma jiraanba? GURXAN 2: Markay baakidh sigaar ah Mallow qiiq ka madow leh Sambabka meello daloosha Kansar-mowdle horseeda Oon midhkaa dux lahayn Ay sidii warshad miigan Marraaqii la shidaayay Markab shoolad taagtay Qiiq mudhaa kaga saari Aan mirqaano dhahaan Maandhe sow lama yaabtid? BULXAN 2: Markuu shaaha cabayaayo Madawgiisa bigeyska Mallihii toban koomboon Midna aan laga maydhin Bullooy sheeko macaanto Uga miisto maraadkuu Intuu qoorta maroojo Marba gees is majiiro Meelaan rooba ka muuqan Meeshaasaa tus jiraayoo Mayay baa di’i doonoo Mirqaankaa illa jiidhee Bal maleeya yidhaahdo! Maandhe sow lama yaabtid? (GUXAN &BULXAN) Hooris! Mijaynoow minna naar Magane cawdu billaah Ma waasheen ummadaasi Waar mallaa ma jiraanba? GURXAN 3: Markuu qaadku dhammaado Indhaha uu kor majiiro Ku madiixo callaacal Anigoo mijin haystaa Hebel laan iga maagoo Anna maanan masuugine Ku maqiiqay caqaar dhan Badhgo’ baan ahay maante Mar kalaan bixin doonaa Adeeroow wax ma haysaa Eedooy maanta I daymi Uu dul meero shaxaadtan Orod meesha ka foof tag Oday seedo maxaadhle Amaahdii hore meeday Errey loogu majiibo Isagoo ill miskiin leh Ilko huuro madow leh Af-qashuushni ka muuqdo Ardaaguu meehanaabo Adba maanad la yaabin? BULXAN 3: Markuu seexdo habeenkii Dubaab waa mushkillee Bisad dhoollaha miiqan Baa ku baacin midh jiir ah Naf malay malab weeyee Isagood murjin moodoo U maqiiqan si waallan Midhicirkiyo ubucdiisu Meesha ay ku kulmaanbu Ka muquuran caloosha! Dabba jiir ma muc weynee Midigtiisu halleeshay Mirqin dhuuban ahayde Miskahaa sabarkooday Ka ruqdaa mullacdeedu Madaxa qoortiyo laabtiyo Mudkii oo isku yaalloo Murguxan baa ku go’aaya Mana qayshan karraayo Mana qiil kale keennee Markuu quuqda guraayo Ummadii qosol maagto Quus miyaadan ka joogsan? SAMATAR: Adeer, aniga waad I ogtihiin oo sidiina tix ma tiriyo, laakiin waxaan idiin sheegayaa arintan labadiinuba waad asiibteen! Waxaadse ilowdeen qaadka dhibkiisu kuma dhammaado badhgo’a ee wuxuu ku dhammaadaa Qaadirada. Qaad cunne qaadiro wuu yaqaanaa, Ilka-caddana looga qisoon maayo! Waxaanse idin xusuusinayaa, Somalidu cadawyo badan bay leedahay, kuwo waa dabiici sida Abaaraha oo kale, oo iyaga illaahay baa SWT keena; Laakiin 3 Aafo oo 9 Wax Dhimma keena, dhammaantoodna wax laga qaban karo ayaa Soomaalida dullaystay: 3daa Aafo waxay kala yihiin: B) Collaad , T) Qaad, iyo J) Jahli. Sagaalka wax-dhimma ee ay keenaana waa: B) Collaadu; dadka, dalka, iyo duunyadaba way dhintaa! T) Qaadku; maalka, maskaxda, iyo muruqa ayuu dhimmaa! J) Jahligu; horumarka, hanuunka-Alle, iyo hal-fahanka ayuu dhimmaa ! Haddaba, xalka aafooyinkan sare ku xusani waa sadex heer: Xal-Qarran, Xal-Qoys, iyo Xal-Qof. COLLAADA; Dad baddan baa huriya, sidaadarteed, Qarranka ayaa daminteeda looga fadhiyaa! QAADKU; Waa Abaarta 2aad ee qarnigan, sidaadarteed, xalkiisa Qofka cunna ayaa looga fadhiyaa! JAHLIGA; “Aqoon la’aani waa iftiin la’aan”, sidaa darteed, Qoyskaa inay caruurtu waxbarasho u hesho looga fadhiyaa! Axmed-Assad, MurtiSoor (G & B)
  21. That video was amusing, but in fairness, there's any number of people who support the democrats who are just as ignorant as those Palin supporters. So if you think that was funny, watch this one, it is even funnier:
  22. Puntland Diaspora Forum ‘PDF’ Press Release: A response to Congressman Donald Payne’s press release titled “Abusive behavior in Puntland” The Puntland Diaspora Forum wishes to deny some of the assertions made in a recent press release, dated November 20, 2009 by Congressman Donald Payne of New Jersey, 10th District, who is also the Chairman of the House Foreign Relations’ Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health. The Press release, we believe, was a hastily written document that was uniquely uncharacteristic of the esteemed Congressman’s time tested diplomatic behaviour and was glaringly unfair in its criticism of the government of Puntland State of Somalia. While PDF appreciates the great work that Congressman Payne and his Sub‐Committee do on daily basis to improve the quality of life for millions of destitute Africans throughout the continent including many of our own in Puntland, and, has the highest regard for the esteemed Chairman and his staff, we cannot ignore the impact that any such hastily drafted criticism based largely on unsubstantiated allegations can have on the good image of our State. On the record, we have been assured by senior cabinet level officials in Garowe that no one was, in fact, handed over to Ethiopia whilst also confirming that one of the prisoners unfortunately passed away before he could be tried. The government also assured us that the remaining prisoners will soon be brought to justice and will be set free if found innocent. It must be noted the people of Og*den are a close kin of the people of Puntland and are, needless to say, free like any other Somali, to move, trade, and live in Puntland without fear of persecution and infringement to their civil liberties and human rights. PDF sincerely wishes to send its condolences to the families of the deceased and call upon the government of Puntland to give due compensation to his closest of kin should it be established by a court of law, that he was innocent of the allegations that led to his initial imprisonment. It must also be noted that Puntland cannot be a hideout for run‐away fugitives, criminals, religious fanatics, subversives, and terrorists nor serve as a base from which to launch attacks of any kind against neighbouring or distant countries. PDF supports the position of the Puntland government regarding the safety and security of the State and calls upon Congressman Payne and all other responsible leaders to consider the difficult circumstances that Puntland State finds itself as a relatively peaceful oasis in the middle of a troubled region. We also call upon the government of Puntland to make every effort to make the lives of the peace‐loving majority of the Og*den residents, tourists and/or traders in Puntland even more comfortable in the future. Amb. Abdulkadir A. Hashi Puntland Diaspora Forum, President
  23. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: And according to the President of the region, this song will be taught in schools; children will chant it every single school day; and the Awban will be recognized as the best ever in the region. ^^ A&T, is this another of your brilliant brain farts? What proof do you have that this guy is to be 'recognized as the best' and that his songs will be chanted by school kids daily? And I will have you know that, the only looma ooyaan currently residing in Puntland are the ONLF riffraff refugees from Ethiopia. Marka, if you don't know anything, at least have sense enough not to broadcast it like this.
  24. ^^ As long as she wasn't raped, then no torture took place. Nonetheless, are you trying to compare Puntland with the anarchy of Isbaaro Inc in Xamar?
  25. ^^ As you are an obliging hater of the great state of Puntland, I am sure that you feel proud of your docility, Xaaji.