Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Probably adiga iyo qaar keleba way ka nool yihiin ,,,, Saaxiib, anigu waagaas carigaas gumaadku uu kadhacay ma joogin. Laakin hadaan joogi lahaa, kuwa qabuurohooda aad ku tuugsataan baan kamid ahaan lahaa. Oo taas daliil waxaa u ah, abtiyadiin, seediyaashiin iyo waxay dhaleen baad qabiil darti ulayseyn, ee mid cid kale ah ayaad badbaadin lahaydeen miyaa?
  2. Originally posted by UZTAAD: interesting account mr somalia, Nimankaan taallooyinka cuqdadada lagu xanaaneeyo dhisanaya waa ka suurowdaa inay taarikhda ka been sheegaan marka la yaab malahan sxb. A&t, waxiisu wax ka soo qaad malahan lafcad buu tobin ku hayaa. Walaale, taarikh intaas ka badan oo ku saabsan A&T iyo kuwa uu amaanayo siday ugaleen oo aad u badan ayaan hayaa, laakin A&T, nin ku cibraqaadanaya ma yahay? Waa maya; Maalin walba naac buu lasoo taaganyahay asagoona taariikhda Soomaali-diidka dib u fiirineyn.
  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: Markii dagalkii 1977 uu dhexmaray Ethiopia iyo Somalia, dad fara badan ayaa kasoo qaxay kilil 5naad oo yimid jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya. Markaas waxaa dhacday iney dawlladi xerooyin qaxooti ey ka samaysid waqooyiga iyo gobollada koonfureed ee Soomaliya. I always had the feeling that you were member of qaxootigii sabacad ..... ^^ Kuwaas waa kuwii qabriyadooda aad ku tuuksataan oo aad lacagaha faraha badan NGO-yada aad uga qaadateen ee ma cid baa kanool?
  4. Originally posted by UZTAAD: Temple of infrior complex > taaladii cuqdadada ciyaalka ayaa la tusaa ilaahow aanaan caruurtayada cuqdad ku ababin . Uztaad, Markii dagalkii 1977 uu dhexmaray Ethiopia iyo Somalia, dad fara badan ayaa kasoo qaxay kilil 5naad oo yimid jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya. Markaas waxaa dhacday iney dawlladii xerooyin qaxooti ey ka samaysay waqooyiga Soomaliya iyo gobollada koonfureed ee Soomaliya. Markii, Dawlladi Siyaad Barre ee dhacdey, nimakaan Soomaali-diidka ah oo markaas jabhadii SNM ey horbowdeyso ayaa gumaad xun ugeystey dadkii xeryaha kujiray oo qaxootiga ahaa. Iyagoo u leynaya qabiil ahaan, ilaa maantaana waxay ku andacoodaan ama ey sheegtaan, dadkaas la laayey oo soomaaliyeed iney iyaga ahaayeen oo dawlladii Siyaad Barre ey gumaaday. Laakin waxaa xaqiiqa-ah, dadkaa la laayey oo faraha badnaa oo ku xabaalan waqooyi galbeed iney ahaayeen A&T dadku uu ku abtirsado. Maantana nimankii saas u galey ayuu ii faaninayaa oo ileyyahay waa dad wanaagsan. Haba wanaagsanadaanee, ma yihiin dad Soomalinimada ogal ???--Mar hadaynan Soomaalinimada ogaleen-- oo ey cuqdad baas oo qabiil ku qufulantahay-- waxay ila muuqataa A&T hadalkiisu inuu yahay hal bacaad lagu lissay. Wabillahi Tawfiiq!
  5. Ooops, did I say, pirates? NOO, I meant parrots. Two different species, JB. You do know what a parrot is, right?
  6. Kuun-kuun, haven't you picked up on the vibe yet that A&T only wants to see my empire fall mainly because he won't be alive to see when his ONLF riffraff help his own 'Empire' to come into existence? This is precisely the source of all his selfish envy that makes him pray daily for the demise of the great Somali State of Puntland. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Only a man of manichean simplicity as you are blighted with could not have noticed the growing understanding between two alikes, who took part in the art of war in all its dignity and indignity. And indeed, the camel-boys of burco and dhagaxbuur realize that they have been the best of friends in some seasons and the worst of enemies at other times. In which case, the rules of engagement were unequivocal and unambiguous when in peace and when at war. Hence, the temporal alliance building between me and the northern guru, in the shape of Mr. Big-fence follows in the patterns and precedents of the forefathers who sired us. Contrast this to the relations with Puntland. I, for one, cannot say much about the difficulties and duplicities many speak of when dealing with the inhabitants of this enclave. But, the literature is full of stories attesting to the pervasiveness of dual personality, machinations and immense self-centrism. In short, the northern guys can offer peace and war; their counterparts in the East are like treacherous in-laws who are part of you by blood as well as bondage, yet scheme day and night to dismantle your own house. It is very difficult to deal with such insidious quandary. Wow, all that gibberish, just because I pointed out your hypocrisy in defending some criminal cousins of yours in Bosaaso while at the same time, distancing yourself from another criminal cousin of yours who blew himself up in Xamar a few days ago, killing all those innocents. What? Hit a nerve did I? p.s Once again I urge you not to encourage our resident relic from Hargaysa. Remember, regardless of all the shameful canoodling you woo him with, on this thread-- Oodweyne, still thinks of you as the frightening f*qash who he can't yet seem to bring himself around to get over. For fcuks sake, they've commemorated a great statue to you and I, A&T, right in the heart of their great city. Ilahay baan kugu dhaarsheyee, ma ninkaas saas nooga baqaya oo kale ayaad naf iyo hiilo ka raadinasaa? Just give it up, fledgeling!
  7. ^^ Waayahay, hadaad saas ogtahay, waa dambe ha ku faaninina--Marfashland hadaad tihiin-- inaad naga xawayaan badantihiin! Fahamtu?
  8. Originally posted by Abwaan: Gen Ali and Gen. Gelle are both good officers who will hopefully do well on the positions ther hold. ^^ Abwaan, meesha doo doo-daada ma aqaanee, orod ku laabo dalkii oo askar nimo isku soo qor. Dalka wuxuu u baahanyahay rag komaandoos ah oo aan jixin-jixn. Marka fadlan, orod Generaal-ladaan cusub soo caawi oo experience-kaaga ku caawi dalka dajintiisa.
  9. ^^ Mother Theresa's poem which I think was meant to provide folks with a succinct recipe for success and happiness is quite similar to this poem by R Kipling... What you guys think? *****///****///****///*** If by Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on"; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
  10. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Awr awr wado iyo nin naagi waddi midna kaama leexdaan... ^ nin naagi wado waa na'cas. Naag nin wadana waa iskoronyo! (A Mr.Somalia original)
  11. Ha ha ha, ana waa ikan-- we got more pirates than all the animals in your little la-la land. What u say 'bout dat, JB?
  12. Mr. Somalia

    Global warming

    ^ Sherban, you confuse evolution with religion, or lack thereof. The two in my opinion, are totally different. For instance, I believe in evolution, which is basically when organisms adapt to their respective environments over time and change anatomically or physically. At the same time, I believe that everything, including these evolving organisms and time itself, were created by Allah(SWT). And both of these beliefs of mine, do not contradict one another. Now, that's my humble take on that issue, even though I did not intend to hijack this thread's initial topic. My apologies to the wrong equation that started this thread.
  13. My predictions for the 2010 World Cup are as follows: Group A: South Africa, Mexico, Uruguay, France France and Uruguay will win this group. Group B: Argentina, Nigeria, South Korea, Greece Argentina will definitely top this group, and I will give the edge to Nigeria over Greece and North Korea. Group C: England, United States, Algeria, Slovenia England will win this group with the United States. Group D: Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ghana This group belongs to Germany, and Serbia. Group E: Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Cameroon Holland and Japan will win this group. Group F: Italy, Paraguay, New Zealand, Slovakia Italy and Paraguay will move to the next round. Group G: Brazil, North Korea, Ivory Coast, Portugal Brazil and Portugal will win this group. Group H: Spain, Switzerland, Honduras, Chile Spain and Switzerland Group S: Somaliland, Puntland, GalMudug, Konfuria Puntland will definitely come through from this group. And yes. ONLY Puntland! ----------------------------------------------- Now, does anyone feel like gambling?
  14. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Here is Nate Silver's probability index. LSK: How did this Nate Silver calculate these weird odds? What criteria did he follow?
  15. Mr. Somalia

    Global warming

    It's funny how NASA instruments on the Mars rover missions have shown that the atmosphere of Mars fluctuates just as much as, if not more than, the atmosphere of planet Earth. So I guess we're causing the pollution over there as well? This global warming hype is just that-- A BIG HYPE! It's a shakedown for big money, in the form of higher taxes with the ultimate goal of a few people in the know becoming incredibly wealthy, and subjugating and controlling the ignorant poor masses of the world by forcing them into further poverty and instilling dependence on an all powerful government. Basically, it's another way of tricking the masses into willing compliance to an all controlling regime, while telling them that their willing sacrifice is good for the planet. In the meantime Al Gore $CO will continue to travel the world in their humongous jets and enjoy the finest luxuries money can buy. Of course, this will all be paid for with our carbon credit taxes!
  16. ^ Jacaylbaro, anigaa walaalkaa ah oo Soomali kula ah oo aqoonsi u ogal la-la land-ka aad dhaba cararaysid, ee maxaad ku faleysaa carab xuna oo basal iyo casiir kasoo dhargay oo wuxuu ka hadlayo aan lagaraneyn?
  17. Aaarrrgh! This article was penned by an imbecile. And so it is no surprise that other imbeciles would find it newsworthy. For starters, if we put all the unnecessary exaggeration aside, this article has only managed to explain the basics of economic 101, that is-- the DEMAND powered by the ill-gotten gains of filthy rich pirates in a dirt-poor country like Somalia has created INFLATION. And that my friends, is hardly rocket science. Now, moving along to a more serious note: Until ALL the seafaring nations whose ships have been attacked off the Somali coastline, make some concerted effort to stop this piracy by diligently aiding the formation of a strong national government for Somalia, it will continue. And until the international community gets its act together regarding the current hapless Sharif government in Mogadishu, piracy, terrorism and all the other evil vices associated with Somalis will continue to grow. And on the local level: President Faroole made many promises before he was selected by our elders, and if he wants to continue to remain relevant in Puntland politics after his current term in office is over, he must deliver on those promises. He must work to improve conditions in Puntland enough to make the consequences of piracy worse than the alternative. p.s Hey Oodweyne; Waxaan maqlay gabdhihii Hargaysa iyo Burco waxay ka dhamaan la'yihiin Bosaaso, Eyl iyo Garacad. Maxaa warkaas ka jira? **Note to self**:-<>
  18. ^ Are you aware that all of this obfuscation of yours is only increasing the general curiosity about the innate criminality of your kinfolk? Here for years you were calling our now-legendary and evil uncle, Hassan Turki and his clan goons, wonderful Mujaahids, but all of a sudden when it is no longer convenient for your PR image, you are choosing to distance yourself from him. Another point to consider is that your inexplicable rage over this rather mild subject(i.e, innate evil in the O communities-- wherever they may be) is making you go off on pointless tangents about so-called "seasoned deflowerers being pitted against hapless virgins". Obviously, it would be in your interest and all Somalis for that matter, that you use this polished intellect of yours that your're claiming, to educate your kinfolk that terrorism, false jihads and Fake cimaamads WILL NOT PAY! p.s I also urge you not to encourage our resident and very senile darodphobe, for after-all, you and I both know that we are equally despised as the brutish F*qash who b1tchslapped or rather, if I may borrow a word from you, 'deflowered' Hargaysa in the late '80s.
  19. ^^ Too late now, old man. You've already encouraged his unfathomable buffoonery by referring to his lackluster post as 'eloquent'. And for that, Oodweyne, you ought to be shot. Right. Moving on .. It struck me as odd that A&T, who seems to take pride in his thoroughness, was curiously lax in his trademark Puntland bashing-- which by now is a cornerstone of the persona he has built for himself here on SOL, due in no small part to the tireless efforts of folks like myself-- has not gone far enough or into more detail about this so-called 'intellectual chastity' associated with Puntlanders. Saaxiib, you have exposed your deep wounds, weeks after a casual arrest of ONLF Ethiopian criminals by police officials in Bosaaso have left you roaring with anger. The fact that you had the audacity to defend the criminality of those ONLF riffraff in the northeast--solely because of your tribal solidarity, and now, when all of a sudden, proof has surfaced suggesting that the hell-hound terrorist who blew himself in the midst of all those innocents at Hotel Shaamow was also a close cousin of yours and YES, a bloodthirsty criminal as well from your neck of the woods, despite your repeated attempts to distance yourself from him, is indeed the stuff of melodrama: A&T, don't be angry at Puntlanders for your bad personal choices or your irrational support for bloodthirsty criminals in the name of defending the big O. So, in other words, practice what you preach.
  20. ^^ Waa run, wirr hadhaho, ninkaan cimaamada munaafiqinta Al Shabab huwan, car hadaho, NINKII QARAXA GEYSTAY ILAAHAY NAARTA HAKU FOGEEYO! Dawlada uu leeyahay waziiradeeyda dilkooda bey ka dambeysay, wax ku kalifiya iney waxaas sameeyso majiro... laakin waxaa hubaal ah, falkaas fulaynimada ah waxaa lagu yaqaana Shayaadhiinta Al Shabab-- Nacalad kor kooda ha ahaatee!!!
  21. Xassan Daahir hadalkiisu haday dhab ka tahay waa inuu dawlada taageero maanta laga bilaabo. Laakin dhannah waan ka tacsiyeenayaa, dhanka kalena Al Shabab aan la jiraa oo dawlada ayaan la dirirayna, arin soconayso ma aha. Anigu hadii talo la iga dhageysanayo, waxaan dhi lahaa Xassan Daahir leftigiisa ina masuuliyada Qaraxii Shaamow dusha laga saaro. Shacabka Muqdisho iyo Soomali oo dhan ba, waa iney iska qabtaan Xassan Daahir iyo mujrimiinta faraha badan oo magacyo kala duwan lawada baxay, ujeedadooduna tahay iney ummada Soomaliyeed baabi'iyaan, weligeedna dawlad iney ka hirgalin.
  22. ^^ Odayaashaan janaazada aan loo dirsanin tukanaya, ma garan waayeen iney caruurtooda iyo dadkooda kala baxaan Urur kusheegyadaan maati leyska ah? Askar jinniga maatadaan xasuuqaya, intooda badan waa kuwa iyaga ku abtirsada, marka caruurtooda iyo dadkooda iney urur shaydhaankaan Al Shabab layiraahdo iney ka badbaadiyaan hadii kale, shaley tii dhacday iyo wax kadaranah wey soo wadaan. p.s Zack: Now that we all agree Al Shabab are the devil's children, do you still support Hassan Turki or have you changed your mind?
  23. ^^ Insha Allah, it very is likely Somalis unite. And for their sake and self preservation the better unite or else, their a$$ses will be blown up, one town after another.
  24. Originally posted by Hunguri: (1) Fuad Shangole (2) Ahmad Godane (3) Hassan Turki (4) H Dahir Aways (5) Abdi Madoobe (6) Geedi (7) Abdi Qaybdiid (8) E D I T E D (9) Qassim Salad (10) Shariif Sakiin (11) Shariif Hotel (12) Rayale Kahin (13) Siyad Barre (14) SNM and their leaders (15) Adan Madoobe (16) Ubbo ama Ibi ( what was his name ) ? (17) Caydiid (17) Ali Mahdi (18) Ahmad Cumar Jees (19) Geelle ( Maxkamadaha ) Dugsi maleh qabyaaladi waxay dumiso mooyane! Dadkaasaa, Somali loo haystaa! Kuwaan illooway idinku ku darsada. Laakiin, yaan la diffaacin nin kasta oo dulmi ummada ka gala! War Cabdulahi Yuusuf dulmi qofna kamuusan galin, ee jooji waxaan aad isku qasaysid. Cabdulahi, qaranimo iyo wanaaga Soomaaliyeed buu weligiis raadinayey. Laakin mo'oryaantii madaxda looga dhigay ayaa la fahmi weyday oo qabiil darteed uga horyimid. Markii uu arkay, dadkaan ineyna qaranimo iyo Somaalinimo midna usoo jeedin ayuu maalin cad iskaga tagay. Marka liis-kaaga nimanka kale oo ku jiro nimankii Soomaliya soo baabi'iyey iyo kuwa hada wali baaba'a Soomaalida wada weeyan-- Cabdulaahina kuwaas shuqul kuma laha.