Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by Oodweyne: What is this? Let me guess it's the miserable and myopic wretched output of a chancing criminal pirate, who thought, he can be clever-by-half in here. What a pity; one wonders whether, it occured to him, that the legion of criminality that his fiefdom is well known for through out the world, bespoke, if ever such a confirmation were needed in here, of the "social and political wretchedness" of his fiefdom and what lowly fate those who hailed from there were forced to indulged in here. And therefore, lo-and-behold, here we are entertaining his spleen about our people in Somaliland, particularly the youth and their "alleged short-comings" . Did it ever occured to him that in his fiefdom the youth of that pirate's den are to a man ( and of course the woman, as usual, are waiting "dutifully" in the kerb so that they shall have their pick of the teeming criminals that is out there ) are effectively "cooling their heels" on the shore of those regions, particularly with "lust of criminality" in their eyes, for any passing ship on the high seas ( as it were )? I tell you, folks , the "sheer irony" in here is so mind-bendingly thick, that even, the best known folks around the world, when it comes to writing a tall and rib-rouring "self-parody" , which in turn, will kill people with the sheer laughter of it, could not have dreamed of bettering the "miserable irony" that we have in here; at least from the hand of that crimally-spawned ninny by the name of Mr. Somalia and his ilk who may have penned this spleen that is in here. But, I guess that is where you are with "certain folks" . Hence, it's no use in even being "surprise" with their daily doings, which usually start with a touch of a "communal criminality" at high-seas, particularly at the dawn of the day; and perhaps end with a "collective social shamelessness" such as that of talking other poeple's social and moral short-comings ( as if you, in turn, have something to which to write home about it, in the first place ). Or failing then, perhaps, that of the kind of talking both-side of your mouth ( ala Mr. Faroole style in recent political dealings with others ), would nicely fill the bill in here. Consequently, this sort of "shamelessness" , of course, it goes without saying would even forced the "folks" who write the english standard language, in-terms of the definition of certain words (particularly the "OED" variety), to say that they have yet to "conceptualised" the sheer lowly level "certain folks" in the Somali peninsula, have decided to take the word of "shameless" , down to, indeed. Regards, Oodweyne. ^ Oodweyne, chillax awoowe. Now..After this doddering claptrap which you, once again, unfortunately felt the need to subject everyone to, I feel that it would be wrong of me to publicly humiliate you if I didn't at least offer some sort of lesson from which you might benefit from and hopefully improve. Judging from your painfully obvious lack of verisimilitude, I feel that such a lesson is a pressing emergency. So let's not waste any time and begin immediately, shall wee! Try NOT to use invented or imagined terminology no matter how "wondrous" you think it sounds! Sorry to break this to you Oodka, but calling someone a "chancing criminal pirate", means absolutely nothing to most people: Granted your Puntland bashing drivel might read like inspired poetry to our resident Marfashlanders(I love that term... ) and their slovenly disposition, but outside this gaggle of secessionist misanthropes, it means absolutely nothing to anyone. Stick to reality and avoid fiction. You will gain more mileage out of what you write since more people will understand what you are actually trying to say, without ridiculing you as a simple, senile and old tribal fool. Stop lying and for once, try to say something, based in fact! You accused me and my fellow Puntlanders of many false things in your earlier post-- yet you failed to support any of your claims. Simply stating something doesn't make it so, saaxiib. So next time, be ready to provide proof, or else, the SOL readership will think that you're talking out of your a$$(and I can't say, I blame them)-- because the majority of your arguments are wearisomely verbose, insubstantial and carry no weight. Now pay attention! This is a very important class, and I don’t want you to end up an utter failure in school. If you, through utter ineptitude, must simply recycle silly clan rhetoric; at least do it without making it so obvious. No wonder Xinnfanin said of you, that the only arrow left in your aging quiver was the ol’ "f.qash" boogie-men stories which you aim at everyone not buying your unwarrantably grandiloquent language, like Vulcan(The god of fire in Roman Mythology)-- just without the logic. Secondly, please resist the temptation to constantly chat shit about your betters from the Great Somali State of Puntland. For after-all, you little clan enclave of la-la land-- which is fast becoming Riyaale's own little hermit kingdom in Somalia-- does not possess the ‘way, truth and the light’. A good example would be the article that I posted earlier, which raises many concerns about the sad plight of the people of northwest Somalia. Now with this brief lesson out of the way, Oodweyne; care to attempt at a rebuttal of some of the issues raised in the article, without soiling you diapers, this time around, old man? Please answer the following... sidee ayaa dhalinyarada dalkeena looga dhaadhicin karaa inay u fakaraan hurmarka dalkooda iyo dadkooda ?? yaa ka masuula boqolaaka rag iyo dumarba leh ee ku bayhoofsan daafaha dunida? yaa u cida boqolaalka ka fakaraya sidii ay naftooda ugu biimayn lahaayeen badaha iyo saxarayaasha? p.s I hope you realize that I did not pen that article, right? In fact, a fellow secessionist of yours, in a more sober, contemplative, and not so uncharitable frame of mind, wrote it.
  2. Xaaji, Islaanta buuran aad shaygaysid, waxaad Eebe ka baridaa inuu idiin daayo. Waayo haduu meesha ka dago, sadexda habrood uu kala hayo, ayaa digada iska dhigi doonta. Marka ma fidnaad rabtaa ummadaan masaakiinta ah inaad ka dhex dhalisid, saaxiib? Waa maya: Marka ila dheh...Boqor Riyaale weligiis ha noolaado.
  3. ^ War Qardho Xaajiga kama xigtidee, adigu afkaaga qaloocan isku xir!
  4. I figured, since Cawke's pointless thread about Togdheer has attracted all the resident secessionists of SOL, that it would be a perfect time to change the topic to something more worthwhile-- so that you fellas may opine on it. So what you guys think?
  5. dood furan... dhalinyaradii somaliland maxay ku naceen dalkoodii waxaan marka hore halkan salan uga gudbinayaa dhamaan akhristayaasha shabakadan, marka xigta waxaan rabaa inaan maanta halkan ku soo ban dhigo dood ciwaankeedu yahay ( dhalinyaradii somaliland maxay ku naceen dalkoodii ). sida ayanu lawada socono dal marka la qiimaynayo mustaqbalkiisa waxa laga eegaa fikirka iyo hamiga dhalinyarta usoo koraysa dalkaa, hadii fikirkoodu yahay hormarka dalka iyo sidii loogu dadaali lahaa wanaajintiisa mustaqbalka waxaa layidhaa dalkaa mustaqbalkiisu waa guul iyo horu mar hadii taa la waayo dalkaasi waa dal dib u socod ah oon mustaqbal fiican lahayn. mid ka mida abwaanada reer soomaliland ayaa laga hayaa: Reerka odaygu goortuuka baxo iyo islaantiisu ubadkooda hadha baa tabcoo ayatiin hela e umad aan shabaabkeedu hanan waw ayaa xumo hadabad dalkeena somaliland hadaad u fiirsato waxaad ogaanaysaain in dhalin yaradii rag iyo dumarba siiba ragu ay u qaybsameen laba qaybood :Qolo ka fakaraysa mijin qaada sidii ay u helilahaayeen markay helaana ka raadinay meel ay la fadhiistaan oo fikir aduunyo iyo mid aakhiroba iska ilaaway--hence the name; Marfashlander, iyo qolo kale oo ka fakaraysa sidii ay dalka uga bixi lahaayeen, waxa layaable in arintaa ay ku fakarayaan dhamaan aqoonyahankii dhalinyaradu ha noqoto mid dugsi dhexe am sare ama jaamacada ku jira e habeen iyo malin waxay ku fakarayaan sidii dibad loogu dhoofi lahaa, waxkast ninkii soomaraa laga waraystaaye dhibta qurbuhu leeyahy waa mid hadh iyo habeenba ayka warmaandadka soo taabtay, shaqo kasta oo aad hayso iyo lacag kast oo aad qaadato qof ajnabi ah oo marwalba iyo meel walba muwaadinka laga hormarinayo ayaad tahay, Raga qaar ayaaku dooda in aan jaamacadaha dalka aqoon fiican lagu baran, taas oo ah runtii mid aanay waxba ka jirin waxaanu si toosa u soo aragnay jaamacado badan oo aduunka laga citiraafsan yahy magac wayna ku leh oo jaamacadeheenu kaga horeeyaan dhinac walba. dhalin yarada qaar ayaa ku dooda in dal aan citiraaf haysanini aanu hormar gaadhi karin, imisa dal oo aan caalamka laga aqoonsanayn ayaa ka dhaqaale badan oo ka waxsooo saar badan dalal badan oo la aqoonsan ayhay, hadaba akhriste: sidee ayaa dhalinyarada dalkeena looga dhaadhicin karaa inay u fakaraan hurmarka dalkooda iyo dadkooda ?? yaa ka masuula boqolaaka rag iyo dumarba leh ee ku bayhoofsan daafaha dunida? yaa u cida boqolaalka ka fakaraya sidii ay naftooda ugu biimayn lahaayeen badaha iyo saxarayaasha? waa walaalkiin: C/qadir Mohamed Nouh UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ( sanca Yemen) E-mail:
  6. Mr. Somalia

    Global warming

    ^ Duke, Once again we have numerous other reasons to keep our environments safe to live and to look for clean renewable sources of energy without even mentioning global warming-- so my question is, why do they feel the need to trump up false data about the earth warming up, just to scare the world to reduce emissions? This is what I don't get.
  7. Mr. Somalia

    Global warming

    Originally posted by 2+2=5: BTW as a side note, as a Muslim you can't really believe in human's evolutionary process as it is clear from the Quran that God created Banu Adam as separate lineage. Sorry 2+2=5, but you can't drop such a bombshell and expect us to skip along like nothing happened. Yes, we did not evolve from apes and turn into men. In that aspect, you're right and it has been clearly delineated by our Holy Book. But at the same, we are much different, physically, from Nabi Adam and our early forefathers; due to the evolution that was/is caused by our adaptation to our different habitats around the world. Now, back to your topic. I gotta a question for ya, 2+2=5: Hype or no hype-- what say you about pursuing alternative energy sources, without using this global warming scare ? Isn't that plausible?
  8. ^ I guess it's because of the presence of his tribe in Malaysia that explains the prosperity of that particular southwest Asian nation, while Somalia forever remains in the doldrums, due to the void created by the absence of his illustrious family. Yaabka, on behalf of the Somali nation, I beseech you to return home.
  9. ^ Y.Y I guess your tribe is a great beacon of hope, peace and progress, right?
  10. ^^ And you-- as usual-- have it all squared away, right?
  11. ^^ What the heck are you on about? Ofcourse it is.
  12. ^^ Saaxiib, sheekooyinka raqiiska ah, ayaan la i tussin. Ilaahay kaliya ayaa og inay sanaadkaan aan had kujirno oo 2009 ey dhaafayso, markaasay liistyo iisoo buuxsatay iyadoonan Insha Allah xataa ku darin.
  13. chocolate & honey, This is a silly and over-rated ritual associated with non-Muslims. So knock on your cranium for a better topic worthy of Muslim participation, darling. Thank You.
  14. ^^ A&T, you lie: Dawlada aad leedahay, Siyaad Barre Regime, oo aad tiri Dawlad D-Clan leedahay kaliya bey ahayd-- taasi waa been cad, waayo Soomaali oo dhan qabiil aan kujirin majirin. Qabiilada D-clan qaar kamid ah, iney ku badnaayeen waa laga yaabaa. Laakin waxaa xaqiiqa ah, Siyaad Barre inuu Soomaali oo dhan dawladiisii ey ku jireen, Soomaali oo dhan uu xasuuqay-- dhibta ha lagu kale horeeyo ama ha lagu kale dambeeyee. Ma jirrin qabiil eenu dawladd dhibaato ugeysan. Marka ruux walba, haduu dawlad baa qabiilkayga wax yeeshay oo waan goonsanayaa dhulkayga lasoo istaago, taasu arrin soconaysa ma ahan.
  15. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Dear Oodweyne, It is with regret that our newly found rapprochment is under threat in so short of a period. And let me assure you I am in no rush to jettison this warm attachment at the very honeymoon stage. There is no attempt on my side to jelly with the pirates, but the fact remains that on some issues you and me may not see eye to eye. The right manner of conduct will then be to follow the example set by the loving women who cherishes everything about her man but for the thunderous snorting whenever he lies beside her. The correct antidote this wise woman used was not to crowd the stairs of the courts and seek divorce papers, but to put two or three heavy ostrich-feather pillows on either of her ear that is facing the sky. As such, i think there is room to preseve this fledgling parternship, particulary when the points of divergence can be pinned down to not more one or two issues. ^^ Stop it, A&T! Don't make Oodweyne blush like a little girl. War ba'a, miyaad waa latay? Waa maxay, waxaan mina subaxa aad meesha kusoo qoraysid, A&T? "loving women who cherishes everything about her man but for the thunderous snorting whenever he lies beside her" ^^ Nin aduun ku nooloo, maxaa aragti kuu laaban. Ma maanta keentay,A&Tyow, --duulkii oo caawa oo dhan aad ii amaanaysay-- ileyn u jeedadaadu waxay ahayd inaad ninkaan si hoos hoos ah u shukaansatid, oo sidaad sheegtay, aad barkin jilicsan uu dusha kaa saar saaro, khuuradaada awgeed? Marka caawa oo dhan, waxaad lagablayneysay inaad Oodweyne sariir dheerar badan aad la fuusho, soo ma aha? Subxaanallah! Illaahay baan kaa magan galnay, saaxiibow.
  16. ^ Was that supposed to be an insult? I didn't mean to 'dig' at you, to begin with. You set yourself up for it...would you like me to show you, Maxy boi?
  17. ^ I think this rule was used to sanction his death.. • The Second Khaliifa: If the Muslims select one Caliph and pledge their allegiance to him, then out of the blue comes another man and states that he too is the Caliph, he will be warned and advised to stop. If he persists, then he must be killed according to the hadith of Abu Saciid al Khudri in Muslim, as this brings about the disunity of the Muslim populace. Aint that so, wanna be Islam expert with pseudislamic expertise?? :mad: You are a religious extremist. A religious extremist is completely imperviable to reason, persuasion and truth. When engaged in an actual intellectual debate about a religious topic, a religious extremist refuses to yield an inch in his position regardless of its futility. Many times, out of pure frustration, knowledgeable persons try to penetrate his inexorable obduracy-- yet he remains, ever unfathomable." I paraphrased from another website, of course. But unlike yourself, I admit my sources. to attempt at a rebuttal? I believe not. I predict that you'll come with even more sorely misunderstood Ahadith. Muslim people around the world, see right through your cheap charade and deservedly hold your lot in contempt, for the use of our beautiful Islam a a political tool to usurp power in Somalia. Sir, you will fail. Just as your attempts to justify the recent murderous brutality of the Al Shabab goons, here on SOL. FYI: Allah(SWT), has clearly stated in His Holy Qur'an... Suurah Al-Baqara(143): Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced That ye might be witnesses over the nations and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qiblah to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the faith). Indeed it was (a change) momentous except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful. An-Nisa(171): O people of the Book! commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an Messenger of Allah and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not "Trinity": desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One Allah: glory be to him: (for Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. Al-Maeda(77): Say: "O people of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by― who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even Way. Al-Maeda(87): O ye who believe! Forbid not the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, and transgress not, Lo! Allah loveth not transgressors. Hud(112): So tread thou the straight path as thou art commanded, and those who turn (unto Allah) with thee, and transgress not. Lo! He is Seer of what ye do. ***```***```***```***```***```***```***```***``` P.S You asked.. What validates spilling the blood of a Muslim? NOTHING VALIDATES THE SPILLING OF THE BLOOD OF A MUSLIM. Ilaahay waxaan kaaga baryey inuu kusoo hanuuniyo. Aamin.
  18. Originally posted by UZTAAD: Konfuriya will go all the way to the final ^ Yakhay, kuwaas wey ka taalaa. Labo Kabtan(Shariif iyo Shabaab) ayaa hor boodaya! Marka waa yara isku dhecyaac-sanyihiin.
  19. ^ Well for starters...Goats know the difference between a Marfashlander and a Yeti.
  20. ^^ There is nothing, 'elitist', about these self-serving traitors. If anything, the only reason these pitiful morons pursue this warped secessionist ideology of theirs, is because they have significantly failed to amount to anything important politically in Somalia proper and have thought themselves marginalized from Mogadishu politics for a very long time. Therefore, they think by trying to force a couple provinces of Somalia to secede from the Republic, and becoming the majority-- then they will be able to call the political shots up there. However, the funny thing is, this plan of theirs has already miserably backfired on them, even without their sought after secession. As we all know, regardless of their majority in Waqooyi Galbeed, Mr Riyaale has managed to marginalize them politically once again. So what can I say? Utter failure just ALWAYS happens to be their modus operand.
  21. ^ A&T, usheeg! Maskiin mira aan soo saaran, macdannah aan lahayn, Marqaankii jaadkana ku taaganyahay Ayaa madax banaani baan rabnaa iyo cid habel baa na taageersan iskugu been sheegayah. Runta hadaad rabtaan, 20 sano xafiis international ah oo ilinkiisa iidin garaacin majiro...Mid waliba waa la idinka kasoo xirtay, oo darishadihii bay idinka dalacdeen. Marka riyaadaan aan weligeed suurta galayn intaad iska daysaan, ummadiina Soomaliyeed dhinac ka raaca. Riyadaan aan dhamaaneyn, Bulshadiina haku lugooynina..wakhtiiguna waa qaali, ha is-kaga luminina waxaan suurta galayn!!
  22. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Laakin waxaa xaqiiqa-ah, dadkaa la laayey oo faraha badnaa oo ku xabaalan waqooyi galbeed iney ahaayeen A&T dadku uu ku abtirsado. Maantana nimankii saas u galey ayuu ii faaninayaa oo ileyyahay waa dad wanaagsan. Haba wanaagsanadaanee, ma yihiin dad Soomalinimada ogal ???--Mar hadaynan Soomaalinimada ogaleen-- oo ey cuqdad baas oo qabiil ku qufulantahay-- waxay ila muuqataa A&T hadalkiisu inuu yahay hal bacaad lagu lissay. Wabillahi Tawfiiq! For indeed one must not lie about the facts on the basis of convinience and to win arguments, I shall speak it. Also, it is not to self-incriminate to talk the evil deeds of your kinfolks. That the O-community have actively participated in the massacre and oppression of the northern brothers, as part of Jalle Siyaad's reign of terror, is indisputeable. If some of them were later killed as a reaction by SNM, that is not going to overshadow the crimes done in the name of the community I hail from. For that, my position has always been that the O-community needs to be brave enough to admit their historical wrong-doings and MUST publicly apologise and compensate (if possible) for all the damage they inflicted on the brothers from the North. It may seem foolish for you, it may make me look feeble-minded, but nothing advances the cause of Somalinimo than being frank about past misdeeds! As far as the label is concerned, indeed, dear Mr. Somalia, you and me are not part of this, but if one is talking about collective responsiblity, we can fall under that catgory for we have supported the displacement and murder of fellow somali's at one point in our lives ( and you still support it). So, to the extent I don't appreciate the endless victim-playing of the Northerners and the criminal polluting of the minds of the younger generation, they are justified in not forgetting the immense sacrifices they paid to get back their freedom and safety. When national reconcilliation and healing process starts for real will be the time when we shall demand of them to start a new beginning and to base the birth of Somalinimo under more positive light. But all in all, I am not speaking for my clans, but what I know is that the Somali people in the North (what you call Somalidiid) are the most generous, good-hearted and friendly people among the Somali's. What little foible we see in them - by way of excessive tribal mindset, could be because they are very open about it than other communities. And when I say them and we, I know I am generalising. So, the new rapprochment with Mr. Big Fence is based on shared attitudes about some issues and mainly the damage done to Somalinimo by some regions who think they are promoting Somalinimo but who are doing the greatest harm to this vision in practice. This doesn't mean I buy the enclave-mentality of my friend, Mr. Big Fence. Horta dawladii Siyaad Barre markii laga hadlayo iyo waxay samaysay, mid hal qabiil ku kooban ma ahayn...Askartii u dagaaleysayna xataa saraakiil reer Hargaysa ah ayaa ku jiray, oo uu kamid ahaa, sarkaalki Sirdoonka Soomaliya u fadhiyey gobolka waqooyiga, Mr Riyaale Kaahin oo hada madaxda u ah Soomaali-diidka. Waxaan kale oo aan kuu tusaaleenayaa; Dawladii jirtay ee Soomaaliyeed qabiil qura ma ahayn waxay la dagaalshay, ee dhibaatadaan qabiila kale oo aan iyaga aana ahayn baa uga horeeyey oo reer Puntland ah. Saaraakiisha iyaga kamid ahna wey ku jireen maatada kuwii gumaadayey-- wax iyaga si gaar-ah farta ugu fiiqaynah ilaa iyo hada majiro. Reer Puntland-nah qabiil uma haystaan wixii ku dhacay. Marka A&T, ma waxaad illeydahay dhowrkii sarkaal oo dagaalkaas ka qeybgalay dartood, ha loo laayo kumaanyaal Soomaali oo qaxooti ah oo maati u badan ha loo laayo??? Anigu fikradaas waxaan u arkaa fikrad khaldan. Tan labaad, waxaan qabaa gumaadka ey dawlad gaysatey inaan looga aarsan maati qaxooti ah oo walaalahood ah oo la dagan. Tan sadex-xaad, hadaad doonaysid nabad iyo wanaag inay ka dhalato Soomali dhexdeeda; waa inaan dawlad dambi ey geesatay aan loo raacin ummad Soomaliyeed oo aan shaqo kulahayn, laakin loogu aaneenayo qabiil. Sidaa daraadeed, hadii la rabo qalbi caafimaad qabo ina lahelo, waa in cuqdad qabiileedka laga gudbaa oo Soomalinimo iyo Muslinnimo loo hadlaa. Laakin arinta hadii waligeed ahaato, midi midi ku taag-- wax kheer ah oo kasoo baxayo majiro. Wabillahi Tawfiiq...
  23. Originally posted by Oodweyne: So, what is knew, for that is egypt and her unwavering position, all along. In other words, it really not here nor there what egypt says about Somaliland; so long as we know she will do, whatever the powers-that-be (i.e., US and EU) may come to decide about Somaliland. For, "our game" is with those powers-that-be; and what that "little Pharoah" in the form of Mr. Mubarak of Egypt may say about our case, of course, self-servingly, since, he is gaming Somalis to be his foot-soldiers against Ethiopia over the nile issue, is not really something to which to write home about it, indeed!... Now, got that, ninnies; or shall I start all over again, for your reduced political comprehension in this sort of issue?... Regards, Oodweyne. ^^ Sayaasad waxaad kataaqaanid majirto, Oodweyne--ilaa iyo hada mudo 20 sano ah ayaad dhawaaqayseen oo aduunka hadba dhinac u ordeyseen. Ilaa iyo hada, dawlad aad aqoonsi kahesheenah lama hayo. Marka siyaasada aad sheeganaysid, maad ku meel martid, oo US-ta iyo EU-da wax aqoonsi ah uga heshid?? Hadaad ogtahay taarikhda Mareeykanka, waa asagii South iyo North ahaan u dirirrey oo qaarna ey rabeen inay go'aan, kabacdinah, kuwii rabay Union-ka ey ku guuleysteen dagaalkii... ilaa iyo maanta aanu taaganahay ey yihiin dawlad mid ah oo aan mabda'eeda kujirin in dawlad jirta oo UN-ta ka mid ah, ineysan u qeybsamin dawlado jabjab-ah, sida aad adigu ku andacoonaysid ama riyadaadu ey tahay. Europe-tana, waa taad aragtayoo iyagoo dawlado kala duwan ahaa, iney maanta noqdeyn dawlad hal baasaboor, hal siyaasad, hal dhaqaale, iyo hal hormarleh-- iney noqdeen... Marka taas waxay kutusinaysaa, hadaadan runta iska idha tireyn, ineynan usoo jeedin han-qal taaga Marfashland. p.s Bad grammar is unprofessional, Oodweyne.