Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^ Hamse, ma ii sheegi kartaa waxa ku kalifay iney waxay doonaan ku hadlaan? Ma jiraa? Ma cuqdad baa? mise waa jaahilnimo? Bal arinmahaan ina-adeerow ii cayilih!
  2. ^ Anigu dan iiguma jirto inaan fogeeyo--laakin adigu, hadalkiisa maku raacsantahay?
  3. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Dadkan puntland jooga horta faan badana Xaaji, arrimaha meeshaan laga hadlayo haday run yihiin, faan ma aha. Laakin xataa faan haday naga tahay, adigu maxaad uga xajiimootaa faanka reer Puntland, waa su'aalee?
  4. So says a genius who supports the O.N.uff riffrafs... Originally posted by The Zack: ^SSC are neither Puntland nor Somaliland. They are SCC! I thought this obvious brain fart deserved a topic of its own. So what say you proud Maakhiris and Dervishes?
  5. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: quote: ah! hamse, you remind me of Abdiqasim. This means Galmudug leads with 3 Presidents (Abdiqasim, Aideed and Darmaan). And Honestly if YEY is counted, I insist Darmann should. No one accepted YEY as a Somali President. No one? Are you being delusional again? The world did!!! Of all the names you mention AT, show me EVIDENCE of anyone getting a reception similar to the ones of Abdullahi Yusuf in the pics I produced. You're naming guys that can't even wear the same shoes of Yey, when it comes to acceptance. Maybe not in your imaginary world he wasn't accepted but internationally he was definitely was. ^^ LOL ThankfulSP, this blantant denial of Halyey Yusuf's presidency by the ONLF riffraff of SOL should come to you as no surprise. After all, they have never gotten used to the words, "Somali" and "President" being in the same sentence ever. All they've ever know have been Ethiopian Presidents and Ethiopian Kings. And unfortunately, as the way things are going-- with our resident internet warriors, A&T & Zack, at the helm of this incompetent freedom movement called O.N.uff-- we gonna first have to see a blue moon before they can ALL become comfortable with the words..."His Excellency the Somali President So and so"!
  6. ^^ Damn old are you? I guess the stunners do a wonderful job concealing your true age.
  7. Originally posted by Hamse: a complex region blessed with highly intelligent and very industrious people according to various foreign authors has dominated somali politics since after independence. 2 presidents (cabdirashiid cali sharmarke, cabdulahi yusuf yeey) 4 prime ministers (cabdirsaaq xaaji xuseen, cali khaliif galayr, maxamed cabdi yusuf, xasan abshir farax, cumar cabdirashiid cali sharmarke) 40 ministers and deputy ministers 3 police cheifs including qoorsheel, maxamed abashir, matukade, etc i'll post pictures and goods later. So that's why they hate us. LOL..
  8. ^^ Pipe down, will do well to respect your superiors!
  9. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: Maybe Abdullahi yusuf is behind the rebels.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk To Fabby: Have you been drinking or chewing khat? Are you delusional? Are you presently taking any prescription or non-prescription medications? Are you hearing "voices" in your head? Are you feeling depressed or perhaps suicidal? I pride myself on providing proper education to the assorted dumb animals I keep in my private zoo(also known as the Politics Section of SOL), and your present mental state concerns me greatly...If you don't come around quickly, I'll be forced to put you down - I won't have Mad Hate Cabdulahitis Disease infecting and ravaging the rest of my livestock. The first sign of foam frothing at the corners of your cud chewing mouth and it will be a quick b1tchslap to the back of the head for you. You've been forewarned! Resume grazing peacefully...
  10. ^ Ain't that fresh....AO b1tching about someone being a poser. BWAHAHAHA!
  11. Team-ka Mudug sanadkaan anaa ka maqnaa-- that's why, they didn't do too well. Congrats to the team from Bari.
  12. Originally posted by hamza9163: They make up these phantom names, then claim to have killed them. Who has ever heard of salih al somali being a top ranking officials. it's likely he doesn't even exist. ^^ just like you don't exist either. Move along genius!
  13. No wonder the terrorists in Somalia have become so embolden lately. It turns out that Al Qaeda's third ranking deviant-in-charge, who was taken out in this drone attack, was a Somali. I just hope the pilot operating the drone from the Nevada desert read him his rights before blowing him into a million pieces.
  14. WASHINGTON -- A U.S. drone strike this week killed a senior al Qaeda operator in a Pakistani tribal area near the Afghan border, U.S. and Pakistani officials said Friday. U.S. officials said Saleh al-Somali, who was responsible for al Qaeda's operations outside of Afghanistan and Pakistan, was killed in the strike Tuesday. He was on the Central Intelligence Agency's list of the top 20 al Qaeda targets, according to an official familiar with the list. On Friday, officials in Pakistan said intelligence officers on the ground had identified the dead militant as Abu Yahya al-Libi, a senior al Qaeda figure higher on the CIA's list of terrorist targets. Mr. Somali was likely involved in planning attacks against the U.S. and Europe, and maintained links to Pakistan-based militants plotting attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official said. "He's a big fish when it comes to [al Qaeda's] efforts to strike in the West," said Vahid Brown, a research fellow at West Point's Combating Terrorism Center. Mr. Somali moved up the al Qaeda ranks, initially working on the group's propaganda operations and working with Western recruits when they traveled to Pakistan's tribal areas, the official said. "He took strategic guidance from [al Qaeda's] top leadership and translated it into operational blueprints for prospective terrorist attacks," the counterterrorism official said. A native of Somalia, Mr. Somali maintained relationships with al Qaeda's East African affiliates, including the Somalian terrorist group al Shabaab, U.S. officials said. The report of Mr. Somali's death couldn't be immediately confirmed by the Pakistanis. The State Department has offered a $1 million award for information leading to the capture of Mr. Libi. The pace of U.S. drone attacks has slowed in recent months as Pakistan mounted its own counterterrorism offensive. The">]The Wall Street Journal
  15. "The Kurd's (A&T's) of Somalia speak to the Tikritis of the republic , waa iska caadi, it happened in Iraq" ... by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa: ^^
  16. ^^ Pilgrim, the Range company and it's activities in Puntland is a get rich quick scheme, geared to steal monies from gullible shareholders in Australia, like yourself. Only time will tell if they succeed, but mark my words...No one will drill for oil(if found) in Puntland, until a united Somalia National government comes into being.
  17. ^^ Waxaa la bilaabayaa dhismaha Masjidka Abu bakar Sadiiq ee miyaadan waxku darsaneyn, Oodweyne? Waxaa la bilaabayaa dhismaha Masjidka Abu bakar Sadiiq oo laga dhisidoono galbeedka magaalada Columbus ,Ohio Masjidka Abu bakar Sadiiq oo noqon doono masaajidka labaad ee ugu weyn deegaanka ku xeeran bartamaha Ohio state ama loo yaqaano centeral Ohio. Hadaba dhulka uu ku fadhiyo masjidka oo ah 30,000-square-foot waxaa loogu talagalay in laga hirgaliyo Masaajid ka Abubakar Asiddiq Islamic Center iyo qolal loogu talagalay in caruurta waxlagu baro iyo qol loogu talagalay in lagu meero meydka Masaajidka Masjidka Abu bakar Sadiiq oo si ku meelgaara ku yaala dhismaha ku qabsan west mall bishiina waxaa kiro ahaan laga bixiyaa $2,500 ,dhismahaas oo dhismo duug ah oo roobka soo daayo Hadaba dhulka waa la iibiyey , lakin waxaa ladoonayaa in laga qeyb qaato dhismaha masaajidka oo ku kacayaa lacag dhan $ 2,500,000 ( oo doolarka mareekanka ) lacagihii loo aruuriyey seddexdii sano ina dhaaftay marka laga jaro dhulka la'iibiyey waxaa labo wiig ka horlahayey lacag gaareysa $ 380,000 , halka ilaa wiigii hore oo qura la soo aruuriyey lacag gaareysa $ 400,000 Waxaa haboon qof walboo Muslin ah ama Soomaali ah in uu ka qeyb qaato dhismaha guriga Illaahey ee laga dhisayo galbeedka magaalada Columbus ,Ohio Masjidka Abu bakar Sadiiq Waxaad bixisaa waa wax aad hormarsatay oo kaa qasaareyn , Aakhirana lagaa abaal marin doono Haddii aad dar Alle u dooneyso inaad ku darsato dhismaha masaajidka waxaad la soo xiriiri kartaa gudida masaajidka iyo Iimaanka Cilwaankuna waa Masaajid ka Abubakar Asiddiq 3437 Sullivant ave Columbus,Oh ,43204 Usa tell 1- 614 - 272-9994
  18. Originally posted by UZTAAD: A&T, QOlyahihanaa onlf koodu Canjeelo xabashi baa dhexda uga sawiran baa la yiri maxaa ka jira. You mean like this... Uztaad, weli miyaadan arkin iyagoo ku kor dhaanteynayaan saxamuun cajeelo xabashi ka buuxdo, dhinaca kalena, fuusto caano boore ah ey ku walaaqanayaan? Calling such a site pure comedy, would be an understatement.
  19. ^ JB, ma ogtahay Shamaamku wuxuu keenaa deganaashiiyo iyo dareen fiican .. Dhakhtarada cuntadu waxay ku waaninayaan dadka in ay subaxii cunaan Shamaamka waayo wuxuu kaa caawinayaa deganaanshaha jawiga qofka, waxaanu yahay faakihada ama khudrad aamin ah oo aan sababayn xasaasiyad ama cuncun sida khudradaha kale, waxaana ku jira shamaamka milix iyo macdano aad jidhka uugu muhiim ah waxa kale oo uu leeyahay sonkor maskaxda firfircoonin siinaysa iyo u fiirsasho, waana cunto faaiido wayn u leh caafimaadka sambabada, waxa uu cadeeyay ninka la yidhaahdo Isaam Abduljaliil oo macalin culuunta cuntada in shamaamku jidhka siiyo faytamiino muhiim ah sida faytamiinka C iyo A, waxa kale oo uu jidhka siiyaa maadadaha la dagaalama oxidation ka, jidhkana wuxuu u mag dhowaa wixii biyo ka luma, waxuu intaa ku daray khabiirku in baadhitaan la sameeyay uu cadeeyay in dadka si aad u cuna shamaamka aan aragtidooda indhahu aanay hoos u dhicin ama is dhimin marka cimrigoodu sii waynaadaba, waxa kale oo shamaamku ku siinayaa dareen dheragsanaan ah taas oo u fiican dadka doonaya in ay miisaanka iska ridaan.
  20. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ Man, somehow, or the other one does not know whether they teach you this sort of "brazeness" in the fishing eatings outlets of that fiefdom of yours. Or whether, you somehow imbibed this sort of thing with your first gulp of your mother's milk ( as it were ). But, whatever the case is, I really do not think, that one can "reform" with "verbal lectures" no less, of so wayward of a socially and shameless chancer, who even to boot, really think the world is so "up-side down" as his mind is; to the point of thinking that there is somethng to which to write home about it, particularly when it comes to his genuinely "pity-inspiring tragic existence" of being the best mates of high-seas criminality, indeed. Hence, it would be the best of all possible world, were one weren't even try it, in the first place in here... But, on the other hand, one could say that, then, again, what else one was expecting in here in the first place other than being "shocked" and "revolted" in equal measure; particularly, when, one sees the likes of you trying to game a silly argument such as this one onto others, indeed. Unless of course, this "agenda" of yours in here is in one piece with that "long cherish conduct" , which was that of trying to "distract" others with this sort of a useless argument, so that you can then proceed to helped yourself with the "contents" of their "wallets" ( as it were ). Which in turn, is something that one could could always rely on for your criminal ilk to do in the first place. Hence, if that is the case, then, let me ( just to be on the safe side ), proceed on my way out of your useless and circular arguments, since it's more than likely that "hell" itself will freeze before you make any substantial argument in here, and count the "sterlings" in my "wallet" ; lest otherwise, I may become, as just the latest passing throught the area "victim" of your kind of ilk and their shameless communal exercise of "pilfering" anything that moves around them.... Oodweyen, You look like this... Yet you have the audacity to speak of loosing a wallet to me? Oodka, you need to own, in the first place, at a minimum, a pair of trousers or breeches, with pockets to secure a wallet. Inta hoosgunti raqiis-ah, kusoo labisatid ayaa ileedahay, wallet-ka aanka ilaalsado the pirate criminal extraordinaire, Mr.Somalia.
  21. Originally posted by ThePoint: A little overly sensitive today maybe. To ThePoint: Being afflicted with never-ending PMS, is a terrible thing. So we'd all sorta appreciate a little more understanding for our friend here.