Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. The last I ckecked Al Shabab were beefing with H.I(Ras Koobooni) in Dhoobley: So when did this so-called "Jabhadda ONLF" get into this mess? Mise caano boore waa u caano boore-- regardless of, who it is that is walloping them.
  2. ^^ JB, ninka ragga ah, bareerihiisa banaankuu soo dhigaa-- laakin haduu gacmo ku gabasho uu ku jiro, hadalkiisu wax kasoo qaad malaha...
  3. ^ Waa kuwee, kuwa saan kaaga cabaadshey?
  4. ^ Dameer ii raran dhuusadiisa ima dhibto. Ninka duulayoo, dagaalkana wadoo. Dadba maad lihidee, ma duurjoog-tadiyo, darbi baad xoreyn.
  5. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: When I flew back to Dubai From Puntland we stop in Hargeysa and picked people up. All these guys came on with khat, and started eating the whole trip to dubai. I mean they were like zombies, eat super fast trying to finish before they landed, their mouths were all green, and they knew that if they didnt' finish they would be arrested. LMAO!! that post made me laugh. alot. lol
  7. ^ Layzie, has brought nothing new to the gallery. That the O.N.uff boys are a bunch of 'animals' is hardly a shocker, in my opinion. p.s I don't mean 'animal' in fierceness-- but rather; 'animal' in the outright xoolonimo of their collective caqli. war wuxu wey wada daaqaan!
  8. ^ LOL... A man's gotta eat, eh!
  9. Puntland is an exemplar; an antagonist; a source of inspiration and a guiding spirit. Without Puntland, the anarchists(m-scoiety/USC), secessionists(marfashlanders), Ethiopian refugees(O.N.uff boys/caano-booreyaal) and religious deviants(Al Shaydhaan) would not know what to do with themselves, because Puntland has become like a vessel into which they collectively pour their idiosyncrasies, preferences, abhorrences, prejudices, secrets, apprehensions and joys. Puntland is their unrealized dreams; Puntland is their innocence and guilt. Their doubts and certainties; Puntland has become their most generous and also most grudging response through these difficult times in Somalia. Puntland is all things to all people: PUNTLAND IS AN ENIGMA!!! :cool:
  10. Originally posted by Karaar Aadan Ruukoow(also know as Caano-Boore A&T ): Did you ever ask yourself by way of soul-searching waxa USC, ONLF, Somaliland iyo Bay & Bakool ka wada qaylasiiyey? Of course, except what the parents told you: they hate us! ^ For the folks you've mentioned previously-- Puntland is an exemplar; an antagonist; a source of inspiration and a guiding spirit. Without Puntland, these anarchists(m-scoiety/USC), secessionists(marfashlanders), Ethiopian refugees(O.N.uff boys/caano-booreyaal) and religious deviants(Al Shaydhaan) would not know what to do with themselves, because Puntland is like a vessel into which they collectively pour their idiosyncrasies, preferences, abhorrences, prejudices, secrets, apprehensions and joys. Puntland is their unrealized dreams; Puntland is their innocence and guilt. Their doubts and certainties; Puntland has become their most generous and also most grudging response through these difficult times in Somalia. Puntland is all things to all people: PUNTLAND IS AN ENIGMA!!! :cool:
  11. Ina Bucur Bacayr, suunka dhuuqso waryaaa-- anigana mar dambe ha ii booteenin! Post what you will concerning the Sayyid's poetry which he directed at the old kingdoms of the east. But at the end of the day, we all know who the Sayyid abused the MOST, both linguistically and militarily, and which every competent reader of the great poet can vouch to be true is REER SHANKAROON. So go ahead Red Sea. Share with us this poetry you speak of. And I promise-- so help me God-- that for every single line you quote in derision. I will pellet you with a dozen or more from the same very Sayyid, lampooning the heck out of reer Bucur Bacayr and associating them with the lowest possible forms of cowardice, mental retardation, backwardness, and general imbecility. The ball is in your court, Mr.Red Sea... :cool:
  12. Rubbish. These vagabonds should NEVER be allowed to set foot on Puntland soil. Faaiida la'aantooda iyo xaraanimadoodaba meeshooda hanagala joogan.
  13. Ina Bucur bacayr adigoo habar xabuush ah yaad doonaysaa inaad wax ka sheegtid, dad kaa nasabsan. Taariikhda hadaanu dib ugu noqanoh, majiro odayga aad ku abtirsataan wiil uu dhalay oo aan ka ahayn gabar. Gabartaasna waxaa ureeyey nin Xabash ah oo Shiekha u shaqeyn jiray, marka firkiinu kaasuu kasoo jeedaa, kaasna Xabash buu ahaa. Daliilnah waxaa kuu ah, eega gacmihiina raadadka ku yaal oo watuu Sayid Maxamed idinkulahaa... Inaad adoontii Muqlaad aad tihiin, eega gacmihiina!
  14. Red Sea: Oohintaan aad barooranaysid orgiga ka ween: Ujeedada dhan waxay tahay inaad qiiq isku qarisid. Taasna suurta gal ma ahow, Soomaali wey taqaanaa reer Shankaroon waxay yihiin. Anagu hadaan reer Puntland aanu nahay, weli majiro nin naga mid ah oo ku fikiray inuu Soomaaliya ka go'o. Puntland waa meesha kaliya ah ey Soomali oo dhan ee kusoohirato, nabadnah ey kaga shaqaystaan kuna noolyihiin si nabad ah. Laakin reer marfashow, waxaan ka ahayn afarta habrood oo Hargaysa ku nool ma iisheegi kartaa? Hal qof oo ka tirsan koonfurta ama kilik 5naad oo Soomaalinimo idinku soo hirtana Xabashi baad u dhiibtiin. Hadii ruux isirkiisu ku arooro Xabashinah, idinkaa la idiin yaqaaney weligiin Habar Xabuush. Tan aad tiri Puntland si fiican uma adeecsana TFG-da Sheikh Shariif-- taasu waa been oo Puntland wali mowqifkeedi ey ka taagneyd TFG-da weli waa sidiisi oo wax iska badalay majiraan oo anagu Soomalinimadii iyo calankii Soomaaliyeed ba sidii weli noogu suranyahay oo calama kale oo fake ah maanu surran sidiina oo kale. Dadkaan aad leedahay badaha Puntland ayee ka tahriibaanah, badankoodu waa dad oromo iyo reer marfash u badan. Marka dad naftooda suicide u galaya oo kasoo cararey dictaor-nimada Riyaale iyo Zenawi, wax shaqa ah aan ku leenahay majiro. Kuwaan aad pirate weeyaan aad leedahaya, hadaad awood uleedahay waad sameen lahaydeyn ee tabar la'aan baa meel ku dhigtay. Anagu wixii baddeena soo daakhila oo ajnabi ah oo doonaya inuu kaluunkeena iyo kheeraadkeena gurto, xaq baan uleenahay inaanu qafaalno oo canshuur ka qaadno, dabadeednah sii deynoh. Laakin reer bucur bacayrow, iskadaa badd aad ilaalshataanee, dakaddiin ayaa xabashi la wareegtay idinku indhihiinu shan yahiin. Marka dhiiga ha isku karinin. Soomaalinah waxaa tahay iyo waxaad gudo, wey ku yaqaanaan. Marka saaxiibow, marfishkaaga iskaga noqo, Soomali dan umahaysidee, waxaana u egtahay habar maseer qaaday.
  15. Red Sea, Horta ninkaan aad leedahay SNM buu qoryo ka dhigay...wuxuu qoryo ka dhigay majiraanee SNM-tii Cabdiraxmaan tuuur madaxdu u ahaa oo idinka xoreysay Afweyne, ayuu asagoo kaashanayah Axmaarada oo xukun raadis ah ayuu weerar ku qaaday oo qabiil ahaan u baabi'iyey--taasna marag madoonto weeyaan. Ilaa iyo hadana Ina Cigaal qooskiisii ayaa Riyaale, Bucur Bacayr idiinka digay. Oo waliba, hadaad tihiin dad danqanayah oo damiir leh, Riyaale oo ahaa Korneel NSS ah oo rag badan oo marfishland kasoo jeeda dhiigooda qabay ayaa maanta xoog idinku heysta oo maalin walba markuu rabo doorasho kusheega Shankaroon siduu rabo ka yeelo. Ciidamada aad ku faanaysidna, cid aad maanta ka xoog badantihiin oo aad ka taya roontihiin majiro. Cilmi iyo waxbarashonah warkeed daa! Maamul-nah hadaan ka hadalno, xafiis yadiina dawllada Marfashland waxaa loo shaqo tagaa 8 A.M, waxaana laga rawaxaa 11 A.M oo waa laga garash doontaa. Marka hormarka aad sheeganaysiin, oo aad sedex saac ku gaari kartaan, ma ii sheegi kartaa?? Anigu waxaan idiin qirayaa dhanka fasahaadka iyo fusuqa inaad Soomaaliya oo dhan aad kaga horeysaan--shaki kuma jiro. Laakin wax kale oo horumar ah oo aad sameyseen oo muuqda majiro oo aan ka ahayn inaad dakadii aad lahaydeyn oo Berbera aad ku wareejiseyn Ethiopian oo cidan ilaalshada keensaday. Xataa dakaddii aad lahaydeen ayaad xamaalinimo kaweydeen oo xabashiddi ey keensatay dad Eethiopian-ah oo ka xamaasho. Marka Sharaf dhac itaa kabadan ummad kale oo Soomali ah oo sameysay majiraan. Hadii ummada Soomaaliyeed dhibteeda ruux kataliyo, idinkaa ugu badan oo Soomalinimada aan aaminsanyn waxaan kahayn afarta habrood oo qabiilka iyo qurunka isku biirsaday. Marka adigoo dhiiqadaas aad arkaysid lugaha kula jiro, Red Sea-- afka ha lasoo gelin dad kaa sharaf badan, kaa cilmi badan, kaa maal badan, kaa tayo badan, kaana xoog badan, kaana farabadan!
  16. ^ Red Sea, I guess your short hiatus away from SOL has not taught you anything... Ina Cigaal oo reer marfashland kasoo jeedeyba mar buu prime minister Soomaliya u ahaa. Intuu madaxda ahaa wax uu u qabtay Soomaali oo wanaag ah wali lamahayo, waxaan ka ahayn inuu marfashland yiraahdo Soomaliya ayaan ka goonayaa. Marka siyaasada iyo soomalinimadaba meeshaas ayaad ka taagentihiin. Mudo labaatan sano ku dhawaad ah waxaad ku dhawaaqeeseyn inaad Soomaliya ka go'aysiin. Ilaa iyo hadana wax ictiraaf-ah oo aad heesataan oo aan ka ahayn inuu Daahir Riyaale uu idiin noqdo, a modern day Bucur bacayr to your lot... Marka haduu ruux 'failure' yahay, idinkaa 'failure' buuxda ah oo taarikhda ayaa xusaysaa waxaad runtii tihiin. Marka hadii taariikhda aanu baar baarno, ceebo badan oo aad leydihiin baa soo if-baxayee ee waxaa fiicnaan lahayd, reer marfashow inaad ceebihiina la aamustaan. Wabilahi Tawfiiq.
  17. Press Release: A response to Congressman Donald Payne’s press release titled “Abusive behavior in Puntland” The Puntland Diaspora Forum wishes to deny some of the assertions made in a recent press release, dated November 20, 2009 by Congressman Donald Payne of New Jersey, 10th District, who is also the Chairman of the House Foreign Relations’ Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health. The Press release, we believe, was a hastily written document that was uniquely uncharacteristic of the esteemed Congressman’s time tested diplomatic behavior and was glaringly unfair in its criticism of the government of Puntland State of Somalia. While PDF appreciates the great work that Congressman Payne and his Sub‐Committee do on daily basis to improve the quality of life for millions of destitute Africans throughout the continent including many of our own in Puntland, and, has the highest regard for the esteemed Chairman and his staff, we cannot ignore the impact that any such hastily drafted criticism based largely on unsubstantiated allegations can have on the good image of our State. On the record, we have been assured by senior cabinet level officials in Garowe that no one was, in fact, handed over to Ethiopia whilst also confirming that one of the prisoners unfortunately passed away before he could be tried. The government also assured us that the remaining prisoners will soon be brought to justice and will be set free if found innocent. It must be noted the people of Og'aden are a close kin of the people of Puntland and are, needless to say, free like any other Somali, to move, trade, and live in Puntland without fear of persecution and infringement to their civil liberties and human rights. PDF sincerely wishes to send its condolences to the families of the deceased and call upon the government of Puntland to give due compensation to his closest of kin should it be established by a court of law, that he was innocent of the allegations that led to his initial imprisonment. It must also be noted that Puntland cannot be a hideout for run‐away fugitives, criminals, religious fanatics, subversives, and terrorists nor serve as a base from which to launch attacks of any kind against neighboring or distant countries. PDF supports the position of the Puntland government regarding the safety and security of the State and calls upon Congressman Payne and all other responsible leaders to consider the difficult circumstances that Puntland State finds itself as a relatively peaceful oasis in the middle of a troubled region. We also call upon the government of Puntland to make every effort to make the lives of the peace‐loving majority of the Og'aden residents, tourists and/or traders in Puntland even more comfortable in the future.
  18. ^ Thanks. I got cousins in Cairo. I will call them to get da 411. p.s Uztaad, you're cordially invited to my future wedding. The setting of the date as is obvious, is a work in progress...
  19. Uztaad, what country did this beauty pageant take place in? I must find this rare beauty, for I know we would make a great couple...
  20. ^ Duke, I just watched Invictus and it was a good movie. Mandela was the best first president South Africa or any other nation, could possibly hope for. His greatness, which to this day still baffles the mind, was that after 27 years in a desolate prison, he was able to forgive those who imprisoned him in the name of reconciliation and moving his nation forward. Edwin Hubbel Chapin said..."Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury". Mandela proved this.
  21. One thing is for sure. As soon as the Italian Carabinieri got the attacker behind closed doors, they battered him senseless. Make no mistake about it. As for Silvio: his many concubines will be on hand to comfort him back to health once he returns to his harem...
  22. ^ Yeah, we know everything in the world to you is a total waste of time. Like the forthcoming recognition of la-la land or simple things like political self-determination from King Riyaale of Shankaroon.
  23. Ha noolaato Og'deenya. Masha-Allah, my bouy Cabdulahi represented to da fullest. :cool:
  24. Originally posted by miles militis: Mr. Somali and Hamse, Leave our ONLF brethrens alone, please? I plead on their behalf, guests in our humble abode, they are, and so they shall be received. In good manners or not, free passes, they had been granted in and out of Punt short of blowing anything up. Whatever they say, good or bad to Punt, they shall be remain our guests. And observe the Jigjiga accord between Punt and ONLF to the effect that Punt is home to ONLF kin and kith till end of dawn. Do we have a deal, lads? Till then, To miles: You've got yourself a deal, but only if-- the intelligent ONLF sympathizers of SOL like Malika denounce A&T, Zack and Jafe, for the self-important gadflies and blowhards they truly are, so as to reduce the risk of an out and out fratricide, perpetrated by their very own brethren from Puntland.
  25. ^^ Xaaji, dhulka waa loo dhashaa, ee inta la mirqaamo laguma riyoodo dhul aadan u dhalanin inuu kuu xalaaloobo. Taasu waa habeenkii xale ahaa oo tagay.