Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote: Ina Bucur Baceyr marduuf qaad ah halay, waa majnuun falanee Mijin markuu cunuu, buu indhaha miriq kasiiyaaye Micna dawlladnimo leedahayba uma muraadaane Murankiyo makeykigey badshaan, maalin iyo layle Marfashkeey yaqaanaan intey marada xaytaane Musuqmaasuq iyo beenta waa meheradoodiiye Raganimo ma muujiyaan intey muruq ku faanaan Mushunguli Zinjibari malay helay wa maraan muruxsane Mabaadiidu aminsanyahay wa mid aan muslinku lahayne Maskax-xumada iyo murranku waa meheraddiiniiye Marakiibta aad dhacdaan ayaad hooyadin mire u saartaane Macruuf weye inaynadan Midhaha somaali Mid ku lahayne Malay ma dabto muran ma naagoodle gabay micnoyare Wiyishoo marmartoo markaas meela badan daaqdey Oo labada gees muujisoo maqasha dhaarsiisey Ninka yiri anaa madaxa qaban, malaha waa beene Mabda'eena sida leeb laganay ha u maqiiqnaado Nasabnimo hadii aad martoo, muran ka keenaynin Adoonkii Muqlaad inaad tihiin, keena midigtiina
  2. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: N I'm not offended and I actually do support Al-Shabaab. I just don't delude myself into believing there are here to do God's work. These are men and like all men in history, they are after power, material excess, and prestige. Islam here is just means to reach their end goals. Good to see that you have finally put aside the charade that those deviants were doing God's work in Somalia. But pray tell, how is Shabab's usurpation of political power in your personal interest, Che? As you said, since they "like all men in history, are after power, material excess, and prestige"-- please tell us, what makes them different from the other power hungry men of Somali persuasion that we've seen these last previous decades in our country?
  3. ^^ Kornaylka, I agree with you 100%: However, you and your timid partner peacenow, have no business in making such sweeping generalizations about Somali people everywhere, simply to justify your paranoid suspicions that the western world might overreact by somehow mistreating ALL Somalis, as payback for the few terrorist troublemakers who coincidentally happen to be Somali as well. I think "these gaalo" -- that is, including the Italians, Americans, Canadians, and other Europeans -- have more common sense up their sleeves than you or peacenow give them credit for.
  4. How convenient for Al Shabab to ignore the fact that the WFP and other Aid agencies are ALL supported by the very same American and European 'infidels' they wage jihad on? Al Shabab work hand in hand with these so-called NGO's to keep Somalia in the pitiful anarchic state it is in. Shabab gets to say that they rule some parts of southern Somalia and the NGO's continue to misappropriate donor funds in their comfortable hotels in Nairobi. It's a win-win preposition.
  5. ^^ Not if the United States of America can help it. Norf, ever heard of "sphere of influence"?
  6. ^^ War wax cusub meesha mayaalaanee, moor'yaantii xamar isku gumaadi jirtay ayunbaa gobaladoodi kala qeybsadey, oo midna carab toora boora jooga ku shaqeysanayaa, qaarka kalena xabashida ayaa xuduudahooda ku ilaalshanaya. Marka labada dhinacba waxa ku baaba'ayo waa moor'yaantii 20tankii sano oo lasoo dhaafay Xamar ku diriraysay, ee wax tala-ah meesha kuma haysaanee, ruux aad asxaan u falaysaannah majiro oo tabar baa meesha idin dhigtay-- Marka ha iska dhigin inaad Puntland iyo Somaliland aad kaga deyrantihiin Shabaabkee, naftiinaan micno darada u baaba'ayso xal u hela!
  7. ^^ Ina Bucur Baceyr marduuf qaad ah halay, waa majnuun falanee Mijin markuu cunuu, buu indhaha miriq kasiiyaaye Micna dawlladnimo leedahayba uma muraadaane Murankiyo makeykigey badshaan, maalin iyo layle Marfashkeey yaqaanaan intey marada xaytaane Musuqmaasuq iyo beenta waa meheradoodiiye Raganimo ma muujiyaan intey muruq ku faanaan Having read the bi-product of Mr. Red Sea's entirely declamatory mind that is sadly prone to producing much misinformation effortlessly--but also, not so unusual excessive amounts of mind boggling drivel-- I cannot say that I am surprised. It shows here that my friend has no grasp of the basics of Vexillology or how common place it is for two or more world flags to share points of similitude. He also fails to comprehend: that most world flags were created by individuals who(once upon a time) looked upon other existing world flags for inspiration; or the abstraction of popular design elements; or also the pedigree of their respective paths to development. And as such, my friend here, is not someone I consider "educated" or very astute in world affairs. In-fact, methinks, he didn't even put much effort into this latest nonsense he has posted. His intended objective was simply to write inflammatory rhetoric against the great State of Puntland-- which, once again, he has failed so very miserably to do. After-all, Puntland is not the only state with a flag similar to another country's flag. I present to the SOL gallery at large, the following world flags and I beg to ask the poster of the leading thread-- how different these examples are from his initial comparison of the new Puntland flag to the flag of Sierra Leone? Flag of Indonesia Flag of Poland Flag of Monaco Flag of Singapore
  8. Originally posted by 2+2=5: I totally saw it. YOU LIE!
  9. ^ Then by all means, find him an exorcist who will help purge him of this ignorant self-frustration or the endless Somali-guilt that he continuously obsesses about and which only demonstrates how narrow his imagination has become ever since becoming a refugee in Italia.
  10. ^^ In more ways than one.. Our friend, peacenow, contends that most Somalis living in the diaspora are no better than a kind of vermin-- with the psychological compulsion to mess up everything and interfere with his rather excessive pursuit of the grand experiment or as he likes to call it, "western lifestyle"-- and it is thus hard to resist the inference that, to his mind, Somalis are symptomatic of his personal failure to satisfy this catharsis to purge himself off of anything Somali. Clearly, this gentleman is troubled.
  11. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Most esteemed leader of the Somali nation, It is my belief that you can yet be the man who ends Somalia's civil war. These are my step-by-step recommendations for attaining that goal: 1. You have been a teacher, then a sheikh, now you are a "cool president". It is time for one final image change: military dictator. Always wear that military uniform and those shades (they all suit you very well may I add) and declare you will not step down at the end of your term. This might mean lessened support from the international community (but what good have they done you anyway?), but not by 100%. After all, the West would rather have a cozy dictator (a la Hosni Mubarak) than an East African caliphate. 2. Take charge of your army and limit the influence of your ministers, advisors, counsellors etc.. Otherwise they will be your downfall. Those who resist your reforms and speak of rebellion must be shot for treason. 3. Understand how the armed groups you are facing do their training, and let your soldiers train accordingly, not for conventional war but for guerilla war. 4. Use terror tactics against the rebels - roadside bombs, ambush, slit the throats of captured fighters. Intimidate them, send them letters written in blood, phonecalls, text messages, threaten them in any way possible. Keep applying these tactics until their courage fails and they rout. But try not to kill children. 5. When the rebel armies are in disarray, offer an amnesty to all fighters who surrender to the government. Invite commanders such as Hassan Turki into the government (keep your enemies close) but have Sheikh Aweys publicly executed. Declare and end to the war. The people of Somalia are behind you, most esteemed President. Apply these tactics and history will remember you as the man who brought peace to Somalia - the country will be yours to rule until your death. I am your most humble advisor, -Sherban Shabeel ^^ Great plot for a movie, Sherbaan. Just one change and you just might have yourself an award winning blockbuster! The biggest change that I can think of, is that you'll have to cast a different person altogether as the hero of this roller-coaster thriller of yours. Nobody in the audience will believe Shariif is capable of defending his own home without the help of Amisom forces, let alone single-handedly crush the niqaab wearing deviants.
  12. Originally posted by peacenow: I'm cursed. There is nothing left for us law abiding people here in Italy other than to rid ourself 100% of anything 'somali'. Even our names, and change our skin color using lemons and L'Oreal to escape being suspected of being one of them. Them..... 'the refugees and terrorists'. The lowest of the low. The scum of the world. Rotten walking corposes. Plauge of vultures with bulging foreheads and radical islamic genetics to destroy borne out of their failures. The shame you are. The cursed. peacenow, Happy New Year to you too and may be (Just may be) 2010 will bring you more wisdom than you have shown thus far...
  13. ^ ^^ I disagree Maaddey. It is unprofessional, and that is precisely the problem. The admin could have communicated Caddow's nonconformity in private. If he has already done so, then maybe(just maybe) your "he-violated-the-rules-and-ignored-the-admin" argument might be worth having, although if you were Caddow-- you wouldn't think so!
  14. ^ Waa run... waxaa u fiicnaanlahayd inuu kusameeyo reverse psychology oo uu dhaho, "war soomaaliyeey waxaan doonayaa masaawiir dalkii laga soo qaaday."... Markaas ayee ka wada aamusi lahaayeen.
  15. To Moonlight: You are unnecessarily giving the deviant niqaabis of Al Shabab alot of credit, when they clearly deserve none. Know also that it will take more than a few trouble makers planting road bombs to cause Puntland to truly face the 'brink' of calamity, as you knavishly imply or pray or both. This state is more resilient than you think or have knowledge of. To All: This current insecurity in Puntland is the work of a few malcontented citizens. Unfortunately for these discontented persons, they think resorting to such acts of violence and causing instability, will provide them the power or means to ameliorate their grievances. But they are WRONG, and they are only testing the resolve of the peace loving people of Puntland. Sooner or later, they will be dealt with accordingly. I advise the government to beef up security even further and encourage the public to help the security forces nip this menace in the bud. But at the same, the government must ALSO proactively engage --without attempting to distract the population with silly xenophobic attacks on IDP and the like-- all disgruntled Puntlanders who have serious gripes with the current state of affairs. The blame game must end!!!
  16. ^ I concur fully with you sherbaan, in supporting a fellow member's dignity, and in rendering an objection to the Admin's unwise public scolding of this member. Mr Caddow deserves an apology for the discourtesy rendered his deserved honor. But that the law givers of SOL will agree to amend their error, is a different story altogether.
  17. I don't think Al Shabaab had anything to do with this attack on the Speaker... Puntland:-Baarlamaanka Wax walba ansixiyow Wadadee Mari doontaan? Waxaa yaab iyo amakaak ku ah shacabka Puntland kuwa isku tilmaama in ay matalaan ee Xubnaha Baarlamaanka Beelaha Puntland soo xusheen ah waxa ay ku kacayaan had iyo jeer oo ay sameynayaan. Ma yihiin kuwo diinta Dalka iyo Dadka Puntland wax u taraya? Jawaabtu waa maya. waxa ay meel mariyaan wax walba oo dhibaato u ah shacabka badan waxa ayna duudsiyaan wax walba oo xal u noqon lahaa umadda Puntland. Waa kuwa u shaqeeya Baarlamaanka Puntland danahooda gaarka ah ee hantiyeed oo laga siiyo marka la doonayo in wax laga ansaxsado qasnada Dowladda iyo dhaqaalaha Ummadda Puntland leedahay dibna loogu halaagayo. Hadda waa ay dhamadeen waqtigii loo dulqaadan lahaa marin habaabinta danaha shacabka Puntland iyo naas nuujinta dad gaar ah oo Puntland dhiiga ka jaqa sida gafanaha bahalka la yiraahdo. Waxaa la jooga waqtigii lala xisaabtami lahaa oo la ciqaabi lahaa Xubnaha Baarlamaanka Puntland waa dhab in ay iyaga yihiin asalka dhibaatada Puntland haysata iyo hogaamin la'aanta murugsan ay dhaleen kuwa codkooda calafka ku doonta ee aan ka fekerin danaha dadka puntland Wax walba ansixiya Xubnaha Baarlamaankow waxaa kuwa idin daba socda oo dadka idinka dhex qaban doona idin leeyihiin wax walba ansiyalow halkee wado idiin ah oo aad mari doontaan??????????????? Waxaadna la kulmi doontaan ciqaab danbiyada aad diinta dalka iyo dadka Puntland ka gelaysaan had iyo jeer ilaa 11 sanno oo Puntland la dhisay. Soomaalida waxay ku maahmaahdaa Waranka Salka horta aan iska siibo si aan u fariisto waayo kan feeraha waxaa ka daran kan salka iiga mudan waana tan maanta keentay in Puntland dad gaar ah gacanta loo geliyo dhaqaalaheeda Siyaasadeeda iyo wax walba oo Ciidan Nabad suga ah. Taasi marka waxaa ay noqonaysaa in Baarlamaanka Puntland Talaabo laga qaado si loo badbaadiyo gobonimada ummadda Puntland iyo xoriyada guud ee Beelaha Puntland Diintana looga dhigo mid kor noqota. Shalay ayaa la Horkeenay Baarlamaanka Puntland inay meel mariyaan ansisixnta Hashiiska Shidaalka ee Puntland ay la Gasha Shirkaad Ajaanib ah, taasi oo aanu Baarlamaanku Su"aalo badan ka waydiin Karin Xukuumada dhaqaalaha ka soo Xereeda Shirkadaha Badhaya Khayraadka waxa loo qoondeeyay iyo Meesha si Gaar ah ay ugu dhacayaan. Baarlamaanku Maha kuwa Yaqaan Ujeedkooda ama kuwa Maraya Dariiqooyinkii loo idmaday markii la soo xuliyay, kuwaasi oo Hareer maray Shuruucda Baarlamaanada Aduunka. taasi oo ku Salaysan Soo Gola Joojinta Xukuumada iyo la Xisaabtan Hadba markaasi waxa Taako ah ee taagan. Baarlamaanka Puntland oo ka Kooban 66-Xubnood oo ay soo xuleen Beelaha degan Gobolada Puntland iyaga oo Saxeex iyo Idin ka Helaya Hadba Isinka Beeshaasi Hor jooge u ah. Puntland ayaa waxa ka dhacay Qaraxyo dilal Joogta ah oo dad Masuuliyiin ah Loo Gaysanayo iyada oo Masuuliyiin qaar ay Safaro dibada ugu maqanyihiin, waxaan xasuusanaa markii la dilay Gudoomiyihii Maxkamada Darajada koowaad ee G/Bari iyo Madaxwane Faroole iyo Golihiisa Wasiirada qaar ay Joogeen dalka Dariska la ah Somaliya ee Kenya. Waxaan Xasuusanaa Shirkii Golaha Wakiilada ee Khamiistii in Wasiirka Maaliyada uu soo Bandhigay Miisaaniyada 2010- ee lagu dhaqayo Xukuumada, Wasiirka Maaliyada ayaa sheegay in wixii ka danbeeyay Doorashadii Puntland ee Janaayo, ay lacagta Maaliyada laga saaro ku Baxaysay Saxeexa Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Faroole Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa moodaa inay yihiin Dad Xagal Daacinaya Hanaanka Loo dhisay Maamulka Puntland kaasi oo ah in Nabad lagu dhaqo Shacabka Walaalaha ee degan Gobolada Puntland kuwaasi oo Xaq u leh inay doortaan Ruux kasta oo Bad Baadinaya Danaha qaranka isla markaana Soo celinaya Amaanka, Kobcinaya dhaqaalaha Gobolka. Waxaan aad ula Yabaa marka la Hir Galiyo Nidaamka Asxaabta ee Puntland haatan u Hanqaltaagayso taasi oo Gabi ahaanba Meesha ka Saaraysa 66- Ruux ee ilaa 1998- Yuururay Meesha kuwaasi oo Hadba Musharaxa Gurigiisa Habeenka Doorashada ku soo Booqda Ugu Shuba Codka. Nidaamka Asxaabta ayaa ah kuwa ay Shacabka si Xalaal ah ku doorankaraan Ruux ay markaasi doonayaa inuu Hogaamiyo taasi oo lagu Garankaro Tan Caalamka haatan ka Jirta. ^^ This was posted on Dayniile days before today's attack!
  18. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: If roles were reversed. ^^ RedSea, Jaaw!! waardee "boowe" reer mudugu madhahaan... waardee bal noqo xisaabta!
  19. ^ waardee dhiiga yuuna kugu karin...waardee is ilaali qurbaa lajoogayee.
  20. I can imagine the police officer at the airport welcoming them back home, said... "Waardee in door ah ayaad ku xidhneedeyn meel baas tiiye, waar xoogaagaan qaata oo waar garkaan sida qaabka daran u baxay, waar gaalada idiinku soo raaceaysee, iska jara oo qayilaad taga!!"
  21. Originally posted by sahal: Adeer Garku diintuu ka mid yahay, haddii aad neceb tahay diinta qaybteed ayaad neceb tahay, qaybaha kalena sidaad u jeceshay ma naqaan. Sahal, I like the way you think saaxiib. But please, don't bring diinteena into this trifle and irrational discussion, or we'll get nowhere even faster.
  22. Ragganimada aad mijin qaad-ah cun oo, waxaadan noqon karin kufikir baa???