Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. My Hargaysa is indeed a beautiful town-- Albeit, one that still requires further infrastructure developments. And isha-Allah, some day soon, it will give Dubai a run for it's money. :cool:
  2. ^^ The 3 day grace period was when he woull blame the IDP's as an excuse. On this particular issue, I doubt he will even talk about.
  3. ^^ Yeah, what a good comparison. The lame and meaningless folderol you call poetry compared to the lethality of mine's is like comparing a baby's toy to something that can do this... Ina Bucur Baceyr, like I've said, I am way above your league hombre. In the meantime; let me know when you learn how to spit HOTFIRE like I do, and you are able to come up with original shyte like I do...AIGHT!! p.s I was having fun using Xaaji Xunduf as my punching bag. Do you know if he would eventually be making his way back into this thread and come up with some semblance of a worthwhile reply? Quick send him PM! :cool:
  4. ^ Paragon, All I saw on THIS THREAD is that he wrote the following... Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Now the PIS is going around attacking parliament members :confused: That is ridiculous! These guys who targeted this man did it to cause instability! They were hoping that others would be blamed. No matter what anyone wants to believe, two many were quickly apprehended and they will face justice. If this was a more organized assassination then everyone involved will be arrested. Now, how is that somehow an attack on Maakhir/Sanaag? Next time, please focus on the issue at hand(i.e the assassination of the MP), and keep your little pillow fights-- about God knows what-- to yourselves.
  5. ^^ All ThankfulSP did was air his opinion, which was that he felt to blame the PIS for this heinous crime is preposterous. Which I concur is a valid observation, even-though you may not agree with his logic. Now how did you come to the conclusion that he is out to, as you put it, "only to divide and not to unite"?? :confused: These men will pay for their crime, and those behind them will eventually be found out aswell. Deal with it!
  6. Before these sons of b1tches are executed, the security forces should interrogate them to get the identity of the men who sent them to commit this crime. When the identity of these men are known, let them ALL be hanged in public. This will be a lesson to those that think they can do tribally motivated murders and then after-wards conceal their tracks, by making it look like the deviants of the south were behind it.
  7. ^ Which king are you talking about? If you is talkin 'bout da Shankaroon King... this homie got his shoes on lock down. He gotz 3 habros taking turns polishing his shoes and all his other personal paraphernalia. By the by Sherbaan, do you know what a 'habar' is?
  8. Screw these so-called 'poor' people. These Somalis must learn to become self reliant. You can't expect NGO's to feed you all your life. On this one, I agree with the deviant cult: NGO's should stay the fcuk out of Somalia. This culture of dependency must end once and for all, and Somalis must learn to sustain themselves on their own lands, like they used in the old days. And if a couple thousands of them must starve to death because they're too accustomed to donor hand-outs, instead of once again tilling their farms and growing-- then by God, so be it. Let their lazy a$$es ALL perish!
  9. Screw these so-called 'poor' people. These Somalis must learn to become self reliant. You can't expect NGO's to feed you all your life. On this one, I agree with the deviant cult: NGO's should stay the fcuk out of Somalia. This culture of dependency must end once and for all, and Somalis must learn to sustain themselves on their own lands, like they used in the old days. And if a couple thousands of them must starve to death because they're too accustomed to donor hand-outs, instead of once again tilling their farms and growing-- then by God, so be it. Let their lazy a$$es ALL perish!
  10. Screw these so-called 'poor' people. These Somalis must learn to become self reliant. You can't expect NGO's to feed you all your life. On this one, I agree with the deviant cult: NGO's should stay the fcuk out of Somalia. This culture of dependency must end once and for all, and Somalis must learn to sustain themselves on their own lands, like they used in the old days. And if a couple thousands of them must starve to death because they're too accustomed to donor hand-outs, instead of once again tilling their farms and growing-- then by God, so be it. Let their lazy a$$es ALL perish!
  11. ^^ That these anarchist deviants can be stopped is not the issue here. The issue here IS, there isn't yet a viable authority who, with the people's mandate and support, are ready and capable of wiping these deviants off the face of the Somali Republic. We need genuine leaders who can inspire hope in our people once again. Not these incompetent fools that currently call themselves the transitional Federal Government!
  12. ^^ Duke, Jaw!! Dee Boqorka Sucuudiga ayaa diiday inuu Boqor Riyaale of the Kingdom of the 3 Habros, uu aqoonsado. So, if the Saudi king won't respect the Shankaroon King, then what is the point in paying the homie a visit.
  13. ^^ You my friend are the epitome of all true wisdom: Your wish to separate this fabled union of pirates and khat addicts, is very reasonable considering your well reasoned logic that they hate each other and this only proofs that you are a genius of prosperous Obscurity. Nice work, AO.
  14. ^^ You see Red Sea: When I say to you that you are the last bastion of the unimaginative nomads. Your above quote perfectly captures it. Next time try to be original, and post something you've cooked up yourself instead of using other people's works to substantiate your poetic attack on yours truly.
  15. ^^ Aaaahhhh.......that warm, familiar feeling of tribal hatred. The knowledge that anarchist pisspots full of hate will always make their presence known in any thread mentioning the Great Halyey A.Y, by blathering away at nothingness, confirms the total lack of depth to their collective(often combined) illusions that life for them(without A.Y) is futile. If you believe the nonsense you've posted to be true, then the mind of every anarchist moo'ryaan (fake cimaamad wearing or not) is a hotbed of caaqnimo. Therefore Dameer_jire, I think you are delusional, for it seems you have no idea of what you are talking about. And I'm telling you to stop fooling yourself, saaxiib. Cabdulahi Yuusuf tried to save you from the anarchy which you've all unashamedly embraced for the last two decades or so. Resign yourselves to acknowledging that your lives will move no further forward than the constant death, qax, civilian shelling and general anarchy that you have become so accustomed to. In short you have no purpose, for you fail to realize that your anarchist predilections are never going to lead you to anything worthwhile or tangible. Hopefully with these gentle words of truth cleansing you of the lies you need to tell yourselves just to justify your miserable lives each forlorn day you wake, you can finally stop blaming Cabdulahi Yuusuf and focus your efforts in putting an end to the anarchy and lawlessness that you've been putting off and has plagued your lands in Somalia for so long. Or take a walk to your nearest high bridge and jump off. Either way-- we don't give a rats a$$! :cool:
  16. ^ Nobody ever said, the WAR in Somalia was a stroll in the park or as in your case,"fish & chips": Man up, son!
  17. ^^ AHA-HAHAHAHA !! The leaders of these deviants are such a joke. They think using brainwashed child soldiers with little or no education whatsoever, will help them take over Somali politics. Bloody power hungry imbeciles!
  18. ^^ Funny you should say that, Qufac. You seem to forget that, you were the one who unwisely chose to meddle in other people's affairs by interfering in the cheerful exchange Xaaji Xunduf and I were having on this thread and in which you had no business to partake in. I personally never addressed you: but oh no, you got an itch in your rear and somehow felt the need to be noticed by posting silly snide comments that only a deluded imbecile might be able to produce. A trend, which if I may add, seems you wish to continue now, by further regurgitating inconsequential gibberish-- which is more or less proof of how paltry and base you seem to be. So, amigo, keep bringing forth your featherbrained-- and if I might add--marqaan induced fantasies about the imaginary exploits of your forefathers, and of your hatred for your Puntland tormentors on SOL. I know you will fail-- as always-- I assure you!
  19. ^ Oh well! But I still refuse to take it to the bank just yet. After-all my favorite website( has not yet reported it. p.s Your title is misleading. There is nothing Danish about the suspect in custody. He is a Somali with residency in Denmark.
  20. Jacaylbaro, ninyahow cabsida iska daa! Nimankaan khawaariijta ah haday baabu Suufiga Galgaduud ay soo dhaafaan bay nasiib leeyahiin. Laakin xataa hadii ey noqoto inay soo dhaafaan Ehlu Sunna wa Jameeca anagaa inta ka hartay afka u dhigan doono ee Shankaroon ha u baqin.
  21. ^^ Unless it is Shankaroon Times, this story has no merit. Aint that so, JB?
  22. ^^ Adiga oo kale Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa dhockayeer. Dhockayeerkana daankaa lagu dhuftaa. Marka hadaad wax isku haysid oo aad asaga dhaantidna, toos iiso abaar-- hadii kalenah, mashxaradaada sida naagaha oo kale aad wadid, dhinac ula beedh!!! :cool:
  23. LINK (Warning: Very Graphic pictures of the defeat of the deviant cult(Al Shabab) in Dhuusamareeb Ruuxi dhib wadaa markasta dhib buu ku dambeeyaa. Tuusaale waxaa idinku filan jabkii khawaariijta AL Shabab uga dhacay magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee gobolada dhexe. Waxaan aad uga helay, sida baabuurkii uu doraato ku dhoolatusanay Xamar(Abu Munaafiq Roobow) inuu maanta wadaadii Ahlu Sunna Wa Jameeca ey kaga qabsadeen dagaalkii lagu jabiyey khwaariijta Al Shabab.