Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Naag sadex lagu qabo oo royootay maxaa anaga noogu jira? Bal Ilaahay baan idinku dharshey'e, ninkaan reer dhan buu umaqanyahay...
  2. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un Haitians are indeed being tested by fate. This country has, indeed, been hit hard once again. It is paramount that the world community unite to help the people of Haiti get back on their feet. May God Almighty help the people of Haiti overcome the challenges ahead. To All SOLers: PLEASE SEND HELP! American Red Cross: International Response Fund 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or online at Operation USA: 1-800-678-7255 or online at t Unicef: 1-800-4UNICEF or online at Doctors Without Borders: 1-888-392-0392 or online at
  3. ^^ Dee af Soomaliga aan kuu toosiyee. Meesha budhcad badeed mojoogaan ee waxa badaha jeexayaa waa ciidamadeeni bada . Marka dheh, ha noolaato ciidamada bada Buntilan! See Red Sea, peace is possible between pirates and marfashlanders. General Duke had no business trying to score a 'girl' with something so straightforward. Caku indho adeeg...kulahaa, nabad hadaad rabtaan reer Shankaroonow, gabar waa inaad isiisaan.
  4. Oh Yet We Trust by Lord Alfred Tennyson Oh yet we trust that somehow good Will be the final goal of ill, To pangs of nature, sins of will, Defects of doubt, and taints of blood; That nothing walks with aimless feet; That not one life shall be destroyed, Or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete; That not a worm is cloven in vain; That not a moth with vain desire Is shrivelled in a fruitless fire, Or but subserves another's gain. Behold, we know not anything; I can but trust that good shall fall At last—far off—at last, to all, And every winter change to spring. So runs my dream: but what am I? An infant crying in the night: An infant crying for the light: And with no language but a cry.
  5. ^ Well, if you don't know d'idly squat about gabay; then why on earth ayaad noo xiijinaysaa? Lugooyo waaxid dheh! Saaxiib, orod Xaaji Xunduf iigu yeer-- odaygaas ayaan is af garanenaaye! As an aside Red Sea... when will you STOP this ceaseless distrustfulness of Puntlanders? When will these vile paranoi and suspicion end? Granted, Puntlanders are not perfect, but that doesn't mean you should continue to hold this senseless vendetta(from only God knows where) going forever. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than 'attack' Puntlanders on SOL? In the long run, We BOTH want the same thing, a better Somalia for our children to go back to and prosper in. We may disagree on the petty politics of today and how to get there but I'm sure if you'd took the time to think through this one, you'd realize that we all want what's best for all Somalis. So it's about time, we put to rest this silly US vs THEM mentality, because we ain't never gonna get anywhere. It is time to bury the hatchet. Whadda ya say? p.s Since we all know how full of mistrust you are--allow me to go first... Ha noolaato Marfishland! Ha noolaato Soomalinimadooda! Ha noolaato, Shankaroon! Ha noolaato nabad-dooda! Ha noolaado, xukunka Daahir Riyaale uu madaxa uga hayo sadexda habrood oo waalan! Ha noolado maamulkooda! Ha noolaato, la-la land! Ha noolaato Somaliland(My People)!
  6. ^^ Keeping Galkacyo one city is very different from politically merging Puntland with Galmudug-- And it is also much easier. It's very apparent that Puntland is barely getting on it's own feet, whilst the Galmudug authorities haven't yet to even secure their right to govern the territory and people's it claims. Now the whole purpose of the federal system that we are promoting is that when states like Galmudug and others eventually get their acts together, then ONLY will it be possible to "merge" the different Somali states politically, under one united SOMALIA federal republic. In the meantime, each and everyone of us must work towards developing the political, economic and social infrastructure necessary to make this possible in the near future, insha Allah.
  7. ^ War horta soo baro sida gabayga loo tiriyo, jaahil baad ka tahaye. Hadii maanso ey murti leedahay ama xigmad laga reebo dadkii ka reebi jiray baan nahay, ee dabacayuunow aan waxba garaneenin waxna isla heyn cantarabaqashkaaga meesha kala tag! Wax xigmad ah ama suugaan ah kuma heysidee marfashkaaga iska dhex jiifso, saas baad ku fiicantahayee.
  8. Originally posted by Dajiye: Shan ka orod way duushay.... ^ Ha ha ha....Classic!
  9. Mr. Somalia

    Bad SOL Jokes

    ^^ The worst Bad joke on SOL, for me at least, is the wrong equation you still bandy about so nonchalantly in here with your avatar.
  10. ************please respect the rules of the site************** [ January 10, 2010, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  11. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Busted Mr. Somalia. I'll give you another chance at redemption. And this time I hope you take the hint that pirated poems cannot be disguised, as likes of Mr. Sakhar will be coming forward to slap you in the wrist. So you know, I didn't source mind because they were all mind except the first one which you already knew.But you are still persistent with the gabay piracy. take another crack at it, and this time come up w/something that you have put together yourself from your cerebral facility. I will not answer to any work that isn't yours. period. ^^ Red Sea, the most undignified looser to ever "grace" Somaliaonline. Your surrender is duly noted. And not for the first time, of course: It is a fact that you posted the first plagiarized poem on this thread, thus rendering your whole "moral" stance absolutely ridiculous. Next time, don't ever try to steal the mighty d-block's poetry and pretend a puny little Shankorooni could have possibly penned it. HAW HAW HAW. p.s you ought to thank me for watering down the extreme lethality of Abwaan Jucufo's poetic b1tchslap of reer Shankaroon. I mean seriously dude, the guy tore your ancestors a new a-hole with that one...
  12. ^^ Sakhar_khair, Good analysis...I endorse your post.
  13. ^^ Sakhar_khair , so you are admitting that you are "nobody"... thanks for owning up. Awalba aniga waxba maad iga dheefi lehaynee, orod oo qof kale aad kusoo caan baxdid raadso!
  14. Originally posted by Sakhar_khair: SOL is a funny place! Waryaa Mr. Somalia you are a true child at heart and very much an upcoming comic, I must confess! Reading through your drivels in this thread and that of Red Sea, which I only followed marginally I noticed that you took one of Guuleed Jucufo's gabay called 'Baqalka I****' to your advantage in a devastating manner, which is rather unbecoming. Anyhow here is the real Gabay of Guuleed Jucufo which he recited on a man called Cabdi Dhakhtar who challenged Guuleed Jucufo for a duel next time they would meet, when they finally met he said 'I was only joking with you and I don't have anything prepared' and that's when Abwaan Guuleed Jucufo recited the poem on the guy who asked for a duel with him but when they met couldn't produce anything: Which you can read on here . Abwaan Guuled Jucufo daxal baan uleeyahay murtidiisi'e. Adigu meesha ku cuncunaysa bal maxay tahay? Ma waxaad rabtaa karbaash inta aan kula dhaco inaad hadhoodi indhaha miriqmiriq ka siisid? Sakhar_khair, I thought it would have been much better for you if you did make such a fool of yourself, saaxiib: You clearly put a lot of effort into trying to out me and accuse of me poetic piracy despite the fact that it is NOW, both laughable and pointless in this particular thread--where we ALL used different selected attacks from the vast arsenal of poetic attacks of old, but unlike Red Sea-- I for one have already sourced my version( and you'd notice that, if only you'd paid attention). Now obviously I know you expect to be congratulated on your "keen sense of observation", but sadly for you-- that ship has sailed a long time ago from SOL. Call it reinventing the wheel or recasting old poetic ideas, but my new version directed at Ilma Bucur Baceyr has a swagger and style all of its own. Therefore, need I say it's just plain stup1d on your part and beyond comprehension why you choose to put me under the spotlight like that. It is clearly ONLY meant to give false hope to some of my resident detractors on SOL who-- for the most part-- tend to be outright imbeciles, don't have any sense of humor and cannot, for the life of them, contribute constructively without ALWAYS trying to sneak in a weak cheap shot. Therefore, I am not surprised Señora Zack loves this very much.
  15. ^^ Hairy Alien, Thank you for your nicely put response... even though I still wanna insist that the tacit assumption and lessons within these two poems are very similar indeed. Granted, the style of delivery is obviously different and unique. But I think both poems were meant to pay tribute and encouragement to many of mankind's greatest virtues— i.e, staying composed under great duress, remaining humble at all times, never losing hope when facing defeat and always retaining your dignity and originality.
  16. Nugaal, Noolow oo soo dhawoow...laakin iska ilaali nimankaan aniga iga koreeya.
  17. ^^ Bacaadka gabey labadaan bari BadCasoo uma bareereene. Waataan ka nastay halkaan baryahaane(SOL). Hadana waxaa ii birmaday baqalkii Shankaroone. Nimanbaa sidii bilcaynteyda barida iyo kubka ii wada bidhaamayoo. Hasayeshee anigu kabaqay qoomuluudnimada baas ee Shankaroone. Waa wada buraanbur kolkeey hadal ka bixiyaane. Ragii booteyn jiray juuqna laga waaye. Banaanka waxaan ku riday Xunduf iyo inankii marqaansanaye. Waxa Xaajigu aamuska uu ubadsadey waa waxaan baday'e. Adiguna hadaad ku dayato waa laguu baqaaye. Nin bareera iyo reer marfash baarqab lagawaaye Bahyar iyo habar maskiin ah baan la dhacay buntukhii weynaaye. Waayo naxi maayo gortii dagaal lay igu beegsade. Inaan baqo waa iga xaraan xataa hadaad boqolaal habrood keentaane. Hoobiye iyo Baazooke baan ahay iyo bumbe qarxayse. Aduun ninkaan baleeyaa mabaxo sanad iyo dheeraade. Walahi, waxaan dhaar ku marayaa inuu burburaaye. Bakhti intaan ka dhigo boorka ku jafaa. Bad weyntaas Eebe ka badan reer tolkeey, badanow...(D-Block!). Barbarkaan ujeestaba aniga bay ii banaantahayoo. Hal eray-ah hadhihin, yaan Badacasoo bakhtigaaga ka tilaabsanine. Bishaan iyo bisheda kale shib baan kaaga baxayaaye. *****....*****....****.....*****......****** p.s Just so you know... " "Insidious"is my middle name. The ball is in your court. That is all.
  18. In his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on May 21, 2009, Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, set a broad agenda for Afghanistan from which Senator Corker interpreted that Mullen was calling for "nation-building". Mullen was asked why the US was focusing on Afghanistan while al-Qaeda has spread its wings throughout the region, including Yemen and Somalia. Mullen responded that Afghanistan is critical because that is where it all began. History of failure Mullen's response played more to domestic political considerations on what the US public will support rather than strategic thinking about dealing with the problem at hand. The unanswered question is what Washington can and should do in order to reduce the threats stemming from other stateless countries such as Somalia? US policy toward Somalia has been a continual failure since 1978 when Zbigniew Brzezinski, the then US national security adviser, declared that the Cold War was being lost on the sands of the ****** desert when Soviet-supported troops were helping its ally Mengistu Haile Mariam, the president of Ethiopia, to defeat the Somali army that had captured the ****** region. During President Bill Clinton's era Operation Restore Hope was turned into the nightmare known today as Black Hawk Down. Under George W. Bush outsourcing the 'war on terror' to warlords to assassinate al-Qaeda operatives in Somalia backfired - forcing the Islamists to unite under the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), which brought order to the country but disorder to Washington's counter-terrorism tactics. The US also supported Somalia's warlords by providing money, information and legitimacy even though the Somali government had pleaded with Washington for help. President Abdullahi Yusuf's government tried to secure financial and military assistance from the US in 2004 and 2005, although, interestingly, the Bush administration opted for the warlords, directly undermining the government. Compounding the error, after the Somali Islamists defeated the warlords in 2006, the Bush administration supported the Ethiopian invasion in order to destroy the ICU and uphold a transitional Somali government. Apparently, Washington was not aware that one of the few things that can unite Somalis is an effort to undermine Ethiopian dreams for regional domination. A failed state I believe that the US has an interest in doing better than this. The pay-off from reducing the threat of piracy off the coast of Somalia and defeating the uncompromising threat to both Western and Somali interests posed by Somalia's extremist groups and the country's statelessness would be great. The US' national security strategy during the Bush administration focused on fighting terrorism, which it defined as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents". According to this strategy, Washington considered failed states a threat to its security. The rationale was clear. Since al-Qaeda used a failed state - Afghanistan - as a base and attacked Western interests, the US should treat all failed states, especially in the Muslim world, as a security threat. Piracy and poverty The Somali state's failure has yielded other public problems. The upsurge in piracy and the increase in extremism that has drawn in foreign fighters are two examples. In 2008, Somali pirates attacked 111 ships and hijacked 42 of those they attacked. This led to significant increases in insurance rates for ships and products that travel through the Gulf of Aden. Additionally, many countries sent war ships to patrol the area, thus affecting their military budget - there are currently about 23 ships in the area helping to protect the ships passing through. Still worse for the local population is the fact that piracy affected the humanitarian aid and business goods reaching Somalia. Foreign fighters Moreover, the presence of non-Somali fighters in Somalia is becoming a glaring fact. Abul-Yazeed, the leader of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, gave an interview to Al Jazeera in which he talked about the relationship between al-Qaeda and al-Shabab, one of Somalia's radical Islamist groups. He confirmed that the two groups had good relations although they are not united under one organisation and also mentioned that some of al-Qaeda leaders in the region, such as Abu-Dalha al-Sudani, were killed in Somalia while fighting Ethiopian forces. Muqtar Robow, al-Shabab's former spokesperson, and Ali Fidow, the group's current spokesperson, have said that al-Shabab shares the same objectives and enemies as al-Qaeda. Both sides are proud of their collaboration and openly talk about it. Some al-Shabab leaders went to Afghanistan and fought there while al-Qaeda sent fighters to Somalia to help al-Shabab. The time when most analysts misunderstood the relationship between al-Shabab and al-Qaeda has long passed. Foreign abuses The statelessness in Somalia has also made the country and its people vulnerable to foreign abuses. European-based companies typically use Somalia as a dumping ground for toxic waste. After the Tsunami hit the Indian Ocean in 2004, a mysterious disease killed many Somalis. Somalis named it "Kaduudiyow" - which is best translated as describing how a person shrinks. There has also been widespread illegal fishing in Somali waters and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated that 700 vessels fished illegally in Somali waters in 2005. Somalia's pirates take advantage of this fact to justify their piracy - calling themselves coastal guards and arguing that piracy began as a response to the abuses that foreign fishing companies committed against Somali fisheries. Somalia's misery, neighbours' gain All of this is being further complicated by the fact that Somalia's neighbouring countries have exploited Somalia's miseries for their own gain. Both Ethiopia and Kenya have played a role in perpetuating the Somali conflict. Ethiopia has been intimately involved in setting Somali clans against one another by arming clan warlords for the purpose of permanently making the ****** region its own and to allow it to rule Somalia indirectly through its proxy warlords. Kenya benefits from the chaos in Somalia, despite the cost of housing refugees, through the presence of thousands of middle class Somali merchants. Furthermore agents from international organisations, foreign embassies and NGOs operate from Kenya - filling up its hotels and making Nairobi the de facto capital of Somalia. Somalia is also a landmark case when it comes to how a collapsed state environment can threaten civilian lives. For the past 20 years, tens of thousands of Somalis have died because of the civil war and drought. According to the Save the Children Foundation, one in every 10 school age children go to school. Malnutrition is also rampant because the world has neglected Somalia since Black Hawk Down. Misguided policies Interestingly, even though the US national security strategy claims that failed states are a threat, Washington has supported the forces that have perpetuated statelessness in Somalia - that is Ethiopia - which has been meddling in Somali politics since Somalia became independent in 1960 - and the Somali warlords. Moreover, Washington's misguided policies toward Somalia have strengthened the forces it claims it is trying to defeat. The Bush administration helped to destroy the ICU under the pretext that al-Shabab was part of the heterogeneous groups that expelled the warlords from Mogadishu. At this time, al-Shabab was a minority group within the ICU and did not even dare to openly reveal its programme. Ironically, the Washington-supported Ethiopian invasion replaced the conditions that favoured moderates with conditions that favoured al-Shabab and other radical elements. Interestingly, when he came to power, Barack Obama ordered inter-agency policy review in which he asked all of the agencies that worked on Somalia to revisit previous strategies. The committee doing this review is expected to finalise their recommendations and policy guidelines within the next few months. Now, with the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia, the accommodation of the moderate Islamists to the peace process and the government's decision to adopt Sharia, those conditions that favoured the radicals have been reversed and the opportunity for defeating extremism has presented itself again. So the Obama administration should capitalise on this, rectify previous bad policies and do all it can to support the establishment of a strong state in Somalia. Link
  19. ^^ To Ilma Bucur Baceyr, I am afraid, that random drivel disguised as poetry won't just cut it. You have only exposed how creepy the source of your so-called 'poetic' talents really is. But in any case-- allow me for ONCE to stoop to your lowly cesspool and serve up to y'all the same undignified nonsense that you unashamedly posted. This --by far-- should NOT be construed as an attempt at poetry on my part-- but rather a simple mimicry of the buffoonery, you talentless Ilma Bucur Baceyr consider to be poetry. So here goes... Nabiga(scw) iyo diinta oo lacaayo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Caqli-xumo iyo mabda' xumo lagu damco ina dad isir wadaaga ah lagu kala kaxeeyo-- Somaliland idinkaa leh! Dad Soomalinimada diida misana ducufa ah--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Gobonimo iyo calan been-ah oo la sheegto--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Calan Shankaroon loo bixiyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Habro dusha xukun ka sheegta, odey biiqana(Riyaale) u taliyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Ninkii ku diley oo ku dooxay inuu xoog kugu haysto--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Faqri iyo faan aan wax tarin iyo fuud la is marmariyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Tahriib doon loo raaco, Saxaradanah lagu bakhtiyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Amxaar dagkad uulaheyn la hanti siiyo, hadhoodina dagkada xamaalkayda kuu diida--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Jaad sidii adhi abqo cunaya looga dhargo, hadhoodina indhaha kor loo taagtaago--Somaliland idinkaa leh! Naago marfash lagu fuulo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! AIDS tumasho laga qaado--Somaliland idinkaa leh!
  20.'s just a little misquotation of a media outlet that Cowke pointed out. Nothing for you to soil you nappies over. If you can't or won't laugh at Cowke's comments, then might I suggest you remove the stick you have shoved up your rear and laugh a little. It aint healthy to take everything to heart like you always do... you will only give yourself a heartache. That is all. :cool:
  21. ^ Look at rudy go for the ankle! Truly you're our favorite Pomeranian-- always barking up the wrong tree.
  22. Las Anod is in this current predicament, solely because the natives of this city. It is they, that allow their corrupt local politicians to sell their loyalties to the highest bidder. Unfortunately for them, it is their innocent citizens of Las Anod that are unmerited by this disloyalty.
  23. The worthless dribbling of a fish and chips eating kid in London dare suggest to me about the realities of my country. Hmm,I wonder what your wage is for acting like a deranged little piece of furniture?
  24. ^ Sorry cretin, I don't require an invitation from you to my own homeland. Now move along!
  25. ^^ LOL. Red Sea waa runtaa-- Kuwaan waxay noqdeyn mukulaal hilib loo tuuray oo kale. Anigu boqol jeer baan dhahay--nimankaan waa niman mabda kawada dhigtay iney Somaliland iyo Puntland(midkii ka ogolaada) iney lisaan oo ey laaluush ka qaataan. Maantana waxaa xaqiiqa ah iney naaski Riyaale uu uga macaanaadeykii Puntland. Laakin berito, waxaa yaab noqondoonto, markuu Xaabsade uu yoraahdo lacagta ha la ii badiyo-- oo laga diido, bal maxaa talo u noqondoonto markaas?