Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. "Homos are disgusting and gross; sorry, I just think they are. Unless, of course, they're lesbians. I like lesbians...for real n!gger, I like lesbians. But I digress ..." by Dave Chappelle
  2. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: I think this is something for all the camps (Puntland, Somaliland and darwiishland) of rer SSC ... ^^ These imaanlaawayaal who have caused so much division have brought shame upon the Sool community, and ought to be reprimanded by the community as a whole; will the people not hold them accountable?
  3. Xaaji Xunduf, Dadka la dilley maxay dhimeen?
  4. Rapture by Richard Jones In the desert, a traveler returning to his family is surprised by a wild beast. To save himself from the fierce animal, he leaps into a deep well empty of water. But at the bottom is a dragon, waiting with open mouth to devour him. The unhappy man, not daring to go out lest he should be the prey of the beast, not daring to jump to the bottom lest he should be devoured by the dragon, clings to the branch of a bush growing in the cracks of the well. Hanging upon the bough, he feels his hands weaken, yet still he clings, afraid of his certain fate. Then he sees two mice, one white, the other black, moving about the bush, gnawing the roots. The traveler sees this and knows that he must inevitably perish, that he will never see his sons again. But while thus hanging he looks about and sees on the leaves of the bush some drops of honey. These leaves he reaches with his tongue and licks the honey off, with rapture.
  5. Questions by Stephen Dunn If on a summer afternoon a man should find himself in love with only one woman in a sea of women, all the others mere half-naked swimmers and floaters, and if that one woman therefore is clad in radiance while the mere others are burdened by their bikinis, then what does he do with a world suddenly so small, the once unbiased sun shining solely on her? And if that afternoon turns dark, fat clouds like critics dampening the already wet sea, does the man run— he normally would—for cover, or does he dive deeper in, get so wet he is beyond wetness in all underworld utterly hers? And when he comes up for air, as he must, when he dries off and dresses up, as he must, how will the pedestrian streets feel? What will the street lamps illuminate? How exactly will he hold her so that everyone can see she doesn't belong to him, and he won't let go?
  6. Farewell to Teaching by George Johnston Knowing what I now know would I have consented to be born? Next question. When it comes time to go will I go forlorn or contented? Ask again. Anything in between should be easier. O K, what made up my mind to come to Carleton? Work. My kind of work was not easy to come by, I came by it at Carleton; it was simple as that and lucky, plain lucky. I cannot account for luck but I can be grateful. What was my kind of work? Presumably teaching, whatever that may be. Teaching is a kind of learning, much like loving, mutual goings-on, both doing each to each; mutual forbearance; life itself, you might say. Whatever teaching is did I enjoy it? Yes. Am I glad to leave it? Even of life itself enough is enough. Good- bye Dow's Lake, goodbye Tower, essays, papers, exams, you I can bear to leave. Bur how shall I improve the swiftly-dimming hour? I shall deteriorate amid bucolic dreams and gather in my fate; there's lots worse ways than that. Goodbye good friends. Alas, some goodbyes are like death; they bring the heart to earth and teach it how to die. Earth, here we come again, we're going our to grass. Think of us now and then, we'll think of you. Goodbye.
  7. ^^ You see, the problem here is that the King of Shankaroon Mudane Riyaale hasn't yet grasped the basic etiquette and inner workings of a free market economy. But despair not; for the port in Bosaaso is always open to y'all and you can always bring over the few goats you got for export and we will be more than happy to ship them over for a reasonable rate ofcourse...
  8. ^^ 1. When an election happens, the clan that is currently president can only run for election but noone else from that clan should be allowed to run, only clans that can run are the clans who are not in the president seat. I like it Ditoore: Sorta like the rotating presidency of the E.U, right? Great idea. This will finally shut up our political detractors, for they will no longer have no grounds to use the falsities of the silly "trinity" argument as an excuse that our home grown style of government, does not respect equality and freedom before the law for all its citizens. I personally hope Puntland's next leader is gonna either come from our Maakhir or Dervish cousins or anyone else for that matter who comes from outside the H clique of the D-block... . The only caveat I'd attach to this, is that this leader be a visionary, responsible and capable of moving the state forward in the right direction. 2. Increase the seats of the under-represented clans by substracting seats from the "ssdf" lot. I concur. This also is a good idea; although I'd add that we strengthen the 66 system by making it more participatory and representative of all Somalis irregardless of their respective clans: We must not continue to view non-native Puntlanders as forever barakacayaal. These Somalis must be incorporated into the government of Puntlander sooner than later. And before you yell "traitor" at me, allow me to explain why this is important: First of all, thousands upon thousands of Somalis have moved from other parts of Somalia to Puntland because of the relative peace it has enjoyed for the last two decades or so and many children born since then, now call Puntland home and know nothing else. So I think it is unfair and just outright wrong that we treat them politically as second class citizens in their own country. Continuing to deny them the basic freedoms to partake in the governance of their own affairs like everybody else is in my opinion a grave mistake and backward. Secondly, if we do not incorporate these folks politically, they will just be an unnecessary burden on the people of Puntland and the security forces, who wont have any other choice but to provide for them, yet at the same time suffer the consequences of so much public envy and discontentment from these disenfranchised IDP's. And lastly, if these IDP's are welcomed as equals in politics just as they are already welcomed as brothers and sisters right now in Puntland, then this would be the epitome of reconciliation and forgiveness amongst Somalis, and hopeful-- in the long run-- the rest of Somalia may follow our lead, forgive one another, integrate and help restore our lost nationhood. 3. Fund the puntland elder lobby to make sure it remains as strong as other lobbies such as the "puntland diaspora forum" which is quite powerful diaspora forum of puntland. 4. Set up an audit office that is totally indepedent from the government to monitor the clan elders just to make sure their not "prone" to bribes by the ppl in power. I think here, the perfect institution that would do a great a job that would help provide good check and balances for our government would, be a free and just judiciary, capable of mediating and settling disputes between the Legislature, the executive and the public at-large. Naturally, a homegrown constitution in-tune with our Somali heritage --and which does NOT violate the tenets of our faith and which also follows the inviolable rules stipulated by the Holy Quran-- MUST guide their adjudications in all matters.
  9. TO ALL VIRGINS IN YEARS AND VIRGINS IN DEEDS I DEDICATE THIS POEM: :cool: To Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he's a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he's to setting. That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer; But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former. Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may, go marry; For, having lost but once your prime, You may forever tarry.
  10. Counting the Mad by Donald Justice This one was put in a jacket, This one was sent home, This one was given bread and meat But would eat none, And this one cried No No No No All day long. This one looked at the window As though it were a wall, This one saw things that were not there, This one things that were, And this one cried No No No No All day long. This one thought himself a bird, This one a dog, And this one thought himself a man, An ordinary man, And cried and cried No No No No All day long. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ^ Similar to counting Somalis, don't you think?
  11. Among the Things He Does Not Deserve by Dan Albergotti Greek olives in oil, fine beer, the respect of colleagues, the rapt attention of an audience, pressed white shirts, just one last-second victory, sympathy, buttons made to resemble pearls, a pale daughter, living wages, a father with Italian blood, pity, the miraculous reversal of time, a benevolent god, good health, another dog, nothing cruel and unusual, spring, forgiveness, the benefit of the doubt, the next line, cold fingers against his chest, rich bass notes from walnut speakers, inebriation, more ink, a hanging curve, great art, steady rain on Sunday, the purr of a young cat, the crab cakes at their favorite little place, the dull pain in his head, the soft gift of her parted lips.
  12. To My Mother by Wendell Berry I was your rebellious son, do you remember? Sometimes I wonder if you do remember, so complete has your forgiveness been. So complete has your forgiveness been I wonder sometimes if it did not precede my wrong, and I erred, safe found, within your love, prepared ahead of me, the way home, or my bed at night, so that almost I should forgive you, who perhaps foresaw the worst that I might do, and forgave before I could act, causing me to smile now, looking back, to see how paltry was my worst, compared to your forgiveness of it already given. And this, then, is the vision of that Heaven of which we have heard, where those who love each other have forgiven each other, where, for that, the leaves are green, the light a music in the air, and all is unentangled, and all is undismayed.
  13. Larson's Holstein Bull by Jim Harrison Death waits inside us for a door to open. Death is patient as a dead cat. Death is a doorkn*b made of flesh. Death is that angelic farm girl gored by the bull on her way home from school, crossing the pasture for a shortcut. In the seventh grade she couldn't read or write. She wasn't a virgin. She was "simpleminded," we all said. It was May, a time of lilacs and shooting stars. She's lived in my memory for sixty years. Death steals everything except our stories.
  14. She Walks in Beauty Like The Night by George Gordon Byron(a.k.a Lord Byron) She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent!
  15. Originally posted by Cicero: Though the majority of Somalis are muslims, there are many non-muslim Somalis ; atheists, agnostics, christians, buddhists, hindus, confucians. YOU LIE!!
  16. Originally posted by Raamsade: Mr. Somalia, are you denying Islam calls for the heads of apostates? Be careful in how you answer this question. Now how fair is it for you to answer my question with a question. Humor me, will ya? Raamsade, the question I asked was... were you ever a believer of Islam in the past?
  17. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Shiid I hate guys. Uuuf... Yet another "Man-hater" on SOL exploiting the mistakes of ONE individual in some sordid attempt to score points against ALL men. Instead of condemning the actions of this ONE individual, this lady finds it intelligent to spit on ALL men by generalizing so unashamedly. I guess it's only natural for some folks to apparently say anything that will justify their senseless misandrous inclinations. Unreal!
  18. ^^ "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"...
  19. Originally posted by Raamsade: I'm not anti-Islam but if I were, it is understandable. For being apostate (murtad), Islam calls for my death. Don't know about you but I sure don't wanna die because Islam says so. Personally I wouldn't kill you, I'd simply have you neutered(if you aint already)... By the way Raamsade, where you ever a believer before you decided being a murtad was cool too? p.s 'Islam' doesn't care whether you live or die. So quit exaggerating!
  20. Originally posted by LayZie G.: I don't understand why people insist that this man keep his job when he is unfit to lead? Who are these people you speak of who insist this man stay? In my opinion, the only people I can think of that back this incompetent buffoon are those that know he is corrupt and ineffectual and only want their fair share of the TFG loot. They argue/complain long and loud on how capable his 'leadership' is, when everyone else knows that their trivial falsities and maladroit flatteries, can NEVER deny the facts on the ground. Almost 1 year into his term and the man has nothing to show for it. He still lives practically under the guardianship of the AU forces in Xamar. He hasn't put into good use all the forces and arms that were trained and provided to him ever since he moved into Villa Somalia. The worst part of it all is that he hasn't even been able to move the deviants back even once. They practically run the south thanks to his abject incapacitation. This man is useless!
  21. Good to see that the Finance ministry is doing a good job managing the state's coffer. This slow but steady progress is very crucial for good governance and will help create a more stable economy in the long run. Kudos to Faroole for hiring a competent individual for this important office. Now it is up to him to hold his other ministers accountable and to ensure they run their respective portfolio's as efficiently and as effectively as possible. Over-all this is good news for the people of Somalia(in Puntland in particular) and insha Allah much success to the state ministers and to President Faroole as well. Mr. President, as long as you are giving us positive results, you will have our support.
  22. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ War Xaaji, magacyada qabiilada lagu caayo dee meesha ka tirtir...see waaye yaakhay! loool gabaygay ku jirta dee lol. midna ankugu daro magacaasi qallad bay dadku ka fahman wa no nanays. maha magac aflagado run ahanati aniga runti marka magaca la igu yeedho iftiin ba ii muuqda ^ Naanays inay idiin tahay, bal orod oo kasoo dhaadhici nimanka meeshaan iska leh! Xaaji, anigu horta waxaan adiga kuu qirayaa inaad tahay odey beezaani ah oo lala kaftami karo. Aad baad uga duwantahay afarta bah yarta ah oo adiga kula dhalatay oo mar walba aad arigtid afka buurayo sidii gabar yar oo la fara xumeeyey oo kale. Marka noolow weligaa Xaaji Xundufow.
  23. ^^ War Xaaji, magacyada qabiilada lagu caayo dee meesha ka tirtir...see waaye yaakhay!
  24. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Isn't that (in your opinion) what many average SL people think? Is he not saying what he hopes the voters are thinking? Is it not POLITICS? What did Hillary say about Obama? What did Obama say about Hillary? What did Bush say about Al Gore? Did Faysal invent political mud slinging and cantarbaqash? Aw, Want me to play it your way? At least our mugger is in control. Yours has no idea what he's doing. ^ Ngonge sling back some mud! Saaxiib is daji, meeshan tartan laguma jiree! Waraabe has proven himself an intolerant poseur, ignorant xenophobe, vindictive jerk -- and an outright joke -- again and again. If you are touting him as your last great hope against the dictatorial rule of Daahir Riyaale over Shankaroon, then I urge you to please pass me some of that wicked stuff you've been smoking lately.