Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Originally posted by The Zack: ^not so much, watch till they sack Ilka-jir. Note to Zack: Yet again, you reveal yourself to be a nebbish with such a platitudinarian response. Not that anyone in here is surprised with products of chronic caanoboore inebriation. but in any case, what's with the constant furtive diatribes against you betters-- Puntland, or as you like to call them, 'the pirates'?
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Warka ka soo baxay Maamulka cusub ee gobalka Bari ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xili Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland uu gobalkaasi Maamulkiisa ugu sareeya udhiibay mid kamid ah culumada magaalada Boosaaso , markii ay waxba qaban waayeen shaqsiyaadkii uga horeeyey shaqada This is what I like about Faroole; he committed the anti wadaad nonsense to the flames, and reached deep in the religous circles, making it clear that without them security and political stability will be hard to achieve To Xiin: Are you indirectly implying that the wadaado were behind much of the insecurity in Puntland? but now that they have been allotted several political positions by Faroole... this will prevent these supposed 'clerical malcontents' from carrying out further trouble? Why, indeed, this is a rather dubious allegation on your part, Mr.Xiin! Let us inquire what ground there is to presuppose such unscrupulous disinclination in our good wadaado? :confused:
  3. "The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on" - Robert Bloch I hope these sorts of reshuffles will not become an annual occurrence for the President.
  4. Besides the injuries to some key players, I think Carlo Ancelotti substitution decisions lost us the game against Man City. Seriously, why the heck did he take out Obi Mikel and Joe Cole for? And why the hell did he bring in Sturridge for? Ancelotti better get it together, or else Chelsea can kiss winning this tournament goodbye!
  5. ^ What kind of perverse logic are you using to distinguish between their Goals and Methods? Calling your doltish stance ridiculous is an understatement-- IMHO... It's like saying, "I'm all for the wearing of fur coats, yet I am opposed to animal cruelty". Che, you knew from day one, the sanguinary zeal with which these deviant mongrels called Al Shabab pursued their objective--i.e, political dominance in Somalia-- yet you, my friend, have always approved their behavior and showed much enthusiastic devotion to this vile cause. In fact, you tireless worked on its furtherance and justification on these here SOL forums for so long. You have always been a sympathizer of theirs and I think it's too little, too late now, for you to bail on them just yet, now that their so-called 'jihad' isn't going so well nowadays.
  6. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Originally posted by General Duke: [qb] The audacity of the former NSS chief and his robber barons has to be noted, the sniffling SNM militia, castrated in the traingle, with their false clan pride and non existent nation have indeed met their match. I hate to cheer for a Pirate, but this is so true! Lol @ "I hate to cheer for a Pirate" A&T, it seems you have been left no choice but to cheer for the pirates this particular week, especially against the retards up north. After-all, it was the habros who handed over Lady Bishaaro to Jigjiga. In fact,I remember when you made a pact with the long-winded senile bat, Oodka, just to get back at the pirates for arresting few ONLF terrorists a couple months earlier... Funny how the tables have turned, huh?
  7. ^ If I'm not mistaken, Qhalib has unwisely thrown down the proverbial gauntlet. On guard General! Duke, remind him again about the important business you had in mind for this here thread. I'm sure he'll understand a little better, when he is reminded of the intended points of discouragement in realizing the futility of Riyaale's dictatorship-- however much the former NSS Officer, chooses to distract them with little irrelevant sideshows.
  8. Number 1 reason why secessionist troglodytes from the north are eschewed from the greater Somali society: Tricks of abject buffoonery at it's finest, as manifested above... These pert dunces as depicted below being the crème de la crème of their enclave cannot possible help either.
  9. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Horta nimanka Soomaalida maxey sida naagaha laamiga istaago xanjada ugu calaanjiyaan? Akhas caleek! As for the topic, who cares who or what she supports today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, she is an artist (although aananba ka helin islaanta)...Meelwalbey gashaa sidii jocer-ka! ^^ *Still laughing* @ "Meelwalbey gashaa sidii jocer-ka! "
  10. LOOL@ this thread.... Wacade qofkii Qardho soo hadal qaada, asaga un baa ka shaleyn: Sayidka, walaale halmar bal sheydhaanka iska naar!
  11. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote: Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Mr. Somalia, Saaka oo kale waa markaan adiga iyo Pirate'kaad aheydba meel kala dhici jiray. Wax yar sug laakin dhiiga aan diiriyee with this It is not Caanabodhe that motivates us, it is this! Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa LOL@ Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa A&T , waa runtaa, jeclidaa Godey'da aa u jeedid. Jeclidaa wabiga jiinkiisa, laakin ma jeceyl baa dhul lagu xoreeyaa? Nin Xabash ah oo sidaada oo kale sagaal bilood lagu dhalay ayaa qori futada kaaga hayo, meelihii aad jecleedna kaasoo jufay. Marka inta caanoboore kaalmo lagu keenay ka dharagtaan inaad kor u boodaan oo daacsataan oo aad boor isku qarisaan, yaad niyada gashataan inaad dhulkiini dhaanto aad ko xoreenaysiin. Marka, riyaddiinaan khayaaliga ah oo marnaba rumoobeyn isiga jira... KEEP DREAMING!
  12. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote: Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Mr. Somalia, Saaka oo kale waa markaan adiga iyo Pirate'kaad aheydba meel kala dhici jiray. Wax yar sug laakin dhiiga aan diiriyee with this It is not Caanabodhe that motivates us, it is this! Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa LOL@ Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa A&T , waa runtaa, jeclidaa Godey'da aa u jeedid. Jeclidaa wabiga jiinkiisa, laakin ma jeceyl baa dhul lagu xoreeyaa? Nin Xabash ah oo sidaada oo kale sagaal bilood lagu dhalay ayaa qori futada kaaga hayo, meelihii aad jecleedna kaasoo jufay. Marka inta caanoboore kaalmo lagu keenay ka dharagtaan inaad kor u boodaan oo daacsataan oo aad boor isku qarisaan, yaad niyada gashataan inaad dhulkiini dhaanto aad ko xoreenaysiin. Marka, riyaddiinaan khayaaliga ah oo marnaba rumoobeyn isiga jira... KEEP DREAMING!
  13. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote: Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Mr. Somalia, Saaka oo kale waa markaan adiga iyo Pirate'kaad aheydba meel kala dhici jiray. Wax yar sug laakin dhiiga aan diiriyee with this It is not Caanabodhe that motivates us, it is this! Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa LOL@ Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa A&T , waa runtaa, jeclidaa Godey'da aa u jeedid. Jeclidaa wabiga jiinkiisa, laakin ma jeceyl baa dhul lagu xoreeyaa? Nin Xabash ah oo sidaada oo kale sagaal bilood lagu dhalay ayaa qori futada kaaga hayo, meelihii aad jecleedna kaasoo jufay. Marka inta caanoboore kaalmo lagu keenay ka dharagtaan inaad kor u boodaan oo daacsataan oo aad boor isku qarisaan, yaad niyada gashataan inaad dhulkiini dhaanto aad ko xoreenaysiin. Marka, riyaddiinaan khayaaliga ah oo marnaba rumoobeyn isiga jira... KEEP DREAMING!
  14. ^ Waryaa, Shaakikirullah-- stop starting multiple threads about the same damn topic! Or else, your topics will not garner the necessary discussion that you feel they deserve...
  15. ^ True Dat: For Somalis, humanitarian aid has always been bad for us. It created an unhealthy culture of dependency on foreigners by preventing our local farmers from bothering to plant our crops, just because they were nearly at the point of discouragement in realizing the futility of their efforts by competing against cheap food aid dumped onto our markets. I have NEVER seen eye to eye with the Al Shabab deviants, but I support them wholeheartedly on this ONE issue. WFP and other NGO's must be prevented from destroying our local agricultural markets and killing the business of our local farmers.
  16. ^ Sorry Sherbaan, most senior PL and SL officials were trained under the former Socialist dictator, General Siyaad Barre, who went to the same soviet schools as your truly... So, it is only natural that our propaganda skills are awe-inspiring to folks like you. :cool:
  17. ^ Sorry Sherbaan, most senior PL and SL officials were trained under the former Socialist dictator, General Siyaad Barre, who went to the same soviet schools as your truly... So, it is only natural that our propaganda skills are awe-inspiring to folks like you. :cool:
  18. ^ Sorry Sherbaan, most senior PL and SL officials were trained under the former Socialist dictator, General Siyaad Barre, who went to the same soviet schools as your truly... So, it is only natural that our propaganda skills are awe-inspiring to folks like you. :cool:
  19. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: at least Abu-Mansoor Roobow is not nihilistic kolkaa. Mise meel baa Roobow loo bixiyey? 'Mujaahidiintu' tuulada Dhoobley ayee u qorsheeyeen iney ugu magac daraan Abu-Mansoor Roobow. Waxay sugayaan, dhowrka caanobooreyaal ee cimaamadaha beenta ah xiran oo tuulada ka difaacayo, inta uu caanabooruhu ka dhamaanayo. A&T, you best urgently contact the WFP to quickly send over several shiploads of that powdered elixir of vacuousness to Axmad Modowbe&CO as they struggle to stave off the impudent ambitions of the deviant Al Shabab group... Don't say, I didn't warn you!
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Mr Somalia, no simple argument lad, armed clan militias and individuals armed with dangerous weapons have brought us no peace for the past 20 years. Thus it's illogical to suggest we should not give this a chance. I rather have a tough system than to have met armed with AK47 at every village, even an argument turns unto a blood bath. Nor can we ignore the type of things that take place when two sub clans fight in urban areas, for example Galkacyu. Thus the NRA argument don't wash lad. The right to bear arms is not in the Somali constitution, nor does Islam prescribe mobs with heavy weapons protecting clanish interest. Come again Adeer. Adeer Duke, (I can call you that, right? ) For the record: I disagree with the reasoning you've just posted. For starters, by taking AK47's from law abidding citizen, are you not infringing on their rights to protect themselves??? I understand you're thinking that, if all Puntlanders were disarmed then the criminals wouldn't be able to get them as well. However,in reality most criminally intent people will find a way to find weapons and cause the havoc you hope to avoid by banning all weapons. Thus, your arguement that, in order for the government to mitigate in some degree the many difficulties associated with these criminals in Puntland, then everyone, including innocent law-abiding citizens ought to give up their right to defend themselves is a nonstarter in my opinion. Don't you realize, that Governments that take guns away from their citizens turn them into defenseless bovines being led to slaughter? Basically, once the public is disarmed, then we all fall under the mercy of not only the criminals but also our own leaders. No one can guarantee that these leaders will not abuse their newly found power over such a disarmed citizenry. I hope you see where I'm coming from? It is good to have guns close-by in case we ever need to kick some sense into our government. They better hope that doesn't happen and we don't have to use 'em. Please do not misunderstand me: I STRONGLY support that new gun laws are passed and vigorously enforced!! I am in favor of stricter regulations of weapons in Puntland. The government, in fact, ought to put in place, an agency like the ATF in the U.S, whose sole responsibility would include the regulation of the sale and possession of guns for legal purposes ONLY. This way we can ensure, we avoid heavy weapons falling into the hands of people with clannish interests, as you said. And at the same time, allow folks to keep a lil heat at home for personal protections of our lives, properties and families. Would YOU DENY us that right?
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: waar 3 cisho ayaanuu suuliga ka soo bixin baa la yidhi dee ,, ma wax la ilaawaa Suuligaan iyo bakhtigaan aad ka hadleysid inta iska deysid, waayo ummad dhan baad odey u tahaye, JB-- maad nooga warantid wax yaabaha aad jaceylshahay instead? So far I've come up with a few, which I thought I'd share with you...Enjoy! Jecliyaa inaan mijjin jaad-ah aan shaxaado Jecliyaa inaan jilibka laabo Jecliyaa inaan jaha wareero Jecliyaa inuu marqaanka i jiiro Jecliyaa inaan jiifsanwaayo Jecliyaa inaan indhaha jeedjeedsho Jecliyaa inaan jananka(Riyaale) salaamo Jecliyaa inaan Somaali ja jeesto Jecliyaa inaan been ku jihaado(Aqoonsi beenaadka) Any additions/corrections on your part are welcome!
  22. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: qof kasta waxbaa dhiba ma ogtahay. Mr. Somalia canahaasi si xun bay u hayaan. Waa runtaa, anigu caanihii gheela oo aan kusoo koray waxaan dhaafsan lahaa majiro...laakin sidiina, reerkiina meel walba addunyada ka mid ah qaxootiga ku ah, oo caanabooruhu sida bunka u qabto mi ihi. Laakin adiga waxaa kaasii daran, midka qaadka siduu u cunayey, mindhicirkiisii qalalay, oo hada doonaya xoogaa caanoboore inuuu kaa shaxaado, ayaa kaasii shisheeyo... Marka, caanobooreyaal wixiini waa la idiin qasayaaye, ha sugi waayina...
  23. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Mr. Somalia, Saaka oo kale waa markaan adiga iyo Pirate'kaad aheydba meel kala dhici jiray. Wax yar sug laakin dhiiga aan diiriyee with this It is not Caanabodhe that motivates us, it is this! Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa LOL@ Jecliyaayey, Godey'daan u jeedo Jecliyaayey, wabiga jeelashiisa A&T, waa runtaa, jeclidaa Godey'da aa u jeedid. Jeclidaa wabiga jiinkiisa, laakin ma jeceyl baa dhul lagu xoreeyaa? Nin Xabash ah oo sidaada oo kale sagaal bilood lagu dhalay ayaa qori futada kaaga hayo, meelihii aad jecleedna kaasoo jufay. Marka inta caanoboore kaalmo lagu keenay ka dharagtaan inaad kor u boodaan oo daacsataan oo aad boor isku qarisaan, yaad niyada gashataan inaad dhulkiini dhaanto aad ko xoreenaysiin. Marka, riyaddiinaan khayaaliga ah oo marnaba rumoobeyn isiga jira... KEEP DREAMING!
  24. Originally posted by Qhalib: Idinku kuwa hajabay iyo kuwa loo hanjabay mid na ma tihidin ee maxaa idin waalay? :DLaba entity ayaa is haysta ee idinku hajabaad libaax naga daaya bil fadlan. Anagu haddaanu nahay reer Puntland, habar habar ka gardaran markaan aragno kama aamusi karno ee runtaanu ka sheegna waxa jira...taasaana noogu wacan inaanu ka hadalno...