Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^ Zack, horta maanta Soomaali oo dhan ayaa qaxooti ah, laakin waagii ey jamhuuriyyada Soomaliya ee jirtay, wax qaxooti sheegta caanoboooreyaal ayaa kajiray. Mgacaana saasuu idiidku baxay, marka waxba kiska ha iska waalin! Caanobooruhu waa nafaqada ON-uff-tu caguhu ugu fideyne... Laakin, waxaan rabay inaan ku su'aalo; dadku ey ONLF-tu maalin walba disho waa dadkiinee, goormaad dhulka xabashida ey leedahay ka dagaal galaysaan? Mise weligiin, inaa dhulka hoodka ka dhaantaysaan ayaad go'aansateen?
  2. Originally posted by Garowe Gal: About my location; I support our national coastguards. (Where is the thumbs up emoticon? grr!)
  3. ^ Is it just my imagination, or are the Igno-rants of SOL's fake cyber-jihadis reading even more desperate and pathetic than usual? Kulahaa, "Villa Somalia ayaa loo dhacay!"
  4. Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round : And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree ; And here were forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. But oh ! that deep romantic chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover ! A savage place ! as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted By woman wailing for her demon-lover ! And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, A mighty fountain momently was forced : Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail : And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever It flung up momently the sacred river. Five miles meandering with a mazy motion Through wood and dale the sacred river ran, Then reached the caverns measureless to man, And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean : And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far Ancestral voices prophesying war ! The shadow of the dome of pleasure Floated midway on the waves ; Where was heard the mingled measure From the fountain and the caves. It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice ! A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw : It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora. Could I revive within me Her symphony and song, To such a deep delight 'twould win me, That with music loud and long, I would build that dome in air, That sunny dome ! those caves of ice ! And all who heard should see them there, And all should cry, Beware ! Beware ! His flashing eyes, his floating hair ! Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: Without foreign intervention the TFG cannot really defeat ALShabab. One group is motivated by dreams of heaven and a righteous fight whilst the other is just treating it like a job. You know who is going to win this one. ^ This point of view is pure hogwash: Just go ask Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Taliban about what thinking of "heaven" has done for them lately! These Al Shabab apes can be humbled. However, such a task calls for a united and effective TFG.
  6. ^ Jug-jug meeshaada joog, miyaa sheekada? My only true concern is that once the Al Shabab are driven underground, they will resort to their cowardly suicide bombs again, giving this sh!tty TFG government further headaches and more instability for the country.
  7. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Mr. Somalia, the fact you refer to people as nobodies is enough to say maskax faalooq baad qabta, so really you calling anything including monkeys a retard is not valid, you are the queen of retards. As for what I said, since you live up Ethiopian A*ss, I am sure you will enjoy the experience, you can get a better view and smell the canjeero. P.s. This is the one time you should probably cry with the door open, Allah ha kaa saaro your inhumane state. Ibti, oo hada inaan i ceydid baad u taffa xaadatey miyaa? Bal in yara i sug, intay Kool Kat ka imaanayso meeshaan. Haddaana ku sheegin!
  8. Originally posted by Kamavi: ^Prolly the stupidest post that you have ever posted on Sol. You just invented all that shid. But here are the that you might not have seen in real life. Now shall you not be proud to see the brave young men and women celebrating and chanting for no less than independence? The creation of independent ******* state is real and can not be stopped . The footage depicts the sense of dedication, sacrifices and the courage of the heroic, noble and dignified ONLF warriors that are willing to shed blood for their motherland and take the fight to the enemy camps. That said, the pay out tigre dogs in the mini states of Somalia, qaaqland and qudhinland, can keep handing over ******es as much as they want. But one day they shall taste the death and pain they have caused to the ****** people. To Kamavi: Maalin walba magaca soo badalo sidii tuug sharciga ka dhuumanaya. Ooops! mise waad tahay? Saaxiib, the O.N-uff are nothing but piss-ants. You dress females up in military fatigues and ask them to jump up and down on youtube, whilst your sorry self and others say you are waging a serious liberation fight on the internet. How silly. You think this is cutting edge,right? Now, piss off and go think about the foolishness and futility of your Dhaanto Liberation Movement. Come back to me when you come up with summin a lil more tangible than caanoboore laga dhargo; iyo dhaanto raqiiska ah; iyo waa nala xiray. My door is always open.
  9. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Allaho ya Thankless, Duke, Mr. Somalia , and Cowke their friends in Ethiopia uu geeya for a few weeks. Waste of space. :rolleyes: ^ Ibtisam, What did I do to you to make you post up such a crap tirade directed at your Puntland betters? And a sudden defender of the caanoboore boys, are we? I had no idea you had a soft spot for these retards, but if you must feel sorry for them please refrain from attracting the attention of the dreaded pirate 'mafia' gang to yourself--no matter, if it will make your day or not! And don't be an online hypocrite, either: If you really cared about these nobodies, you'd already stake your discomfort at your real life secessionist co-hearts who handed Lady Bishaaro over to the Xabashas, a couple of weeks ago. P.S Nice emotional breakdown, by the way...
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: This time it looks it will be different. Instead of bringing foreign troops, they just want to engage other Somalis trained in those countries. I'd like to know if any contingency plans have been laid to tackle the power vacuum which is sure to be created in the territories under Al Shabab control, assuming of course, all these news reports about an eminent attack on the Al Shabab are true? Once the Al Shabab are driven underground(which is their expected modus operand, when faced with a serious fight); what plan is there to avoid the new victors from turning on one another over the spoils, like last time, and give Al Shabab another reason to make a comeback??
  11. I suggest the O.N-uff boys of SOL quit their whining and quickly get together a petition to their president, Zenawi, and beg him that this arrested gentleman's rights to an unlimited supply of caanoboore, whilst he serves out the term of his sentence, will not be fringed upon...(we all know how you fellas get when that good stuff is taken away from you lot for long periods of time...) Or even better yet, let that Macalin fellow go advocate for his release.
  12. Originally posted by Castro: It has also been reported that while Sharif was meeting the Prime Minister of the UK, Abdillahi Yusuf's blood pressure reached 200 and he fell and broke his hip in the motel room he shares with two other refugees in Sana'a, Yemen. He was then rushed to a nearby hospital where, fortunately, they found out he didn't break a hip but had in fact suffered minor bruising. The nurses also explained to the former Somali warlord through an interpreter that his adult diapers were not reusable and that he should use several pull-ups per day. Castro, I see we have ourselves another recurrence of that severe and debilitating, Mad-Hate-Cabdulahitis Disease. Little do you know that, that I pride myself very much in keeping the cretins in my private zoo(also known as the Politics Section of SOL) medicated, in case their obvious buffoonery in regards to the Former President, turns into another epidemic on these here threads and quite frankly, Monsiuer Castro,your present mental state concerns me greatly...If you don't come around quickly, I'll be forced to put you down - I won't have Mad Hate Cabdulahitis Disease infecting and ravaging the rest of my livestock. You've been forewarned! You may now resume grazing peacefully...
  13. ^ LOL @ "Wuxuu u xusuusiyey nin dukaan lahaa oo markii shakiga batay islaantiisa ay bilaawday inay dukaanka la gaddo" Jacphar, I wouldn't get to such extremes, but close enough relationship. Shariif Sakiin is simple the puppet master of our dear old president. When Sakiin says "jump!", the president replies, "how high?" So far, this working relationship has done wonders for the well being of the TFG leadership, wouldn't you say...
  14. It will be Interesting to see whether the Al Shabab deviants will try to hold their own against this 'supposed' firepower being backed by the US or like last time, will they just go undergroound and resume the insurgent(read: cowardly) style of warfare that they've become infamous for.. If I were a betting man, I think I'd put my money on the latter. Al Shabab are too fickle, too ignoble to hold their own against any serious armed opposition. They've only been fortunate enough to reach their current heights of impudence in southern Somalia solely because of the irresolute nature of Sheikh Sharif's leadership. But in any case, I fear these sons of b!tches will, yet again, hearken back to their trademark suicide bombings and resort once again to wreaking further havoc and devastation on the civilian population, just to spoil things for the TFG. And unless, the TFG puts together a concrete plan to tackle the aftermath of an Al Shabab defeat in South Somalia, I'm afraid the status quo will only be repeated, irregardless of any help received from any foreign power.
  15. It will be Interesting to see whether the Al Shabab deviants will try to hold their own against this 'supposed' firepower being backed by the US or like last time, will they just go undergroound and resume the insurgent(read: cowardly) style of warfare that they've become infamous for.. If I were a betting man, I think I'd put my money on the latter. Al Shabab are too fickle, too ignoble to hold their own against any serious armed opposition. They've only been fortunate enough to reach their current heights of impudence in southern Somalia solely because of the irresolute nature of Sheikh Sharif's leadership. But in any case, I fear these sons of b!tches will, yet again, hearken back to their trademark suicide bombings and resort once again to wreaking further havoc and devastation on the civilian population, just to spoil things for the TFG. And unless, the TFG puts together a concrete plan to tackle the aftermath of an Al Shabab defeat in South Somalia, I'm afraid the status quo will only be repeated, irregardless of any help received from any foreign power.
  16. It will be Interesting to see whether the Al Shabab deviants will try to hold their own against this 'supposed' firepower being backed by the US or like last time, will they just go undergroound and resume the insurgent(read: cowardly) style of warfare that they've become infamous for.. If I were a betting man, I think I'd put my money on the latter. Al Shabab are too fickle, too ignoble to hold their own against any serious armed opposition. They've only been fortunate enough to reach their current heights of impudence in southern Somalia solely because of the irresolute nature of Sheikh Sharif's leadership. But in any case, I fear these sons of b!tches will, yet again, hearken back to their trademark suicide bombings and resort once again to wreaking further havoc and devastation on the civilian population, just to spoil things for the TFG. And unless, the TFG puts together a concrete plan to tackle the aftermath of an Al Shabab defeat in South Somalia, I'm afraid the status quo will only be repeated, irregardless of any help received from any foreign power.
  17. Masha-Allah, these are indeed timely appointments by our State President, Mudane Faroole: It cannot be stressed enough how important it is that we get an effective judiciary, for the proper functioning of our state government. However; I hope these new adjudicators will be wise enough to make impartial decisions regardless of outside political pressures, and base all their legal decisions solely on Islamic jurisprudence. Now, I realize most Puntlanders attach too much importance to the executive branch of our government and to some extent the legislature, whilst the importance of the judiciary is often ignored. Most of us do not understand nor appreciate the important part an effective judiciary can play in the progress of Puntland by safeguarding the rights of our citizenry. I believe, with these new judges in place, it will make it particularly difficult for folks like the P.I.S to randomly lock people without just cause, unless they can of course convince a judge that a person's detention is rightfully justified by law. And if they do indeed transgress the limits of their rights under the law, then a judge will not hesitate from passing restraints against them. This is why, I am very confident that once the new constitution gets finally rectified in Puntland by popular suffrage(as promised by the current administration), the judiciary will become very crucial in ensuring the rights of the people are protected and NOT given any arbitrary interpretation by any member of the other branches of the government. It will be exclusively up to our Courts of Law to decide the meaning of our laws, and not the executive. Thus any arbitrary action undertaken by any government official can be condemned by a court of law, and be kept in check. This is the true beauty of a just judiciary-- one that is free from the influence of any political or social pressures. And Faroole's new dictum is a very good starting point. PUNTLAND...ALWAYS FORWARD! :cool:
  18. Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland ayaa Maanta Xeerar kasoo Baxay Xafiiskiisa Ku magacaabay Gudoomiyeyaal Maxkamadeed iyo Garsoorayaal. Xeerarkaan ayaa waxaa uu ahaa lambarkiisa 20 Kana soo baxay xafiiska Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.C/rixmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa ahaa sidan; 1- Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada darajada Koowaad ee Magaalada Bosaaso Fareceeda Labaad ayaa Waxaa Loo magacaabay Aadan Axmed Maxamed 2-Garsoorka Maxkamada Darajada Koowaad ee Magaalada Bosaaso Faraceeda Labaad ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay C/rashiid Cali Ciise 3- Maxamed Maxamuud Saleebaan ayaa waxaa loo Magaacabay Garsoorka Labaad ee Maxkamada 4- Maxamuud Xasan Cabdi ayaa waxaa Loo Magacaabay Garsooraha Maxkamada Degmada Laasqoray 5- Adan yuusuf Xuseen ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Garsooraha Maxkamada Degmada Carmo 6- Ibraahim C/laahi Samatar ayaa waxaa Loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Maxkamada Degmada Dhahar 7- C/laahi Maxamuud Boos ayaa waxaa loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada Caluula 8- Cawla Jaamac Muuse ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay garsoorka Degmada Baargaal 9- Siciid Maxamed Axmed ayaa waxaa loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada Bandar Bayla 10- C/rashiid Muuse Ciise ayaa Waxaa Loo magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada EYL 11- C/fataax Cali Diiriye ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Darajada koowaad ee Degmada Gaalkacyo Xeerarkaan Kasoo baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Maanta ayaa waxaa ku xusan Markuu arkay Madaxwayanha Qoraalka Gudiga sare ee garsoorka Puntland Kuna saabsana Magacaabida ayaa waxaa uu xeeriyay Madaxweynaha inuu soo saaro xeerarkan oo ah ansixinta Magacaabida Garsoorayaasha iyo Gudoomiyeyaasha Maxkamada. Source:
  19. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Been kastoo la sheego dad baa ka daba nacamleeya! oo lax dhukan ka ah!, Waryaarahee, Shabaab sow ma ogidiin inay ku jiraan dad English uun ku hadla? (Abu Mansuur Al-Amriiki & Ajnabiga kale) & Dhallinyarada Soomaalida ee Maraykan & Europe ka tegay?, Bambooyinka macmalka ey sameeyaan sow Science lagama faa'iideysan Siiba Chemistry-ga, sidoo kale Remoteka, Fiilooyinka & Timing-ka Physics maaha? ^ LOL @ "Remoteka, Fiilooyinka & Timing-ka soo Physics maaha" Maaddeey, u sheeg nimankaan sheekooyinkaan raqiiska ah ey suuqa SOL la imaanayaan, ha joojiyaan! The Al Shabab gang maybe blessedly deviant; blessedly damnable; blessedly diabolical; blessedly bloodthirsty and blessedly incapable of governing the lands they reign over, but nonetheless, it is wrong for some of their new political derogators to make up silly fake stories such as the one in the news story, to further demonize these already abominable niqabis. In most instance, it is quite unnecessary: I think, these detractors of theirs, give them way too much credit. The members of Al Shabab, leaders and fighters, are simply the 'victorious' remnants of the anarchist militias--who were vying for power in the south and still are. They are no different from the mor'yaan fighters of Muuse Suudi Yalaxow and Qanyare. Unlike those niggahs, these homies, were simply more able to fiendishly capitalize on, and take full advantage of, the whole fake cimaamad phenomena that has been sweeping through the Muslim world ever since Sept 11, 2001. But, as some of us know, "with the gift of power comes the burden of responsibility". Al Shabab have the power now in great swaths of southern Somalia, but so far very few tangible examples of their ability to govern wisely are yet to surface. Who knows, maybe, sometime in the near, a new crop of leaders who are much wiser than the current ones will come along. Men who will take responsibility for communities, for their leadership effectiveness and for the wise governance of the population. But only time will tell! Wabilaahi Tawfiiq!
  20. ^^ Duke, with all due respect, Although our state is doing much better than the secessionist enclave up north and the anarchist south, I still think there is scarcely any serious amount of political progress and public security which is sufficient enough for our civilians, to justify this kind of boasting; not that I have anything against boasting per se --or the gloating over our rival's political misfortunes -- but still, I am of the belief that it's a little premature for us to pat ourselves on the back just yet, since we both know, even though Puntland has come far, we still have a long way to go.
  21. Originally posted by The Zack: ^All Somalis have one way or another suffered either from the Siyad regime's atrocities or the civil war, I don't understand why ONLY Somalilanders are the ones who always talk about that or sue people for those crimes? ^ "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!"- Shakespeare Zack, you need to recast your last statement in a less allusive and two-faced manner -- you ungrateful maxaan-ku-iraahdaa... As always, you are guilty of misplaced loyalties. But if I were you, I'd recite a thousand Suratul-Ikhlas for the late president. :cool: No caanoboore guzzling, timorous Quisling from kilil 5naad, was ever harmed by Mudane General Maxamad Siyaad Barre. If anything, the good President, ensured that most of the refugee camps and new towns, he helped settle your displaced Xabasha-Oppressed community, never ran out of a constant supply of caanoboore. Siyaad Barre, through presidential decrees, helped assimilate your kinfolk into the Somali Republic and provided your clan; safety, solidarity and a sense of Somaalinimo-- when it mattered the most. It was precisely because, he felt since he was the cause of your displacement, as head of state, by loosing the 77 war, that this was the least he owed you, when he ordered that you be given other people lands in the north of the country and in the fertile riverine regions of the south. It was particularly these inexpedient tactics with which this resettlement schemes were undertaken that were the true root causes of our current and long running civil strife. The resettlement of these kilil 5naad refugees caused much dissatisfaction and displeasure with the host communities, especially the marqaanified Shankaroonis of the north, who felt that this was simply a blatant land grab instigated by the corrupt 'Afweyne of Tha D-Bloc' disguised as a refugee aid program. In the north, as we all know; the SNM movement was finally created and it joined the already skirmishing SSDF movement ( The dreaded 'pirates', had their own 'unique' beef with the General;) ) and begun to fight the government as well. Within a few years later, General Aideed unleashed the digir powered mor'yaan hordes, who he argued, were always marginalized by the Mugabe style D-Bloc mentality which kept his ilk from rising to the upper echelons of political power and from ever running the country. The Caanoboore exodus at the time from the occupied lands, and whom the president, thought were forever going to be loyal to him, by rewarding them with cushy jobs in the private and public sectors of the economy, DID NOT HELP, either. By then, General Aideed had become fed up and quite power-hungry, when he finally decided to agitate-- rather fiendishly, if I might add-- the dameer riding, digir nourished, dhuuso propelled, mor'yaan Armada and with this Hutu-like militia called the USC, he was finally able to deal the last death blow to an already tactically enfeebled octogenarian dictator in Xamar. And since then Xamar has been Somalia's little piece of Heaven On Earth(but that's a topic for another day...! ) So in conclusion: Hate it or love it-- This is how our country fell apart. Hate it or love it; our nation's loss of the 77 war and its unpredictable after-effects are the biggest root causes of our long running civil war. And finally, hate it or love it, the caanoboore element of our misfortunes as a nation, which is the real cause of our civil war should NEVER be overlooked. Wabilaahi Tawfiiq!
  22. ^ LOL Maaddeey, can you guarantee that the wife of the 'Emir' will wear these women's lingerie or some such other sexy undergarments, primarily as the sole intended recipient? Or will she share it like she does...her xijaab/niqaab outfits, with her husband and a.k.a your 'Emir'--which rumor has it, is a wannabe drag queen and very prone to cross dressing. Warkaas bal ma noo cadeyn kartaa, maadaama aad taleefonkooda aad taqaanid? ******* As for the topic at hand: Ha loo duceeyo guurkooda inuu u hagaago!
  23. ^^ Lol@ Cowke...I guess you want another statue commemorated in your name like this one, huh? p.s Who says the Mighty Bluugle does not fly high and proud in Hargaysa? Notice how the Somali flag on the jet flies higher than all the crappy Shankaroon flags beneath. Wacade, this flag waa laga qayliyey!