Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. Though I think Mayor Cabdiraxmaan has done a commendable job this past year, I still wish to withhold from giving him a passing grade, until after he finishes he completes his full tenure... In the meantime; three cheers are in order for a job well done, so far... So let's hear it for The Mayor: Hip-hip - HOORAY! Hip-hip - HOORAY! Hip-hip - HOORAY!
  2. Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Ciidanka Sida Milatariga u Tababaran ee Daraawiishta Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa Maanta Dhoolatus Ciidan oo Qurux badan ku sameeyey Xerada 54-aad ee Duleedka Magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Dawlada Puntland,waxaana Dhoolatuskaas ka qeybgalay Saraakiil ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland. Dhoolataskan oo ay ka qeybqaadanyaan Kumanaan ka tirsan Ciidamada Puntland oo qaarkood Dhawaan Tababaro u soo dhamaadeen ayaa waxaa ay soo bandhigeen Siyaabaha kala duwan ee Tababaradii ay qaateen,waxayna Intooda badani xirnaayeen Darays Cusub oo dhawaan Ciidanka Daraawiishta ee Puntland loo qaybiyey. Wasiiro ka tirsan Dawlada Puntland,Maamulka Gobolka Nugaal,Maamulka Degmada Garoowe,Saraakiish Ciidamada Daraawiishta,Booliska,Asluubta,Sirdoonka & PIA-da Puntland ayaa goob joog ka ahaa Xerada 54-aad,waxayna Madaxdu halkaas kasoo jeediyeen Khudbado ku saabsan sida ay u soo dhaweynyaan Ciidamada Puntland. Taliye Xigeenka Guud ee Ciidanka Daraawiishta oo Maanta Hormuud ka ahaa Dhoolatuskan ayaa Warbaahinta u sheegey in Ciidanak Puntland ay waqtigan Diyaar u yihiin inay ka difaacaan Shacabka Puntland Cadow kasta oo ay leeyihiin,wuxuuna sheegey in Xukuumada Puntland ay Waqti badan & Kharash siisey Dib u habaynta Ciidamada kala duwan ee Puntland. "Shacabka Puntland waxaanu ugu bishaaraynaynaa in waqtigan ay Awood badan oo Dhanka Ciidanka ahi jirto,waxaanuna u sheegeynaa in Ciidanka Puntland ay heegan ugu jiraan inay Shacabkooda ka difaacaan Cid kasta oo Nabada & Xasiloonida Puntland kasoo horjeeda"Ayuu yiri Taliye Xigeenka Guud ee Ciidanka Daraawiishta ee Dawlada Puntland Jen,Deyr Xaaji Cabdi. Wasiiru-Dowlaha Maamul Wanaaga ee Puntland oo asna Ciidanka la hadlay ayaa sheegey in Puntland ay imika isku tashatay,wuxuuna Sheegey in ay Ciidankani doonayaan in ay si farxad leh uga qeybqaataan Maalinta Ciidanka Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed oo ku aadan 12-ka Bishan April,Sidoo kale Wasiirku Wuxuu intaas ku daray in Puntland ay Cadowyo badan leedahay Ciidankana looga baahan yahay inay Difaacida Deegaanadooda u diyar garoobaan. Dhoolatuskan ay Sameeyeen Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Puntland oo Koofi Cas u badnaa ayaa waxay qeyb ka tahay diyaar garow ay Ciidamadada Puntland ugu diyaar garoobayaan Maalinta Ciidanka Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ee 12-ka April,waxaana Maanta Saraakiisha Ciidanku ay la wareegeen Xoolo Geel u badan oo ay Maamulka Gobolka Nugaal Ciidanka Daraawiishta ugu deeqeen. Source:
  3. Gaalkacyo:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa Amaan & Bogaadin usoo jeedisay Maamulka Degmada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta Gobolka Mudug,waxayna Dawlada Puntland sheegtay in Duqa Magaalada Gaalkacyo Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Xaaji uu hor'umar weyn sameeyey Mudadii yarayd ee uu xilka hayey. Wasiirka Wasaarada Warfaafinta ee Dawlada Puntland Cabdixakiin Axmed Guuleed oo Warbaahinta Gaalkacyo la hadlayey ayaa Amaanay Waxqabadka Duqa Gaalkacyo,wuxuuna Wasiirku sheegey inuu Duqa Gaalkacyo Mudo kooban Xilka hayey isla markaasna uu qabtay Waxqabad ayasan qaban Gudoomiye yaal Sanado Xilal ka hayey Gaalkacyo & Deegaanada Puntland. "Waxay Dawlada Puntland amaanaysaa Duqa Gaalkacyo & Maamulkiisa oo Runtii ku talaabsaday Waxqabad badan,taasina waxay muujinaysaa Dadaalkiisa,waxaanuna Amaanaynaa taageerada loo hayo Maamulka Degmada Gaalkacyo,waana Mid aan filayo in ay keentay Guulaha uu maamulka Degmadu gaartay"Ayuu yiri Wasiir Cabdixakiin Axmed Guuleed oo ka qeyb galayey shir ka dhacay Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Hidaha & Dhaqanka ee Puntland wuxuu sheegey in guud ahaan lala xisaabtamayo Maamulada Gobolada & Degmooyinka Puntland,wuxuuna sheegey intaas ku daray in aanan la yeelin doonin Mas'uul xil iska haya isla markaasna aanan wax qabanan,sidoo kalena wuxuu Gudoomiye yaasha Degmooyinka Puntland ka codsaday inay ku deydaan Duqa Gaalkacyo. "Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland ayaa dhawaan ka qeybgalay Xaflad Garoowe ka dhacday oo Wasaarada Haweenku ay qabatay wuxuuna yiri Kudayo Wasaarada haweenka,hada anigu waxaan leeyahay Kudayo Duqa Gaalkacyo,Dhamaan Gudoomiye yaasha Degmooyinka Puntland & kuwa Gobolada ayaan leeyahay"ayuu yiri Cabdixakiin Axmed Guuleed oo la dhacsan waxqabadka Maamulka Degmada Gaalkacyo. Maamulka Degmada Gaalkacyo oo uu Gudoomiyaha ka yahay Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Xaaji ayaa jiray Mudoka yar 8-Bilood,waxayna Dadku ku amaanaan inay waxbadan ka qabteen Nadaafada & Bilicda Gaalkacyo,wuxuuna Maamulka Degmada Gaalkacyo taageero uu ka helay Dadka Reer Mudug oo kusugan Dalka & Dibadiisaba. Source:
  4. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^The Script you're conversing with has had a bug lately Waxaad sheegayso ma fahmi karo awoowe I do not agree with you... this script you speak is apparently a visionary intellect who easily shifts paradigms and has a excellent understanding of abstract concepts involving perception. Fooling everybody on SOL, all the time used to be his sole objective here...but now, he has come out into the open in regards to the religious deviants back home. Therefore, Xiin, this is no bug; if anything, this is a refreshing upgrade from that old inefficacious Beta version of the Maaddeey Script.
  5. Originally posted by Shihaabuddin: ^What is such 'bad news' Ngonge? Sayids 'almost defection'? I didn't know you were so desperate for recognition. SS or boowe 'ari xabadii ma durbaa' saffka gadaal ka mar waryahee adiga iyo wixii kulamida oo beer jilicsan. Raggii reer mudug ahaa baa yimiye dhiiga ku farxalan jirray 'noo baneey meesha'. Hawsha annaga ayaa la wareegayne ^^LOL... Sxb, I think when Sayid said 'almost defection', he meant to say he 'almost defecated' on himself-- Get it? "defection"! "defecation"! Notice how similar the two word sound? Therefore this slip of the tongue can only be construed as a natural mistake on his part. Thus we ought to give this non-Sayid the benefit of doubt, just this once. But on the other hand-- it is what it is...waayo weligiis ninkaan xaar baa ka buuxay.
  6. ^ Ina Ducaale, that is very easy to answer... Firstly of all, unlike the petty puerile ninnies of Marfishland, we Puntlanders, like real men, never keep grudges like y'all. And unlike y'all, we are incapable of having any feelings of rancor for long periods of time. For real men fight and real men make peace. But punk pussies like y'all, choose instead to everlastingly cry foul and impertinently demand reparations in the form of silly secession and the pursuit of the break up of our country, as indemnity for the damage or supposed injury suffered during the early years of the Somali civil war. But I've got news for you hombre... your clan alone did not suffer in the civil war: Many other clans too, have suffered more horrendous atrocities and in fact, even today many others continue to do so. So answer me this-- what makes you think that your clan is so exceptional,so extraordinary, so important that you feel you ought to be treated differently when you are, in fact, in the same boat as every other Somali out there? This is why Cabdi Qeybdiid is welcome in Gaalkacyo and any other place else in Somalia. That some Somalis fought in the past, does not mean that Somalis will always remain at loggerheads with one another.
  7. Abwaan Cali Xassan Warsame's new song dedicated to Puntland is truly a very nice song. However I wouldn't go as far as calling it Puntland's "State Anthem" or for that matter, anybody else. Our one true National Anthem is this one I have transcribed below and the one we share with all Somalis all over the world...So learn it, love it and live it! Soomaaliyeey toosoo Toosoo isku tiirsada ee Hadba kiina taagdaranee Taageera waligiinee Idinkaysu tookhaayoo Idinkaysu taamaayee Aadamuhu tacliin barayoo Waddankiisa taamyeeloo Sharcigaa isku kiin tolayoo Luuqadaa tuwaaxid ahoo Arligiina taaka ahoo Kuma kala tegeysaan oo Tiro ari ah oo dhaxalaa Sideed laydin soo tubayoo Ninba toban la meel marayoo Cadowgiin idiin talin oo Tuldo geel ah oo dhacan baad Toogasho u badheedhanee Ma dhulkaas dhanee tegeybaan Ninna dhagax u tuurayn Quaran aan hubkuu tumayo Tooreyda dhaafayn Oo aan taar samayn karin Uur kutaallo weynaa Hadba waxaan la taahaayoo Togagga uga qaylshaa Nin dalkiisii cadow taaboo U tol waayey baan ahayee Hadba waxaan laa ooyaayoo Oo ilmadu iiga qubaneysaa Iqtiyaar nin loo diidoo La addoon sadaan ahayee p.s Cowke, a.k.a Mr King, I think you might find this superbly remixed version far more palatable.... Enjoy! (Make sure to watch the whole video )
  8. ^ It is all the same taradiddle and petty prevarication from the same marqaan incapacitated buffoons as always. So they aint nothing here to get worked about... p.s It would be wise for our resident secessionist troglodyte to learn the difference between a Government Minister and what a local Mayor of a City is!
  9. By: Husein Soyan The President of Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Sharif – a former Madras a teacher in Mogadishu, came to power after Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah - the UN Special Representative to Somalia, had leveraged their parliament more than hundred percent, (equivalent to the size of India) to promote Sharif who became a national liability and whose policies resulted in a second wave of humanitarian disaster after his predecessor, Abdalla Yusuf. Some were hopeful and truly believed that Mr Sharif would work to reconcile the feuding Somalis and rebuild their tattered nation. Unfortunately that hope was short- lived. Whilst the failure of Mr. Sharif’s tenure cannot be recounted here, it is worth highlighting some of the more deliberate and jarring ones: Shortly after he was elected, Mr. Sharif wasted no time in seeking the help of the Ethiopian regime – a support for which he had previously criticized his predecessor, Abdalla Yusuf. His opponents allege that President Sharif not only lacks effective decision-making skills to lead a government, but even worse, he has also been accused of being shamelessly self-serving, and therefore not be trusted. A case in point was that when the President met the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, earlier this year, Sharif failed to observe a simple but requisite protocol for a visit of this nature and undiplomatically excluded his foreign minister from the meeting with Ms. Clinton. His befuddled, and soon to-be deposed, foreign minister was still lounging at the Embassy reception whilst the former Sheik basked in the glow of Ms. Clinton who could only make a disparaging statement that “He [sharif] is the best hope we’ve had in quite some time for a return to stability and the possibility of progress in Somalia”. We can only speculate as to what transpired between Mr. Sharif and Ms. Clinton. What is clear from his short, but doomed presidency is that he is far from giving the beleaguered Somali people even the slightest glimmer of hope. In fact, the general fear among the population of Mogadishu is that whenever Mr Sharif leaves or re-enters his two mile protected areas, AMISOM continually shells the main Bakara market, the same area where 30 civilians were killed in a single day as a collective punishment for residing in an area controlled by his opponents. The international NGOs reported that the AMISOM’s civilian casualty rate has reached more than five thousands since AMISOM came to Mogadishu, and yet unsurprisingly the President never spoke against the civilian casualties caused by his supreme Generals (AMISOM). If shelling civilians and consorting with the dictator Meles Zenawi is bad enough, Mr. Sharif’s biggest crime to date is the selling of our continental sea-shelf to President Mwai Kibaki, despite the fact that members of parliament voted unanimously against this treacherous act. He, in turn, blamed the parliament for intervening in the government’s fundraising strategies! In short, the above leadership assessment clearly proves that Mr Sharif lacks the experience, skills and patriotism needed for the reconciliation and rebuilding of the Somali nation. Those who know Somali history well will acknowledge that Somali people will never accept any imposed government, engineered from outside, as well as foreign interventions. The political manoeuvrings of Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah had made Somali an experimental field for bad policies in order to advance his self-interest since there is a possibility of him standing for election in Mauritania. I hope his questionable policy will not be transposed to another brother state. Currently, there are allegations that Somalis have now inherited the most corrupt and incompetence government in their history and the two –mile President (Mr. Sharif) can easily win the Award for the Most Dishonest President in the entire world, and if not removed, could cause continuation of civil war in Somalia, and the replication of the Afghani situation. Source:
  10. i carry your heart with me by e. e. cummings i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go, my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)
  11. Sonnet 43: How do I love thee, let me count the ways by Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right. I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints—I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
  12. This Longing by Martin Steingesser ... awoke to rain around 2:30 this morning thinking of you, because I'd said only a few days before, this is what I wanted, to lie with you in the dark listening how rain sounds in the tree beside my window, on the sill, against the glass, damp cool air on my face. I am loving fresh smells, light flashes in the black window, love how you are here when you're not, knowing we will lie close, nothing between us; and maybe it will be still, as now, the longing that carries us into each other's arms asleep, neither speaking least it all too soon turn to morning, which it does. Rain softens, low thunder, a car sloshes past.
  13. Money by John Updike Money is such a treat. It takes up so little space. It takes no more ink for the bank to print $9,998 than to print $1,001. It flows, electronically; it does not gather dust. Like water, it (dis)solves everything. Oceanic, it is yet as lucid as a mountain pool; the depositor can see clear to the sandy bottom. It is ubiquitous and under pressure, yet pennies don't drip from faucets. Money is so tidy, so neat. It is freedom in action: when you give a twenty-buck bill to the cabbie, you don't tell him how to spend it. He can blow it on coke, for all you care. All you care about is your change. No wonder the ex-Communists are dizzy. In the old Soviet Union there was nothing to buy, nothing to spend. It was freedom of a kind, but not our kind. We need money, the dull electric thrill when the automatic teller spits out the disposable receipt.
  14. ^ Che, unless you've gotten deaf, you should. Lately, Faroole has been on my last nerve..
  15. One more undeniable proof-- for those of you who still prefer to ignore it-- that both these monkeys get their marching orders from the Ethiopians.
  16. Meditation on the Word Need by Linda Rodriguez The problem with words of emotion is how easily meaning drains from their fiddle-sweet sounds and they become empty instruments. I can say love and mean desire to give— open-handed, open-hearted— or I am drawn to the light shining from your soul— or my life is empty without you— or I want to run my hands and mouth down the length of you— or all of these at once. Need, now, is a plain word. I need a nail to hang this picture. I need money to pay my bills. I need air and light, water and food, shelter from storm and sun and cold. To be healthy, to be sane, to survive, I need you.
  17. ^ JB, maanta ma Vatican-ka ayaa aqoonsi lagu sheegay? Yes, I believe hell is freezing over as we speak. That was actually a funny post, JB.
  18. ^^ Awalba Bisad cad hilab-ah loo tuuray ayaad aheydeene, bal noo wad calaacalka Dalmarow!
  19. I know some folks here think I made up this story, but even Bartamaha Website is reporting it. ***-------***-------****--------*****------*****. Alshabaab oo dhalinyarada reer Dhoobley ugu baaqday in ay guursadaan. Bartamaha(Dhoobley):-Maamulka Alshabaab Deegaanka Dhoobley ayaa dhalinyarada u jeediyay in ay guursadaan iyagoo Waalidiinta ugu baaqay in ay fududeeyaan gurka. Sargaal lagu magacaabo Sheekh Max’ed Carabow oo aha Gudoomiye Xigeenka Alshabaab Dhoobley ayaa ku baaqay in dhalinyarada ay guursadaan islamarkaan ay Muslimiinta badiyaan. Sargaalkaasi Alshabaab u hadlay ayaa dhalinyarada u sheegay in ay muhiim tahay guurka islamarkaana uu sheegay in aan wax xujja ah la duldhigaynin haddii ay guursanayaan. Waalidiinta reer Dhoobley ayaa loogu baaqay in dhalinyarada ay u guuriyaan islamarkaana ay culeys aanay saarin dhlinta guur doonka oo ay u fududeeyaan guurka gandhaha. Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa horay looga soo saaray amar buuxa oo ku wajahan guurka iyo gawaarida lagu galbinayo arooska taasi oo lagu sheegay Israaf shareecada aan ku banaanayn. Xafiiska Bartamaha Wararka Soomaaliyeed Muqdisho-Somalia.
  20. Duke, this guy is a sham. And I even doubt he is what he claims to be. We tell him that charity begins at home and to fix his own mess, and here he goes pointing fingers at us. What a joker!
  21. Originally posted by Queen Arawello: Men 1. The relgious Type - has ambitious of dying a martyr, but is so recovered from the battle fields. Indulgences in local mosque talks; though often questioning the validity of the words of the sheikh, compares ideas with friends of similar type. Has visited extremist website at least once. Has taken part in demonstrations against groups seeking to attack Muslims. Rather educated, possibly an engineering/ science graduate. Has a linear way of thinking. Has very high principles. 2. The Educated Type - 'Mr I Am All That' but is living in delusion of nothingness, like his female counterpart, is a practising self-hater. Very Somali in nature, has all the tendencies but is too busy condemning 'his people'. Very removed from Somali society in general. Thinks dating a white chick is the equivalent of moving up the social hierarchy. Very empty inside, very judgemental, very ignorant but usually considered successful by the society in which he lives in. 3. The Faraax Type The most despised of the men. Reminds all people of what they ‘should be’, but didn’t not become. Commands respect in the community due to eloquence of Somali. Has the potential to succeed through his tough attitude but is lazy not by choice but due to lack of opportunites. Regularly chew khat. Good with the ladies. In some cases, still awaiting citizenship. ^ Araweelo, It isn't usually as black and white as you portray here. I believe there are plenty of guys who fall in the gray area between these differing stereotypes of Somali male-hood that you have overlooked. This is why you ought to create a 4th category that somewhat straddles all the other 3. There are many Somali brothers who are well versed in the tenets of their religion and practice it diligently, and are somewhat well "educated" in earthly forms of knowledge too. And they also generally have a very good grasp of their Somali culture and identity. So there you go... who says you sisters can't have the best of 3 worlds with regards to Somali brothers, huh?
  22. ^ I don't believe you. They will use the monies to purchase suicide vests for your Shabab goons who quickly running out of resources these days. Now go sell your con scheme to some other, easily duped group of Somalis.
  23. Dhoobley(AllPuntland)- Maamulka Ururka Al-Shabaab ee ka taliya Gobolka J/hoose ayaa amaro ku soo rogay dadka rayidka ah ee ku nool deegaanadaasi. Awaamiir ka soo baxday xafiiska Gudoomiyaha degmada Dhoobley ee gobolka J/hoose Sheekh Maxamed Xaaji Axmed ayaa lagu sheegay in dhamaan dadka ku dhaqan degmadaasi ay hirgeliyaan dhamaan qodobo ay ka mid yihiin in Ragga ay gaabsadaan Saraawiisha, taasoo ay ku sheegeen in ay tahay Sunno, sidoo kale Haweenka ayaa laga doonayaa in ay qaataan dharka adag ee Xijaabka ah. Amar kale oo ah in xiliyada Salaada aan cidna lagu arki karin wadooyinka ayaa ka soo baxay Al-Shabaab, iyadoo cidii u dhega nuglaan weyda awaamiirtaasi laga qaadi doono tallaabo sharciga waafaqsan waa sida ay sheegeen Al-Shabaab. Waxaana Guddoomiyaha Al-Shabaab ee Dhoobleey uu dhalinyarada ugu digay falalka ka baxsan Shareecadda Islaamka in ay ku kacaan, cidii lagu arkana fal lid ku ah Diinta la horkeeni doono wax uu ku sheegay Caddaaladda. Source: p.s Gudoomiyaha degmada Dhoobley ee gobolka J/hoose u fadhiya Maamulka Ururka Al-Shabaab, Sheekh Maxamed Xaaji Axmed waxuu balaqaaday inuu cidii u dhega nuglaan weyda awaamiirtiisaan cusub, inuu ka goyn doono deeqda caanobooraha ah ee hayadaha samalfalka reer Dhoobley u qaybiyaan dadka rayidka ah ee ku nool deegaanadaasi. Sidaas daraadeed waxaa lafilayaa inuu shacabka ku nool deegaanadaasi ey awaamiirtaan cusub si kadis ah u raacaan. [ March 31, 2010, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  24. Ninyahow Dalmar, ileyn nin iska hadlayaa ayaad noqotay. Waxaana u egtahay nin runta diidan... haa waa run inuu Xaabsade arin idinka kaliya idiin taal inuu yahay ee ama iska celiya ama la heshiiya, laakin anaku diidnay inaanu tolkeen aanu u kala eexano. Marka anigu waxaan adiga kuugu talin lahaa, inaad calaacalka yaraysid oo aad sheekada raqiiska ah aad joojisid. Horta Dalmar, adigu maxaad u aaminsatahay Puntland la'aanteed reer SSC ineeyna waxba qabsan karin? Shakiga waxa kugu abuuraya maxaa weeye? Soo ma'aada igu oran, midnimadiina ayaad ka shaqeynaysaan oo wax walba dhagdhagweeyaan?