Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^ Ever heard the saying, "all's fair in love and war". READ MY LIPS, Mr 'thoroughbred Cushitic' Nobody: Puntland will do whatever it takes to safeguard the security of it's people. Puntland is still standing and thriving, not out of the genuine kindness of Al Shabab, but by the grace and mercy of Allah(SWT). And thus-- like I said earlier: TALK IS CHEAP...Bring it, if you got it!
  2. ^ Those fools thought they alone had a monopoly on killing people with bombs in Somalia. If every time Al Shabab used a road side bomb or carried out a suicide attack, the government retaliated by using the same strategy, and in return blooded their noses with their own same techniques, then these fools would have not gotten as cocky as they have become lately. I say, an eye for an eye: Every time they bomb a mosque, then the government must bomb their mosques. Every time they lay a bomb in areas under the government's control, then the government must in return plant bombs in the areas under Al Shabab's control. They assassinate government people, the TFG must assassinate in return Al Shabab people. Granted, this will lead to the deaths of many people, but so what? They would have died anyway. Only this time, they will die quicker, but what is guaranteed, is that, there will be a victor when all the dust settles, and the looser gets annihilated. This is the optimal end result that both Al Shabab and the TFG should pursue: To win and rule!
  3. May all the terrorists and religious deviants who were killed ALL burn in hell, and may those who are got injured die a quick painful death! Ameen...
  4. ^ Thanks for the link brother.
  5. Kashafa: Diintaan aad maalin walba qiilka beenbeenta ah kadhiganaysid mid adiga gaar kuu ah ma aha; mid aad dadka ka xigtana ma aha; ee waa mid ummada oo dhan loo soo dajiyey oo waajib muqadis ah weeyaan. Marka Mr.Mad Rapper: jaqjaqda badan and the cheap threats jooji saaxiib! Hadaad Puntland iyo dadkayda ey wax ka qaadin karaan munaafiqiinta Al Shabab oo aad taageertid, waa hore ayee saas dhici cut the crap fool! If you think anyone can harm Puntland or it's people-- GO AHEAD AND DO IT! Just please quit chattin' sh!t all the time about it, aight! After-all, Talk is cheap.
  6. ^ No. Coast Guard = The branch of Puntland's security forces that is responsible for the defense of our coastal waters, protection of the wealth and resources of our sea, and the enforcement of all customs, immigration, and navigation laws vis-à-vis ALL foreign owned vessels. :cool:
  7. 7 million only? This is peanuts mate--Our "coast guard" alone collects ten times as much every month. I think President Faroole ought to ask them for more dough. p.s Whenever I read Horseed articles, I like to pay attention to the feedback and comments that these articles garner from the general readership. I saw one comment in particular, which I found to be of the same opinion... HANAD : good news. the anti puntland crowd must be trembling. oh no, those MJs are organizing, regaining momentum, and boom, mogadishu falls into the hands of its rightful leaders again. it has been proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that those in somaliland are similar to confused teenagers, rebelling without a cause, and that those in mogadishu are paying for yesteryear's crime until they admit, and ask for forgiveness from ALLAH and the Somali people. a federal system. every man build your region, feed your family, bring innovation and keep an open Somali society always. that's puntland - the rebirth site of the future Somali state. ^ :cool:
  8. ^ Riyaale alikuwa mwanafunzi mzuri wa Rais Siyaad Barre. Kwa sababu hiyo, kujifunza kutoka kwa Rais Siyaad njia bora ya kuhifadhi yake wanawake watatu katika kudhibiti. Hivyo mashindano hayo ni kwa ajili ya show-tu kwa ajili ya watu wazimu wa Hargeisa-- Bwana Kubwa Riyaale si kwenda mahali popote, rafiki yangu...
  9. ^ Haatu: Asante sana ndugu yangu kwa kukubaliana na mimi kuhusu Faroole - lakini kama Riyaale kuwa rais wa Somalia, ambao kuendesha gereza ya wanyama katika Hargeisa? Tunahitaji yake kuweka jicho watu wazimu katika kaskazini ya nchi, mpaka Somalia ina amani tena.
  10. Originally posted by Hunguri: Waar Xaaji Xundhufoow, Bishaaro. Niyow, waxaan u malaynayaa Odaygaas Xabashiga ahee caloosha iyo cammanka buurbuuran. Waxaan u malaynayaa, odaygaasaa aqqoonsigii aad waydeen idiin dhalaya. Haduuba fool la socon l'ayahay, waxaadna mooddaa inuu aqqoonsigii doconayo Ku wada salaanta, iyo salaaxa ^ Ok, this made me laugh
  11. Subxaanallah! Thank Allah(SWT) for the rains, but I fear due to excessive deforestation and over-grazing of lands, there remains very little vegetation to help retain this rain water for the dry seasons. I am afraid, all this water will quickly seep underground, and once again the people and their livestock must prepare themselves for another unnecessary drought. We need urgently need to plant TREES. And many of them too.
  12. ^ Waa runtaa.. Ha noolaato Marfishland! Ha noolaato Shankaroon! Ha noolaado xukunka Daahir Riyaale uu madaxa uga hayo sadexda habrood oo waalan! Ha noolaato la-la land!
  13. To All Nomads: You are invited!!!!!! Come join us and be swept away by the unbridled anger at the ending of an unholy matrimony. As part of our unending civil war-- we would like to bestow you the honor with an invitation to announce your presence at the public divorcement of Caanoboore Axmad Madoobe from the hellhounds of Al Shabab. SomaliaOnline Temple of Religious Deviants, Anarchists, Secessionists and Pirates 287 Bariis dr. Maryooley, MN 554 545 There will be a small ceremony before hand, as Caanoboore Axmad Madoobe must perform the honorary pre-divorce ritual of first poisoning a tumbler of caanoboore milk, then feeding it to his former lovers --now new foes-- Al Shabab; which, in his neck of the woods, is considered a sign of bitter hostility and open enmity. After this attempted fratricide, the wild festivities will be enough to knock your suicide belts off. Just look at this list of fun: SPECIALS ------------------------ Live band playing authentic terrorist music including the latest rap remixes- performed by Kashafa a.k.a KashMoni. GAMES ------------------------- Strap a suicide vest on an unsuspecting teenager, replete with authentic plastic explosives; What style of cimaamad are you wearing? An all you can drink caanoboore competition; And who is the most retarded. SEMINARS --------------------- How to be a grave robber; How to argue that everyone in the world is a murtad; How to become a suicide bomber; The art of Dhaanto in the jungle; Extreme Taxi driving, and how to survive on section 8. We expect festivities to start promptly at 8pm, so come early and don’t forget to RSVP of this thread!!
  14. M Quarto of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 1 Enter magical menage-a-trois Magus 1: More meetings, magic-mates, Maybe mid meteorological monsoons? Magus 2: Moment melee-muddle's managed, Military match mediated. Magus 3: Momentarily. Magus 1: Mise-en-scene? Magus 2: Moorland. Magus 3: Meet Macbeth. Magus 1: Metamorphosing, Mousy-Malkin. Magus 2: Magician-mate murmers. Magus 3: Minute! All: Marvels manifest malodorousness, malodorousness manifests marvels; Meander midst mist, mucky medium. Act 2 scene 1 Enter Macbeth Machete meeting me? Midpoint marking my mitt? Manipulate... Merde! Missed! Mirage maintaining mien. Maybe mortiferous manifestation masterable? More merde! Misapprehension, mistake, Molten medulla manifesting mental mirage. Mm? Marshall'st me? Motivating my movements? Mamma mia. Mistaken madness. Mighty misconception! Macabre monarch-murder makes me muse. Mistrust melodramatic mirage. My mind, make me militant, martial. Mucho manslaughter, mortal massacre. Bell rings Move, Macbeth. Melody manoeuvres me. Mishear, Monarch. Mayday, Mayday! Maybe marvellous merriment, maybe miserable moan. Make my month, monc!
  15. ^ Hang on a minute, what the hell are you insinuating here? Sometimes Cowke, I really worry about where your mind is.
  16. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^My reply to that is so f**&ing what? Seriously..Somaliland will pick who they see as an enemy and who they befriend. Its politics, and it doesn't need to make any sense. LOL @ "it doesn't need to make any sense" I love your sincerity, AO: I sorta always knew that abject pettiness and senselessness, when all is said and done, is your ultimate forte.
  17. ^ LOL @ "Soylent Green" I wouldn't say it has become that extreme just yet. But simply a good example of a well run and well functioning city. p.s And who ever said that Charlton Heston was not a great actor. Anyone who has ever seen him in Soylent Green, El-Cid, The Omega Man, The Warlord, Major Dundee and Will Penny back to back would agree that he was one of the best there ever was...
  18. ^ Che: I still insist Zack and I are genuine tol, even though sometimes the excessive caanoboore in his bloodstream may cause him to disagree vehemently. But let's ask anyway...Zack: aniga iyo adiga tol soomaanu nihin?
  19. Why Many Successful Black Women Cannot Find A Man? The answer is simple... A Large number of eligible bachelors are locked up in penitentiaries in America. Simply put, when there are more women chasing after a small dwindling pool of men, the men take all the power. Therefore, these men no longer find the need to step up their games to land the fine females. They don't need to pursue those college degrees; They don't need to search for those high paying jobs; They don't need to be responsible and dependable. In short, they believe the pendulum swinging in between their legs is sufficient enough to attract any woman and nothing else should matter. They have taken full advantage of the laws of Supply and demand. And for the most part, it's working out well for them and I can't blame them one bit. This article appeared on the Economist 2 weeks ago IMAGINE that the world consists of 20 men and 20 women, all of them heterosexual and in search of a mate. Since the numbers are even, everyone can find a partner. But what happens if you take away one man? You might not think this would make much difference. You would be wrong, argues Tim Harford, a British economist, in a book called “The Logic of Life”. With 20 women pursuing 19 men, one woman faces the prospect of spinsterhood. So she ups her game. Perhaps she dresses more seductively. Perhaps she makes an extra effort to be obliging. Somehow or other, she “steals” a man from one of her fellow women. That newly single woman then ups her game, too, to steal a man from someone else. A chain reaction ensues. Before long, every woman has to try harder, and every man can relax a little. Real life is more complicated, of course, but this simple model illustrates an important truth. In the marriage market, numbers matter. And among African-Americans, the disparity is much worse than in Mr Harford’s imaginary example. Between the ages of 20 and 29, one black man in nine is behind bars. For black women of the same age, the figure is about one in 150. For obvious reasons, convicts are excluded from the dating pool. And many women also steer clear of ex-cons, which makes a big difference when one young black man in three can expect to be locked up at some point. Removing so many men from the marriage market has profound consequences. As incarceration rates exploded between 1970 and 2007, the proportion of US-born black women aged 30-44 who were married plunged from 62% to 33%. Why this happened is complex and furiously debated. The era of mass imprisonment began as traditional mores were already crumbling, following the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the invention of the contraceptive pill. It also coincided with greater opportunities for women in the workplace. These factors must surely have had something to do with the decline of marriage. But jail is a big part of the problem, argue Kerwin Kofi Charles, now at the University of Chicago, and Ming Ching Luoh of National Taiwan University. They divided America up into geographical and racial “marriage markets”, to take account of the fact that most people marry someone of the same race who lives relatively close to them. Then, after crunching the census numbers, they found that a one percentage point increase in the male incarceration rate was associated with a 2.4-point reduction in the proportion of women who ever marry. Could it be, however, that mass incarceration is a symptom of increasing social dysfunction, and that it was this social dysfunction that caused marriage to wither? Probably not. For similar crimes, America imposes much harsher penalties than other rich countries. Mr Charles and Mr Luoh controlled for crime rates, as a proxy for social dysfunction, and found that it made no difference to their results. They concluded that “higher male imprisonment has lowered the likelihood that women marry…and caused a shift in the gains from marriage away from women and towards men.” Learning and earning Similar problems afflict working-class whites, but they are more concentrated among blacks. Some 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. The collapse of the traditional family has made black Americans far poorer and lonelier than they would otherwise have been. The least-educated black women suffer the most. In 2007 only 11% of US-born black women aged 30-44 without a high school diploma had a working spouse, according to the Pew Research Centre. Their college-educated sisters fare better, but are still affected by the sex imbalance. Because most seek husbands of the same race—96% of married black women are married to black men—they are ultimately fishing in the same pool. Black women tend to stay in school longer than black men. Looking only at the non-incarcerated population, black women are 40% more likely to go to college. They are also more likely than white women to seek work. One reason why so many black women strive so hard is because they do not expect to split the household bills with a male provider. And the educational disparity creates its own tensions. If you are a college-educated black woman with a good job and you wish to marry a black man who is your socioeconomic equal, the odds are not good. “I thought I was a catch,” sighs an attractive black female doctor at a hospital in Washington, DC. Black men with good jobs know they are “a hot commodity”, she observes. When there are six women chasing one man, “It’s like, what are you going to do extra, to get his attention?” Some women offer sex on the first date, she says, which makes life harder for those who prefer to combine romance with commitment. She complains about a recent boyfriend, an electrician whom she had been dating for about six months, whose phone started ringing late at night. It turned out to be his other girlfriend. Pressed, he said he didn’t realise the relationship was meant to be exclusive. The skewed sex ratio “puts black women in an awful spot,” says Audrey Chapman, a relationship counsellor and the author of several books with titles such as “Getting Good Loving”. Her advice to single black women is pragmatic: love yourself, communicate better and so on. She says that many black men and women, having been brought up by single mothers, are unsure what role a man should play in the home. The women expect to be in charge; the men sometimes resent this. Nisa Muhammad of the Wedded Bliss Foundation, a pro-marriage group, urges her college-educated sisters to consider marrying honourable blue-collar workers, such as the postman. But the simplest way to help the black family would be to lock up fewer black men for non-violent offences.
  20. Originally posted by Cowke: Yeah bro they have land-fill outside the city. That has been sorted out. However their needs to be better system. It would be a lot less time consuming by having a huge wastebin in each district and telling all residents to put their garbage in allocated bags which they can get free from the local administration. Materials needed would be 32 massive dumpsters 2 dumpsters for each degan, Garbage truck,thousands of garbage of bags to be purchased bulk wise from wholesalers and given free to residents who want to use it and help the town be clean. You will also need a guy hired permananent basis to do the garbage pickup rounds of the dumpsters every week and then empty it at the allocated wastefill outside of the city. The only obstacles will be to convince residents to take their garbage to the allocated waste-bin in their district and people being naturally lazy in bossaso will try to skip it. The local admin should then impose a fine on the whole on neighbourhood where garbage is found littered. For example if their garbage in front of my house even though I didn't do it the local admin should fine me for it because 1. I didnt stop the person from litering in front of my house. 2. Even if i didnt see the person littering I should've of picked it up. I think that will make sanitation management alot easier for bossaso and will guarantee residents participating in keeping the city clean. Cowke, walaale, overall these are good ideas, except for the fine penalties. Fines only alienate and piss off people. A better way for the city council to get that garbage collected would be to buy the garbage for a very small fee or food from the people themselves. Believe it or not, this will create a whole new market where buying and selling of this garbage will occur, and the city council will achieve it's objectives much quicker. This idea has already been implemented and succeeded very well in a city in Brazil know as Curitiba. Residents of Curitiba, Brazil, think they live in the best city in the world, and a lot of outsiders agree. Curibita has 17 new parks, 90 miles of bike paths, trees everywhere, and traffic and garbage systems that officials from other cities come to study. Curibita's mayor for twelve years, Jaime Lerner, has a 92 per cent approval rating. There is nothing special about Curitiba's history, location or population. Like all Latin American cities, the city has grown enormously - from 150,000 people in the 1950s to 1.6 million now. It has its share of squatter settlements, where fewer than half the people are literate. Curibita's secret, insofar that it has one, seems to be simple willingness from the people at the top to get their kicks from solving problems. Those people at the top started in the 1960s with a group of young architects who were not impressed by the urban fashion of borrowing money for big highways, massive buildings, shopping malls and other showy projects. They were thinking about the environment and about human needs. They approached Curibita's mayor, pointed to the rapid growth of the city and made a case for better planning. The mayor sponsored a contest for a Curibita master plan. He circulated the best entries, debated them with the citizens, and then turned the people's comments over to the upstart architects, asking them to develop and implement a final plan. Jaime Lerner was one of these architects. In 1971 he was appointed mayor by the then military government of Brazil. Given Brazil's economic situation, Lerner had to think small, cheap and participatory - which was how he was thinking anyway. He provided 1.5 million tree seedlings to neighbourhoods for them to plant and care for. ( 'There is little in the architecture of a city that is more beautifully designed than a tree,' says Lerner.) He solved the city's flood problems by diverting water from lowlands into lakes in the new parks. He hired teenagers to keep the parks clean. He met resistance from shopkeepers when he proposed turning the downtown shopping district into a pedestrian zone, so he suggested a thirty-day trial. The zone was so popular that shopkeepers on the other streets asked to be included. Now one pedestrian street, the Rua das Flores, is lined with gardens tended by street children. Orphaned or abandoned street children are a problem all over Brazil. Lerner got each industry, shop and institution to 'adopt' a few children, providing them with a daily meal and a small wage in exchange for simple maintenance gardening or office chores. Another Lerner innovation was to organise the street vendors into a mobile, open-air fair that circulates through the city's neighbourhoods. Concentric circles of local bus lines connect to five lines that radiate from the centre of the city in a spider web pattern. On the radial lines, triple-compartment buses in their own traffic lanes carry three hundred passengers each. They go as fast as subway cars, but at one-eightieth the construction cost. The buses stop at Plexiglas tube stations designed by Lerner. Passengers pay their fares, enter through one end of the tube, and exit from the other end. This system eliminates paying on board, and allows faster loading and unloading, less idling and air pollution, and a sheltered place for waiting - though the system is so efficient that there isn't much waiting. There isn't much littering either. There isn't time. Curitiba's citizens separate their trash into just two categories, organic and inorganic, for pick-up by two kinds of trucks. Poor families in squatter settlements that are unreachable by trucks bring their trash bags to neighbourhood centres, where they can exchange them for bus tickets or for eggs, milk, oranges and potatoes, all bought from outlying farms. The trash goes to a plant (itself built of recycled materials) that employs people to separate bottles from cans from plastic. The workers are handicapped people, recent immigrants, alcoholics. Recovered materials are sold to local industries. Styrofoam is shredded to stuff quilt for the poor. The recycling programme costs no more than the old landfill, but the city is cleaner, there are more jobs, farmers are supported and the poor get food and transportation. Curitiba recycles two-thirds of it garbage - one of the highest rates of any city, north or south. Curitiba builders get a tax break if their projects include green areas. Jaime Lerner says, 'There is no endeavour more noble than the attempt to achieve a collective dream. When a city accepts as a mandate its quality of life; when it respects the people who live in it; when it respects the environment; when it prepares for future generations, the people share the responsibility for that mandate, and this shared cause is the only way to achieve that collective dream.'
  21. ^^ It's is not as black and white as you put it. I know many couples with many children who are happy and can provide for their children with all the things you mentioned. I also know a few couples who have 1 or 2 children, and can barely take care of them. Therefore, there is no right or wrong number of kids to have, but it all depends upon a person's own personal abilities and choice to raise whichever number of kids.
  22. ^ Blame it on The Icelandic Ash Cloud hovering over Europe. Khaliif: Hang in there bro! I heard most East African flights to Europe carrying our national greenery have resumed and you will once again be in tiptop mental wholesomeness very soon. Just in the meantime, please refrain from using the internet!
  23. ^^ Yes..yes..but Cowke's pictures about Bosaaso's garbage has raised a good question... Where will all this garbage be taken? Have they prepared the necessary landfills or will they burn it all? Cowke, what's tha 411 on that?