Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. This name is very misleading. They should rather call themselves Isbaaroland-- which is more befitting; just as we pirates have Pirateland and the greenery grazers call their place Marfashland.
  2. ^ Riyaale isn't into mugshots per se; Rather, his ultimate forte is muggings of the habros up north, including the long-winded cretin who can't seem to shut up these days.
  3. Tuxbax use is a pagan practice, and therefore is indeed XARAAM. Thus our beloved religious deviants are right to oppose this practice.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ So you think it was planned in advance with Ethiopia (and presumably PL)? A fair guess I suppose but can't work out what's in it for Ethiopia or PL! I don't think it was planned in advance with either one. I believe the Buhoodle incident was caused by rogue Ethiopian soldiers who were solely tasked to man the border during the recent Ethiopian elections, but who, in order to do so, illegally chose to cross the border(disputed since '77) into the town of Buhoodle. The residents got upset and rightfully started a fight and b!tchslapped them out. Now Widhwidh is totally different: Xaabsade and Riyaale's militia from Marfashland came to fight Xaglatoosiye(or whatever his name is..) and his newly formed SSC based militia which purports itself as independent from Puntland. So far the latest news indicates that Xaglatoosiye has galvanized most of the daraawiish people into fighting Xaabsade, the sell-out brigand who takes his orders from Riyaale plus the 3 habros who Riyaale fooled into believing that he is out to "secure" the so-called "eastern border". All in all, I foresee a petty stalemate in the making. Unless of-course, one of the following happens: If Xaabsade and his sub-tribe of the Daraawiish, with the help of Riyaale, are able to subjugate Xaglotoosiye and his coalition--then of course this will be a victory for our drivel merchant extraordinaire, Mr.Oodweyne, and we Puntlanders will not hear the end of it. But If however, Xaglatoosiye and his clique defeat the traitor Xaabsade, then of-course, Mr.Dalmar will claim victory. However, Xaglatoosiye will then have to contend with the large section of his Daraawiish clan that sees itself as being part of Puntland and do not like him and his desire-- the so-called Daraawiishland he advocates for. And I believe, this will yet cause more friction, but not one that will ever lead us to go to war with our brothers. See we do not have a large contingent of marfash dwelling imbeciles that need mugging to ever justify such a domineering and bellicose reaction on our part...
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: ...Can we get back to a proper discussion please? We'll have plenty of opportunity to bicker later, I'm sure. Well Ngonge, what exactly is there to discuss? I mean clearly a can worms was opened by Riyaale by his incitement of this tribal war in northern Somalia and it is probably going to cause more trouble than it's worth in the long run for all involved.
  6. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^You don't have enough base in your voice to be talking like that..ya geek. Ps. Are you in control of those lands? By "base", I presume you mean to ask me if I have a more convincing relationship with those towns and peoples than yourself, right AO? LOL... When a guy without a relationship with those towns tells a guy with a relationship with those towns that the guy with a relationship with those towns doesn't have any relationship with those towns, why then, that guy, the guy with a relationship with those towns would almost be inclined to accuse the guy without a relationship with those towns of trying to cover up being the guy without a relationship with those towns by trying to come off as a guy with a relationship with those towns like the guy with a relationship with those towns, me. I forgot what I was saying. Never mind. Have you prepared yourself for yet another mugging this June? We're waiting.
  7. ^ My "people", huh? How much will you offer me to get rid of Riyaale for you, AO?
  8. ^ I sincerely respect that, Cowke. But as a practical matter, do you honestly believe that Silanyo could ever amount to anything significant in the politics of Burco, let alone anywhere else in Marfashland? I doubt it very much; The man is worthless.
  9. To Ngonge: I do not know if I should consider myself a 'grownup' from your doddering point of view-- but my views, about this past weekends skirmishes in Cayn, are lucid: Riyaale has managed to mastermind, yet again, another excuse to delay the belated elections of Marfashland --and once again mug the heck outta the wretched habro of the north-- by instigating a clan war in that part of Somalia.PERIOD! However; where these skirmishes will end in the long-term, is anyone's guess.
  10. ^ Madaxda sar sare ee Puntland habartood ha u sheegaan sheekadaas raqiiska ah. Shacabka Nugaal, Bari iyo mudug si toos ah ayee ula jiraan shacabka Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. Walaalayaal wada dagaalka ilaa ka sifaysaan dhulkayaga habraha Riyaale.
  11. ^ And in due time, it shall!
  12. Originally posted by Hales: Mr Somalia@ the answer you require is found in the two threads Maadey posted, he disclaims Alshabaab involvement it in the 2nd answer. I don't care for the answers of that unreasoning apologist of Al Shabab. It is Mr. Karl's answer I want.
  13. ^ You're speaking of reprobate buffoons, who still have hellish nightmares of the late '80s, and who believe they can atone for those crimes against their forebears, by wreaking vengeance over the internet on any person who has a hint of D blood running through their veins. So don't be too surprised my friend.
  14. ^ I don't give a hoot about who replaces that damned four-eyed midget--just as long as he is showed the door very soon.
  15. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: I believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram and a tragic incident. Besides, that topic was discussed at that time and I don't think there is any Somali who agrees with that act. So I fail to see why you mention it. ^ I am glad to know that you "believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram"... But Pray tell us, do you believe Al Shabab were behind the Hotel Shamo massacre? And not to be psittacine as well, also kindly answer this question without any 'ambiguous technicalities'! Thank you.
  16. ^ Uztaad: I agree. And I , don't think we should allow this guy to finish his term of 4 years, either. It is time Puntlanders everywhere in the world convinced their elders to force a recall of this fool from the presidency. Puntland has many competent, honest and educated people who can run the government way better than him. We must persuade our elders and Isims to ask this man to step down immediately. No ifs, no buts! If we don't do this, we can all kiss Puntland bye bye by the end of his tenure in 3 years.
  17. Originally posted by Cowke: Mr Somalia it's kind of going to work in our advantage anyways. No election means silanyo heads to garowe and signs to form new federal state for burco and that part of somalia. If election happens and silanyo wins, we will have awdal and oodweyne guests in garowe signing for new state and administration under federal somalia. Sxb long-term guul will be ours. The seccessionist will lose no matter how the ball spins!!! ^ It is not in anyone's interest that the secessionists loose anything. The problem here is Riyaale. But sadly though, it seems to me, he will pull another mugging off, while these folks get preoccupied, bewildered and half-frightened by the prospects of an all-out clan war with the Daraawiish clan(which in my humble opinion is very likely, now that so much blood has been shed on both sides). And as for Silaanyo doing anything about anything...all I can say is,"once a habar, always a habar". That old goat is worthless.
  18. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: sxb i did not Celebrate i just Posted the latest news see the difference. But i do believe the so called group ssc are hijacking the people of buhoodle and using them as human shield. Xaaji, the SOL archives do not lie. Just yesterday you were excited by the news of the skirmishes in Buhoodle and the attempted subjugation of the peoples of SSC, and I believe you still are. Which, quite frankly, baffles the heck out of me, at-least. I mean, why would you support such blatant aggression by Riyaale's militia who's ONLY objective is to foment and agitate clan warfare in that part of Somalia. Can't you see ninyahow, that Riyaale knows the people of Marfishland don't want him anymore; which is why he wants to cause a distraction by inciting this tribal warfare, so as to postpone your elections,( again!). Are you so blind NOT to see this? Are you so naive to fall for this? Are you so untroubled about the danger and risk of an all out clan war between the Habros and Daraawiish of northern Somalia? And finally, don't you fear, because of this, that your beloved Marfishland-- which escaped most of the death and destruction of '90s and which has enjoyed relative peace ever since-- might become just like the horrendous 'Konfuria' you talk so much about?
  19. Originally posted by Cowke: Thankful the puntland security minister has talked about it same with the deputy information minister and also mp of puntland and even the federal government mp casha abdalla. Check bugland responds section by jacaylbaro, I posted in there to refute his claims. The mp of puntland was bit of loser and saying that people shouldn't fight and so forth. But puntland security minister said that ethiopia was wrong for what it did and send out tacsi to the people killed and will get in touch with ethiopia regarding this violation. Casha Abdalla said that riyale is just trying to create excuses so as to not hold an election by creating war scenarios. ^ The Faroole administration are utter fools: Especially those two ministers who recently commented on the Buhoodle skirmishes. But alas, it's not their fault, but their master's--our very own state president-- who, as we speak, is still kissing the a$$ of the so-called "international community's" in Istanbul, in the hopes of furthering his personal political career, in that wretched TFG government, holed up in Villa Somalia and the adjoining two blocks in Mogadishu. This jerk must sort out his priorities and must understand that his number one priority is Puntland. But unfortunately for us all, like all the men who formerly served under Siyaad Barre, his first concern is his selfish ambitions. But we will not let him. If he thinks he will simply use Puntland as a stepping stone to a post in the hopeless TFG, then he is in for a rude awakening.
  20. ^ ...waxa kaloo ay cadeeyeen in amar lagu siiyey in ay Magaalada Buuhoodle dhexdeeda ay xabada ka bilaabaan si aan looga hor tegin ama loola dagaalamin ciidamada somaliland... Riyaale is one insidious cunt, for coming up with such a brilliant, albeit devious strategy, to give orders to his militia to go directly into the centers of these towns, so as to ensure the least amount of resistance from the locals, who naturally might fear that resisting would cause inexcusable and unnecessary collateral damage to fall upon their innocent womenfolk and children--which now explains why Las Anod fell so easily back in 2007, because the majority of the residents of that city did not wish to have skirmishes in the midst of their homes, women and children. This is, or if I may say, WAS a cunning strategy, to say the least. Fortunately though, I believe the Daraawiish warriors --who have no choice but defend their homelands-- wont be easily deceived again and will not fall for such a paltry subterfuge ever again. After-all, "any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
  21. ^ Well said. wallaalaha reer buuhoodle waxaan ugu baaqayaa inay iska difaacaan ethiopianka iyo habraha soo watay. Faroolena, haduuna arintaan wax ka qaban, meeshay maraan ayuu asagana mari doonaa!
  22. ^ Dear Oz, Keep your chemical substance abuse fantasies to yourself!