Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^ LOL @"SSC= Daraawiish and Maakhir" To Liibaan: Saaxiib, if you have unwisely decided to split your family from the so-called SSDF clan and have decided to conveniently and rather obtusely call Puntland-- the " SSDF clan faction"; then tell us, how sustainable and plausible is this...SSC= Daraawiish and Maakhir thing, you posted? And why is it that you want to lump the Maakhiris with your politically emasculated family? Tell us? The Maakhiris, thank God, are UNITED and are very capable of deciding their own political fate, unlike the wishy-washy folks from Sool, who don't know yet, which political path to take and wherein lies their best COLLECTIVE interest. And because of this, I believe you owe, our Maakhiri brothers an apology-- so jump on it, sxb! If I were you, I'd quit trying to further sequestrate Somalis; instead, I'd work towards the unity of the hapless Daraawiish politicians and Garaads, who have brought so much shame upon you guys. Or must we pray to God for another legendary Caanoboore like the great Sayid of the good old days, to come UNITE your folks in Sool? Just let me know; I can always recommend one of my SOL caanoboore cousins, A&T and Zack to you guys. I can ask them to cease their pointless and interminable liberation dhaantos and instead, head over to the Sool region to help bring together the politically segregated politicians and Garaads of Daraawiish family. p.s A&T and Zack, come back from your hiding places: Liibaan might need you help, gentlemen!
  2. Originally posted by Taleexi: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Cowke , never you mind this nonentity by the name of Naxas Nugaaleed. He is always an apologist for all the wrong reasons. Like you said, the SSC clan is full of turncoat traitors, and as such, until they get their act together and fully decide, as one united group, whether to fully support Marfashland, or remain a part of Puntland, or go their separate way, --regardless of the wishes of the admins in Garowe and Hargaysa-- only then will we judge the earnestness of their cause. Like as the rest of clans of PL lack traitors. If SSC leaves, then Maakhir and then the rest of the state descends into fiefdoms, what there left call PL? I ask you Sir. If you believe the SSC clan is the be all and end all of Puntland's existance... then simply tell 'em NOT to do Puntland anymore favors, o.k.! Tell them to just follow their own special interests, whatever and wherever they may be-- ya get what I'm sayin? But I'd like to let you know that, this is NOT going to be the first time, Puntland has been threatened with such a piddling attempt at blackmail.
  3. Cowke, never you mind this nonentity by the name of Naxas Nugaaleed. He is always an apologist for all the wrong reasons. Like you said, the SSC clan is full of turncoat traitors, and as such, until they get their act together and fully decide, as one united group, whether to fully support Marfashland, or remain a part of Puntland, or go their separate way, --regardless of the wishes of the admins in Garowe and Hargaysa-- only then will we judge the earnestness of their cause.
  4. And for those of you who don't get the jokes of the previous clips or don't even know who David Blain is; check out the real David Blaine doing his real cheesy magic! LOL @ when the old man says, "Oh, mama mia" and the face he makes at the end.
  5. Hey guys, check out these funny lampoons of David Blaine, the famous New York magician... This sh!t is hilarious. Still laughing @ "YOU SHRUNK MY HONDA YOU B!TCH!!!!"
  6. Originally posted by Cowke: can't run nomore buddy waad dhashey and you will take your rightful langaab seat in united federal somalia ^ I Haven't Laughed This Hard in a Long Time! Thank you very much. Cowke, preach on my brotha!
  7. Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy Not a red rose or a satin heart. I give you an onion. It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light like the careful undressing of love. Here. It will blind you with tears like a lover. It will make your reflection a wobbling photo of grief. I am trying to be truthful. Not a cute card or a kissogram. I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful as we are, for as long as we are. Take it. Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring, if you like. Lethal. Its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife.
  8. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Mr.Somalia...I guess Puntland has be redefined? Is it just loose federation of tribes or recognizable political entity defined boundaries? If it's the former, your argument hold water but it's the latter, the abject failure of Puntland administration can not be excused and situation in Sool can not be simply written off family feud. And as Somali person, if you believe in holding together what ever is left of this country, the SSC remaining in Puntland should be your goal. Puntland's goal is that we respect the true political wishes of the people SSC, whatever that may be. And since that day is fast approaching, we won't have too long to wait, to know whether this is merely a failure on the part of the Puntland administration or as I insist, a family feud or both. We will wait and see.
  9. ^ Don't loose any sleep over it. They won't be recognized.
  10. ^ I agree 100%. Faroole cannot not take sides in what is obviously a family dispute. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Jaah wareerka siyaasadeed ee reer SSC ku jiraan cunugga dugsiga hoose dhigtaa xataa waa u jeedaa. Waxaadse mooddaa in yidadiilo jirto, oo dadku dareemay dullinimada, axmaqnimada leh ee ay ku hayaan beesha dhanka galbeedka kaga soo duushay. Mr. Soomaali, bal adna mid qabso, oo ogow in aan PL iyo SL lays barbar dhigi karin, maxaa yeelay PL wax baad ka aasaastay, wax baad ku leedahay, isku wax oo Soomaalinimo ah baad aaminsan tihiin. Halka SL, ay duulaan cad oo badheedh ah, xoolahaagii u boobayso, maatadaadii dilayso, dhulbalaadhsi aan xad lahayn oo hore loo aragna wado, markaa saaxiib calooshood u shaqaystayaal waa jiraan, haantuna gunta ayey ka tolantaa, mililna dushii lama dhayo, waana ogahay in midnimada SSC u muhiim tahay aaya ka tashigooda, waa haddii ay doonayaane balse dareensanow waxaad xaq ugu lahayd PL haddaad si hab farshaxamaysan oo qurux badan u weydiisatid wax xun ma'ahae, nimaan hadlin hooyadiina wax ma siiso baa hore loo yidhi, waxaad Mr. Somalia u egtahay nin ku sambariirixday dacaayadihii raqiiska ahaa ee maamul beleedka la magac baxay Somaliland afuufayey. Walaale anigu ma inkirsani isir wadaageena iyo maamulka aanu wada dhisanay oo naga wada dhaxeeya. Laakin anigu aad waxaan uga xumahay, ka yeelida aad ka yeeshayn calooshood u shaqaystayaasha sharafteena iyo magaceena meesha xun, intaaso sano, uga dhacayey. Dagaalkaad maanta gashayn waxaa loo baahnaa waa hore inaad gashaan, waayo fitnadatan bishaan ma bilowmin ee waagu Xaabsade gunada u doontay Hargaysa ayee bilowwatay. But in any case, there no point of decrying past events. What is past is past. However, what is now important is that, this Xaabsade mess in SSC is cleared up once and for all, and I'm very confident that the people of SSC have finally realized the recognition of its' paramountcy, albeit rather belatedly, against all other issues.. And do not put too much credence into Faroole's contemptuous nonchalance on this issue. He has earned the disrespect of most Puntlanders for not delineating what his administration's stand is on the whole, and at the end of the day, he will suffer the political consequences for it-- I guarantee it.
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: If we go by what Mr.Somalia is saying, Puntland's political strategy is reactive and lacks vision: hardly recipe for longterm success. Irregardless of Puntland's desire for long-term success or not, at the end of the day, Puntland must respect the true will of the people of SSC and I believe it will. Puntland wants for their SSC brothers, what they have for themselves, which is, to keep their political destiny in their own hands. At the end of the day, the reality of it all is that, Puntland was a compromise in the first place and remains a compromise between the peoples of those regions of Somalia. However; if a portion of these people-- who freely made this compromise in the past-- should now have a change of heart and desire to share the same political fate as Hargaysa--then so be it. If they want to continue with Puntland--this is o.k, as well. And even if they desire to go their own separate way--that's fine too. But the unfortunate thing here, as we all know, is that these folks are ambivalent about which political path is best for them. They are split up into 3 competing groups who want 3 competing and differing choices. Now, who's fault is that? It's definitely NOT Puntlands'. They must make up their own minds and stick with it.
  12. ^ To Hales: I disagree to most of your points earlier. Point 1: "The amount of people that turn out to vote is very high, thats a main factor since it demonstrates and reminds people that they are under a completely different authority " I say, there is absolutely nothing wrong with these people wanting to participate in their local political affairs, and this does not at all indicate a willingness of a great majority of them, to see Somalia split apart. Point 2:"The suffering the people have been put under (50,000-80,000 killed) 400,000 refugees, a major justification and one most people havent forgetten. " So f-ing what? This is not unique to them alone. Many other Somalis suffered similar transgressions, if not more. And therefore, this is hardly a justification for secession, and most of them understand this. Point 3:"The amount of people that want actually to inteverne in the South and that their is political a realization that because the region is independent it does not to involve itself." Sorry saaxiib, this is not true. If they could they would, but they do not have the political gusto to quest for political power in the south. In fact, this secessionist mantra of theirs is nothing but a political ploy with which to bargain with Xamar for more sweeping political concessions. So don't be fooled, sxb! Point 4:"The likely brainwashing the youth have been put under since 50-60% of population born after 1991 and adults being very young back then; the adult population still have the atrocities probably still fresh in their mind". I agree that there is a large scale brainwashing of their youth which is unhealthy going on Waqooyi galbeed, but nonetheless, the youth will simply have to undergo a re-education of some sorts, where their ignorance and lack of patriotism will be repaired. I believe this won't be too difficult to achieve. And as for the likelihood of military force being necessary to slap some sense into them... I do not think this will be necessary. Like I said, their secessionist arguments are merely a political card with which to bargain for political power in Xamar. And as such, I believe, once they get what they seek(i.e, political power in Somalia), they will once again the return to being the stout nationalist of yesteryear that they once were...
  13. ^ LOL.. Che, Thanks for the clarification-- it had me befuddled back then.
  14. ^ Yes indeed, I hope so as well. For the sake of the sanity of our marfash dwelling brothers from that part of Somalia. I, personally, will be saddened greatly, if Riyaale manages, yet again, to pull off another obvious mugging this June.
  15. ^ My dear brother, Mansa M: The Ali Jama fiasco was way different from the current SSC issue here. What we're dealing with now is that qabiilka SSC ayaa sadex calanleenaya oo qaar waxay doonayaan Hargaysa inay laaluush ka cunaan, qaarna waxay doonayaan Garowe inay laaluush ka cunaan, kuwa sadexaadna waxay doonayaan iney labada kale u aqoonsadaan laaluush kooda, maadaama ay iyaga waxba laga siinin. Marka, this is the reality confronting the SSC clan-- iyagaana dhan loo raaca aana lahayn; marka Faroole, si kasta uu u maamul xunyahay, asagu wuxuu ka qaban karo majiro dad aan iyagiiba heshiis ku ahayn mustaqbalkooda iyo waxa danta u ah. This is why I insist that the folks from SSC must stop marmarsiyooyinka raqiiska ah! Wabilahi Tawfiiq.
  16. ^ Yeah, right! I assume you've let this good looking website fool you, Haatu. I know for a fact that a great many rooms, wards and grounds of the hospital are being illegally occupied by "M-Society" squatters, even though the Hospital still functions to some extent.
  17. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Ninyahow habraha maad iska deysid hakaa xamaashaaney. Saaxiib, anigu waxaan kheer ahayn aan u rajeenayo habrahaan waqooyi galbeed daga ma jiro, laakin runta iney isku sheegaan kaliya ayaan ku baraarujinayaa. Taasuna ma xuma. Bal ila dhagayso calaacalkaan habartaan ka yeeraysa... DHAGEYSO WAREYSIGA "-1991 daahir riyaale kaahin waxuu ushaqaynaayay Siyaad bare" - Gudoomiye, axmed maxamed siilaanye P.S For what it is worth, I sympathize with Mr.Silanyo. He is indeed a genuine Somali brother and a good soul, but unfortunately for him, he is helpless against Riyaale, the mugger extraordinaire.
  18. Xaaji, Kulmiye run ayee sheegayaan markay dhahayn,"dawlada talada haysa ee UDUB lasoo arkay dhamaan waxa ay qabteen ,,isla markaana hada loo baahan yahay isbedel wayn", laakin walaalow habro sadex lagu qabo, is badalkaad ka sugaysid muxuu yahay? Nimankaan Kulmiye-ah ku dheh, dadka ay qoraxda ku dillayaan ha joojiyaan, waayo wax isbadal ah ay Riyaale ee ka heli doonaan majiro'e!
  19. ^ Ma beenta uu dadka ka iibiyo ayaad aamintay? LOL @ "Isbitaalka Hooyooyinka iyo Dhalaanka ee Banaadir" Once Xamar gets peace, one of my biggest wishes is to help rebuild this great Hospital, Insha Allah. See, I have a soft spot for it in my heart...
  20. Originally posted by Haatu: quote: Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Soomaali badan madaxa ka wasan Gosh. That sounds terrible in Somali No. It's merely the terrible Somali Senor Che has been barraging us with lately...that is all! For example... Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Geel dameerbaa dhaama inee geella malihid asaa kuley. I'm still waiting for Che to decipher this one for me..
  21. ^ Is that cantrabaqash supposed to be funny?
  22. ^ Sorry sxb, a man born in a mud hut will never be my superior. You must be mistaking me with Oodweyne and others just like him, oo MMA u baacsan.
  23. ^ Trust me when I say, your peevish complaints of imagined 'insults', where there are none, have not been missed at all. Go back to Nairobi or wherever else you disappeared to these past few months, waryaa! This section of the forum was functioning just fine, until your unwanted drab yammering reared its face again. I have long said that LSK would be well advised to terminate your mediocre services as a moderator of this forum, if he wishes to keep this place well animated and remain a center for vibrant discussions for Somalis around the world. MMA, you simply must go! And oh yeah! Don't ever address me with such puny purblind threats about deleting posts and whatnot. I don't take them too kindly.
  24. ^ Your perpetual state of deflection and marqaan mental incapacitation is duly noted...again! Oodka, when you find yourself cool, calm, and collected, take the opportunity to assassinate the deranged Flatulists in your head, who have fooled you into believing such a thing as a "de-facto" state existing in NW Somalia. But then again-- as you were, old man! :cool:
  25. Originally posted by Hales: You evidently know the Sol Che better than i do and since it makes more sense why dont you start off by comparing the two. Sol CHe and Legend Shariif Sorry Hales....Unlike Sol Che, I refuse to throw him under the bus by openly comparing him to the useless Shariif, just to please others. As is often the case with our faux Che of Sol, who is a bit of sell out on many fronts.